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Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Le Strange, Henry L'Estrange Styleman

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1904 Errata appended.

1436725Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 33 — Le Strange, Henry L'Estrange Styleman1893Lionel Henry Cust ‎

LE STRANGE, HENRY L'ESTRANGE STYLEMAN (1815–1862), art amateur and decorative painter, born on 25 Jan. 1815, was only son of Henry Styleman of Snettisham and Hunstanton, Norfolk, by Emilia, daughter of Benjamin Preedy, his wife. His father was grandson of Nicholas Styleman, who married Armine, elder daughter of Sir Nicholas L'Estrange, fourth baronet, and coheiress of her brother, Sir Henry L'Estrange, sixth baronet, of Hunstanton [see under L'Estrange, Sir Nicholas]. Styleman was educated at Eton and at Christ Church, Oxford (B.A. 1837), and on leaving Oxford travelled in Portugal, Spain, and Egypt. In 1839 he assumed by royal license the old family name of Le Strange, in addition to that of Styleman, and in the same year married Jamesina Joyce Ellen, daughter of John Stewart of Belladrum, Inverness-shire. In 1839 also he was declared by the House of Lords coheir of the barony of Camoys, and in 1841 coheir to that of Hastings. In 1847 he made an unsuccessful attempt to enter parliament for West Norfolk. Styleman le Strange was an amateur of art and practised painting. In 1853 he drew a design for the decoration of the tower of Ely Cathedral, which was accepted in 1854, and completed by him in 1855. In July 1856 he was invited by the dean and chapter to give a design for the decoration of the roof of the nave. After two years' research and study Le Strange commenced painting the roof in 1858, and worked on it for four years. In 1860 he was invited to co-operate with Mr. Butterfield, the architect, in the decoration of St. Alban's, Holborn, and spent two years in making and completing the cartoons for this work. In February 1862 he was nominated a member of the royal commission appointed to examine into the state of fresco-painting in England. Le Strange died suddenly of heart disease in London on 27 July 1862, and was buried at Hunstanton. He had only completed half the length of the roof in Ely Cathedral (finished by Mr. T. Gambier Parry), and his designs for St. Alban's, Holborn, on which he had not commenced work, were carried out by his cousin, Frederick Preedy. His designs were the fruits of much learned study and great religious enthusiasm. He left three sons and three daughters. Of the latter Alice was married to Laurence Oliphant [q. v.] A portrait of Le Strange is at Hunstanton.

[Information from Mr. Hamon Le Strange.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.181
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
117 ii 7 Le Strange, Henry L. S.: after Cathedral insert (finished by Thomas Gambier Parry [q. v.])