Category:1935 deaths
Pages in category "1935 deaths"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 369 total.
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- Author:Thomas Beat Adam
- Author:Andy Adams
- Author:Mabel Ellery Adams
- Author:Jane Addams
- Author:Walter Ernest Adeney
- Author:Herman Morris Adler
- Author:Yusuf Akçura
- Author:Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin
- Author:Robert Judson Aley
- Author:Rowland George Allanson-Winn
- Author:George Leonard Allen
- Author:Herman Vandenburg Ames
- Author:Thomas Kerr Anderson
- Author:Andreas Michaēl Andreadēs
- Author:Anna Mitrofanovna Anichkova
- Author:Andrew Campbell Armstrong
- Author:Edwin Lester Arnold
- Author:Thomas Ramsden Ashworth
- Author:Arthur Richmond Atkinson
- Author:Elroy McKendree Avery
- Author:Frank Cole Babbitt
- Author:George Pierce Baker (1866-1935)
- Author:Charles Sears Baldwin
- Author:Henri Barbusse
- Author:Charles Russell Bardeen
- Author:Earl Barnes
- Author:Timothy B. Barrett
- Author:James Joseph Baxter
- Author:Kennett Champain Bayley
- Author:Louis de Beaufront
- Author:Reginald Berkeley
- Author:Herman Bernstein
- Author:Wilson Lloyd Bevan
- Author:William Eugene Blackstone
- Author:Raymond Blathwayt
- Author:Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
- Author:Elizabeth Anne Mould de Sodington Blount
- Author:Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner
- Author:Robert Carr Bosanquet
- Author:Pramatha Nath Bose
- Author:Harold Boulton
- Author:Paul Bourget
- Author:Thomas Alexander Boyd
- Author:John Rose Bradford
- Author:Andrew Cecil Bradley
- Author:James Henry Breasted
- Author:Alexander Wilhelm von Brill
- Author:Henry Broadbent
- Author:John Andrew Buchanan
- Author:George Earle Buckle
- Author:Henry Burton Buckley
- Author:Karl Ferdinand Reinhard Budde
- Author:Shan Fadh Bullock
- Author:Francis Crawford Burkitt
- Author:Walter Lincoln Burrage
- Author:Mary Busk
- Author:Francis Henry Butler
- Author:George Grey Butler
- Author:Kenyon Leech Butterfield
- Author:William Ruskin Butterfield
- Author:Leone Caetani
- Author:Josephine Martin Callwell
- Author:John Cameron (1872-1935)
- Author:Frank Richardson Cana
- Author:Edwin Cannan
- Author:Edward Henry Carson
- Author:Stephen Chalmers
- Author:Basil Hall Chamberlain
- Author:Joseph Edgar Chamberlin
- Author:Arthur Chapman
- Author:Richard Washburn Child
- Author:Chung Thye Phin
- Author:William Fayal Clarke
- Author:Herdman Fitzgerald Cleland
- Author:Julius Berend Cohen
- Author:Edward Henry Conington
- Author:Christopher Powell Connolly
- Author:Maurice Courant
- Author:Bessie Ballard Croffut
- Author:Charles Frederick Cross
- Author:Charles George Crump
- Author:Andrew Storrar Cunningham
- Author:Joseph Thomas Cunningham
- Author:Henry Hardinge Cunynghame
- Author:Charles Fallon Curley
- Author:Charles William Dahlinger
- Author:William Robert Daly
- Author:Edward Salisbury Dana
- Author:Arthur Grosvenor Daniells
- Author:Arthur Hoey Davis
- Author:William Carleton Dawe
- Author:Clarence Shepard Day
- Author:Holman Francis Day
- Author:Charles De Kay
- Author:Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
- Author:Joseph Villiers Denney
- Author:Frederick Dielman
- Author:Karl Dieterich
- Author:Stanisław Dnistrianski
- Author:Nathan Haskell Dole
- Author:Leon Dominian
- Author:Ella Loraine Dorsey
- Author:George Brisbane Scott Douglas
- Author:James McCrone Douie
- Author:Arthur Drews
- Author:Alfred Dreyfus
- Author:Hamilton Drummond
- Author:William Duane
- Author:Carl Duisberg
- Author:William Harrison Dunbar
- Author:Alice Dunbar-Nelson
- Author:Luigi Fabbri
- Author:Freda Du Faur
- Author:Marian Fell
- Author:William Field
- Author:Mary Paulina Finn
- Author:Edmond George Petty-Fitzmaurice
- Author:Joseph Smith Fletcher
- Author:William George Dimock Fletcher
- Author:Emil Folda
- Author:Helena Mabel Checkley Forrest
- Author:Charles Wilmer Foster
- Author:William Dudley Foulke
- Author:Léon Frédéricq
- Author:George Hazen French
- Author:Carlos Gardel
- Author:Edmund Garratt Gardner
- Author:Fielding Hudson Garrison
- Author:John William Garvin
- Author:Joseph Henry Gest
- Author:Kenneth Francis Gibbs
- Author:Herbert Allen Giles
- Author:Peter Giles
- Author:Frederick Ernest Gilliat-Smith
- Author:Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Author:Ella Beecher Gittings
- Author:Ksaver Šandor Gjalski
- Author:Richard Tetley Glazebrook
- Author:Maud Wilder Goodwin
- Author:Philip Russell Goodwin
- Author:Frances Marion Parkinson Gostling
- Author:Joseph J. Gould
- Author:Magdalene Isadora La Grange
- Author:William Lawson Grant
- Author:Frank Stanley Graves
- Author:Adolphus Washington Greely
- Author:Anna Katharine Green
- Author:Edgar Moore Green
- Author:Sarah Pratt McLean Greene
- Author:Alice Drayton Greenwood
- Author:Jacob Thomas Grein
- Author:Robert Johnstone Grewing
- Author:Anthony Jerome Griffin
- Author:George Grossmith, Jr.
- Author:Charles Reginald Haines
- Author:Catherine Jane Hamilton
- Author:Anton Peter Josef Handlirsch
- Author:Beatrice Evelyn Elizabeth Hardy
- Author:Thomas Leman Hare
- Author:Susie Frances Harrison
- Author:Arthur Henderson
- Author:David Hennessey
- Author:Oliver Herford
- Author:Ignát Herrmann
- Author:Walter Hibbert
- Author:Ernest Prescot Hill
- Author:Albert Spear Hitchcock
- Author:Silas Kitto Hocking
- Author:Frank Heywood Hodder
- Author:William Richard Eaton Hodgkinson
- Author:John Wesley Holloway
- Author:Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935)
- Author:Wynnard Hooper
- Author:William DeWolf Hopper
- Author:Arthur Fenton Hort
- Author:George Leonard Hosmer
- Author:Walter Hough
- Author:James Laughlin Hughes
- Author:Eleanor Henrietta Hull
- Author:Lucy Henrietta Hurlburt-Edwards
- Author:Peter Joseph Hurth