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Chronologies and Calendars/Index

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(The Numbers Refer to the Sections.)

Aboriginal reckonings—explanations of native reckonings 8
Acts of English Parliament—how early ones dated 73
Actium, Era of—how it originated 47
Acton's, Lord, views on historical documents 7
Advent, Date of, from recent astronomy 110
Advent—Dionysius's mistake in fixing same 23
A. D. and A. H. compared—the retrogression in A. H. 59
Age of the earth—the great divergences in opinions 30
Ages, Dark—period thereof explained 48
Almanacs, the Clog—early specimens, where found 139
Amiens, Louisian era invented at, in 1683 56
Anglo-Saxon literature. Earliest 72
Annual epact—meaning of this phrase 50
Annus Magnus—definition of same 49
Argyle's definition of chronology, Reference to 32
Artifices in chronology of B.C.—pontiffs in Rome, Effects of 18
Asiatic Indian—how he reckoned time 9
Assyrian dates, their remoteness 12
Astronomy in chronology—the independence, not the interdependence, of Astronomy 115
Astronomy—some ancient and unique opinions 6
A.U.C., the era of Rome, Dubiety as to the 17
Augustan age in various countries 48
Augustus, Era of, and the Roman emperors 47
Autographs, regal, first in England; Dates of 73
Babylon, Eras at 112
Ball, Sir Robert—his views on ancient researches 109
Bailly's calculation of a lost date 112
Bank of France—curious date of incorporation 106
Beltane—meaning of term and date 72
Benedictines' powers for chronological progress 23
Bengali reckoning in India 101
Biblical chronologies—growth of same 36
Biologists' views of A.M.—great antiquity claimed 32
Bissextile centuries—how computed 26
Black days mentioned in old calendars 50
Blackstone's researches as to early English charters 72
Brahmin pretensions in chronology 15
Briefs and Bulls, Dates of Papal 29
Britain's calendar, History of alteration in 91
Britain's calendar—form of Statutory for twelve months 142
Brumaire in Revolution Calendar 106
Bulgaria, Commencement of year in 64
Calculation of regnal years, Notes upon 95
Calculation of Indictions—how computed 22
Calendar of Britons, Details of 92
Calendar of Hindoos, Details of 99
Calendar of Jews, Details of 149
Calendar of Moslems, Details of 59
Calendar, earliest, in Scotland, Observations anent 87
Calendar stamp duty—when repealed 138
Calif Omar brings in Anno Hegira 59
Callippic Cycles means in chronology 51
Charters, Oldest, in England 71
Charters, Oldest, in Scotland 83
Charles I. and II. regnal years, Peculiarity of 79
Charles III. of Germany uses A.D. first 68
China calendars—details of their months 147
China, Eras in—their alleged antiquity 10
Christian era in Scotland—how same originated 81
Christian era has no monopoly 23
Christianity introduced; various Western nations 28
Christmas—the celebration in different lands 53
Chronology defined by Herschell 115
Cinque Ports, Proclamation anent—how dated 95
Civil Day, Meaning of 129
Clinton's opinion of how chronology evolved 16
Coins, British, dates on, Notes regarding 96
Coins, English, dates on, Notes regarding 7
Coins, Scottish, dates on, History of 90
Comet Year—meaning of this term 115
Common against Solar Years; and remarks regarding 128
Conder on N. T. chronology 44
Conquest—what would result if wrongly dated 5
Constantine's Indiction—how computed 22
Constantinopolitan calamity to records—when 16
Constantinople, Era of—history and extent 64
Consuls' terms of chronology—their use and importance 21
Copernican system—reception of same by men of science 8
Corea, Style of dates in use in 52
Creation, Differences in eras of 30
Crusoe, The rude calendar attributed to 9
Cyclus Paschalis, Notes on authority of 23
Dark Ages—their duration 23, 48
Dates in Papal Bulls—style of same 29
Day begins—various hours in different countries 129
Day of the Hebrews 42
Day, working defined 128
Day on the ocean 130
Days of rest or Holy Days, Specification of 132
Definition of chronology 8
Deluge, Era of, as variously given 35
Destruction of records at Rome, etc. 16
Details of New Style 91
Dies aegyptiacae—meaning of this term in a calendar 50
Digging Stars—what these were to the aborigines 8
Dionysius the chronologer—history of his era, the A.D. 23
Discordances of chronologers—their effect 5
Disregard for non-Christian chronologies 2
Documents, Importance of, in researches 7
Documents against opinions—examples of the power of latter 7
Dog Days in U.S.A. differ from British 67
Dominical Letter or Sunday Letter 66
Driver's opinion upon chronology 37
Druids—Canon views on chronology 37
Druids, Epoch of 81
Duaba Yuga of the ancient Hindoos 10
Earth's age—Kelvin's limit 32
Earth's age—importance of finding same 33
Easter as New Year—history of this 104
Eclipses in chronological enquiry; their use 111
Egypt and Egyptian chronology, Notes upon 11
Elizabethan attempt at N.S. 78
Encyclicals by the Popes—how dated 29
England, styles in, The changes on the 91
English charters, first dated, Most recent opinions regarding 71
Epact—what it is, as used in the almanacs 50
Ephemerides defined—their bulk 138
Epoch of errors in philosophy and astronomy 6
Equinox in 1582—recurrence of period 27
Eras of the world, Differences on the 30
Errors commonly held in the Middle Ages 6
Exchequer year, Date of, explained 128
Execution of Charles I, date of, Variations on 49
Eusebius, Chronological tables written by 13
Fairs in Scotland, O.S. 85
Farrar's opinion of Biblical chronology 40
Fasti at Rome destroyed 16
Fellaheen, Meaning of Nile's rising to
Festum of the Nativity as New Year's Day in France 104
Festival of Saint John the Baptist, Date of 86
Festivals, Abrogation of certain English 94
Fiscal Year in Britain, Period of the 128
Flexibility of numeric representations of years in calendars 2
Flight—era in India or Moslem reckoning 97
Flora, Feast of, in July by mistake 18
Four hundred and fifty-five days, A year of 19
French chronology, History of the 104
French, First printing of the 126
Frimaire in the Revolution Calendar 106
Fusli era in India, Historical notes on 98
General influences of N.S. 27
General scope of the science of chronology 1
"Generations" in Hebrew chronology 38
"Generations" in Herodotus, Specifications of 118
German printing, First 126
Going away, the, of Mohammed, Importance of 58
Golden Number—meaning of the term 57, 66
Gower dates his poetry by anno regni 76
Great charter—how dated 73
Great Years in Josephus—meaning of this term 49
Greek chronology—explanations thereon 16
Gregorian—a correction in the Julian Calendar 26
Gregory the Great conserves the A.D. mode 23
Gregory the Pope—his announcements on chronology 26
Harvest Year or Fusli used in India 98
Hebrew months contrasted with Greek months 41
Hebrew years, Commencement of 39
Hegira and A.D.I., condescended on 7
Hegira and Christian years, Differences between 59
Herodotus—his chronological views 118
Herschell's opinions on chronology 115
Hieroglyphics—dates of writings 125
Historians and chronology—their neglect thereof 4
Historical year, Commencement of 55
Hindoo figures in astronomy, Fabulous nature of 14
Holyrood, Proclamation on N.S. 88
Hutton's theory of the earth 34
Ides explained 20
Illustrations of the importance of correct mode of dates 5
Imperial epochs at Rome, Dates of 47
Independence of Scotland, Date of—how given 87
Independence Day, Date of, in U.S.A. 67
India, Chronologies in use in 97
India, Moslem era in 98
Indians of North America and reckonings of time 8
Indiction, Roman etc., History of, and details 22
Introductory observations to the study of chronology 1
James VI. partially takes N.S. in Scotland 88
James, Era of the Temple of 17
Jewish Calendar, Explanations upon the 58, 149
Jewish chronology, Ambiguity of 36
Jewish night watches—their hours 43
Josephus’ dates doubted now 36
Jour de la Revolution—what it is 106
Jubilee 42
Julian period—Scaliger’s invention, Bases of the 55
Julius Cæsar, Calendar of, and enactments by 19
Kalpa—meaning of this epoch 14
Kalends in Rome, Meaning of 20
Kelvin’s anno mundi—contrasted with Tait 32
Khartoum, Date of annual Nilotic rise at 8
Kings, Era of, at Rome 17
Leap year—how it comes round 26
Leap year, Mistake as to 19
Legal memory—meaning of term in English laws 71
Liberty, year of, Meaning of 105
Library, Alexandrian, Burning of 16
Louisian epochs, Statement concerning 56
LXX, (the Septuagent), Dates in, differ from others 36
Maba Yuga, the Hindoo great age 14
Masonic years—how counted 69
Merivale’s opinion on I.A.U.C. 17
Merivale’s researches into Roman (early) history 17
Metonic Cycle, References to and from 57
Middle Ages, Curious errors known in 6
Middle Ages in Western lands, Period of 48
Miller, Hugh—his views on A.M. 34
Minerva, Temple of, and annual insertion of nail 18
Mode of giving Roman dates 21
Months, calendar, Names of, and notes on 60
Months, Hebrew 41
Months, Macedonian 41
Months in French Revolution Calendar 106
Moon, same word = month 9
Moon called the Measurer in old times 9
Moslem year—how computed 59
Movable feasts and the golden number 66
Mundane's eras compared 30
Mussulman's calendar in India and the East, Year of 99
Nabonassur, Era of—history and explanations 61
N. A. Indian's way of counting time 9
Nail, marking year in Rome—details of process 18
New Style, Britain—how it originated 91
New Style attempted in Elizabeth's reign 78
New Style in France—how brought in 105
Niagra, era of, Origin of 67
Night watches of the Jews—how divided 43
Nile, Seasons of Egyptians marked by rising of 27
Nones in Roman months—definitions 20
Non-bisextile centuries—how known 27
Non-Christian reckonings forgotten in general 2
Norse Invasion—how date found 113
Northampton, Treaty of—how dated 87
North American Indians' way of counting time 8
Number, the golden number. Importance of 57
Numa's efforts in chronology 17
Numismatics, English datable 77
Old Style in Scotland, Prevalence of the 89
Old Style and N.S., tabulated 62
Olympiads explained—date of origin 16
Ortolan on Roman history 17
Ortolan's trite saying regarding early Rome 17
Paleography in chronology—its great use 120
Palmyra, Dates on inscriptions in 63
Papal Bulls and Briefs—how they are dated 29
Penult day, Meaning of, in Scottish charters 87
Persian Christmas—what it is meant to honour 53
Persian years. Short account of the 15
Peter the Great and chronology—his Ukase 64
Phoenician chronology—its romantic antiquity 13
Pleiades mark a season to aborigines 9
Pontiffs in ancient Rome—how they falsified the calendar 18
Printing in China, Dates of 10
Proclamation, British dates of, explained 95
Proclamation, U.S.A.—how given 67
Ptolemy and astronomical records, Uses of 61
Quarto-Decimans—their origin and contention as to Easter 21
Queen's reign—how years thereof counted 95
Quintilis, former name for July—how changed and why 60
Quirinus, The taxation under 45
Rawlinson's calculations on Assyrian dates 12
Records, Consequence of loss of, to chronology 5
Regnal years explained—how they are counted 95
Revolutionists' era, Origin, details, and end of 106
Roman Calendars—details of same 141
Roman history, Early myths regarding 17
Roman Emperors, List of the 47
Rome, Destruction of the Fasti at 16
Roumania, Commencement of year in 64
Round's opinion as to early English dates 72
Runic Calendars, Explanation concerning 9
Russian Calendars—details of same 144
Russian chronology, History of 64
Russian style—how it could be changed 27
Samvat Calendars in India 99
Sanchoniathon's fabulous chronology as to Phoenician history 13
Satya Yuga—an epoch in ancient India 14
Sayce's view on chronology of the Book of Kings 37
Saxon against Norman as an era of confusion 10
Scaliger's work on the Julian period 55
Scottish chronology, Claims of 80
Seleucides, era of, Influence of, in Syria 42, 63
Septennates of years 38
Series of the Roman consuls' nominations 21
Sextilis form, name of August—why changed 60
Solar cycle, or cycle of the sun, Details regarding 65
South Seas, Time counted near the 8
Stair's, Lord, opinion as to dates 89
Statutes of uncertain dates—their place 75
Strauss—his views on N.T. chronology 46
Struthers' views on evolution 34
Sunday letter explained 66
Sunday as a chief market day 103
Sundays in Jerusalem 132
Supposition and the truth in dates compared and illustrated 5
Syro-Macedonian months contrasted with Hebrew 41
Tait's opinion of earth's age 32
Terrorists' system of chronology 106
Thoth, the month—how the first day recurred 11
Three years make a leap year for a time 19
Time, relative as used by Argyle 32
Time of legal memory in English laws 71
Two hundred and eighty-one days, Year of 92
Uncials, Year of hundreds in earliest 125
U.S.A., Proclamation dates in 67
U.S.A. calendars, Remarks regarding 67
Usher's methods of chronological progress 36
Usurper, era of the. Meaning of 79
Vague year of the Egyptians explained 11
Varro accounts for the origin of the Kalends 20
Vatican coinage—how it was dated 25
Vendémiaire the month in the Revolutionists' calendar 106
Vernal Equinox and the Quarto-Decimans 21
Vertumunus, Festival of—change in season 18
VI., Year VI. explained—French mode 106
Victoria, Era of—meaning of that phrase 95
Vikramaditya, Era of—an Indian epoch 98
Vintage Month, What was 106
Voltaire's opinion of Russian era 64
Wall, China's great—in which dynasty 10
Water-marks as guides to dates 127
Week—did it prevail in Persia 15
Week of five days—where found 15
Weeks and days—meaning of terms 132
William the Conqueror—results on history if Conquest wrongly dated 5
Windy Month—a French phrase 106
Writings, first in Scotland, Date of 63
Year, Common 128
Year, Fiscal, in India 102
Year, Great, of Josephus, Meaning of 49
Year, intercalculated amongst Jews, Method of 58
Year, Meaning of different people's 3
Year of God as used in Scots' Acts, etc. 87
Year of Independence in U.S.A. 67
Year of Liberty in France 105
Year of Light, Mason's use of 69
Year of our Lord first used in France 68
Year, Short—how it occurred 92
Yesdegera era began in India 70
Xanthicus, The opening, of Macedonia 41
Zulus, How springtime calculated by 8