Dictionary of National Biography, 1927 supplement
For works with similar titles, see Dictionary of National Biography.
[edit]- Abney, William De Wiveleslie
- Alcock, John William
- Alexander, George
- Alma-Tadema, Lawrence
- Anderson, Elizabeth
- Anderson, Mary Reid
- Anson, William Reynell
- Arber, Edward
- Arbuthnot, Robert Keith
- Arch, Joseph
- Arrol, William
- Austin, Alfred
[edit]- Bainbridge, Francis Arthur
- Balfour or Burleigh, sixth Baron
- Ball, Albert
- Ball, Robert Stawell
- Barbellion, W. N. P.
- Baring, Evelyn
- Barnaby, Nathaniel
- Barnes, John Gorell
- Barnett, Samuel Augustus
- Barry, John Wolfe Wolfe-
- Bartholomew, John George
- Barton, Edmund
- Bashforth, Francis
- Battenberg, Prince Louis Alexander of
- Beach, Michael Edward Hicks
- Beeching, Henry Charles
- Belcher, John
- Benson, Richard Meux
- Benson, Robert Hugh
- Beresford, Charles William de la Poer
- Bertie, Francis Leveson
- Betham-Edwards, Matilda Barbara
- Biddulph, Robert
- Binnie, Alexander Richardson
- Birdwood, George Christopher Molesworth
- Bishop, Edmund
- Blake, Edward
- Booth, Charles
- Booth, William
- Botha, Louis
- Bourchier, James David
- Bowes, Robert
- Boyd-Carpenter, William
- Brackenbury, Henry
- Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
- Brassey, Thomas
- Bridges, William Throsby
- Bright, James Franck
- Brooke, Charles Anthony Johnson
- Brooke, Rupert
- Brooke, Stopford Augustus
- Broughton, Rhoda
- Brown, Peter Hume
- Bruce, Alexander Hugh
- Bruce, Victor Alexander
- Bruce, William Speirs
- Brunton, Thomas Lauder
- Bullen, Arthur Henry
- Burgh Canning, Hubert George de
- Burnand, Francis Cowley
- Burnham, first Baron
- Butler, Henry Montagu
- Butlin, Henry Trentham
- Butterworth, George Sainton Kaye
- Buxton, Thomas Fowell
- Bywater, Ingram
[edit]- Cadogan, George Henry
- Calderon, George
- Callaghan, George Astley
- Campbell, John Douglas Sutherland
- Cannan, Charles
- Capes, William Wolfe
- Capper, Thompson
- Carlisle, Countess of
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Carpenter, William Boyd
- Carrington, Frederick
- Casement, Roger David
- Cassel, Ernest Joseph
- Cavell, Edith
- Cecil, Edward Herbert Gascoyne-
- Chamberlain, Joseph
- Cheyne, Thomas Kelly
- Child-Villiers, Victor Albert George
- Clanricarde, second Marquess of
- Cohen, Arthur
- Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
- Collings, Jesse
- Cook, Edward Tyas
- Cornish, Francis Warre Warre-
- Courthope, William John
- Courtney, Leonard Henry
- Cowans, John Steven
- Cozens-Hardy, Herbert Hardy
- Cradock, Christopher George Francis Maurice
- Crane, Walter
- Crawford, twenty-sixth Earl of
- Crockett, Samuel Rutherford
- Cromer, first Earl of
- Crookes, William
- Crooks, William
- Cross, Richard Assheton
- Crosthwaite, Charles Haukes Todd
- Cummings, Bruce Frederick
- Cunningham, William
- Cust, Henry John Cockayne
[edit]- Daniel, Charles Henry Olive
- Darwin, George Howard
- Davidson, James Leigh Strachan-
- Davies, John Llewelyn
- Davies, Sarah Emily
- Deakin, Alfred
- De Burgh Canning, Hubert George
- De Morgan, William Frend
- Denney, James
- De Villiers, John Henry
- Dobell, Bertram
- Dobson, Henry Austin
- Doherty, Hugh Lawrence
- Donaldson, James
- Doughty-Wylie, Charles Hotham Montagu
- Douglas, Charles Whittingham Horsley
- Dowden, Edward
- Driver, Samuel Rolles
- Drummond, James
- Duff, Beauchamp
- Dunlop, John Boyd
[edit]- Eady, Charles Swinfen
- East, Alfred
- Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham-
- Edwards, Owen Morgan
- Egerton, Charles Comyn
- Elgin, ninth Earl of
- Elliot, Gilbert John Murray Kynynmond
- Ellis, Robinson
- Elwes, Gervase Henry
- Evans, Samuel Thomas
[edit]- Fairbairn, Andrew Martin
- Farwell, George
- Figgis, John Neville
- Fisher, John Arbuthnot
- FitzAlan-Howard, Henry
- Fitzclarence, Charles
- Fitzpatrick, Dennis
- Flecker, Herman James Elroy
- Fleming, Sandford
- Ford, Patrick
- Forman, Henry Buxton
- Forrest, John
- Fortescue, George Knottesford
- Fowler, William Warde
- Fraser, Alexander Campbell
- Fraser, Andrew Henderson Leith
- Fraser, Claud Lovat
- Fraser, Thomas Richard
- Freeman-Mitford, Algernon Bertram
- Freyer, Peter Johnston
- Friese-Greene, William
- Fry, Edward
- Fry, Joseph Storrs
- Fryatt, Charles Algernon
- Furness, Christopher
[edit]- Gairdner, James
- Garrett Anderson, Elizabeth
- Gaselee, Alfred
- Gaskell, Walter Holbrook
- Gibson, Edward
- Giffard, Hardinge Stanley
- Gill, David
- Ginsburg, Christian David
- Gordon, Arthur Charles Hamilton-
- Gordon, Thomas Edward
- Gorell, first Baron
- Gorst, John Eldon
- Gough, Charles John Stanley
- Gough, John Edmond
- Gould, Nathaniel
- Gowers, William Richard
- Grace, William Gilbert
- Greene, William Friese-
- Greenwell, William
- Grenfell, Julian Henry Francis
- Grey, Albert Henry George
- Grierson, James Moncrieff
- Grossmith, George
- Grosvenor, Richard de Aquila
- Guinness, Arthur Edward
- Günther, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf
- Gwatkin, Henry Melvill
- Gwynn, John
[edit]- Hacker, Arthur
- Hamilton, James
- Hamilton, Richard Vesey
- Harcourt, Augustus George Vernon
- Hardie, James Keir
- Hardie, William Ross
- Hare, John
- Hartley, Charles Augustus
- Haverfield, Francis John
- Hazlitt, William Carew
- Head, Barclay Vincent
- Heathcote, John Moyer
- Heaton, John Henniker
- Heinemann, William
- Henderson, David
- Herbert, Auberon Thomas
- Herkomer, Hubert Von
- Hicks, Edward Lee
- Hicks Beach, Michael Edward
- Hill, Octavia
- Hodgkin, Thomas
- Hodgson, Shadworth Hollway
- Holland, Henry Scott
- Holland, Henry Thurstan
- Holmes, Thomas
- Holroyd, Charles
- Hood, Horace Lambert Alexander
- Hope, William Henry St. John
- Hopkinson, Bertram
- Horsley, John William
- Horsley, Victor Alexander Haden
- Houghton, William Stanley
- Howard, Henry Fitzalan-
- Howard, Rosalind Frances
- Hughes, Arthur
- Hughes, Sam
- Hume, Allan Octavian
- Hunter, Robert
- Hutchinson, Jonathan
- Hyndman, Henry Mayers
[edit]- Jackson, Henry
- Jackson, William Lawies
- Jacob, Edgar
- James, Henry
- Jameson, Leander Starr
- Jayne, Francis John
- Jessopp, Augustus
- Jex-Blake, Sophia Louisa
- Jex-Blake, Thomas William
- Johns, Claude Hermann Walter
[edit]- Kekewich, Robert George
- Kelly, Frederick Septimus
- Kelly-Kenny, Thomas
- Kendal, William Hunter
- Kennedy, William Rann
- Kidd, Benjamin
- Kinnear, Alexander Smith
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
- Kitchin, George William
- Knox-Little, William John
[edit]- Labouchere, Henry Du Pré
- Lambert, George
- Lane, Hugh Percy
- Lang, Andrew
- Lascelles, Frank Cavendish
- Laughton, John Knox
- Laurier, Wilfrid
- Leach, Arthur Francis
- Ledwidge, Francis
- Lee-Warner, William
- Legg, John Wickham
- Levy-Lawson, Edward
- Lewis, William Thomas
- Liberty, Arthur Lasenby
- Lindley, Nathaniel
- Lindsay, James Ludovic
- Lindsay, Thomas Martin
- Lister, Joseph
- Lockyer, Joseph Norman
- Lubbock, John
- Lucas, Keith
- Lyall, Charles James
- Lyne, William John
- Lyttelton, Alfred
[edit]- M'Carthy, Justin
- McCudden, James Thomas Byford
- MacCunn, Hamish James
- Macdonald, Claude Maxwell
- Macdonald, John Hay Athole
- Macdonell, John
- McDonnell, Schomberg Kerr
- MacGregor, William
- Mackay, Donald James
- Maclean, Harry Aubrey De Vere
- Macnaghten, Edward
- Macpherson, John Molesworth
- Mahaffy, John Pentland
- Mair, William
- Markham, Albert Hastings
- Markham, Clements Robert
- Martin, Violet Florence
- Mathews, Charles Willie
- Matthews, Henry
- Maturin, Basil William
- Maude, Frederick Stanley
- Maurice, John Frederick
- Maxim, Hiram Stevens
- Maxwell, Mary Elizabeth
- Merry, William Walter
- Milne, John
- Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freeman-
- Monypenny, William Flavelle
- Moore, Edward
- Moore, Temple Lushington
- Moorhouse, James
- Morant, Robert Laurie
- Morrison, Walter
- Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys
- Moule, George Evans
- Moule, Handley Carr Glyn
- Moulton, James Hope
- Moulton, John Fletcher
- Mountbatten, Louis Alexander
- Mowatt, Francis
- Munro, Hector Hugh
- Murray, James Augustus Henry
- Murray, James Wolfe
- Murray, John
- Myers, Ernest James
[edit]- Nares, George Strong
- Nettleship, Edward
- Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron
- Nicholson, William Gustavus
- Nixon, John Eccles
- Noble, Andrew
- Nuttall, Enos
[edit]- Palles, Christopher
- Palmer, George William
- Parker, Robert John
- Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings
- Parsons, Alfred William
- Peacocke, Joseph Ferguson
- Pears, Edwin
- Pearson, Cyril Arthur
- Peel, Arthur Wellesley
- Pélissier, Harry Gabriel
- Penley, William Sydney
- Percival, John
- Peterson, William
- Phillips, Stephen
- Plater, Charles Dominic
- Porter, Andrew Marshall
- Power, William Henry
- Poynter, Edward John
- Poynting, John Henry
- Preece, William Henry
- Prendergast, Harry North Dalrymple
[edit]- Ramsay, William
- Raper, Robert William
- Rawling, Cecil Godfrey
- Redmond, John Edward
- Redmond, William Hoey Kearney
- Reid, George Houstoun
- Rendel, Alexander Meadows
- Reynolds, James Emerson
- Reynolds, Osborne
- Rhŷs, John
- Richards, Frederick William
- Richmond, William Blake
- Ritchie, Richmond Thackeray Willoughby
- Riviere, Briton
- Roberts, Frederick Sleigh
- Robertson, George Scott
- Robinson, John Charles
- Robinson, William Leefe
- Robson, William Snowdon
- Roby, Henry John
- Rogers, Benjamin Bickley
- Romer, Robert
- Roos-Keppel, George Olof
- Roscoe, Henry Enfield
- Rossetti, William Michael
- Rothschild, Nathan Meyer
- Rumbold, Horace
[edit]- Sanday, William
- Schreiner, William Philip
- Scott, Robert Falcon
- Sedgwick, Adam
- Seebohm, Frederic
- Selous, Frederick Courteney
- Semon, Felix
- Shadwell, Charles Lancelot
- Shaw, John Byam Lister
- Shaw, Richard Norman
- Sherborn, Charles William
- Skeat, Walter William
- Smith, Donald Alexander
- Smith, Reginald John
- Smith, Vincent Arthur
- Solomon, Richard
- Somerset, Isabella Caroline
- Spiers, Richard Phené
- Sprigg, John Gordon
- Spring-Rice, Cecil Arthur
- Stanton, Arthur Henry
- Stead, William Thomas
- Steel, Allan Gibson
- Stephen, George
- Stirling, James
- Stoddart, Andrew Ernest
- Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh
- Strang, William
- Strutt, John William
- Sutton, Martin John
- Swan, Joseph Wilson
- Sweet, Henry
- Swete, Henry Barclay
- Sykes, Mark
[edit]- Taylor, John
- Tenniel, John
- Thomas, David Alfred
- Thomas, Philip Edward
- Thompson, Silvanus Phillips
- Thomson, Hugh
- Tinworth, George
- Traill, Anthony
- Tree, Herbert Beerbohm
- Tucker, Alfred Robert
- Tupper, Charles
- Turner, William
- Tylor, Edward Burnett
- Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton
[edit]- Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Charles Stewart
- Van Horne, William Cornelius
- Verrall, Arthur Woollgar
- Villiers, Victor Albert George Child-
- Voysey, Charles
[edit]- Wallace, Alfred Russel
- Wallace, Donald Mackenzie
- Waller, Lewis
- Ward, Mary Augusta
- Ward, Wilfrid Philip
- Warneford, Reginald Alexander John
- Warre, Edmond
- Warre-Cornish, Francis Warre
- Warrender, George John Scott
- Waterlow, Ernest Albert
- Watson, Charles Moore
- Watts-Dunton, Walter Theodore
- Wavell, Arthur John Byng
- Webb, Philip Speakman
- Webster, Richard Everard
- Welby, Reginald Earle
- Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas, Francis
- Wernher, Julius Charles
- West, Algernon Edward
- West, Raymond
- Westlake, John
- Weston, Agnes Elizabeth
- White, George Stuart
- White, William Hale
- White, William Henry
- Whyte, Alexander
- Wilding, Anthony Frederick
- Willett, William
- Williams, Roland Bowdler Vaughan
- Wilson, Arthur Knyvet
- Wilson, Charles Rivers
- Wilson, Edward Adrian
- Wilson, John Cook
- Wolfe-Barry, John Wolfe
- Wolseley, Garnet Joseph
- Wood, Henry Evelyn
- Woodgate, Walter Bradford
- Wooldridge, Harry Ellis
- Wright, William Aldis
- Wyndham, Charles
- Wyndham, George
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