Author:Lionel Henry Cust
[edit]Contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
[edit]- Carrington, Frederick George
- Carse, Alexander
- Carse, William
- Carter, Ellen
- Carter, George
- Carter, James
- Carter, Owen Browne
- Cartwright, John (fl.1763-1808)
- Cartwright, Joseph
- Carver, Robert
- Cary, Francis Stephen
- Casali, Andrea
- Casanova, Francis
- Cassie, James
- Chatfield, Edward
- Cheere, Henry
- Chesham, Francis
- Childe, Elias
- Childe, James Warren
- Christmas, Gerard
- Clarke, George (1796-1842)
- Clarke, Harriet Ludlow
- Clarke, John Randall
- Clarke, Theophilus
- Clarke, Thomas (fl.1768-1775)
- Clarkson, Nathaniel
- Clater, Thomas
- Claxton, Marshall
- Clay, Alfred Borron
- Clayton, John (1728-1800)
- Clayton, John (d.1861)
- Clein, Francis
- Cleveley, John
- Cleveley, Robert
- Clowes, Butler
- Cochran, William
- Cockerell, Samuel Pepys
- Cockson, Thomas
- Cole, Humfray
- Cole, Ralph
- Collet, John
- Collings, Samuel
- Collins, John (1725?-1759?)
- Collins, Richard (d.1732)
- Collins, Richard (1755-1831)
- Collins, Samuel (fl.1750-1780)
- Collins, William (d.1793)
- Collinson, James
- Colonia, Adam de
- Comerford, John
- Condé, John
- Cook, Henry
- Cook, Samuel
- Cook, Thomas
- Cooley, Thomas
- Cooper, Alexander
- Cooper, Richard (d.1764)
- Cooper, Richard (1740?-1814?)
- Cooper, Robert (fl.1800-1836)
- Corbould, Richard
- Corden, William
- Corner, John
- Corvus, Joannes
- Cotes, Samuel
- Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls
- Couse, Kenton
- Cowen, William
- Cowper, Douglas
- Cox, David (1809-1885)
- Cradock, Marmaduke
- Craft, William H.
- Craig, James (d.1795)
- Cranch, John
- Creed, Cary
- Creswick, Thomas
- Crew, Randolph
- Crone, Robert
- Cross, John (1819-1861)
- Cross, Michael
- Cross, Thomas
- Crosse, Lawrence
- Crosse, Richard
- Cuit, George (1743-1818)
- Cuitt, George (1779-1854)
- Cullum, John
- Cullum, Thomas (1587?-1664)
- Cumming, William (fl.1797-1823)
- Cundy, Thomas (1765-1825)
- Cundy, Thomas (1790-1867)
- Cunningham, Edmund Francis
- Cure, William
- Curtis, John
- Davy, Robert
- De Baan, Johannes
- De Caus, Salomon
- De Cort, Henry Francis
- De Critz, John
- De Heere, Lucas
- De Keyser, William
- Delane, Solomon
- Delvaux, Laurent
- Des Granges, David
- De Wilde, Samuel
- Dixey, John
- Dodd, Daniel
- Dodd, Robert
- Dolle, William
- Dorigny, Nicholas
- Douglas, William (1780-1832)
- Drapentier, Jan
- Drebbel, Cornelis
- Droeshout, Martin
- Du Bois, Simon
- Du Bosc, Claude
- Dudley, Howard
- Dudley, Thomas
- Duesbury, William
- Du Guernier, Louis
- Dunstall, John
- Dunthorne, John
- Durno, James
- Duval, Philip
- Dyce, William
- Eccardt, John Giles
- Edema, Gerard
- Edwards, Edward (1738-1806)
- Edwards, William Camden
- Egan, James
- Elder, Charles
- Elder, William
- Elers, John Philip
- Elford, William
- Elliot, Robert
- Elliott, William (1727-1766)
- Elliott, William (d.1792)
- Ellis, William (1747-1810)
- Ellys, John
- Elmer, Stephen
- Elmes, Harvey Lonsdale
- Elstracke, Renold
- Elsum, John
- Emes, John
- Engleheart, Francis
- Engleheart, George
- Engleheart, Thomas
- English, Josias
- Ensom, William
- Essex, William (1784?-1869)
- Evans, Richard
- Evans, William (1811?-1858)
- Evans, William (1798-1877)
- Exshaw, Charles
- Faber, John (1660?-1721)
- Faber, John (1695?-1756)
- Fairfield, Charles
- Fairland, Thomas
- Fairless, Thomas Kerr
- Falconet, Peter
- Fanelli, Francesco
- Farrier, Robert
- Faulkner, Benjamin Rawlinson
- Feary, John
- Fellowes, James (fl.1710-1730)
- Fenton, Geoffrey
- Ferg, Francis Paul
- Ferguson, William Gouw
- Ferneley, John
- Ferrers, Benjamin
- Fielding, Nathan Theodore
- Fielding, Newton Smith
- Fielding, Thales
- Fielding, Theodore Henry Adolphus
- Fielding, Thomas
- Fillian, John
- Finden, Edward Francis
- Finden, William
- Finney, Samuel
- Fischer, John George Paul
- Fisher, Jonathan
- Fisk, William (1796-1872)
- Fisk, William Henry
- Fletcher, Henry (fl.1710-1750)
- Fliccius, Gerbarus
- Flitcroft, Henry
- Foggo, George
- Foggo, James
- Foldsone, John
- Ford, Michael
- Forde, Samuel
- Forster, Thomas (fl.1695-1712)
- Foster, Thomas (1798-1826)
- Fourdrinier, Peter
- Fournier, Daniel
- Fox, Charles (1794-1849)
- Fraser, Alexander (1786-1865)
- Freebairn, Alfred Robert
- Freebairn, Robert
- Freeman, John (fl.1670-1720)
- Freeman, Samuel
- Frost, George
- Fry, William Thomas
- Frye, Thomas
- Fryer, Leonard
- Fuller, Isaac
- Fuseli, Henry
- Gammon, James
- Gandy, James
- Gandy, Joseph Michael
- Gandy, Michael
- Gandy, William
- Gardelle, Theodore
- Gardiner, William Nelson
- Gardner, Daniel
- Gardnor, John
- Gargrave, Thomas
- Garner, Thomas
- Garvey, Edmund
- Gascar, Henri
- Gaspars, Jan Baptist
- Gastineau, Henry
- Gaugain, Thomas
- Gaywood, Richard
- Geldorp, George
- Gemini, Thomas
- Gendall, John
- Gentileschi, Artemisia
- Gentileschi, Orazio
- Gheeraerts, Marcus (1510?-1590?)
- Gheeraerts, Marcus (1561-1635)
- Gibbons, Grinling
- Gibson, Edward
- Gibson, John (d.1852)
- Gibson, John (1794-1854)
- Gibson, Richard
- Gibson, Thomas (1680?-1751)
- Gibson, William (1664-1702)
- Gifford, George (fl.1635)
- Gilbert, Joseph Francis
- Gilpin, Sawrey
- Gilpin, William Sawrey
- Gipps, Richard
- Glover, George
- Glover, Moses
- Godby, James
- Goddard, John
- Godfrey, Richard Bernard
- Goldar, John
- Goodall, Frederick Trevelyan
- Goodall, Howard
- Goodall, Walter (1830-1889)
- Goodyear, Joseph
- Gorges, Arthur
- Gott, Joseph
- Goupy, Joseph
- Goupy, Lewis
- Gower, George
- Grace, Mary
- Graham, John (fl.1720-1775)
- Graham, Richard (fl.1680-1720)
- Grant, William James
- Gravelot, Hubert François
- Gray, George (1758-1819)
- Green, Amos
- Green, Benjamin Richard
- Green, James (1771-1834)
- Green, William (1761-1823)
- Greenbury, Robert
- Greenhill, John
- Gresse, John Alexander
- Grieve, William
- Griffier, Jan
- Griffith, Moses (fl.1769-1809)
- Grignion, Charles (1754-1804)
- Grignion, Charles (1717-1810)
- Grimaldi, William
- Grimm, Samuel Hieronymus
- Grisoni, Giuseppe
- Grogan, Nathaniel
- Groombridge, William
- Groves, John Thomas
- Grozer, Joseph
- Grundy, John Clowes
- Gyles, Henry
- Hadfield, Matthew Ellison
- Haghe, Louis
- Hakewill, Henry
- Hakewill, James
- Hakewill, John
- Halliday, Michael Frederick
- Halls, John James
- Halpen, Patrick
- Hamilton, Hugh Douglas
- Hamilton, James (fl.1640-1680)
- Hamilton, John (fl.1765-1786)
- Hancock, John
- Hand, Thomas
- Handasyde, Charles
- Hannan, William
- Hanneman, Adriaen
- Hanson, Levett
- Hargreaves, Thomas
- Harley, George (1791-1871)
- Harlow, George Henry
- Harris, John (fl.1680-1740)
- Harris, John (d.1834)
- Haslem, John
- Hassell, John
- Hassells, Warner
- Haughton, Moses (1734-1804)
- Haughton, Moses (1772?-1848?)
- Havell, Robert
- Haverty, Joseph Patrick
- Haward, Francis
- Hawker, Thomas
- Hay, Robert
- Hayes, John (1786?-1866)
- Hayes, Michael Angelo
- Hayley, Robert
- Hayley, Thomas Alphonso
- Hayls, John
- Hayman, Francis
- Haynes, John (fl.1730-1750)
- Haynes, Joseph
- Haynesworth, William
- Haytley, Edward
- Head, Guy
- Heath, Charles (1785-1848)
- Heath, James (1757-1834)
- Heaton, Clement
- Heemskerk, Egbert van
- Heins, John Theodore
- Henderson, Andrew (1783-1835)
- Henderson, Charles Cooper
- Henderson, John (1797-1878)
- Hering, George Edwards
- Herring, John Frederick
- Hewlett, James
- Hibbart, William
- Hickey, Thomas
- Higham, Thomas
- Highmore, Joseph
- Highmore, Thomas
- Hill, Thomas (1661-1734)
- Hinchliff, John Elley
- Hodges, Charles Howard
- Hodges, William (1744-1797)
- Hodgson, Edward
- Holbein, Hans
- Hole, Henry Fulke Plantagenet Woolicombe
- Hole, William
- Holl, William
- Hollins, John
- Hollins, William
- Hollis, George
- Holman, Francis
- Holmes, James
- Holt, Thomas
- Home, Robert (d.1836?)
- Hondius, Abraham
- Hondius, Jodocus
- Hone, Nathaniel
- Hope, John Williams
- Hopley, Edward William John
- Hopper, Humphrey
- Hopper, Thomas
- Hopwood, James
- Hornebolt, Gerard
- Horsburgh, John
- Hoskins, John (d.1664)
- Howard, Hugh
- Howe, James
- Howlett, Bartholomew
- Howes, John
- Hudson, Henry (fl.1784-1800)
- Hudson, Thomas (1701-1779)
- Hugford, Ignazio Enrico
- Huggins, William John
- Hulett, James
- Hulsberg, Henry
- Humbert, Albert Jenkins
- Humphrey, William
- Humphrys, William
- Hunneman, Christopher William
- Hunt, Andrew
- Hunter, Robert (fl.1750-1780)
- Huquier, James Gabriel
- Hurleston, Richard
- Hussey, Giles
- Hussey, Philip
- Huyssing, Hans
- I'Anson, Edward
- Ibbetson, Julius Caesar
- Illidge, Thomas Henry
- Ince, Joseph Murray
- Ingalton, William
- Ingham, Charles Cromwell
- Ingram, John
- Inskipp, James
- Ireland, John (d.1808)
- Irvine, James
- Jackson, John (1801-1848)
- Jackson, John Baptist
- Jackson, John Richardson
- Jacobsen, Theodore
- Janssen, Bernard
- Janssen van Ceulen, Cornelius
- Jean, Philip
- Jeavons, Thomas
- Jefferys, James
- Jehner, Isaac
- Jenkins, Joseph John
- Jenkins, Thomas
- Jervais, Thomas
- Jervas, Charles
- Jewitt, Thomas Orlando Sheldon
- Johns, Ambrose Bowden
- Johnson, Harry John
- Johnson, John (1754-1814)
- Johnson, Lawrence
- Johnson, Martin
- Johnson, Robert (1770-1796)
- Johnston, Alexander (1816-1891)
- Johnston, Francis
- Jones, Richard (1767-1840)
- Jones, Thomas (1743-1803)
- Jopling, Joseph Middleton
- Joseph, Samuel
- Josi, Christian
- Joy, Thomas Musgrave
- Joy, William (1803-1867)
- Jukes, Francis
- June, John
- Jupp, Richard
- Justyne, Percy William
- Jutsum, Henry
- Kean, Michael
- Keane, Joseph B.
- Kearne, Andreas
- Kearney, William Henry
- Kendall, John (1766-1829)
- Kendrick, Emma Eleonora
- Kennedy, William Denholm
- Kerseboom, Frederick
- Ketel, Cornelis
- Kettle, Tilly
- Keyes, Roger
- Keyl, Frederick William
- Keys, Samuel
- Keyse, Thomas
- Kidd, Joseph Bartholomew
- Kidd, William (1790?-1863)
- Kilburn, William
- King, John Duncan
- Kinsey, William Morgan
- Kip, Johannes
- Kirk, Thomas (1765?-1797)
- Kirk, Thomas (1777-1845)
- Kirkall, Elisha
- Kirkup, Seymour Stocker
- Knell, William Adolphus
- Kneller, Godfrey
- Knight, Charles (1743-1827?)
- Knight, John Baverstock
- Knight, Mary Anne
- Knowles, John (1781-1841)
- Knyff, Leonard
- Kyte, Francis
- Laguerre, Louis
- Lamb, Edward Buckton
- Lambert, George (1710-1765)
- Lamborn, Peter Spendelowe
- Lancaster, Hume
- Landells, Ebenezer
- Lane, John Bryant
- Lanier, Nicholas
- Lankrink, Prosper Henricus
- Lapidge, Edward
- Laroon, Marcellus (including Laroon, Marcellus, the younger)
- Latham, James
- Lawrance, Mary
- Lawrenson, Thomas
- Le Blon, Jacques Christophe
- Le Capelain, John
- Ledward, Richard Arthur
- Lee, Frederick Richard
- Lee, John (d.1804)
- Lee, Joseph
- Lee, William (1809-1865)
- Lees, Charles
- Lefebvre, Roland
- Legat, Francis
- Legrew, James
- Leifchild, Henry Stormonth
- Leigh, James Mathews
- Leighton, Charles Blair
- Le Keux, John
- Lely, Peter
- Lens, Bernard
- Lepipre, Francis
- Le Strange, Henry L'Estrange Styleman
- Le Sueur, Hubert
- Lettou, John
- Lewis, Charles (1753-1795)
- Lewis, Charles James
- Leyland, Joseph Bentley
- Liart, Matthew
- Lines, Samuel
- Liverseege, Henry
- Lizars, William Home
- Locke, William
- Lockey, Rowland
- Lodge, William
- Lofthouse, Mary
- Long, Edwin Longsden
- Lonsdale, James
- Looten, Jan
- Lough, John Graham
- Lound, Thomas
- Loutherbourgh, Philip James de
- Lowe, Mauritius
- Lucas, Horatio Joseph
- Lucas, John
- Lucas, Samuel (1818-1868)
- Lucas, Samuel (1805-1870)
- Lucy, Charles
- Lundgren, Egron Sellif
- Luny, Thomas
- Luttichuys, Simon
- Luttrell, Edward
- Lyne, Richard
- Lynn, Samuel Ferris
- Lyzarde, Nicholas
- MacArdell, James
- McConnell, William
- Machlinia, William de
- McKewan, David Hall
- Maclean, Alexander
- McLellan, Archibald
- Maddox, Willis
- Malton, Thomas (1726-1801)
- Manby, Thomas (fl.1670-1690)
- Mannin, James
- Manning, Samuel (d.1847)
- Marochetti, Carlo
- Marrable, Frederick
- Marshall, Charles (1806-1890)
- Marshall, Edward
- Martin, David
- Martin, Elias
- Martin, William (fl.1765-1821)
- Martineau, Robert Braithwaite
- Masquerier, John James
- Medina, John Baptist
- Medley, Samuel (1769-1857)
- Meeson, Alfred
- Mercier, Philip
- Middiman, Samuel
- Middleton, John (1827-1856)
- Miles, Edward
- Miles, George Francis
- Millington, James Heath
- Mills, Alfred
- Mitchell, Thomas (fl.1735-1790)
- Mogford, Thomas
- Monamy, Peter
- Montalba, Henrietta Skerrett
- Moore, Albert Joseph
- Moore, George Belton
- Moore, John Francis
- Moore, Samuel
- Moore, William (1790-1851)
- More, Anthony
- Morgan, Alice Mary
- Morgan, Sylvanus
- Morier, David (1705?-1770)
- Morison, Douglas
- Morrison, Richard (1767-1849)
- Morten, Thomas
- Morton, Andrew
- Mountague, William
- Mullins, George
- Mulvany, Thomas James
- Munn, Paul Sandby
- Munro, Alexander
- Müntz, John Henry
- Murphy, Denis Brownell
- Murray, Thomas (1663-1734)
- Muss, Charles
- Mytens, Daniel
- Naftel, Paul Jacob
- Nash, John
- Nattes, John Claude
- Nelson, John (1726-1812)
- Neve, Cornelius
- Newcourt, Richard (d.1679)
- Newenham, Frederick
- Newton, Alfred Pizzi
- Newton, Ann Mary
- Newton, Francis Milner
- Newton, Gilbert Stuart
- Newton, Richard (1777-1798)
- Nicholls, Sutton
- Nicholson, Isaac
- Nixon, John
- Nixon, Samuel
- Nodder, Frederick P.
- Northcote, James
- Norton, Christian
- Norton, William
- Nower, Francis
- Oakman, John
- O'Connor, John (1830-1889)
- Ogborne, John
- Okey, Samuel
- Oliver, Archer James
- Oliver, Isaac
- Oliver, John (1616-1701)
- Oliver, Peter
- O'Neal, Jeffrey Hamet
- Onwhyn, Thomas
- Oram, William
- Osborn, John
- Packe, Christopher (fl.1796)
- Palmer, James (d.1657)
- Parker, John (1730?-1765?)
- Parker, John (fl.1762-1776)
- Parkes, David
- Parkinson, Thomas (fl.1769-1789)
- Parmentier, James
- Parr, Remigius
- Parry, Thomas Gambier
- Parsons, Francis
- Pass, Simon
- Pastorini, Benedict
- Patch, Thomas
- Paxton, John
- Paye, Richard Morton
- Payne, John (d.1647?)
- Peak, James
- Peake, Robert
- Pearson, James
- Peart, Charles
- Peckitt, William
- Peeters, John
- Pembrooke, Thomas
- Phillips, Giles Firman
- Pickersgill, Henry William
- Pidding, Henry James
- Pierce, Edward
- Pilkington, William
- Pine, John
- Pine, Robert Edge
- Pitts, William
- Place, Francis (1647-1728)
- Plaw, John
- Playfair, William Henry
- Powell, John (fl.1770-1785)
- Powell, John (fl.1796-1829)
- Powis, William Henry
- Poynter, Ambrose
- Pratt, Roger
- Price, John (d.1736)
- Price, William (d.1722)
- Pricke, Robert
- Pritchett, James Pigott
- Pugh, Herbert
- Pyne, William Henry
- Radclyffe, William
- Ralph, George Keith
- Ravenet, Simon François
- Reader, William (fl.1680)
- Rebecca, Biagio
- Revett, Nicholas
- Richards, John Inigo
- Richardson, Jonathan
- Richter, Christian
- Richter, Henry James
- Rigaud, John Francis
- Rigaud, Stephen Francis Dutilh
- Riley, John
- Rippingille, Edward Villiers
- Robertson, Andrew
- Robertson, Archibald (1765-1835)
- Robertson, George (1748?-1788)
- Robinson, John (1715-1745)
- Robinson, William (1799-1839)
- Roden, William Thomas
- Roestraten, Pieter van
- Rogers, William (fl.1580-1610)
- Rogers, William Gibbs
- Room, Henry
- Rousseau, Jacques
- Runciman, Alexander
- Russel, Theodore
- Ryley, Charles Reuben
- Rysbrack, John Michael
- Ryther, Augustine
- Samuel, Richard
- Sanders, John
- Sass, Henry
- Saxton, Christopher
- Sayers, James
- Seaton, John Thomas
- Seeman, Enoch
- Seguier, William
- Shackleton, John
- Sharp, Michael William
- Sharples, James (1750?-1811)
- Sharples, James (1825-1893)
- Shee, Martin Archer
- Sheppard, William (fl.1650-1660)
- Sherlock, William (fl.1759-1806)
- Shore, Louisa Catherine
- Shute, John (fl.1550-1570)
- Sidley, Samuel
- Simpson, John (1782-1847)
- Singleton, Henry
- Skippe, John
- Smibert, John
- Smith, Colvin
- Smith, Stephen Catterson
- Soest, Gerard
- Spencer, Gervase
- Stewardson, Thomas
- Stone, Nicholas
- Streater, Robert
- Stuart, James (1713-1788)
- Swinton, James Rannie
- Talman, William
- Taylor, John (1739-1838)
- Thorburn, Robert
- Thornhill, James
- Tillemans, Peter
- Tilson, Henry
- Toms, Peter
- Toto, Anthony
- Van der Doort, Abraham
- Van der Gucht, Michael
- Van der Myn, Herman
- Van der Vaart, Jan
- Van Diest, Adriaen
- Van Dyck, Anthony
- Vandyke, Peter
- Van Haecken, Joseph
- Van Huysum, Jacob
- Van Leemput, Remigius
- Van Lemens, Balthasar
- Van Rymsdyk, Jan
- Van Somer, Paul
- Van Son, Jan Frans
- Verelst, Simon
- Verrio, Antonio
- Walker, Robert (d.1658?)
- Wheatley, Francis
- Whood, Isaac
- Wilton, Joseph
- Wissing, Willem
- Wright, John Michael
- Zincke, Christian Friedrich
- Zuccaro, Federigo
- Alford, Marianne Margaret
- Crowe, Joseph Archer
- Dalton, Richard
- Gray, James (d.1773)
- Middleton, John Henry
- Victor Ferdinand Franz Eugen Gustaf Adolf Constantin Friedrich of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
- Second supplement
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they were published before January 1, 1930.
This author died in 1929, so works by this author are in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 95 years or less. These works may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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