Cassell's Illustrated History of England/Volume 3/Index
Note—The dates affixed to the names thus ( ), represent in the case of the English kings the period of the reign, and in other cases include the years during which the persons named figure in this history.
- Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury (1624), 100, 119, 125
- Aids granted (1660), 418
- Airdmoss, battle of (1681), 489
- Alban, Francis (1687), 542
- Alford, battle of (1645), 258
- Algerine pirates (1620), 88
- Armstrong, Sir Thomas (1684), 502
- Anne of Denmark, wife of James I. (1603–1619), 4, 35, 80
- of Austria (1625), 112
- Aremburg, Austrian envoy (1603), 4
- Argyll, earl of (1641–1660), 215, 257, 310, 422
- earl of (1681), 489, 513, 514, 515
- Aruudel, lord (1626), 122, 4
- Auborne Chase (1643), 238
- Bacon, Sir Francis (1604–1621), 17, 42, 52, 62, 71, 84, 86
- Balfour, Sir William, lieutenant of the Tower (1641), 208, 220
- of Burley (1679), 480
- Bampton Bush, battle of (1645), 255
- Bancroft, archbishop (1604), 18, 41
- Barbadoes, royalists shipped to (1649), 312
- Barillon, French ambassador (1685–1688), 508, 509, 510, 529, 531
- Bass Rock, prison of the (1684), 502
- Baxter, Richard (1654), 338
- Bedford, earl of (1641), 208
- Biddle, John, unitarian leader (1654),240
- Bishops, seven, trial of (1688), 549
- Blake, Robert, admiral (1644–1657), 244, 314, 322, 324, 326, 338, 344, 346, 352
- Blood, colonel (1670), 453
- Bloody assize (1685), 525, 528
- Book of Sports (1617), 66
- Bohwelt-bridge, battle of (1679), 480
- Bradshaw, John (1649), 299
- Breda, treaty of (1650), 315
- Bye and Main conspiracies (1603), 5, 11, 13
- Cabal, the (1668), 446, 447, 456
- Cameron, Richard (1681), 489
- Cameronians (1681), 489
- Carew, Sir George (1603), 4
- Cargill, Donald, Cameronian (1679–1681), 480, 489
- Carsbrook castle, king Charles confined at (1647), 286
- Carr, Robert (1607–1645), 46, 50, 52, 57, 59, 61, 62
- Castlemaine, lady (1664), 434
- Catesby, Robert (1604–1606), 20, 28
- Catherine, queen of Charles II. (1662), 425
- Catholics, persecution of the (1606), 33, 34
- Catholic league (1619), 81
- Cecil, son of Lord Burleigh (1603–1612), 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 34, 36, 40, 42
- Chalgrove Field, battle of (1643), 236, 237
- "Charles the Martyr,"day of humiliation appointed (1661), 424
- Charles I. (1625–1649) ascends the throne, 110; marriage with Henrietta Maria, 111; his first parliament, 113; expedition against Spain, 117; his coronation, 119; Buckingham, 123; forced loan, 125; dismisses the queen's servants, 127; his reconciliation with the queen, 129; summons a parliament, 133; petition of right presented, 135; passed, 137; quarrels with the parliament, 143; dissolves parliament, 145; tyrannical proceedings, 153; visits Scotland, 155; excites religious disturbances in Scotland, 173; makes concessions, 177; preparations for war, 181; meeting of a new Parliament, 189; change of ministers, 201; impeaches the six members, 221; attempts to gain possession of Hull, 227; negotiations for peace, 251; offers to treat with the parliament, 258; surrenders to the Scots, 267; delivered up to the English, 275; attempts an escape, 285; trial and condemnation, 302–3; execution, 304
- Charles II. (1649–1685) assumes the crown of Scotland, 315; visits the royal army at Leith, 317; crowned at Scone. 320; marches into England, 320; defeated at Worcester, 320; romantic adventures and escape, 320; offers a reward for the murder of Cromwell, 334; his destitute condition, 341; forwards letter to the Parliament, 370; returns to England, 370; restoration, 410; assembling of the two houses of Parliament, 411; the royal
council, 411; abolishes feudal service, 411; proceedings against the regicides, 412; restores bishops and church property, 412; sells Dunkirk, 429; makes declaration of indulgence, 430; war with Holland. 435; holds parliament at Oxford, 437; secret treaty with Louis, 447; Thames blockaded, 443; dismisses Clarendon, 446; persecutes the Nonconformists, 448; the cabal, 446; declares war against Holland, 454; assents to Test Act, 470; becomes a French pensioner, 449; warned of danger, 466; Popish Plot, 467; pension lists, 476; gives his assent to the Habeas Corpus Act, 478; meal-tub plot, 483; bill of limitations, 485; Rye House plot, 493; attacked by apoplexy, 505; death and character, 507
- Churchill, afterwards duke of Marlborough (1685–1688), 509, 519,552
- Christian IV. of Denmark (1606), 34
- Clarendon, lord chancellor (1644), 242
- lord (1660–1668), 411, 413, 416, 420, 430, 444, 446
- Claverhouse, Graham of (1679), 480
- Claypole, lady, Cromwell's daughter (1658), 358
- Clement VIII. (1603), 14
- Cleveland, duchess of (1662), 424
- Clonmel, siege of (1650), 314
- Clubmen (1645), 254
- Cobham (1603), 3, 11, 14
- Colonisation scheme for Ireland, (1617), 69
- Coke, Sir Edward (1603–1634), 9, 29, 56, 57, 58, 62, 71, 84, 88, 116, 135, 143
- Coleraine taken by Coote (1680), 314
- Convocation under James I. (1604), 15
- Conway, lord (1640), 192
- Copredy Bridge, battle of (1611), 243
- Cork surrendered (1650), 314
- Covenant, solemn league and (1638), 176, 240, 248
- Covenanters, the (1638-1688), 176, 179, 240, 248, 261, 315, 442, 479, 480, 489, 502, 845
- Coventry, Sir John (1670), 452
- Cromwell, Richard (1658), 359, 360, 361
- Dalkeith castle captured (1639), 181
- Declaration of Indulgence (1686), 536
- Denmark, George, prince of (1688), 360
- De Ruyter, admiral (1651). 326, 435, 446, *455
- De Witt, admiral (1651), 326, 446, 455
- Digby, lord (1641), 208, 225
- Digges, Sir Dudley (1630), 148
- Doncaster, battle at (1645), 261
- Donnington, Charles attempts to reduce (1644), 245
- Don Pantaleon Sa executed (1654), 336
- Drogheda, siege of (1649), 311
- Drumclog, battle of (1079), 480
- Dumbarton Castle captured (1639), 181.
- Dunbar, battle of (1650), 317
- Duudee, taken by Monk (1651), 320
- Dunkirk, sale of (1662). 429
- Dykvelt, ambassador for the prince of Orange (1686), 539, 540
- East India Company (1612), 105
- Edge Hill, battle of (1642), 232
- Edinburgh Castle, capture of (1639), 181
- Eliot, Sir John (1626–1629), 123, 134, 136, 142, 144, 147
- Elizabeth, princess, daughter of James I. (1603), 4, 49
- Episcopacy returned in Scotland (1661), 421
- Essex, earl of (1642), 231, 238, 240, 244
- Everard and Fitzharris, plot of (1681), 485
- Execution of king Charles I. (1647), 304
- Exeter, William of Orange enters (1688), 557
- Fairfax, Sir Thomas (1643), 242, 248, 255, 260, 268, 274, 279, 281, 291, 296, 316, 338
- Falkland, lord (1643), 239
- Fawkes, Guido (1603–1606), 5, 21. 22, 29
- Fawkes, lieutenant, tool of king Charles (1642), 228
- Feiton, John, assassin of the duke of Buckingham (1628), 141
- "Fifth Monarchy" men (1654–1660), 334, 350, 420
- Fitzharris and Everard, plot of (1681), 485
- Fire of London (1666), 440–441
- Five Mile Act passed (1064), 431
- Forced Loan (1620), 425
- Frrederick of Nassau (1603), 4
- Gamet, the Jesuit (1605–6), 29–32
- Gerard, the Jesuit (1603), 6
- German Union (1619), 81
- Gibbons, Orlando, celebrated organist (1625), 112
- Godfrey, Sir Edmondsbury, murdered (1678), 468
- Goring, colonel (1641), 208, 209, 225
- Gregory XV. (1623), 94–95
- Gunpowder Plot (1604–6), 21–32
- Gustavus Adolphus (1630), 149, 152
- Gwynne, Nell, mistress of Charles II. (1662), 429
- Habeas Corpus Act passed (1679), 478
- Hackston of Rathillet (1679), 480
- Haddock, Richard, clairvoyant (1604), 20
- Hale, Sir Matthew (1654), 338
- Hamilton, marquis of (1638–1648), 175, 176, 188, 198, 215, 240, 291
- Hampton Court, king Charles sent to (1647), 280
- Hampden, John (1626–1643), 125, 134, 165–7, 185, 221, 225, 237
- Hampden, trial of (1683), 501–502
- Harrison, colonel (1649), 298
- Hazelrig (1642), 221, 356
- Helvetsluys, William of Orange sails from (1688), 555
- Henderson, Alexander, covenanter (1641), 215
- Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. (1624–1660), 106, 111, 118, 119, 126, 140, 201, 226, 233, 237, 244, 251, 299, 303, 341, 417
- Henry, prince, son of James I. (1603–1611), 4, 46, 47
- Henry IV. of France assassinated (1610), 45
- Henshaw, major, plots against Cromwell (1654), 335–6.
- Herbert, Sir Edward (1623), 93
- Herbert, Sir Edward (1642), 225
- High Commission Court (1608–1688), 41, 42, 65, 142, 154, 101, 214, 632, 542, 545, 550, 554
- Hollar, Winceslous, engraver (1645), 261
- Hollis, Denzell (1641), 210–222
- Holmby, arrest of king Charles at (1647), 276
- Hotham, Sir John (1642), 227–231
- Howard, Lady Frances (1613–1632), 50, 58, 62
- Huguenots, rising of the (1624–1629), 107–149
- Hull, attempt of Charles to possess himself of (1642), 227–8; invested by the royal forces (1642), 231
- Huntingdon, capture of (1645), 260
- Hyde, Ann, daughter of Clarendon (1660), 416
- Hyde, Lawrence (1679), 482
- Ireton, colonel (1645–1651), 255, 293, 315
- Islip Bridge, battle of (1645), 254
- James I. of England (1603–1625) enters England, 2; receives foreign embassies, 4; conspiracies against him, 5; gunpowder plot, 21–32; conference with puritans, 14; persecutes catholics and puritans, 33–34; attempts union of England and Scotland, 36; his favourites, 46, 56; transactions with Holland, 63; visits Scotland, 65; issues his Book of Sports, 66; attempts to colonise Ireland, 69; dispatches Raleigh to New Guinea, 74; puts Raleigh to death, 80; proposes matrimonial alliances for the prince of Wales with Spain, 90–106; with France, 107; His death and character, 110
- James II.(1685–1688)ascends the throne, 567; levies duties without authority, 509; openly practises Catholicism, 509; applies for money to the French king, 509; holds parliaments in England and Scotland, 512; persecutes the covenanters, 513; his kingdom invaded by Argyll and Monmouth, 514; opposed both in lords and commons, 538; sends an ambassador to Rome, 540; dispensing power affirmed by the judges, 542; dispenses with the test, 536; proclaims liberty of conscience, 538; his progress through England, 542; attempts to impose catholics on the universities, 532–543; birth of a prince of Wales, 548; sends an embassy to William of Orange, 569; his flight stopped at Faversham, 564; brought back to Whitehall, 504; goes back to Rochester, 505; escapes to France, 567
- Jeffreys, judge (1681–1688), 485, 495, 497, 498, 500, 503, 509, 525, 526, 530, 533, 542, 544, 564
- Jenny Geddes, of the Tron Kirk (1637), 172
- Jermyn, Queen's favourite (1641), 208
- Johnson, Dr. S. (1686), 533–536
- Jones, Inigo, architect (1645). 261
- Jonson, Ben, poet and dramatist (1603), 4
- Joyce, comet, arrests the king (1647), 276
- Juxton, bishop (1641–1649), 206, 304
- Ken. Dr., bishop of Bath and Wells (1617), 545
- Killigrew, Sir William (1042), 225
- "Killing no Murder" (1645), 348
- Kilsyth, battle of (1645), 200
- Kimbolton, lord (1641), 208, 222,`
- "King's Evil," touching for (1660), 411
- Kinnoul, lord (1650), 315–316
- Kirke, colonel (1685), 625
- Kirke's "Lambs" (1685), 525
- Lake, Dr., bishop of Chichester (1687), 545
- Lambert, general (1662), 427, 428
- Laud, archbishop (1617–1645), 66, 142, 147, 153, 155–160, 191, 213, 215, 249, 250
- Lauderdale, earl of (1661), 421, 423. 434, 478, 479
- Leighton, Dr. Alexander, inhuman treatment of (1634–1640), 154–196
- Leicester, earl of, lord-lieutenant of Ireland (1641), 219
- Leslie earl of (1639–1650). 182, 192, 315, 316
- Levellers (1608–1679), 38, 149, 284, 309
- Lilbume, John (1643–57), 236, 309, 332, 352
- "Lillibulero" (1688), 550
- Limitations bill (1681), 485
- Lisle, lady Alice (1685), 525
- Liturgy enforced in Scotland (1637), 172–3
- Little Parliament (1653), 332
- Lloyd, Dr., bishop of St. Asaphs (1687), 545
- Lloyd, Mr., attempts to criminate the queen (1678), 471
- London, great disturbances in (1647), 280; great fire of (1666), 440, 441
- Long Parliament (1640–1653), 195-330
- Lotus XIXI. of France (1624), 106, 111
- Louis XIV. (1645–1688), 424, 430, 434, 437, 443, 444, 447, 449, 455, 485, 509, 529, 531
- Lowestoffe, naval battle off (1665), 455
- Lunsford, colonel (1641), 221, 225
- Luttern, battle of (1626), 125
- Lyme Regis captured by the Parliamentarians 1641), 244
- Madgeburg, destruction of (1631), 150
- Maguire, Cornellius, baron of Inniskillen (1641), 218
Magus Muir, murder of Sharp on (1679), 480
- Main and Bye conspiracies (1633), 5
- Marlborough (Churchill), duke of (1685–1688), 509, 519, 552
- Marston Moor, battle of (1644), 244
- Marten, Henry (1642), 233
- Mary de Medici (1624–1645), 106, 111, 201, 214
- Mary of Modena, wife of James II. (1685), 532.
- Massacre, great Irish (1641), 219
- Maurice, prince (1642–1661), 231, 237, 244, 251, 255, 261
- Maynard and Glynne, Strafford's accusers (1641), 205
- Mazarine, cardinal (1645), 262, 266, 303, 424
- Meal-tub plot (1680), 483
- Melville, Andrew (1617), 64
- Middleton, lord commissioner of Scotland (1661), 421–3
- Mutiny bill passed (1660), 412
- M'Mahon, Hugh (1641), 218
- Monarchy, abolition of (1649), 305
- Monk, general (1650–1670), 316, 320, 334, 364, 365, 368, 411, 440
- Monmouth, duke of (1679–1685), 480, 482, 489, 490, 494, 504, 514, 515, 516, 518, 520, 521, 524, 525
- Monopolies (1634), 153
- More, M'Cullum (1685), 514
- More, Roger, gentleman of Kildare (1641), 218
- Montrose, duke of (1639–1650), 182, 215, 248, 257, 260, 310, 315, 316
- Mounteagle, lord (1605), 25–26
- Nantes, revocation of the Edict of (1685), 520
- Napier, lord (1641), 214
- Naseby, battle of (1645), 255
- Newbury, battle of (1644), 245
- Newbury, battle of (1643), 238
- New York ceded to the English (1667), 444
- Nonconformists, ejectment of (1664), 431
- Northumberland, earl of, lord high admiral (1642), 227
- Oates, Titus (1678–1685), 466, 312
- O'Conolly, Owen (1641), 217
- O'Dogherty, Irish chieftain (1617), 69
- O'Neil, Sir Phelim (1641), 218, 219, 356
- Ormond, lord (1641–1685), 215, '242, 811, 356, 411, 452, 509
- Overbury, Sir Thomas (1610), 50, 51
- Owen, Sir John (1649), 308
- Peace, proposals of (1647), 269
- Penn, William (1670–1688), 448, 449, 528, 548
- Pension parliament (1661), 423
- Percy, Thomas (1604–1606), 21, 28
- Peters, Hugh, fanatic preacher (1645), 261, 281
- Petition of Right, the (1628), 135
- Philliphaugh, battle of (1645), 261
- Plague in London (1603), 4
- (1665), 436, 437
- Plunket, Oliver, archbishop (1681), 488
- Popish plot (1678), 467, 484
- Pride, colonel (1649), 297, 316
- Privilege of parliament (1642), 224
- Progress of the Nation (1603–1660)—Constitution and laws, 370
- Religion, 376
- Arts, manufactures, and commerce, 380
- Revenue, money, and coinage, 383
- Agriculture and gardening, 386
- Literature, science, and fine arts, 386
- Music 395
- Painting, engraving, and sculpture, 395
- Costume, 405
- Condition of the people, 407
- Progress of the Nation (1660–1688)—Constitution and laws, 372
- Religion, 576
- Science, literature, and art, 581
- Physical science, 592
- Painting, sculpture, and engraving, 597
- Coinage, 599
- Music, 599
- Domestic arts— furniture, 602
- Costume, 602
- Manners and customs, 604
- Growth of the revenue and commerce, 611
- Condition of the people, 617
- Prynne, William, the puritan (1637–1654), 160, 162, 249
- Pym, John (1638–1642), 185, 195, 203, 206, 309, 221, 225, 226, 242
- Raleigh, Sir Walter (1603–1619), 3, 5, 11, 73, 8O
- Regalia, attempt to steal the (1671), 453
- Regicides executed (1660), 416
- Remonstrances on the state of the kingdom (1641), 219
- Reynolds Dr. (1604), 15
- Richeleu, cardinal (1624–1631), 106, 107, 149
- Rochelle, siege of (1627), 13
- Rochester, earl of (1667–1680), 442, 504,508, 531, 537
- Ross surrendered to Cromwell (1650), 314
- Roundaway Tower, Waller defeated at (1643), 239
- Rubens, Peter Paul (1630), 148
- Rump, the (1658), 362
- Rupert, prince (1642–1667), 231. 236, 244, 251, 255, 260, 261, 322, 440
- Russell, lady Rachel (1683), 495
- lord William (1678–1683), 476, 499, 495, 496, 497
- Rye House plot (1683), 492
- Sales bill passed (1660), 412
- Sancroft, archbishop (1685–1688), 509, 510, 533, 545, 564
- Sancy, father (1625), 118
- Saye, lord (1641), 208
- Scone, Charles II. crowned at (1651), 320
- Scottish church (1617), 63, 65
- Sedgemoor, battle of (1685), 519, 520
- Selden, John (1620–1629), 89, 134, 142
- Self-denying ordinance (1644), 246, 243
- Shaftesbury, earl of (1667–1683), 442, 444, 456, 458, 464, 468, 473, 482, 484, 486, 488, 491, 492
- Sharp, archbishop (1661–1679), 423, 434, 458, 479, 480
- Sherborne, battle at (1645), 261
- Ship money, the demand for (1634), 164
- "Short declaration and warning" (1650), 317
- Spanish Plate fleet defeated (1656), 347
- Spencer, Sir Robert (1603), 4
- Sidney, Algernon (1678–1683), 476, 494, 495, 495, 497, 500
- Six members, impeachment of (1642), 221, 225
- Skippon, major-general (1642), 229, 231
- Stafford, lord, executed (1680), 484
- Strafford, lord (1603–1641), 1, 191, 194, 197, 205, 209, 215
- Star chamber (1604–1641), 16, 142, 154, 161
- Starling, Sir George (1641), 214
- Stuart, Arabella (1603–1615), 9, 44, 45
- Sir Archibald (1641), 214
- Walter, messenger of Montrose (1641), 214
- Sully, Rhosny, duke of (1603), 4
- Taunton, battle of (1685), 516
- Taunton captured (1644), 244
- Tenison, Dr. (1685), 524
- Test Act passed (1673), 456
- Thames blockaded by the Dutch (1667), 443
- Thanksgiving for the restoration appointed (1660), 412
- Thirty Years War (1618–1648), 149
- Thurloe, John, Cromwell's secretary (1643), 253
- Tillotson. Dr. (1683–1688), 496, 536, 544
- Tippermuir, battle of (1645), 257
- Tiverton taken by the parliamentarians (1644), 244
- Toleration opposed by the Puritans (1644), 243
- Tongue, Dr. (1678), 470
- Torbay, William of Orange lands at (1688), 556
- Traqaair, earl of (1631–1640), 173, 176, 184, 214
- Treaty between Scots and English (1647), 269
- Trelawney, Dr., bishop of Bristol (1687), 545
- Trial of king Charles I. (1649), 299, 303
- Trial of the seven bishops (1688), 549
- Temple, Sir William (1678), 477, 529
- Tuam, archbishop of, killed (1645), 202
- Turner, Dr., bishop of Ely (1687), 545
- Mrs., the poisoner (1610), 58, 59
- Tyrone, Irish chieftain (1617), 68
- Urban VIII. (1623), 95, 107, 111
- Usher, archbishop (1641), 213
- Uxbridge, treaty of (1645), 252
- Vane, Sir Henry (1688–1662), 188, 190, 195, 206, 248, 279, 297, 429
- Sir Henry, the younger (1641), 206
- Van Tromp, admiral (1643–1688), 233, 324, 326, 435
- Vauduis persecution (1655), 344, 345
- Villiers, George, duke of Buckingham (1615–1628), 56, 71, 73, 92, 99, 100, 101, 104, 111, 117, 120, 128, 136, 140
- Walters, Lucy, mother of the duke of Monmouth (1655), 342
- Warwick, earl of, appointed admiral of the fleet (1642), 229
- Wentworth, Sir Thomas (1629), 147, 165, 172, 186
- Westminster, riots at (1642), 221
- Westminster assembly (1644), 249
- Westphalia, peace of (1648), 152
- Westworth, Sir George (1641), 213
- Wexford taken by Cromwell (1650), 314
- Weymouth taken by the parliamentarians (1644), 244
- White, Dr., bishop of Peterborough (1687), 545
- Williams, bishop of Lincoln (1641), 212, 215, 222
- William of Orange (1672–1688), 455, 460, 467, 488, 513, 521, 539, 551, 552, 554, 555, 556, 557, 562, 564
- Winceby-on-the-Wolds, battle of (1643), 242
- Winchester captured (1645), 261
- Winter, Thomas (1603–1606), 5, 20, 29
- Wolsey, Sir Charles (1654), 334
- Worcester, battle of (1651), 320
- Wotton, Sir Henry (1613), 50
- York entered by the parliamentarians (1644), 244
- Youghall captured (1650), 314