Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography/Crobialus
CROBIALUS (Κρωβίαλος: Eth. Κρωβιαλεύς), a place on the Paphlagonian coast, mentioned by Apollonius Rhodius (Arg. ii. 944), with Cromna and Cytorus; and Valerius Flaccus (Arg. v. 103) has the same name. Stephanus (s. v.) quotes the verse of Apollonius. We may assume that it was in the neighbourhood of Cromna and Cytorus. Strabo (p. 545) observes of the line in Homer (Il. ii. 855),—
Κρῶμνάν τ ᾽ Αἰγιαλόν τε καὶ ὑψηλοὺς Ἐρυθίνους,—
that some persons write Κώβιαλον in place of Αἰγιαλόν. Crobialus and Cobialus seem to be the same place, as Cramer observes. If, then, Crobialus is the same as Aegialos, it is that part of the Paphlagonian coast, which extends in a long line for more than 100 stadia, immediately east of Cytorus.[ G. L. ]