Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology/Evenius
EVE'NIUS (Εὐήνιος), a seer of Apollonia, and father of Deiphonus. He was one of the most distinguished citizens of Apollonia; and one night, when he was tending the sheep of Helios, which the noble Apolloniatae had to do in turns, the flock was attacked by wolves, and sixty sheep were killed. Evenius said nothing of the occurrence, but intended to purchase new sheep, and thus to make up for the loss. But the thing became known, and Evenius was brought to trial. He was deprived of his office, and his eyes were put out as a punishment for his carelessness and negligence. Hereupon the earth ceased to produce fruit, and the sheep of Helios ceased to produce young. Two oracles were consulted, and the answer was, that Evenius had been punished unjustly, for that the gods themselves had sent the wolves among the sheep, and that the calamity under which Apollonia was suffering should not cease until Evenius should have received all the reparation he might desire. A number of citizens accordingly waited upon Evenius, and without mentioning the oracles, they asked him in the course of their conversation, what reparation he would demand, if the Apolloniatae should be willing to make any. Evenius, in his ignorance of the oracles, merely asked for two acres of the best land in Apollonia and the finest house in the city. The deputies then said that the Apolloniatae would grant him what he asked for, in accordance with the oracle. Evenius was indignant when he heard how he had been deceived; but the gods gave him a compensation by bestowing upon him the gift of prophecy. (Herod. ix. 92–95; Conon. Narrat. 30, who calls him Peithenius instead of Evenius.)[L. S.]