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Category:An Illustrated Flora templates

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Templates used in Britton & Brown's An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions

| Family_Number =
| Family_Name =
| Author_Name =
| Pub_Name =
| Pub_Date =
| Common_Name =
| Description = 
| Genera = 

Family {{{Family_Number}}}.   {{{Family_Name}}}   {{{Author_Name}}}   {{{Pub_Name}}}   {{{Pub_Date}}}.



| Genus_Number = 
| Genus_Name = 
| Author_Name = 
| Pub_Name = 
| Pub_Date = 
| Description =
| Derivation = (optional)
| Species =

{{{Genus_Number}}}.   {{{Genus_Name}}}   {{{Author_Name}}}   {{{Pub_Name}}}   {{{Pub_Date}}}.



| Species_Number = 
| Species_Name = 
| Author_Name = 
| Common_Name = 
| Fig_Number = 
| Syn_List = 
| Description = 
| Location = 
| Season = (optional)
| Alt_Names = (optional)
| Img_Width = (optional)
| Image_Name = 
{{{Species_Number}}}.  {{{Species_Name}}}  {{{Author_Name}}}
{{{Common_Name}}}   Fig. {{{Fig_Number}}}.




| Species_Number =
| Species_Name =
| Author_Name = 
| Common_Name = 
| Fig_Number =
| Syn_List = 
| Description =
| Location =
| Season = (optional)
| Alt_Names = (optional)
| Img_Width = (optional)
| Image_Name =
[[File:{{{Image_Name}}}|300px]] {{{Species_Number}}}.  {{{Species_Name}}}  {{{Author_Name}}}
{{{Common_Name}}}   Fig. {{{Fig_Number}}}.




BB Key Table templates


Shortcut Template
{{BBK_begin}} {{BB Key Table, begin table}}
{{BBK-1}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 1}}
{{BBK--2}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 2}}
{{BBK---3}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 3}}
{{BBK----4}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 4}}
{{BBK-----5}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 5}}
{{BBK------6}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 6}}
{{BBK-------7}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 7}}
{{BBK--------8}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 8}}
{{BBK---------9}} {{BB Key Table, Key Level 9}}
{{BBK_end}} {{BB Key Table, end table}}
{{BBG}} {{BB Key Table, Genus Link}}
{{BBS}} {{BB Key Table, Species Link}}

{{BBK-1}} Key 1, Level 1. {{BBG|n=1|g=Genus 1}}
{{BBK--2}} Key 2, Level 2. {{BBG|n=2|g=Genus 2}}
{{BBK---3}} Key 3, Level 3. {{BBG|n=3|g=Genus 3}}
{{BBK----4}} Key 4, Level 4. {{BBG|n=4|g=Genus 4}}
{{BBK-----5}} Key 5, Level 5. {{BBG|n=5|g=Genus 5}}
{{BBK------6}} Key 6, Level 6. {{BBG|n=6|g=Genus 6}}
{{BBK-------7}} Key 7, Level 7. {{BBG|n=7|g=Genus 7}}
{{BBK--------8}} Key 8, Level 8. {{BBG|n=8|g=Genus 8}}
{{BBK---------9}} Key 9, Level 9. {{BBG|n=9|g=Genus 9}}

Key 1, Level 1. 1. Genus 1.
Key 2, Level 2. 2. Genus 2.
Key 3, Level 3. 3. Genus 3.
Key 4, Level 4. 4. Genus 4.
Key 5, Level 5. 5. Genus 5.
Key 6, Level 6. 6. Genus 6.
Key 7, Level 7. 7. Genus 7.
Key 8, Level 8. 8. Genus 8.
Key 9, Level 9. 9. Genus 9.

{{BBK begin}}
{{BBK-1}} Scales of the cone numerous (except in ''Larix''); leaf-buds scaly.
{{BBK--2}} Cone-scales woody; leaves needle-shaped, 2-5 in a sheath. {{BBG|n=1|g=Pinus}}
{{BBK--2}} Cone-scales thin; leaves linear-filiform, scattered or fascicled, not in sheaths.
{{BBK---3}} Leaves fascicled on very short branchlets, deciduous. {{BBG|n=2|g=Larix}}
{{BBK---3}} Leaves scattered, persistent.
{{BBK----4}} Cones pendulous; leaves jointed to short persistent sterigmata.
{{BBK-----5}} Leaves tetragonal, sessile.                   {{BBG|n=3|g=Picea}}
{{BBK-----5}} Leaves flat, short-petipled.                  {{BBG|n=4|g=Tsuga}}
{{BBK----4}} Cones erect; sterigmata inconspicuous or none. {{BBG|n=5|g=Abies}}
{{BBK-1}} Scales of the cone few (3-12); leaf-buds naked.
{{BBK--2}} Cone-scales spiral, thick; leaves deciduous.     {{BBG|n=6|g=Taxodium}}
{{BBK--2}} Cone-scales opposite; leaves persistent.
{{BBK---3}} Cone oblong, its scales not peltate.            {{BBG|n=7|g=Thuja}}
{{BBK---3}} Cone globose, its scales peltate.               {{BBG|n=8|g=Chamaecyparis}}
{{BBK---3}} Fruit fleshy, berry-like, a modified cone.      {{BBG|n=9|g=Juniperus}}
{{BBK end}}

Scales of the cone numerous (except in Larix); leaf-buds scaly.
Cone-scales woody; leaves needle-shaped, 2-5 in a sheath. 1. Pinus.
Cone-scales thin; leaves linear-filiform, scattered or fascicled, not in sheaths.
Leaves fascicled on very short branchlets, deciduous. 2. Larix.
Leaves scattered, persistent.
Cones pendulous; leaves jointed to short persistent sterigmata.
Leaves tetragonal, sessile. 3. Picea.
Leaves flat, short-petipled. 4. Tsuga.
Cones erect; sterigmata inconspicuous or none. 5. Abies.
Scales of the cone few (3-12); leaf-buds naked.
Cone-scales spiral, thick; leaves deciduous. 6. Taxodium.
Cone-scales opposite; leaves persistent.
Cone oblong, its scales not peltate. 7. Thuja.
Cone globose, its scales peltate. 8. Chamaecyparis.
Fruit fleshy, berry-like, a modified cone. 9. Juniperus.