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Chronologies and Calendars/References and Abbreviations

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4654849Chronologies and Calendars — References and AbbreviationsJames C. MacDonald
References and Abbreviations.
A.D. anno domini = anno Christi
A.H. anno Hegira.
A.M. anno mundi
A.U.C. anno urbis conditæ (years of Rome).
Ante Christ. Ante Christum = B.C.
Acton Lecture on History (Macmillan, 1895)
Annales Annales Testamenti by Usher, 1701
B.E. Bible Educator (Cassells')
Blackstone Blackstone's Commentaries
Bond Handybook on Dates, 1866
Bright History of England (Lon., 1890)
Brewer Cobham Brewer's Dict., 1895
Brit. Assn. British Association Report, 1894
Brockmann System der Chronologie (Stuttgart, 1883)
Chambers's Encyclopædia, 1890
Clinton Fasti of Greece and Rome
Columba Life of, (Iona Press, 1889)
Cyclus Pas. Cyclus Paschalis by Dionysius the Little
De Gothâ Almanach de Gothâ (Gotha, 1896)
Driver Canon Driver's Isaiah (Nisbet, 1893)
Ency. Brit. Encyclopædia Britannica
Ency. Edin. Encyclopædia Edinensis
Ency. Metrop. Encyclopædia Metropolitana
Farrar See Minor Prophets
French Revolution Mallet's French Reyolution (London, 1893)
Gain or Loss by B. J. Snell (London, Clarke, 1895)
Grand Dictionnaire Le Grand Dictionnaire (Paris, 1869)
Georgiades La Turquie actuclle (Paris, 1892)
Gazetteer Chambers's Concise (Lon., 1895)
Gower Confessio (Routledge 1889)
Hamilton Chronlogical Tables, 1886
Herodotus Cary's Translation (Bohn)
Haydn Dictionary of Dates
Herschell Herschell's Astronomy
H. R. Empire Holy Roman Empire, Bryce, 1890
Indian Diary Indian and Eastern Diary (Calcutta and Lon.)
Kings of Israel Henry Hill (Lon., 1893)
Leng Letters from India (Dunde, 1896)
Mackenzie Roman Law (Blackwood)
Maspero Maspero on Egypt
Merivale Gen. Hist. of Rome, 1888
Minor Prophets by Dean Farrar (Nisbet, 1893)
Mommsen's Rome Bryan's Abridgment, 1891
Nicolas The Chronology of History
Over the Ocean by Ocean Publishing Co. (New York, 1895)
Paton Biography, 1892
Pouchet The Universe (Blackie)
R.V. Revised Version
Revised Statutes The Statutes Revised. Published by Authority
Reg. Majes. Regiam Majestatem, 1609
Robertson Lectures on Scotland (London, 1878)
Rounds Feudal England, 1895
S. A. Proceedings Proceedings of Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland
S. I. Rep. Smithsonian Institution Report, 1888 (Washington)
Sandars Sandar's Justinian
Schools and Schoolmasters Hugh Miller's work
Strauss Das Leben Jesu, Eliot's Translation, 1892
System, Solar by Chambers' (London, Newnes, 1895)
Thomson's Acts Thomson's Scots' Act from 1124
Tytler History of Scotland
Voltaire Histoire de Charles XII.
Webster International Dict., 1891
Whiston's Josephus; Antiquities, etc.
Whitaker's Almanack for 1896
Wycliffe N. T. by Wycliffe and Purvey, 1388
Young Indian Wigwams (London, 1894)
Zenobia and Palmyra by Dr. Wright (Nelson 1895)

Note.—I am indebted to the Indian Diary for the Bengali Calendars; to Whitaker for the Jewish and Roman; and to the Almanach de Gothâ for the Moslem.