Category:1918 deaths
Pages in category "1918 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 336 total.
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- Author:Abd-ul-Hamid II
- Author:Charles Follen Adams
- Author:Charles William Adams
- Author:Henry Brooks Adams
- Author:Frederick George Aflalo
- Author:Nicholas II of Russia
- Author:Thomas Richard Allinson
- Author:John Amphlett
- Author:Guillaume Apollinaire
- Author:Edward Alexander Newell Arber
- Author:Richard Arkwright
- Author:Walter Armstrong
- Author:Alice Mabel Bacon
- Author:James Eustace Bagnall
- Author:Richard Bagwell
- Author:William Amias Bailward
- Author:Jean Katherine Baird
- Author:Hubert Howe Bancroft
- Author:Gooru Das Banerji
- Author:Alfred Barnard
- Author:Charles Raymond Booth Barrett
- Author:John Wolfe Barry
- Author:Henry Welchman Bartol
- Author:Arlo Bates
- Author:John Isaac Beare
- Author:Henry Gustav Beyer
- Author:Clarence Bicknell
- Author:Olavo Bilac
- Author:Charles Walter Blackall
- Author:Henry Arthur Blake
- Author:William Vernon Blyth
- Author:John Whetham Boddam-Whetham
- Author:Francis Bond
- Author:Pierre Bonnier
- Author:Richard William Boodle
- Author:William Henry James Boot
- Author:Louis Botte
- Author:Randolph Silliman Bourne
- Author:Charles Harry Bovill
- Author:Thomas Lindsley Bradford
- Author:Thomas Brassey
- Author:Charles Edward Brewster
- Author:Mary Haughton Brown
- Author:Peter Hume Brown
- Author:Thomas Allston Brown
- Author:Isabel Bruce
- Author:Neil Buchanan
- Author:Elisabeth Bürstenbinder
- Author:Mary Elizabeth Burt
- Author:Henry Montagu Butler
- Author:Beatrice May Butt
- Author:Charles Fitzwilliam Cadiz
- Author:Charles Henry Caffin
- Author:George Thomas Caldbeck
- Author:Helen Stuart Campbell
- Author:William Wilfred Campbell
- Author:Anne Casimir Pyrame de Candolle
- Author:Ivan Cankar
- Author:Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
- Author:Bernard Edward Joseph Capes
- Author:William Boyd Carpenter
- Author:Robert Brudenell Carter
- Author:Charles Solomon Caverly
- Author:Emmanuel Édouard Chavannes
- Author:Cecil Edward Chesterton
- Author:George Archibald Clark
- Author:Hattie Arnold Clark
- Author:Reginald Francis Clements
- Author:François Joseph Clozel
- Author:Charles Russell Codman
- Author:Thomas Codrington
- Author:Nina Morais Cohen
- Author:Clifton Wilbraham Collins
- Author:Charles Crozat Converse
- Author:Susan Isabella Walker Cooke
- Author:James Sutherland Cotton
- Author:Leonard Henry Courtney
- Author:Frank Craig
- Author:Thomas Davison Crothers
- Author:Charles Warren Currier
- Author:William Richard Cutter
- Author:João Paulinho D'Azevedo e Castro
- Author:John Broughton Daish
- Author:Henry Dalby
- Author:William Bartlett Dalby
- Author:Wilfred Dallow
- Author:Rabindranath Datta
- Author:Miles Jeffery Game Day
- Author:Claude Debussy
- Author:James E. Dempsey
- Author:Joseph Deniker
- Author:James Teackle Dennis
- Author:Emily Inez Denny
- Author:Charles Richards Dodge
- Author:Raynal Dodge
- Author:Fanny Du Tertre
- Author:William Bartleet Duffield
- Author:Henrietta Dugdale
- Author:Čeněk Dušek
- Author:Henry Dyer
- Author:John Murphy Farley
- Author:Robert Farquharson
- Author:James Champlin Fernald
- Author:Marie Georgiana Fetherstonhaugh
- Author:Fidel Fita y Colomé
- Author:John Donohoe FitzGerald
- Author:Mary Hannay Foott
- Author:Lena Guilbert Ford
- Author:John Forrest
- Author:Francis George Fowler
- Author:William Thomas Freeman
- Author:Edward Fry
- Author:Augustus Peabody Gardner
- Author:Denis Garstin
- Author:Alfred Scott Gatty
- Author:Nabakrishna Ghosh
- Author:Grove Karl Gilbert
- Author:Joseph Henry Gilmore
- Author:Washington Gladden
- Author:John Glasse
- Author:Sergei Mikhailovich Goriainov
- Author:William Gow
- Author:Nathan Reed Graves
- Author:William Greenwell
- Author:Alice McClure Griffin
- Author:Harry Hewitt Griffin
- Author:John Percy Groves
- Author:Luther Halsey Gulick
- Author:Leonard George Guthrie
- Author:Ada Ruth Habershon
- Author:Herman Karl Haeberlin
- Author:Albert Pieter Hahn
- Author:Byron David Halsted
- Author:Henry Hamilton
- Author:Henry Ebenezer Handerson
- Author:Rollin Arthur Harris
- Author:Beatrice Harrison Hart
- Author:Charles Henry Hart
- Author:Martin Hartmann
- Author:Albert Heinrich Friedrich Stephan Ernst Louis Hauck
- Author:James William Hawes
- Author:Annie Sherwood Hawks
- Author:John Healy (1841-1918)
- Author:Amund Helland
- Author:Olaus Magnus Friedrich Henrici
- Author:Josef Hilgers
- Author:Howard Clement Hillegas
- Author:George Jennings Hinde
- Author:James Ripley Wellman Hitchcock
- Author:William Hope Hodgson
- Author:Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld
- Author:Henry Scott Holland
- Author:John Richard Houlding
- Author:George Lane Mullins
- Author:Clara Sophia Lane
- Author:John Williams Langley
- Author:Hamon le Strange
- Author:George Alexander Louis Lebour
- Author:Jacques Nicolas Léger
- Author:William Vincent Legge
- Author:Augustinus Lehmkuhl
- Author:Francis Ellington Leupp
- Author:Thomas Joseph Linekar
- Author:Ingersoll Lockwood
- Author:Tirso López Bardón
- Author:Charles Rathbone Low