Category:1929 deaths
Pages in category "1929 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 378 total.
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- Author:Thomas Graham Balfour (1858-1929)
- Author:Richard James Barnes
- Author:James Grene Barry
- Author:Alfred Edmund Bateman
- Author:Katharine Lee Bates
- Author:Pierre Henri Battifol
- Author:Barbara Baynton
- Author:Florence Beckwith
- Author:Edward Harold Begbie
- Author:James Bell (1850-1929)
- Author:Lilian Lida Bell
- Author:Karl Julius Beloch
- Author:Arthur Bennett
- Author:George Vere Benson
- Author:Tunis Garret Bergen
- Author:Alexandre Berlioz
- Author:Arthur Berry
- Author:Annette Susannah Beveridge
- Author:Henry Beveridge (1837-1929)
- Author:Alexander William Bickerton
- Author:Edward Bidwell
- Author:John Charles Bigham
- Author:Fanny Bignon
- Author:Elizabeth Bisland
- Author:William Frost Blanding
- Author:Petrus Johannes Blok
- Author:Thomas Simeon Scriven Bolton
- Author:Josiah Booth
- Author:Vincent Yardley Bowditch
- Author:Frederick Boyes
- Author:Reginald Brabazon
- Author:Edward Breck
- Author:Otokar Březina
- Author:Joseph Cox Bridge
- Author:Lucy Etheldred Broadwood
- Author:Margarette Ward Brooks
- Author:Robert Weir Brown
- Author:Walter Francis Brown
- Author:Arabella Burton Buckley
- Author:Sydney Savory Buckman
- Author:John Burgess
- Author:Winfrid Oldfield Burrows
- Author:Harry Stratford Caldecott
- Author:Archibald James Campbell
- Author:Arthur Claude Campbell
- Author:Olga Cantacuzène-Altieri
- Author:Louis Capitan
- Author:Mae Harrington Whitney Cardwell
- Author:William Richard Carles
- Author:Bliss Carman
- Author:Edward Carpenter
- Author:James Beebee Carrington
- Author:Edward Carroll
- Author:André Castaigne
- Author:Baikunthanath Chakraborty
- Author:Abel Chapman
- Author:Charles Chilton
- Author:Ignatius Valentine Chirol
- Author:Arthur Hunt Chute
- Author:Samuel Belcher Clarke
- Author:Henry William Cleary
- Author:Georges Benjamin Clemenceau
- Author:Lucy Clifford
- Author:John Alexander Cockburn
- Author:John Francis Coffee
- Author:Vincent Stucky Stratton Coles
- Author:Carus Vale Collier
- Author:Cornelia Atwood Pratt Comer
- Author:James Connell
- Author:Charles Horton Cooley
- Author:Alice Penney Cornwall
- Author:Thomas George Crippen
- Author:Robert Stewart Culin
- Author:Lionel Henry Cust
- Author:Edith Eileen Cuthell
- Author:Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret
- Author:John Cotton Dana
- Author:Henry Davey
- Author:William Leslie Davidson
- Author:William Boyd Dawkins
- Author:Ludovic Hébert de Beauvoir
- Author:Joseph Ernest De Becker
- Author:John Feild Deck
- Author:Hans Delbrück
- Author:Alice Steinman Deletombe
- Author:Roy Floyd Dibble
- Author:Alphonse-Étienne Dinet
- Author:Margaret Domville
- Author:Alexander Greer Drury
- Author:Maurice Dubard
- Author:Walter Geoffrey Duffield
- Author:Oskar Henrik Dumrath
- Author:Constance Estelle Faguette
- Author:John Nicol Farquhar
- Author:Millicent Garrett Fawcett
- Author:Enrico Ferri
- Author:Amelia Sophia Le Feuvre
- Author:Peter Finlay
- Author:Alfred Robertson Fitchett
- Author:Nevill Forbes
- Author:Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
- Author:Robert Copp Fowler
- Author:John Frederick Freeman
- Author:Albert Freiherr von Schrenck-Notzing
- Author:Henry Blake Fuller
- Author:Francis Aidan Gasquet
- Author:Karl Friedrich Geldner
- Author:Morice Gerard
- Author:William Gibb
- Author:Addison Howard Gibson
- Author:Charles Allan Gilbert
- Author:Frank Alfred Golder
- Author:Brice Worthington Goldsborough
- Author:George Angier Gordon
- Author:Alice Stopford Green
- Author:Harold Atheling Grimshaw
- Author:Auguste Groner
- Author:John Harington Gubbins
- Author:Hélène Adeline Guerber
- Author:Lynn Haines
- Author:Francis de Havilland Hall
- Author:Alfred Lloyd Hardy
- Author:Lovell Birge Harrison
- Author:John William Harshberger
- Author:Maurice Hauriou
- Author:William Hamilton Hayne
- Author:Marshall Custiss Hazard
- Author:James Wycliffe Headlam
- Author:Walter Heape
- Author:Friedrich Heincke
- Author:Fred Burton Ranney Hellems
- Author:Hans Ferdinand Helmolt
- Author:Richard Henry
- Author:Robert Drew Hicks
- Author:Alexander Hill
- Author:Constance Hill
- Author:Edwin Allston Hill
- Author:Frederick Arthur Hipp
- Author:Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse
- Author:Lewis Hochheimer
- Author:Mari Ruef Hofer
- Author:Elisha Albright Hoffman
- Author:Louise Eleanor Hogan
- Author:Thomas Hungerford Holdich
- Author:John Michael Holzinger
- Author:Joseph Hontheim
- Author:Charles Hose
- Author:Frederick Lucian Hosmer
- Author:Walter Raleigh Houghton
- Author:Hovhannes Hovhannisyan
- Author:James Hutson
- Author:George Percy Jacomb-Hood
- Author:Claude Jaillet
- Author:Edward Jakobowski
- Author:Benjamin Grant Jefferis
- Author:Lemon Henry Jefferson
- Author:Walter Jekyll
- Author:Jeremiah Whipple Jenks
- Author:Julian Robert John Jocelyn
- Author:Vincent Saint John
- Author:Grace Leslie Keith Johnston
- Author:Henry Arthur Jones
- Author:Bohdan Kaminský
- Author:Franz Kampers
- Author:Robert Kane (1848-1929)
- Author:George Rusby Kaye
- Author:Samuel Walter Kelley
- Author:John Kelman
- Author:William Sloane Kennedy
- Author:Walter Charles Alan Ker
- Author:Walter Aubrey Kidd
- Author:John Sterling Kingsley
- Author:Albert Kinross
- Author:George Handley Knibbs
- Author:Franz Xaver Kugler
- Author:Levi Oscar Kuhns