Category:Contributors to DNB, 1912 supplement
Pages in category "Contributors to DNB, 1912 supplement"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 304 total.
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- Author:Ronald Bayne
- Author:Thomas Wilson Bayne
- Author:Cyril Edward Alfred Bedwell
- Author:Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell
- Author:John Henry Bernard
- Author:Francis Lawrance Bickley
- Author:Robert Laurence Binyon
- Author:Amber Blanco White
- Author:William Arthur Bone
- Author:Thomas George Bonney
- Author:George Simonds Boulger
- Author:Gilbert Charles Bourne
- Author:Charles Walter Boyd
- Author:Joseph Cox Bridge
- Author:Edward Mansfield Brockbank
- Author:Arthur Aikin Brodribb
- Author:Frank Herbert Brown
- Author:Peter Hume Brown
- Author:Edward Granville Browne
- Author:Henry William Bruton
- Author:Augustus Robert Buckland
- Author:William Warwick Buckland
- Author:John Cannell Cain
- Author:James Lewis Caw
- Author:Algernon Cecil
- Author:Harold Hannyngton Child
- Author:Henry Patrick Cholmeley
- Author:Robert Francis Cholmeley
- Author:Andrew Clark
- Author:Ernest Clarke (1856-1923)
- Author:Grenville Arthur James Cole
- Author:Sidney Colvin
- Author:Edward Tyas Cook
- Author:James Cooper
- Author:Frederick Corder
- Author:Percy Corder
- Author:Vaughan Cornish
- Author:James Sutherland Cotton
- Author:William Cubbon
- Author:George Nathaniel Curzon
- Author:Lionel Henry Cust
- Author:George Howard Darwin
- Author:Henry Davey
- Author:James Douglas Hamilton Dickson
- Template:DNB contributor
- Template:DNB contributor 2ndSupp
- Template:DNB contributor 3rdSupp
- Template:DNB contributor/doc
- Author:Henry Austin Dobson
- Author:Campbell Dodgson
- Author:Percy Enfield Dowson
- Author:Samuel Rolles Driver
- Author:James Duff Duff
- Author:William Bartleet Duffield
- Author:Robert Dunlop
- Author:Alfred Laurence Felkin
- Author:William Gowland Field
- Author:John Neville Figgis
- Author:Thomas Aloysius Finlay
- Author:Charles Harding Firth
- Author:Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher
- Author:David FitzGerald
- Author:James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
- Author:William George Dimock Fletcher
- Author:Nevill Forbes
- Author:Walter Howard Frere
- Author:Douglas William Freshfield
- Author:Sydney Ernest Fryer
- Author:Frederick William Gamble
- Author:Frank William Gibson
- Author:George Alexander Gibson
- Author:Peter Giles
- Author:Alfred Thomas Scrope Goodrick
- Author:Alexander Gordon (1841-1931)
- Author:Edmund William Gosse
- Author:Francis Gotch
- Author:Eric Graham
- Author:William Henry Grattan Flood
- Author:Charles Larcom Graves
- Author:Robert Edmund Graves
- Author:William Forbes Gray
- Author:George Abraham Grierson
- Author:Francis Llewellyn Griffith
- Author:Henry Guppy
- Author:Leonard George Guthrie
- Author:James Cuthbert Hadden
- Author:Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane
- Author:Thomas Hamilton (1842-1926)
- Author:David McDowall Hannay
- Author:Martin Hardie
- Author:Charles Alexander Harris
- Author:Frederic Harrison
- Author:Philip Joseph Hartog
- Author:Francis John Haverfield
- Author:Thomas Finlayson Henderson
- Author:John Alexander Herbert
- Author:Henry Higgs
- Author:Alfred Peter Hillier
- Author:Arthur Mayger Hind
- Author:Arthur Robert Hinks
- Author:Robert Lockhart Hobson
- Author:David George Hogarth
- Author:Bernard Henry Holland
- Author:Francis Caldwell Holland
- Author:Henry Park Hollis
- Author:Charles Holroyd
- Author:Edith Sophia Hooper
- Author:James Hooper
- Author:Walter Wybergh How
- Author:Osbert John Radcliffe Howarth
- Author:Arthur Hughes
- Author:Thomas Cann Hughes
- Author:William Hunt
- Author:William Holden Hutton
- Author:Horace Lamb
- Author:John Newport Langley
- Author:Joseph Larmor
- Author:Daniel Conner Lathbury
- Author:John Knox Laughton
- Author:Leonard George Carr Laughton
- Author:William John Lawrence
- Author:William Ralph Martin Leake
- Author:Elizabeth Lee
- Author:Robert Warden Lee
- Author:Sidney Lazarus Lee
- Author:William Lee-Warner
- Author:Charles Herbert Lees
- Author:Rudolph Chambers Lehmann
- Author:John Henry Leslie
- User:Billinghurst/Contributor
- Author:Thomas Martin Lindsay
- Author:Ernest Marsh Lloyd
- Author:John Edward Lloyd
- Author:Benjamin Fossett Lock
- Author:Basil Somerset Long
- Author:Joseph Henry Longford
- Author:Henry Louis
- Author:Sidney James Mark Low
- Author:Charles Prestwood Lucas
- Author:Edward Verrall Lucas
- Author:Perceval Lucas
- Author:Reginald Jaffray Lucas
- Author:James Ramsay MacDonald
- Author:Arthur Anthony Macdonell
- Author:Charles Donald Maclean
- Author:George Augustin Macmillan
- Author:John Gordon Swift MacNeill
- Author:Andrew Macphail
- Author:Falconer Madan
- Author:Henry Elliot Malden
- Author:Bernard Mallet
- Author:James Marchant
- Author:John Masefield
- Author:Annie Matheson
- Author:William Gray McNaught
- Author:David Storrar Meldrum
- Author:Lewis Melville
- Author:Everard Meynell
- Author:Henry Alexander Miers
- Author:Alexander Hastie Millar
- Author:Alfred Milner
- Author:James Donald Milner
- Author:Harry Christopher Minchin
- Author:James Edward Geoffrey de Montmorency
- Author:William Flavelle Monypenny
- Author:Norman Moore
- Author:Edward Moorhouse
- Author:Sophia Morrison
- Author:Arnold Louis Mumm
- Author:Robert Henry Murray