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Dictionary of Indian Biography/Chavannes, Edouard

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Born Oct. 5, 1865, at Lyons : son of Emile Chavannes, engineer : educated at I'Ecole normale superieure : his work as a scholar has dealt principally with Chinese subjects, often in relation to India : entrusted with a scientific mission to China, 1889–93 : appointed Professor of the Chinese Language and Literature at the College de France, 1893 : Secretary of the Societe Asiatique, 1895 : Member of the Institute, 1903 : The following works by him treat of the travels of Chinese Buddhist pilgrims in India : I-tsing, Les religieux eminents, 1894 : Voyage de Song Yun dans l'Udyana et le Gandhara, (a translation) in the Bulletin de l'Ecole francaise d'Extreme Orient, 1903, etc. : Documents sur les Tou-kine (Turks) occidentaux, 1903, treats of several questions relating to India. He has also written largely in the Journal Asiatique, on the Chinese inscriptions of Bodh Gaya in the Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, and in other periodicals.