Cold Fusion Research/Cover Letter, Huizenga-Landis
John R. Huizenga
Tracy H. Harris Professor
November 8, 1989
Mr. John W. Landis, Chairman
Energy Research Advisory Board
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20585
Dear John,
I am pleased to forward to you the Final Report of the Cold Fusion Panel. This report reviews the current status of cold fusion and includes major chapters on Calorimetry and Excess Heat, Fusion Products and Materials Characterization. In addition. the report makes a number of conclusions and recommendations, as required by the Secretary of Energy.
The Panel or subgroups thereof have participated in the Workshop on Cold Fusion in Santa Fe, have visited several laboratories, have examined many published articles and preprints, studied numerous communications and privately distributed reports, and have participated in many discussions. In addition, the Panel held five public meetings where its findings were discussed and drafts of both the Interim and Final Reports were formulated.
I wish to thank the members of the Panel and its staff for their cooperation and their diligent work during the last six months. I hope the Department finds this report useful in formulating funding policy.
- Sincerely,
- John R. Huizenga
- [Signature]
- Co-Chairman, Panel on Cold Fusion
467 Hutchison Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York 14627
(716) 275-4217