Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent/Session XXV/Choice of Food; Fasts, and Festival Days
The holy synod furthermore exhorts, and, by the most holy advent of our Lord and Saviour, conjures all pastors, that, like good soldiers, they sedulously recommend to all the faithful all those things which the holy Roman Church, the mother and mistress of all churches, has ordained, as also those things which, as well in this council as in the other œcumenical councils, have been ordained, and that they use all diligence, to the end that they be observant of all things thereof, and especially of those which conduce to mortify the flesh, such as the choice of food and fasts; as also those which tend to promote piety, such as the devout and religious celebration of festival days; often admonishing the people to obey those set over them,[1] whom they who hear shall hear God as a rewarder, whilst they who contemn them shall feel God himself as an avenger.
- ↑ Luke z. 16; Heb. xiii. 17.