Cold Fusion Research/Cover Letter, Landis-Watkins
Energy Research Advisory Board
to the
United States Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
November 26, 1989
The Honorable James D. Watkins
Secretary of Energy
Washington, DC 20585
Dear Mr. Secretary:
It is my privilege to forward to you the enclosed final report of the Cold Fusion Panel of the Energy Research Advisory Board. This report reflects the diligence and care with which the members of the Panel addressed the charge you gave to the Board last April. It also reflects their broad and germane experience and their strict observance of professional standards.
On November 8, the full Board reviewed the conclusions and recommendations drafted by the Panel and, after making only minor revisions, approved the report unanimously.
All members of the Panel deserve praise for the excellence of their work and thanks for the considerable time and energy they put into this study. As you well know, this time and energy had to be extracted from busy schedules and demanding jobs.
Special recognition is in order for the Co-Chairmen of the Panel, Drs. John R. Huizenga and Norman F. Ramsey, who not only organized and directed the complex effort required to evaluate the results of the cold-fusion experiments conducted to date, but also contributed significantly to the writing of the report itself.
The Energy Research Advisory Board believes that the Panel's findings comprise a valuable base for future Department of Energy decisions on cold fusion.
- Sincerely,
- John. W. Landis, Chairman
- [Signature]
- Energy Research Advisory Board