Category:Children's literature
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Children's literature"
The following 188 pages are in this category, out of 188 total.
- The Adventures of Detective Barney
- The American Magazine (1906-1956)/Volume 67/Until the Last Shot
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)/Anne's Terrible Good Nature
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)/Roderick's Pros
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)/Sir Franklin and the Little Mothers
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)/The Anti-Burglars
- An April Holiday
- The Argonauts (Grahame)
- Baby Sylvester
- Between Sea and Sky
- Biceps Grimlund's Christmas Vacation
- The Bicycle that Won Out
- Billy Mayes' Great Discovery
- The Black Sheep's Coat
- Black-on-Blue
- The Blue Envelop, St Nicholas, 1922
- The Bobbsey Twins in a Great City
- The Bobbsey Twins in Washington
- Border Bred
- Bowman's Assist
- The Boy Who Knew What The Birds Said
- McClure's Magazine/Volume 34/Number 4/The Cannibal King
- Castle Bousin
- The Child's Own Music Book
- Portal:Children's education
- Index:Little Men - Alcott (1871).djvu
- Index:Moralalphabet00belluoft.djvu
- Index:The children in the little old red house (IA childreninlittle00doug).pdf
- Portal:Christmas
- Comfort Pease and Her Gold Ring
- Connie Morgan with the Mounted
- Crinkle's Christmas Dinner, and What It Brought
- The Curlytops on Star Island
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)/A Day in the Life of a Shilling
- The Day of the Snail
- The Defense of the Castle
- The Dene Hole
- Young Lucretia and Other Stories/The Dickey Boy
- A Diversity of Creatures/Regulus
- Dog of St. Bernard, and other stories
- The Doing of It
- The Red Book Magazine/Volume 38/Number 2/The Doormat's Revolt
- Driftwood (Spears)
- McClure's Magazine/Volume 32/Number 6/The Dwellers
- The Hammer and the Writing-desk
- Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates
- The Happy Venture
- Hilarity Hall
- History of Beauty and the Beast
- History of Fortunatus (2)
- History of Fortunatus (4)
- The Hole in the Cap
- A Diversity of Creatures/The Honours of War
- The Horn of Fame
- The House in the Wood
- How Constance Conquered
- McClure's Magazine/Volume 29/Number 6/An Idyl of the Road
- Imaginotions/Chapter 14
- The Imp and the Angel (collection)/The Imp's Christmas Dinner
- The Imp and the Angel (collection)/The Imp's Matinée
- The Imp and the Angel (collection)/The Imp and the Drum
- The Imp and the Angel (collection)/The Imp Disposes
- A Pair of Silk Stockings (Baring-Gould)
- A Parental Birthday
- Young Lucretia and Other Stories/A Parsnip Stew
- The Patchwork School
- Jeremy and Hamlet/Chapter 9
- The Pirate of Jasper Peak
- The Pall Mall Magazine/The Princess Whom No One Had Seen
- The Imp and the Angel (collection)/The Prodigal Imp
- The Purloined Christmas
- Reasoning Power
- Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Wiggin)
- The Rebellion of William Henry
- The Red Book Magazine/Volume 17/Number 2/Janey Discovers the Great Illusion
- The Red Book Magazine/Volume 38/Number 1/Willamilla
- A Renegade Mother
- The Rider of the Black Horse
- Anne's Terrible Good Nature (Collection)/The Ring of Fortitude
- The Robber and the Burglar
- Rupert of Hentzau
- A Saucepan Sketch
- Seven Little Australians
- Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue
- Silver Shoal Light
- The Slipper Point Mystery (novella)
- Spanish Gold
- The Sparrow in the Zoo
- The Spelling Match
- The Steam-Shovel Man
- The Stolen Elephant
- The Story of Prince Fairyfoot
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 1/The Two Genies
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 2/Barak Hageb and his Wives
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 3/The Stone-Breaker
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 4/The Spider's Web
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 5/The Enchanted Whistle
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 1/Issue 6/The Hermit
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 2/Issue 10/Kojata
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 2/Issue 11/Fairy Dust
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 2/Issue 7/The King and the Artist
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 2/Issue 8/The Blue Cat
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 2/Issue 9/The Lucky Coin
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 3/Issue 13/Drak the Fairy
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 3/Issue 15/The Three Sisters and Their Glass Hearts
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 3/Issue 17/The Prince with the Hand of Gold
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 3/Issue 18/The Silver Penny
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 19/Rajeb's Reward
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 20/Grandfather's Picture-Books
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 20/The Three Lemons
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 21/The Three Brother Beasts
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 22/The Lost Spear
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 23/The Little Grey Man
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 4/Issue 24/Zerbin the Wood-Cutter
- The Strand Magazine/Volume 5/Issue 28/The Nankeen Jacket
- Young Lucretia and Other Stories/A Sweet-Grass Basket
- Sylvie and Bruno