Chronologies and Calendars/References and Abbreviations
References and Abbreviations.
A.D. | anno domini = anno Christi |
A.H. | anno Hegira. |
A.M. | anno mundi |
A.U.C. | anno urbis conditæ (years of Rome). |
Ante Christ. | Ante Christum = B.C. |
Acton | Lecture on History (Macmillan, 1895) |
Annales | Annales Testamenti by Usher, 1701 |
B.E. | Bible Educator (Cassells') |
Blackstone | Blackstone's Commentaries |
Bond | Handybook on Dates, 1866 |
Bright | History of England (Lon., 1890) |
Brewer | Cobham Brewer's Dict., 1895 |
Brit. Assn. | British Association Report, 1894 |
Brockmann | System der Chronologie (Stuttgart, 1883) |
Chambers's | Encyclopædia, 1890 |
Clinton | Fasti of Greece and Rome |
Columba | Life of, (Iona Press, 1889) |
Cyclus Pas. | Cyclus Paschalis by Dionysius the Little |
De Gothâ | Almanach de Gothâ (Gotha, 1896) |
Driver | Canon Driver's Isaiah (Nisbet, 1893) |
Ency. Brit. | Encyclopædia Britannica |
Ency.„ Edin. | Encyclopædia„ Edinensis |
Ency.„ Metrop. | Encyclopædia„ Metropolitana |
Farrar | See Minor Prophets |
French Revolution | Mallet's French Reyolution (London, 1893) |
Gain or Loss | by B. J. Snell (London, Clarke, 1895) |
Grand Dictionnaire | Le Grand Dictionnaire (Paris, 1869) |
Georgiades | La Turquie actuclle (Paris, 1892) |
Gazetteer | Chambers's Concise (Lon., 1895) |
Gower | Confessio (Routledge 1889) |
Hamilton | Chronlogical Tables, 1886 |
Herodotus | Cary's Translation (Bohn) |
Haydn | Dictionary of Dates |
Herschell | Herschell's Astronomy |
H. R. Empire | Holy Roman Empire, Bryce, 1890 |
Indian Diary | Indian and Eastern Diary (Calcutta and Lon.) |
Kings of Israel | Henry Hill (Lon., 1893) |
Leng | Letters from India (Dunde, 1896) |
Mackenzie | Roman Law (Blackwood) |
Maspero | Maspero on Egypt |
Merivale | Gen. Hist. of Rome, 1888 |
Minor Prophets | by Dean Farrar (Nisbet, 1893) |
Mommsen's Rome | Bryan's Abridgment, 1891 |
Nicolas | The Chronology of History |
Over the Ocean | by Ocean Publishing Co. (New York, 1895) |
Paton | Biography, 1892 |
Pouchet | The Universe (Blackie) |
R.V. | Revised Version |
Revised Statutes | The Statutes Revised. Published by Authority |
Reg. Majes. | Regiam Majestatem, 1609 |
Robertson | Lectures on Scotland (London, 1878) |
Rounds | Feudal England, 1895 |
S. A. Proceedings | Proceedings of Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland |
S. I. Rep. | Smithsonian Institution Report, 1888 (Washington) |
Sandars | Sandar's Justinian |
Schools and Schoolmasters | Hugh Miller's work |
Strauss | Das Leben Jesu, Eliot's Translation, 1892 |
System, Solar | by Chambers' (London, Newnes, 1895) |
Thomson's Acts | Thomson's Scots' Act from 1124 |
Tytler | History of Scotland |
Voltaire | Histoire de Charles XII. |
Webster | International Dict., 1891 |
Whiston's | Josephus; Antiquities, etc. |
Whitaker's | Almanack for 1896 |
Wycliffe | N. T. by Wycliffe and Purvey, 1388 |
Young | Indian Wigwams (London, 1894) |
Zenobia and Palmyra | by Dr. Wright (Nelson 1895) |
Note.—I am indebted to the Indian Diary for the Bengali Calendars; to Whitaker for the Jewish and Roman; and to the Almanach de Gothâ for the Moslem.