Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Criu-metopon 2.
CRIU-METOPON (Κριοῦ μέτωπον, Ptol. iii. § 2; Scylax; Stadiasm. §§ 317, 318; Pomp. Mel. ii. 7. § 12; Plin. iv. 12. s. 20, v. 5. s. 5: Kávo Krío), the SW. promontory of Crete, 125 M. P. from Phycus of Cyrenaica (Plin. iv. 12. s. 20), or two days and two nights’ sail (Strab. x. p. 475; Dion Per. 87.) Off this headland lay the three small islands called Musagorae Elaphonesia. (Plin. l. c.).[ E. B. J. ]