Category:1915 deaths
Pages in category "1915 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 342 total.
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- Author:Mary Alling Aber
- Author:Benjamin St John Ackers
- Author:Charles Francis Adams (1835-1915)
- Author:William Grylls Adams
- Author:Joseph Rosamond Adie
- Author:Charles Edmond Akers
- Author:John Albee
- Author:Dudley Peter Allen
- Author:Émile Amélineau
- Author:Edward Weston Andrews
- Author:Charles Annandale
- Author:Gurajada Apparao
- Template:Author
- Template:Author/doc
- Template:Author/sandbox
- Author:Edward William Badger
- Author:Edward Gilpin Bagshawe
- Author:Frederick Manson Bailey
- Author:Adolphus Ballard
- Author:Nathaniel Barnaby
- Author:Richard Manliffe Barrington
- Author:Henry Charlton Bastian
- Author:Frank Amasa Bates
- Author:William Thompson Bednall
- Author:William Henry Beehler
- Author:Edward Spencer Beesly
- Author:George Beetham
- Author:Wayland Richardson Benedict
- Author:Alfred William Benn
- Author:Thomas Berwick
- Author:Charles Edwin Bessey
- Author:Samuel Fowler Bigelow
- Author:James Bonar (1839-1915)
- Author:Charles Thomas Boothman
- Author:Marie Marguerite Bouvet
- Author:Cyrus Fogg Brackett
- Author:Mary Elizabeth Braddon
- Author:Hans Lien Brækstad
- Author:Michel Bréal
- Author:Eva Wilder Brodhead
- Author:Gisbert Brom
- Author:Rupert Chawner Brooke
- Author:Paul Brookfield
- Author:Timothy Brosnahan
- Author:Elizabeth Virginia Brown
- Author:Frank Smith Brown
- Author:Thomas Alexander Browne
- Author:Thomas Townsend Bucknill
- Author:Frank Thomas Bullen
- Author:Thomas Lowndes Bullock
- Author:James Drummond Burns (1895-1915)
- Author:Washington Atlee Burpee
- Author:Benjamin Chapman Burt
- Author:Bernard Alan Edmund Buttress
- Author:George Calderon
- Author:Charles Callaway
- Author:Everard Ferguson Calthrop
- Author:Angus Munn Cannon
- Author:Luigi Capuana
- Author:Charlotte Moffett Cartwright
- Author:William Cornwallis Cartwright
- Author:Enrico Castelnuovo
- Author:Louis Chalon (1862-1915)
- Author:George Frederick Chambers
- Author:George Chamier
- Author:John Denison Champlin
- Author:Harold Chapin
- Author:Valentine Walbran Chapman
- Author:Arthur Brunel Chatwood
- Author:David Williams Cheever
- Author:Thomas Kelly Cheyne
- Author:Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell
- Author:Arthur Herbert Church
- Author:Charles Marcus Church
- Author:Charles Heber Clark
- Author:Margaret Clay
- Author:Thomas Smith Clouston
- Author:Anthony Comstock
- Author:Charles Arthur Conant
- Author:Helen Hoppner Coode
- Author:John Edwin Copus
- Author:Henry John Stedman Cotton
- Author:Henry John Wastell Coulson
- Author:Walter Crane
- Author:Emily Crawford
- Author:John Kirby Cree
- Author:Nathan Cree
- Author:William Augustus Croffut
- Author:Morgan William Crofton
- Author:William Henry Crook
- Author:Charles Henry Crookshank
- Author:Frances Jane Crosby
- Author:Charles Haukes Todd Crosthwaite
- Author:William Hayman Cummings
- Author:Helen Burrell D'Apery
- Author:Martin Luther D'Ooge
- Author:Norman Prescott Davies
- Author:Mabel Dearmer
- Author:John Jenkins Deason
- Author:William Wallace Denslow
- Author:Orville Adalbert Derby
- Author:Frederick Victor Dickins
- Author:William Howard Doane
- Author:Louisa Emily Dobrée
- Author:James Donaldson
- Author:Henry Eeles Dresser
- Author:Vero Charles Driffield
- Author:Francis Michael Louis Dumont
- Author:Abigail Scott Duniway
- Author:James J. Dunn
- Author:Martha Baker Dunn
- Author:Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre
- Author:Albert Rowan Fairfield
- Author:Arthur Rowan Fairfield
- Author:Fannie Merritt Farmer
- Author:Urbain Jean Faurie
- Author:Cornelius James Field
- Author:Annie Adams Fields
- Author:Samuel Augustus Fisk
- Author:George Helgesen Fitch
- Author:William Crothers Fitler
- Author:Geraldine Sidney Fladgate
- Author:James Elroy Flecker
- Author:Sandford Fleming
- Author:Alfred Ewen Fletcher
- Author:Austin Flint
- Author:George William Foote
- Author:Justus Miles Forman
- Author:Charles Austin Fosdick
- Author:Julia Agnes Fraser
- Author:Harry Willard French
- Author:Charles Frost
- Author:James Geikie
- Author:Dorothea Gerard
- Author:Margaret Watkins Gibbs
- Author:Frederick Denhame Gibson
- Author:Edward Gilliat
- Author:Gopal Krishna Gokhale
- Author:John Ellsworth Goodrich
- Author:Gordon Goodwin
- Author:Patrick Robertson Gordon
- Author:Archibald Edward Gough
- Author:Elgin Gould
- Author:Remy de Gourmont
- Author:William Richard Gowers
- Author:William Gilbert Grace
- Author:Edward Lee Greene
- Author:Gerald William Grenfell
- Author:Julian Henry Francis Grenfell
- Author:David Thomas Gwynne-Vaughan
- Author:Lucy Lambert Hale
- Author:John William Hall
- Author:James Keir Hardie
- Author:Lawrence Hargrave
- Author:Charles Augustus Hartley
- Author:Friedrich Hasenöhrl
- Author:John Cuthbert Hedley
- Author:Charles Richmond Henderson
- Author:George Allan Heron
- Author:Friedrich Hermann Gustav Hildebrand
- Author:James Hamlyn Hill
- Author:Joe Hill
- Author:Thomas Edie Hill
- Author:John Sebastian Bach Hodges
- Author:Charles Frederick Holder
- Author:James Harmon Hoose
- Author:Theodore Cracraft Hope
- Author:Martha Seavey Hoyt
- Author:Elbert Green Hubbard
- Author:Ambrosius Arnold Willem Hubrecht
- Author:James Fairchild Hudson
- Author:Margaret Lindsay Huggins