Template:Torrey Bot Club Quote
[edit]{{bbq | “The most interesting fact revealed by my studies of botrychia is the remarkable clannishness of the species. |They seem to love each other's society and where one grows the others do also.}} {{bbq | ''Botrychium lanceolatum'' (Gmel.) Ångstr., ''Botrychium virginianum'' (L.) Sw., and ''Botrychium obliquum'' Muhl. grow within a few feet or yards of the two stations that I know for ''Botrychium ramosum'' (Roth.) Aschers. (''Botrychium matricariræfolium'' A.Br.). | At the other three stations for ''Botrychium lanceolatum'' (Gmel.) Ångstr., it is in company with ''Botrychium virginianum'' (L.) Sw. and in one or more cases with ''Botrychium obliquum'' Muhl.”}}
“The most interesting fact revealed by my studies of botrychia is the remarkable clannishness of the species. They seem to love each other's society and where one grows the others do also.
Botrychium lanceolatum (Gmel.) Ångstr., Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw., and Botrychium obliquum Muhl. grow within a few feet or yards of the two stations that I know for Botrychium ramosum (Roth.) Aschers. (Botrychium matricariræfolium A.Br.). At the other three stations for Botrychium lanceolatum (Gmel.) Ångstr., it is in company with Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. and in one or more cases with Botrychium obliquum Muhl.”