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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/C

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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 (1945)
the United States War Department
4399753Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 — C1945the United States War Department


  • ¡ca! oh no! no sir!
  • cabal complete El juego de té no está cabal. The tea set isn't complete.
  • caballería cavalry; saddle horse.
  • caballero gentleman Es todo un caballero. He's a perfect gentleman.  sir Caballero, aquí está la cuenta. Here's your bill, sir.
  • caballete [m] sawhorse; easel.
  • caballo horse.
     a caballo on horseback.
  • cabana cabin, hut.
  • cabaret [m] cabaret, night club.
  • cabecera head (of a bed, table); seat of honor.
  • cabecilla ringleader.

  • cabello hair (of the head) Lleva el cabello suelto. She wears her hair loose.
  • caber [irr] to fit, be contained in No caben más cosas en el baúl. Nothing else will fit in the trunk.  to go through El piano no cabe por esa puerta. The piano won't go through that door.
     no cabe duda (de que) there's no doubt (that) No cabe duda de que es inglés. There's no doubt that he's English.
  • cabeza head Ese chico tiene la cabeza muy grande. That child has a very large head.  chief, leader, head Fué la cabeza del movimiento. He was the leader of the movement.  mind, brains Este trabajo hay que hacerlo con cabeza. You have to use your brains in this work.
     de cabeza headlong, head first Se tiró de cabeza al agua. He plunged into the water head first.  topsy-turvy, in a mess Los negocios andan de cabeza. Business is in a mess.  dolor de cabeza headache.  perder la cabeza to lose one's head Nunca pierde la cabeza. He never loses his head.
    || Ese proyecto no tiene pies ni cabeza. There's no rhyme or reason to that plan.
  • cabildo city hall.
  • cable [m] cable; cablegram.
  • cablegrama [m] cablegram.
  • cabo end De cabo a cabo. From end to end.—No podemos dejar cabos sueltos. We can't leave any loose ends.  cape Pasaron el cabo de Buena Esperanza. They passed the Cape of Good Hope.  corporal Tiene galones de cabo. He has corporal's stripes.
     dar cabo a to end, put an end to, finish Dieron cabo a la conversación. They put an end to the conversation.  de cabo a rabo from beginning to end Conozco la historia de cabo a rabo. I know the story from beginning to end.  llevar a cabo to carry out En seguida llevaron a cabo el proyecto. They carried out the plan right away.
  • cabra goat.
  • cacahuate [m] peanut [Am].
  • cacahuete [m] peanut [Sp].
  • cacao cacao tree; cocoa bean.
  • cacerola casserole.
  • cachivache(s) [m] junk, trash Quite de aquí estos cachivaches. Take this junk out of here.
  • cacho piece, hunk Deme Ud. un cacho de pan. Give me a piece of bread.
  • cactus [m] cactus.
  • cada every, each Cada día dice una cosa distinta. Every day he says something different.
     cada cual, cada uno every one Cada cual pagó su comida. Every one paid for his own meal.  cada vez que every time, whenever Me lo pide cada vez que me've. He asks me for it every time he sees me.
  • cadáver [m] corpse.
  • cadena chain; range (of mountains).
  • cadera hip.
  • cadete [m] cadet.
  • caer [irr] to fall Cayó una lluvia torrencial. A heavy rain fell.  to drop Cayó de rodillas. He dropped to his knees.  to be becoming to El traje le cae bien. The suit's becoming to him.  to fall, come Su cumpleaños cae en domingo. His birthday falls on Sunday.
     caer enfermo (en cama) to be taken sick, fall sick Cayó enfermo hace unos días. He was taken sick a few days ago.  caer en la cuenta to realize, notice, think of No caí en la cuenta hasta mucho después. I didn't realize it until much later.  caerse to fall Se cayó por la escalera. She fell down the stairs.  dejar caer to drop Tenga cuidado, no deje caer la bandeja. Be careful, don't drop the tray.
  • café [m] coffee; café.
  • cafetera coffee pot.
  • caída fall, drop Se quedó cojo después de la caída. He was lame after the fall.  fall, collapse La oposición de la Cámara causó la caída del gobierno. The opposition of the House caused the fall of the government.
  • caja box, case Le regaló una caja. He gave her a box.
     caja de ahorros savings bank Ha ingresado mucho dinero en la caja de ahorros. He put a lot of money in the savings bank.  caja de caudales, caja de hierro safe Tienen sus alhajas en la caja de caudales. They keep their jewelry in the safe.  caja (registradora) cash register Mire lo que marca la caja. Look and see how much the cash register rings up.  en caja on hand (of cash) Hay que ver lo que tenemos en caja. We have to see how much cash we have on hand.
  • cajero cashier.
  • cajetilla pack of cigarettes Voy a comprar una cajetilla. I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes.
  • cajón [m] drawer Han perdido la llave del cajón. They've lost the key to the drawer.  box Recibieron un cajón de libros. They received a box of books.
  • cal [f] lime.
  • calabaza pumpkin, squash.
     dar calabazas to refuse, turn down, reject (a declaration of love) Le dio calabazas. She turned him down.  to flunk Le dieron calabazas en geometría. They flunked him in geometry.
  • calabozo prison, cell.
  • calamar [m] squid.
  • calambre [m] cramp Le dio un calambre mientras nadaba. He got a cramp while he was swimming.
  • calamidad [f] disaster, calamity, misfortune.
  • calar to penetrate El puñal le caló hasta el corazón. The dagger penetrated to his heart.  to soak through, drench Llegué a casa calado. I got home drenched.
     calarse to put on or pull down (a hat) Se caló el sombrero hasta las cejas. He pulled his hat down to his eyes.
  • calavera skull; madcap, rake.
  • calcetín [m] sock.
  • calcular to calculate, figure out Vamos a calcular los gastos del viaje. Let's figure out the cost of the trip.
  • cálculo calculation.
  • caldera boiler, large kettle.
  • caldo broth, bouillon.
  • calefacción [f] heating (system).
  • calendario calendar.
  • calentar to heat, warm Caliente el agua, por favor. Please heat the water.
     calentarse to get warm Se calentaron al sol. They warmed themselves in the sun.
  • calentura fever Está con calentura desde hace días. He's had a fever for the past few days.
  • calidad [f] quality ¿Es de buena calidad esta tela? Is this good material?
     en calidad de in one's capacity of, as.
  • caliente hot, warm Cuidado, la sopa está muy caliente. Be careful, the soup's very hot.
  • callado (See callar) silent, quiet ¿Por qué está Ud. tan callado? Why are you so quiet?
  • callar to keep quiet Calló mientras nosotros hablábamos. He kept quiet while we were talking.  to conceal, keep from someone Había callado la verdad. He kept the truth from us.
     callarse to shut up Cállate, ya has hablado bastante. Shut up! You're talking too much.  to stop talking, playing, singing, etc. Se callaron de repente. All of a sudden they stopped talking.
  • calle [f] street ¿En qué calle vive Ud.? What street do you live on?
     echar a la calle to throw out, to fire No tuve más remedio que echarle a la calle. I had no choice but to throw him out.  quedar(se) en la calle to be left penniless Al fracasar el negocio se quedó en la calle. When his business failed he was left penniless.
  • callejón [m], calleja alley, lane Estamos en un callejón sin salida. We're in a blind alley.
  • calma calm, quiet Después de la tempestad vino la calma. There was a calm after the storm.
     con calma slowly, taking one's time Trabaja con mucha calma. He takes his time when he works.
  • calmar to calm, soothe, ease Estas pildoras le calmarán el dolor. These pills will ease the pain.
     calmarse to calm down No se calmó hasta mucho después. He didn't calm down until much later.
  • calor [m] heat No me gusta el calor. I don't like the heat.
     hacer calor to be warm (of weather) Hoy hace mucho calor. It's very warm today.  tener calor to feel warm Tengo calor. I'm warm.
  • calumnia slander, false charge Todo lo que dice son calumnias. Everything he's saying is slander.
  • calumniar to slander.
  • caluroso warm, hot ¡Qué días más caluroso! What a hot day!
  • calva bald head; baldness.
  • calvicie [f] baldness (loss of hair).
  • calvo bald Estoy quedándome calvo. I'm getting bald.
  • calzada paved highway; [Am] sidewalk.
  • calzado shoes, footwear.
  • calzador [m] shoe-horn.
  • calzar to put on or wear (shoes) ¿Qué número calza Ud.? What size shoe do you wear?  to block, chock Voy a calzar las ruedas para que no se mueva el coche. I'm going to chock the wheels so the car won't move.
  • calzoncillos [m pl] shorts (underwear).
  • cama bed Hágame la cama por favor. Please make my bed.
     guardar cama, estar en cama to be confined to bed Está enfermo en cama desde hace tres meses. He's been confined to bed for the past three months.
  • cámara camera ¿Qué clase de cámara tiene Ud.? What kind of a camera do you have?
     cámara de comercio chamber of commerce.  cámara de diputados chamber of deputies, house of representatives.
  • camarada [m, f] comrade, pal Charlaban como viejos camaradas. They were talking together like old pals.
  • camarera maid, chambermaid La camarera todavía no ha arreglado el cuarto. The maid hasn't made up the room yet.  waitress Pídale el menú a la camarera. Ask the waitress for the menu.
  • camarero waiter; valet.
  • camarote [m] cabin, stateroom Quiero reservar un camarote de primera clase. I want to reserve a first-class stateroom.
  • cambiar to change No ha cambiado nada desde que le vi. He hasn't changed a bit since I saw him.  to change (money) ¿Puede cambiarme un billete de diez pesos? Can you change a ten-peso bill for me?
  • cambio change ¿Ha habido algún cambio de política? Has there been any change in policy?  small change, coins ¿Tiene Ud. cambio? Do you have any change?  rate of exchange ¿Cuál es el cambio del dólar hoy? What's the rate of exchange on the dollar today?
     a cambio de in exchange for Le daré este libro a cambio de ese otro. I'll give you this book in exchange for the other one.  en cambio on the other hand.
  • camilla stretcher, litter.
  • caminar to walk Es muy aficionado a caminar. He's very fond of walking.
     caminar con pies de plomo to move cautiously En este asunto hay que caminar con pies de plomo. You have to move cautiously in this matter.
  • caminata long walk, hike.
  • camino road, way, highway ¿Está bien el camino para ir en auto? Is the road all right to drive on?  method, way No'sé qué camino seguir para conseguirlo. I don't know how to go about getting it.
     ponerse en camino to start out, set out Se pusieron en camino al día siguiente. They started out the following day.
  • camión [m] truck; [Mex] bus.
  • camisa shirt.
     en mangas de camisa in one's shirt sleeves Estaba en mangas de camisa. He was in his shirt sleeves.
  • camisería haberdashery, store for men's wear.
  • camiseta undershirt.
  • camisón [m] nightgown.
  • camote [m] sweet potato [Mex, C.A.].
  • campamento camp Los soldados volverán pronto al campamento. The soldiers will soon return to camp.
  • campana bell Oímos las campanas de la iglesia. We heard the church bells.
  • campanada stroke of a bell or clock No he oído cuántas campanadas eran. I didn't hear how many times the clock struck.
  • campanilla small bell, hand bell.
  • campaña campaign.
  • campeón [m] champion.
  • campeonato championship.
  • campesino, campesina peasant.
  • campo country, field Vivimos durante muchos años en el campo. We lived in the country for many years.
     campo de batalla battlefield.
  • cana gray hair Se encontró la primera cana. She found her first gray hair.—Tiene muchas canas. She has a lot of gray hair.
  • canal [m] canal Pasamos por el canal de Panamá. We passed through the Panama Canal.  strait, channel El barco se acercaba al canal de la Mancha. The boat was approaching the English Channel.
  • canario canary.
  • canasta wide basket Nos trajeron una canasta de fruta. They brought us a basket of fruit.
  • cancha court En este parque hay canchas de tenis. There are tennis courts in this park.  popcorn [Am].
  • canción [f] song ¿Cuál es la canción que está más de moda? What's the latest song hit?
  • candado padlock.
  • candela candle Encienda la candela. Light the candle.  light Déme candela para encender el cigarrillo. Give me a light for my cigarette.
  • candidato candidate, applicant.
  • candido simple-minded, innocent, gullible.
  • canela cinnamon.
  • cangrejo crab (shellfish).
  • canje [m] exchange (publications, prisoners).
  • canjear to exchange Decidieron canjear los prisioneros. They decided to exchange prisoners.
  • canoa canoe.
  • cansado (see cansar) tired Estoy cansada. I'm tired.  tiresome, boring Ese hombre es muy cansado. This man's very tiresome.
  • cansancio tiredness, fatigue Está muerto de cansancio. He's dead-tired.
  • cansar to tire Es un trabajo que cansa mucho. It's a very tiring job.
     cansarse to get tired Se cansa en seguida. She gets tired quickly.
  • cantaleta || Siempre está con la misma cantaleta. He's always harping on the same string.
  • cantante [m, f] singer.
  • cantar [m] song Quiero aprender ese cantar. I want to learn that song.  [v] to sing El tenor ha cantado muy bien esta noche. The tenor sang very well tonight.
     cantar claro Tendré que cantárselo claro. I'll have to tell it to him straight from the shoulder.
  • cantidad [f] amount, quantity ¿Qué cantidad le debo? How much do I owe you?
  • cantimplora canteen, water bottle.
  • cantina tavern, saloon [Am]; railroad restaurant [Sp].
  • canto singing Es profesor de canto. He's a singing teacher.  song Me gustan los cantos populares. I like folk songs.
  • canto edge.
     de canto on edge, on its side Ponga el libro de canto. Stand the book on edge.
  • caña reed, cane En Cuba se cultiva mucha caña de azúcar. A lot of sugar cane is grown in Cuba.  walking stick, cane (of bamboo) Llevaba una caña. He carried a cane.
     caña de pescar fishing rod.
  • cañada ravine.
  • cañería water pipe, pipe line Tienen que arreglar la cañería; está atrancada. They have to fix the water pipe; it's clogged.
  • cañón [m] barrel (of a gun) Compró una escopeta de dos cañones. He bought a double-barreled shotgun.  cannon, gun.  canyon, gorge ¿Conoce Ud. el canon del Colorado? Have you seen the Grand Canyon?
  • caoba mahogany.
  • capa cape (clothing) Usa capa española. He wears a Spanish cape.  coat La puerta necesita otra capa de pintura. The door needs another coat of paint.
     andar (or ir) de capa caída to be on the downgrade ¡Pobrecillos, andan de capa caída! Poor people, they're on the downgrade!
  • capacidad [f] capacity Este tanque tiene una capacidad de treinta litros. This tank has a capacity of thirty liters.  capability Es un hombre de gran capacidad para los negocios. He's a very capable business man.
  • capataz [m] foreman Querría hablar con el capataz. I'd like to talk to the foreman.
  • capaz large Es una habitación bastante capaz para biblioteca. It's a room large enough for a library.  capable No es capaz de una acción tan baja. He's not capable of such a low trick.  able, competent Me han dicho que es una persona muy capaz. I've been told that he's a very competent person.
  • capellán [m] chaplain.
  • capilla chapel.
  • capital [m] capital La compañía tiene un capital de un millón de dólares. The company has a capital of a million dollars.  [f] capital (city) Hicieron un viaje a la capital. They took a trip to the capital.
     pena capital capital punishment.
  • capitán [m] captain.
  • capítulo chapter He leído'sólo los tres primeros capítulos. I've read only the first three chapters.
  • capotera hat or clothes rack [Am].
  • capricho whim, fancy No haga Ud. caso de sus caprichos. Don't pay any attention to her whims.
  • caprichoso fickle, capricious.
  • cápsula capsule; shell (for short firearms).
  • capturar to capture.
  • capullo bud; cocoon.
  • cara face Tiene una cara muy bonita. She has a very pretty face.  face, front No entiendo las palabras que hay en la cara de la moneda. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin.
     cara a cara right to a person's face Se lo dijo cara a cara. He told him right to his face.  cara o cruz heads or tails.  dar la cara to face the music Tuvo que dar la cara. He had to face the music.
  • caracol [m] snail.
     escalera de caracol winding staircase.
  • carácter [m] character Es un hombre de muy buen carácter. He's a man of very good character.  firmness, character En todo muestra que tiene carácter. Everything she does shows she has character.
  • característica [f] characteristic.
  • ¡caramba! gosh darn! heavens! ¡Caramba que frío hace! Heavens, how cold it is!
  • caramelo candy ¿Tiene caramelos de menta? Do you have any peppermint candy?
  • carbón [m] coal Hay que poner más carbón en la estufa. You have to put more coal in the stove.
  • carbonera coal bin La carbonera está llena. The coal bin's full.
  • carbonero coal dealer.
  • carburador [m] carburetor.
  • carcajada burst of laughter, loud laughter Se estaban riendo a carcajadas. They were splitting their sides.
  • cárcel [f] jail, prison Le metieron en la cárcel. They put him in jail.
  • carecer [-zc-] to lack, not to have Carece del dinero necesario para viajar. He doesn't have enough money to travel.
  • carey [m] tortoise shell.
  • carga load Este mulo no puede llevar más carga. This mule can't carry a heavier load.  cargo Es un barco de carga. It's a cargo ship.  freight Están sacando la carga del vagón. They're taking the freight out of the car.
  • cargamento load; shipment.
  • cargar to load Cargaron el camión. They loaded the truck.  to charge Hay que cargar la batería. The battery has to be charged.—La caballería cargó sobre el enemigo. The cavalry charged the enemy.  to charge (to one's account) Cargo esta cantidad en su cuenta. I'm charging this amount to your bill.
  • caricatura caricature, cartoon.
  • caridad [f] charity.
  • cariño affection, love Le tienen mucho cariño. They're very fond of him.
  • cariñoso affectionate Era muy cariñoso con sus padres. He was very affectionate with his parents.
    || Recuerdos cariñosos a su familia. My best regards to your family.
  • carne [f] meat Generalmente como carne una vez al día. I usually eat meat once a day.
     carne de gallina goose flesh Con este frío se me pone la carne de gallina. This cold weather gives me goose flesh.  carne de res beef [Am].  carne de vaca beef ¿Quieren Uds. carne de vaca o de cerdo? Do you want beef or pork?
  • carnero sheep; mutton, lamb.
  • carnicería meat market, butcher shop.
  • carnicero butcher.
  • caro dear, expensive Estas corbatas son muy caras. These ties are very expensive.
  • carpeta briefcase [Am] Necesito una carpeta de cuero. I need a leather briefcase.  letter file, folder La correspondencia está guardada en varias carpetas. The correspondence is kept in several files.
  • carpintero carpenter.
  • carrera race Me gustan las carreras de caballos. I like horse races.  avenue, broad street [Col] Viven en la Carrera Tercera. They live on Third Avenue.  career Está preparándose para la carrera diplomática. He's preparing for a diplomatic career.
     a la carrera hastily, hurriedly Lo escribió a la carrera. He wrote it hurriedly.  dar una carrera to sprint Dio una carrera para alcanzarlos. He sprinted to catch up to them.
  • carreta wagon.
  • carretera highway, road En este país las carreteras son magníficas. The highways in this country are excellent.
  • carro cart Por la carretera iba un carro de mulas. There was a mule cart on the road.  car, automobile [Am] Vamos a ir en carro a la casa. We're going home by car.
  • carruaje [m] carriage (vehicle).
  • carta letter Voy a echar esta carta al correo. I'm going to mail this letter.
     a carta cabal thoroughly, in every respect Es honrado a carta cabal. He's thoroughly honest.  a la carta á la carte.  carta certificada registered letter Recibió una carta certificada. He received a registered letter.  carta de crédito letter of credit.  carta de presentación letter of introduction.  carta de recomendación letter of recommendation.  jugar a las cartas [Sp], jugar cartas [Am] to play cards Vamos a jugar un rato a las cartas. Let's play cards a while.
  • cartel [m] placard, bill, poster.
  • cartera bag Llevaba bajo el brazo una gran cartera de cuero. She was carrying a large leather bag under her arm.  wallet Sacó la cartera del bolsillo. He took his wallet out of his pocket.  briefcase ¿Caben muchos libros en esa cartera? Will that briefcase hold many books?
  • cartero mailman, postman ¿A qué hora viene el cartero? What time does the mailman come?
  • cartón [m] cardboard.
  • casa house.  home ¿Estará Ud. en casa esta tarde? Will you be at home this afternoon?
     casa de comercio commercial house, firm.  casa de empeño(s) pawnshop.  casa de huéspedes boarding house.  casa de maternidad maternity hospital (charitable institution).  casa de socorro emergency hospital.
  • casado (see casar) married ¿Es Ud. casado o soltero? Are you married or single?
  • casamiento wedding, marriage.
  • casar to marry Este es el cura que los casó. This is the priest who married them.  to match Estos colores no casan bien. These colors don't match well.
     casarse to marry, get married Se casará el domingo próximo. He'll be married next Sunday.  casarse con to marry Se casó con una muchacha muy joven. He married a very young girl.
  • cascar to crack ¿Tiene Ud. algo con que cascar estas nueces? Have you got something to crack these nuts?
  • cascara rind, peel Esta naranja tiene una cascara muy gruesa. This orange has a thick rind.  shell (of nuts, eggs, etc) ¿Dónde tiro estas cascaras de huevos? Where do I throw these eggshells?
  • cascarrabias [adj; m & f sg] irritable (person), crab(by) Te estás volviendo muy cascarrabias. You're getting to be an old crab.
  • casco helmet Los soldados llevaban casco de acero. The soldiers were wearing steel helmets.  hull (of a ship) El casco del buque está averiado. The ship's hull is damaged.
     calentarse los cascos to rack one's brains Aunque se caliente Ud. los cascos no lo resolverá. Though you rack your brains over it, you won't solve it.  casco de caballo horse's hoof.
  • caserío small village, settlement.
  • casero, casera landlord, landlady; building superintendent.  [adj] homemade Son dulces caseros. They're homemade candies.
  • caseta de baños locker, bath house.
  • casi almost, nearly.
     casi, casi very nearly Casi, casi lo ha acertado. You very nearly guessed it.
  • caso case Ha habido varios casos de parálisis infantil. There have been several cases of infantile paralysis.  occurrence, event Les voy a contar un caso curioso. I'm going to tell you about a strange incident.
     en tal caso in such a case En tal caso avise a su familia. In such a case, notify his family.  en todo caso at all events, anyway En todo caso nos vemos mañana. Anyway, we'll see each other tomorrow.  hacer caso a to pay attention to, heed, obey (a person) No hace caso a sus padres. He doesn't obey his parents.  hacer caso de to mind, heed, pay attention to No hagas caso de lo que te cuente. Don't pay any attention to what he tells you.
  • castaña chestnut.
  • castaño chestnut tree.  [adj] brown Tiene el pelo castaño. He has brown hair.
  • castañuela castanet.
  • castigar to punish No castigue a los niños. Don't punish the children.
  • castigo punishment.
  • castillo castle.
  • castizo correct, pure Habla un español castizo. He speaks a pure Spanish.  genuine, real Es un español castizo. He's a real Spaniard.
  • casual accidental, chance Fué un encuentro casual. It was a chance meeting.
  • casualidad [f] coincidence ¡Qué casualidad encontrarle aquí! What a coincidence meeting you here!
     por casualidad by chance, by any chance ¿Por casualidad le conoce Ud.? Do you know him, by any chance?
  • catalogar to catalog, list.
  • catálogo catalog, list.
  • catarata cataract, waterfall; cataract (of eye).
  • catarro cold He cogido un catarro horrible. I've caught a terrible cold,
  • catástrofe [f] catastrophe.
  • catedral [f] cathedral.
  • catedrático professor Es catedrático en la Universidad Nacional. He's a professor at the National University.
  • categoría class, category Los dos no son de la misma categoría. The two are not in the same category.  rank No tiene categoría para ese puesto. His rank isn't high enough for that position.
     de categoría of importance Es un hombre de categoría. He's a man of importance.
  • catolicismo Catholicism.
  • católico [adj, n] Catholic.
  • catorce fourteen.
  • catre [m] cot.
  • caucho rubber (material).
  • caudal [m] fortune, wealth, means Ha aumentado mucho el caudal de esa familia. The family fortune has increased a great deal.  volume (of water) El río lleva un gran caudal. The river carries a huge volume of water.
  • caudillo leader, chief Fué uno de los caudillos de la revolución. He was one of the leaders of the revolution.
  • causa cause ¿Cuál fué la causa de su retraso? What was the cause of his delay?  case, trial, lawsuit Fué una de las causas célebres de su época. It was one of the famous cases of his time.
  • causar to cause, occasion Me ha causado muchos disgustos. She's caused me a lot of trouble.
  • cauto cautious, careful Uno tiene que ser cauto en los negocios. You have to be careful in business.
  • cavar to dig.
  • caverna cavern, cave.
  • cayuco dugout canoe [Am].
  • caza hunt, hunting Ahora está prohibida la caza. Hunting's forbidden now.  game En esa selva hay mucha caza mayor. There's a lot of big game in that forest.
     andar a caza de to go hunting for, go in search of Los periodistas andaban a caza de noticias. The reporters were hunting for news.
  • cazador [m] hunter.
  • cazar to hunt.
  • cazuela earthen cooking pot.
  • cebada barley.
  • cebo bait.
  • cebolla onion; bulb.
  • cecear to lisp.
  • cedazo sifter (utensil).
  • ceder to transfer, turn over, cede Cedió todos sus bienes a su hijo. He transferred his whole estate to his son.  to yield, give in No cedió en su empeño. He wouldn't give in.
  • cedro cedar.
  • cédula personal identification card.
  • cegar [rad-ch I] to blind Me ciega esa luz tan fuerte. That strong light blinds me.
  • ceja eyebrow.
     tener entre ceja y ceja to dislike, have a grudge against Mi jefe me tiene entre ceja y ceja. My boss has a grudge against me.
  • celebrar to celebrate, commemorate Celebraron su cumpleaños en una gran fiesta. They celebrated his birthday with a big party.  to praise, applaud, approve Todos celebran sus éxitos. They all applauded his success.  to be glad, rejoice Celebro mucho verle a Ud. I'm certainly glad to see you.
  • célebre famous Fué el escritor más célebre de su tiempo. He was the most famous writer of his day.
  • celebridad [f] celebrity.
  • celo zeal, enthusiasm Trabaja con mucho celo. He's a very zealous worker.
     estar en celo to be in heat (of animals).  tener celos to be jealous Tiene muchos celos de su mujer. He's very jealous of his wife.
  • celoso jealous.
  • cementerio cemetery, graveyard.
  • cemento cement, concrete.
  • cena supper ¿Qué vamos a tomar de cena? What are we having for supper?
  • cenar to dine, eat ¿Dónde cenaron Uds. anoche? Where did you eat last night?  to have for supper Cenamos pescado anoche. We had fish for supper last night.
  • cenicero ash tray.
  • ceniza ashes, cinders.
  • censura censorship La correspondencia tiene que pasar por la censura. Mail has to go through censorship.  office of censor Hay que enviar este artículo a la censura. This article has to go through the censor's office.  reproach, criticism Es una censura injusta la que Ud. me hace. Your criticism's unfair.
  • censurar to blame, criticize No se la puede censurar por lo que ha hecho. You can't blame her for what she did.
  • centavo cent [Am].
  • centenar [m] a hundred Había un centenar de personas en el local. There were a hundred people in the hall.
     a centenares by hundreds Murieron las gentes a centenares. People died by the hundreds.
  • centenario centenary.
  • centeno rye.
  • centímetro centimeter.
  • céntimo cent [Sp].
  • centinela [m] sentry, guard.
     de centinela on sentry duty Está de centinela. He's on sentry duty.
  • central [adj; f] central.
     central eléctrica electric power plant, power house.
  • centro center Vivimos en el centro (de la ciudad). We live in the center of the city.  business district, downtown Vamos al centro. Let's go downtown.  club Hubo un baile en nuestro centro. There was a dance at our club.
  • ceñir [rad-ch III] to fit tightly Esta cinturón me ciñe demasiado. This belt fits me too tightly.
     ceñirse to confine or limit oneself Cíñase Ud. al asunto. Confine yourself to the facts.
    || No se ciña tanto en la curva. Don't hug the inside of the curve.
  • ceño  mirar con ceño to frown.
  • ceñudo [adj] scowling, frowning Siempre está ceñudo. He's always scowling.
  • cepillar to brush Tengo que cepillar el sombrero. I have to brush my hat.  to plane, make smooth Estas tablas no están bien cepilladas. These boards haven't been planed right.
  • cepillo brush (flat, with bristles on one side) ¿Dónde puedo comprar un cepillo? Where can I buy a brush?
     cepillo de cabeza hairbrush.  cepillo de carpintero carpenter's plane.  cepillo de dientes toothbrush.  cepillo de ropa clothes brush.
  • cera wax.
  • cerca fence La huerta tiene una cerca de madera. The garden has a wooden fence.
  • cerca de near (in place) La estación está cerca del hotel. The station's near the hotel.  nearly, about, almost Son cerca de las once. It's about eleven o'clock. ° por aquí cerca near here, somewhere near here ¿Hay un buen restaurante por aquí cerca? Is there a good restaurant somewhere near here?
  • cercado fenced in, enclosed.
  • cercano near, close Viven en una casa cercana a la nuestra. They live in a house close to ours.
  • cercar to surround, fence in Cercaron la finca con alambrado. They fenced in the property with wire.
  • cerdo pig, hog; pork.
     chuletas de cerdo pork chops, cereal [adj; m] cereal.
  • ceremonia ceremony La ceremonia fué muy solemne. The ceremony was very impressive.
  • cereza cherry.
  • cerilla match Voy a comprar una caja de cerillas. I'm going to buy a box of matches.
  • cerillo match [Mex].
  • cero zero La temperatura está a cuarenta grados bajo cero. The temperature's forty below.
  • cerradura lock.
  • cerrar to close, shut Cierre Ud. la puerta, por favor. Please close the door.  to seal Añade unas palabras antes de que yo cierre la carta. Add a few words before I seal the letter.
  • cerro hill Desde ese cerro hay muy buena vista. There's a very good view from that hill.
  • cerrojo bolt, latch.
  • certero well-aimed Fué un disparo certero. It was a well-aimed shot.
  • certeza assurance, certainty Tengo la certeza de que vendrá. I'm certain he's coming.
  • certificado (see certificar) certificate ¿Necesita Ud. un certificado médico? Do you need a doctor's certificate?  piece of registered mail.
  • certificar to register (a letter) Voy a certificar estas cartas. I'm going to register these letters.
  • cervecería bar, saloon.
  • cerveza beer, ale Vamos a tomar unos vasos de cerveza. Let's drink a few glasses of beer.
  • cesar to stop, cease El ruido no ha cesado en todo el día. The noise hasn't stopped all day.  to dismiss, fire Ayer cesaron a siete empleados. Yesterday they fired seven employees.
  • césped [m] lawn, grass.
  • cesta basket Compraron una cesta de fruta. They bought a basket of fruit.
  • cesto large basket.
  • chabacano vulgar, in bad taste Siempre hace chistes chabacanos. He always tells vulgar jokes.  [m] apricot [Mex].
  • chacra small farm [S.A.].
  • chal [m] shawl.
  • chaleco vest.
  • chalet [m] chalet.
  • chamaco youngster [Mex].
  • chambergo soft hat.
  • champú [m] shampoo.
  • chancearse to jest, joke, fool Se chancea de todo el mundo. He makes fun of everybody.
  • chancho pig, hog [Am].
  • chanchullo something underhanded, racket Siempre anda metido en chanchullos. He's always in something underhanded.
  • chanclos [m pl] rubbers.
  • chanza joke Déjate de chanzas porque la cosa es muy seria. Stop joking; it's a serious matter.
  • chapa plate, sheet (of metal) El tejado está cubierto de chapas metálicas. The roof's covered with sheet metal.  lock [Am] Hay que cambiar la chapa de la puerta. You have to change the lock on the door.
     chapas rosy cheeks [Am] Tiene unas lindas chapas. She has beautiful rosy cheeks.
  • chaparro short person [Mex].
  • chaparrón [m] heavy shower, downpour.
  • chapetón [m] Spaniard (fresh from Spain) [S.A.].
  • chapetonada illness caused by change of climate [S.A.].
  • chapucería botched job, hurried job Hágalo Ud. con cuidado, no me gustan les chapucerías. Do it carefully. I don't like botched jobs.
  • chapurrear to speak (a language) brokenly Chapurrea el español. He speaks broken Spanish.
  • chaqueta jacket, coat.
  • charco puddle.
  • charlar to talk, chatter.
  • charol [m] patent leather.
  • charro cowboy [Mex].
  • chasco  darle a uno un chasco to fool, play a joke on Le dimos un chasco dejándole la cuenta. We played a joke on him by leaving him the bill.  llevarse un chasco to be disappointed or disconcerted Con esa muchacha nos llevamos un chasco terrible. We were very disappointed in that girl.
  • chato flat-nosed, pug-nosed.
  • cheque [m] check (money).
  • chequear to check, put a check next to [Am].
  • chica girl.
  • chicha chicha (alcoholic drink made from corn) [Am].
  • chícharo green pea [Mex].
  • chicharrón [m] thick crisp bacon.
  • chichón [m] bump, lump (on the head).
  • chicle [m] chewing gum.
  • chico little, small El cuarto en que vive es muy chico. He lives in a very small room.  boy, kid Tiene tres chicos. She has three kids.
  • chifladura eccentricity.
  • chiflón [m] draft [Am] Por esa ventana entra un chiflón muy fuerte.  strong draft's blowing in at that window.
  • chile [f] chili, red pepper.
  • chillar to screech, scream.
  • chillido screech, scream.
  • chimenea smokestack Desde la ventana se ven las chimeneas de la fábrica. From the window you can see the smokestacks of the factory.  chimney Se subieron al tejado para limpier la chimenea. They climbed up on the roof to clean the chimney.  fireplace Se sentaron junto a la chimenea. They sat by the fireplace.
  • china pebble, small stone Se me ha metido una china en el zapato. I have a pebble in my shoe.  peasant girl, maid, servant [Am] La china lo llevará a su casa. The maid'll take it to your house.  china, porcelain ¿Son de china estas tazas? Are these cups porcelain?  orange [Antilles] Deme una docena de chinas. Give me a dozen oranges.
  • chinche [f] bedbug; thumbtack.
  • chiquitín [m] small child.
  • chiquillo, chiquilla small child.
  • chiripa chance or unexpected event [Fam] Me ha salido bien por chiripa. I got it right by accident.
  • ¡chis! sh!
  • chisme gossip, malicious remark Siempre anda metiendo chismes. He's always gossiping.
  • chispa spark ¡Cuidado con las chispas que saltan de la chimenea! Watch out for the sparks that are flying out of the fireplace.  little bit, small amount No tiene chispa de tonto. He's not at all stupid.
     echar chispas [Fam] to rage, be furious Cuando se lo dije echó chispas. When I told him that, he got furious.
  • chistar to keep quiet.
     no, or ni, chistar not to say a word Cuando vio a su padre ni chistó. When he saw his father, he didn't even say a word.
  • chiste [m] joke Contó un chiste muy gracioso. He told a very funny joke.
  • chistoso funny, witty.
  • chocante surprising, witty [Sp]; annoying, unpleasant [Mex].
  • chocar to collide, crash Chocaron los dos autos. The two cars crashed.  to clash Han chocado varias veces por sus opiniones políticas. They often clashed over their political beliefs.  to surprise unpleasantly, to vex Me choca que diga Ud. eso. I'm surprised to hear you say that.
  • choclo green ear of corn [S.A.].
  • chocolate [m] chocolate.
  • chofer, chófer [m] chauffeur.
  • cholo, chola half-breed [S.A.].
  • choque [m] collision, crash.
  • chorizo Spanish sausage.
  • chorrear to gush, drip.
  • chorro jet, spurt Abrió el grifo y salió un chorro de agua. He turned on the faucet and a jet of water came out.
     a chorros abundantly [Fam].  Llover a chorros to pour (rain).
  • choza hut, cabin.
  • chuchería trinket; tidbit; trifle.
  • chueco crooked, bent [Am] Este zapato está chueco. This shoe is crooked.
  • chuleta chop.
  • chupar to suck.
  • churro a kind of cruller.
  • chusco funny, amusing.
  • cicatriz [f] scar.
  • ciclón [m] cyclone.
  • ciego blind Se está quedando ciego. He's going blind.  [m] blind person Han construido un asilo para ciegos. They built an asylum for the blind.
     a ciegas in the dark, blindly Se metió en ese negocio a ciegas. He went into that business blindly.
  • cielo sky El cielo estaba lleno de aviones. The sky was filled with airplanes.  paradise, heaven.  dear, darling. Ven aquí, mi cielo. Come here, darling.
     llovido del cielo out of the clear sky Apareció como llovido del cielo. He appeared out of a clear sky.
  • cien (see ciento) one hundred.
  • ciencia science.
  • científico scientist; scientific.
  • ciento one hundred.
     por ciento per cent Gana el cinco por ciento sobre lo que vende. He makes five per cent on what he sells.
  • cierto sure, certain, true ¿Es cierto que vendrá mañana? Is it true he's coming tomorrow?  certain, some A cierta gente le gusta. Some people like it.  [adv] certainly Cierto, tiene Ud. razón. Certainly, you're right.
     no por cierto certainly not No por cierto, no estoy de acuerdo con Ud. Certainly not, I don't agree with you.
  • ciervo deer.
  • cifra figure, digit (number) ¿Cuántas cifras tiene ese número? How many digits does that number have?  code La carta estaba escrita en cifra. The letter was written in code.
  • cigarrera cigarette case [Am]; woman cigar maker.
  • cigarrería place where cigars and cigarettes are made or sold [Am].
  • cigarrillo cigarette.
  • cigarro (see puro) cigar Le regaló una caja de cigarros habanos. She presented him with a box of Havana cigars.  cigarette Voy a comprar un paquete de cigarros. I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes.
  • cilindro cylinder.
  • cima summit, peak.
  • cimiento foundation Han comenzado los cimientos de la casa. They laid the foundation of the house.
  • cinc [m] zinc.
  • cinco five.
  • cincuenta fifty.
  • cine [m] moving pictures, movies Me gusta mucho el cine americano. I like American movies very much.  movie theater Es un nuevo cine. It's a new movie theater.
  • cinematógrafo movie house.
  • cínico cynic; cynical.
  • cinta ribbon Llevaba una cinta atada a la cabeza. She wore a ribbon tied around her hair.  film (moving picture) Es la mejor cinta del año. It's the best film of the year.
  • cintura waist Tiene una cintura muy pequeña. She has a small waist.
     meter en cintura to discipline, restrain Hay que meter en cintura ese chico. That child has to be restrained.
  • cinturón [m] belt Voy a comprar un cinturón de cuero. I'm going to buy a leather belt.
  • circo circus Este año el circo tiene diez elefantes. This year the circus has ten elephants.
  • circulación [f] circulation Este periódico tiene mucha circulación. This paper has a large circulation.  traffic No conozco el reglamento de la circulación aquí. I don't know the traffic regulations here.
  • circular [f] circular, letter He recibido una circular del banco. I've received a circular from the bank.
  • circular to move about, get around Era casi imposible circular por esa calle. It was almost impossible to get around on that street.  to circulate, get around Ha circulado esa noticia. That news got around.
  • círculo circle Estábamos sentados en círculo. We were seated in a circle.  club, social circle Comimos juntos en el círculo. We ate together at the club.
  • circunstancia circumstance.
  • circunstante [m] bystander.
  • ciruela plum.
     ciruela pasa prune.
  • ciruelo plum tree.
  • cita engagement, appointment, date ¿Acudió Ud. a la cita? Did you keep your appointment?  quotation Es una cita del Quijote. It's a quotation from Don Quixote.
  • citar to call, summon Todavía no nos han citado para la reunión. We haven't been called to the meeting yet.  to make (or give) an appointment El dentista me citó para las siete. The dentist gave me an appointment for seven o'clock.  to quote, refer to En mi artículo cité muchas veces su libro. In my article, I referred to your book a great deal.
  • ciudad [f] city.
  • ciudadano, ciudadana citizen ¿De qué país es Ud. ciudadano? What country are you a citizen of?
  • civil civil.
     derechos civiles civil rights.
  • civilización [f] civilization, culture.
  • civilizar to civilize Los misioneros civilizaron a los indígenas. The missionaries civilized the natives.
  • claramente clearly, openly, frankly Dígamelo claramente. Tell me frankly.
  • claridad [f] clearness, distinctness La claridad de la explicación lo convenció. The clearness of the explanation satisfied him.
  • clarín [m] trumpet.
  • claro clear, transparent Es tan claro como el agua. It's as clear as crystal.  thin En las sienes tiene el pelo muy claro. His hair's thin at the temples.  cloudless, fair Es un día muy claro. It's a very clear day.  light Lleva un traje azul claro. She's wearing a light blue suit.  plain, clear La explicación es clara. The explanation is clear.
  • clase [f] class, kind, sort.  class Era uno de los dirigentes de la clase trabajadora. He was a leader of the working class.—Sólo asisto a dos clases este curso. I have only two classes this year.  classroom Esa clase es demasiado pequeña. That classroom's too small.
     dar clase to give a class, hold class Tengo que dar una clase mañana a las ocho. I have to give a class tomorrow at eight.
  • clásico classical Anoche asistimos a un concierto de música clásica. Last night we attended a concert of classical music.  [m] classic ¿Ha leído los clásicos latinos? Have you read the Latin classics?
  • clasificar to sort out, classify Todavía no han clasificado la correspondencia. They haven't sorted the mail yet.
  • claustro cloister En esa iglesia hay un claustro muy bonito. There's a very beautiful cloister in that church.
  • clavar to nail Necesito un martillo para clavar las tablas. I need a hammer to nail the boards.  to stick, pin Tenga cuidado donde clava el alfiler. Be careful where you stick the pin.
     clavarse to stick, prick Me clavé una espina en el dedo. I got a thorn in my finger.
  • clave [f] key (of a code) Necesito la clave para descifrar esta comunicación. I need the key to decode this message.  key Esta canción está en clave de sol. This song's in the key of G.
  • clavel [m] carnation.
  • clavo nail Necesito una caja de clavos. I need a box of nails.
     dar en el clavo to hit the nail on the head.
  • clemencia mercy.
  • clerical clerical (church).
  • clero clergy.
  • cliente [m, f] client, customer.
  • clientela clientele.
  • clima [m] climate.
  • clínica clinic.
  • cobarde [m, f] coward ¡Anímese Ud.! ¡No sea cobarde! Come on, don't be a coward!  [adj] cowardly Lo que hizo fué muy cobarde. It was a cowardly thing he did.
  • cobardía cowardice.
  • cobija cover, blanket [Am] ¿Cuántas cobijas tiene la cama? How many blankets are there on the bed?
  • cobrador [m] collector (bills, taxes) Les visitó el cobrador de contribuciones. The tax collector called on them.  conductor (of bus or trolley) Se lo preguntaremos al cobrador (del tranvía). We'll ask the conductor (of the trolley).
  • cobranza collection La cobranza de impuestos está bien organizada. The collection of taxes is well organized.
  • cobrar to collect, receive ¿Cobró Ud. el dinero que le debían? Did you collect the money they owed you?  to cash En esta ventanilla puede cobrar su cheque. You can cash your check at this window.  to charge Cobran muy caro en esa tienda. They charge high prices at that store.
  • cobre [m] copper.
  • cobro collection (of money due) Presentó la factura al cobro. He presented the bill for collection.
  • coca coca (plant from which cocaine is obtained) [Am].
  • cocal [m] coconut plantation [Am].
  • cocer [rad-ch I] to boil Cueza Ud. esas papas. Boil those potatoes.  to bake El pan se está cociendo en el horno. The bread's baking in the oven.
  • coche [m] carriage, coach Tienen un coche de dos caballos. They have a two-horse carriage.  car Acaban de comprar un coche nuevo. They've just bought a new car.
     coche-cama sleeping car, Pullman ¿Lleva coche-cama este tren? Does this train have a sleeping car?  coche-comedor dining car El coche-comedor va a la cabeza del tren. The dining car's at the forward end of the train.
  • cochero coachman Déle la dirección al cochero. Give the address to the coachman.
  • cochino hog, pig.  swine (insult).  dirty, filthy, vile ¡Qué cochinos están estos niños! How filthy these children are!
  • cocina kitchen La cocina de esa casa es muy bonita. The kitchen in that house is very nice.  cuisine, cooking Me gusta la cocina francesa. I like French cooking.
  • cocinar to cook Su mujer cocina muy bien. His wife cooks very well.
  • cocinero, cocinera cook.
  • coco coconut; coconut tree.
  • cocotero coconut tree.
  • coctelera cocktail shaker.
  • codicioso greedy Es un hombre codicioso. He's a greedy man.
  • código code (of laws).
     código civil civil law.  código militar military law.
  • codo elbow Se está rompiendo la chaqueta por los codos. The jacket's wearing through at the elbows.—Se sale el agita por el codo de la cañería. The water's leaking from the elbow of the pipe.
  • cofre [m] (see also baúl) trunk [Am]; chest [Sp] Cerró el cofre con llave. He locked the trunk with a key.
  • coger [should not be used in Arg] to catch Cogieron al ladrón. They caught the thief.  to pick, gather Van a empezar a coger las naranjas. They're going to start picking oranges.
  • coincidencia coincidence.
  • coincidir to coincide, agree Los dos relatos no coinciden. The two statements don't agree.
  • cojear (not used in Arg; see renguear) to limp, hobble Cojea un poco del pie derecho. He limps slightly on his right foot.
  • cojín [m] pad, cushion Ponga esos cojines en el diván. Put those cushions on the couch.
  • col [f] cabbage.
  • cola tail El perro movía la cola. The dog was wagging his tail.  train (of dress) Llevaba un vestido de cola. She wore a dress with a train.  line of people Esta es la cola para sacar los billetes. This is the ticket line.
     hacer cola to stand in line He estado haciendo cola más de dos horas. I was standing in line for more than two hours.
  • colaboración [f] collaboration, working together Escribe en colaboración con su hermano. He writes in collaboration with his brother.
  • colaborador [m] collaborator, co-worker.  contributor (to a periodical, etc) Es uno de los mejores colaboradores de este periódico. He's one of the best contributors to this newspaper.
  • colaborar to collaborate, cooperate; to contribute.
  • colador [m] colander, strainer Ponga las verduras en el colador. Put the vegetables in the strainer.
  • colar to strain El jugo de naranja no está bien colado. The orange juice isn't well strained.
  • colcha bedspread Tienen una colcha azul sobre la cama. They have a blue bedspread on the bed.
  • colchón [m] mattress.
  • colección [f] collection (of things) Tiene una buena colección de cuadros modernos. He has a good collection of modern paintings.
  • coleccionar to collect (stamps, coins, etc).
  • colecta collection (charity).
  • colectivo collective Los intereses colectivos deben protegerse. Collective interests must be protected.  organized.
  • colega [m] fellow worker, colleague.
  • colegio school (private) Acaba de entrar en el colegio. He's just entered school.  association, college Es miembro del colegio de médicos. He's a member of the medical association.
  • cólera [f] anger, rage, fury Eso le dio mucha cólera. That made him very angry.
  • cólera [m] cholera.
  • colgado (See colgar) hanging El sombrero está colgado en la percha. The hat's hanging on the rack.
  • colgando (See colgar) dangling Llevaba el reloj colgando del bolsillo. His watch was dangling from his pocket.
  • colgar [rad-ch I] to hang Cuelgue Ud. aquí sus ropas. Hang your clothes here.  to hang (by the neck) Merecía que lo colgaran. He deserved to be hanged.
  • colina hill.
  • collar [m] necklace; collar.
  • colmena beehive.
  • colocación [f] job, position ¿Le gusta su nueva colocación? Do you like your new job?  arrangement ¿Le agrada la colocación de los muebles? Do you like the arrangement of the furniture?
  • colocar to put, arrange Voy a colocar estas flares. I'm going to arrange these flowers.  to take on Colocaron muchos empleados nuevos. They took on many new employees.
     colocar dinero to invest (money) Voy a colocar dinero en este negocio. I'm going to invest (money) in this business.  colocarse to take a job Me he colocado en un banco. I've taken a job in a bank.
  • colonia colony Jamaica es una colonia inglesa. Jamaica's an English colony.  suburb, (real estate) development Hay lindas colonias en los alrededores de la capital. There are beautiful developments on the outskirts of the capital.
     (agua de) Colonia toilet water.
  • colonial [adj] colonial.
  • colonizador [m] colonizer.
  • colono tenant farmer Tiene muchos colonos en la hacienda. He has many tenants on his land.  colonist Los primeros colonos americanos llegaron en el siglo diecisiete. The first American colonists arrived in the 17th century.
  • color [m] color Todo lo've color de rosa. He sees the world through rose-colored glasses.  blush, flush Le hizo salir los colores (a la cara). He made her blush.  slant Este periódico no tiene color político. This newspaper has no political slant.
  • colorado [adj] red.
     ponerse colorado to blush.
  • colorear to color (a map, etc).
  • colorido colors, coloring El colorido de este cuadro es muy brillante. The colors of this painting are very bright.
  • colosal huge, gigantic, colossal; "terrific."
  • columna column.
  • coma comma.
  • comadre [f] (term of address between mother and godmother of a child); gossip; old woman (among country people).
  • comandante [m] commander; major.
  • combate [m] combat, battle, fight.
  • combatir to combat, fight, oppose, attack.
  • combinación [f] combination; (woman's) slip.
  • combinar to combine, join, unite.
  • combustible [m] fuel ¿Con qué clase de combustible funciona esta máquina? What kind of fuel do you use in this machine?
  • comedia comedy; play.
  • comedor [m] dining room.
  • comentar to comment on Comentaban su nuevo libro. They were commenting on his new book.
  • comentario remark, comment, commentary No hay que hacer comentarios. One should not make comments.
  • comenzar [rad-ch I] to begin, commence ¿Cuándo comienza la función? When does the performance begin?
  • comer to eat.  to dine ¿A qué hora comen Uds.? What time do you have dinner?  to fade El sol come los colores. The sun fades colors.
     comerse to eat up Se han comido todo el pastel. They ate up all the cake.  to omit, skip Se ha comido un renglón. He skipped a line.  to run through, squander Se comieron rápidamente el dinero. They squandered their money.
  • comercial commercial.
  • comercio commerce, trade, business Ha hecho mucho dinero en el comercio de frutas. He's made a lot of money in the fruit business.  store, shop Tienen un comercio de trajes. They own a dress shop.
     cámara de comercio chamber of commerce.  comercio exterior foreign trade.  comercio interior domestic trade.
  • comestible edible, good to eat.
     comestibles [m pl] provisions, groceries En esta calle hay una tienda de comestibles. There's a grocery store on this street.
  • cometa [m] comet; [f] kite.
  • cómico comic, funny, amusing ¡Qué situación más cómica! What an amusing situation!  [n] actor, actress Son unos cómicos malísimos. They're very bad actors.
  • comida food La comida es muy buena en este hotel. The food in this hotel's very good.  dinner ¿A qué hora es la comida? When's dinner served?
  • comienzo beginning, start.
  • comilón [m] glutton.
  • comisaria police station.
  • comisario de policía chief of police.
  • comisión [f] assignment Le han dado una comisión difícil. They gave him a difficult assignment.  committee, delegation Ha llegado una comisión de diputados. A committee of congressmen has arrived.
  • comisionado agent.
  • comisionar to commission Han sido comisionados por el Gobierno. They've been commissioned by the Government.
  • como how Voy a decirle como lo tiene que hacer. I'll tell you how to do it.  as Como Ud. quiera. As you like.  as, since Como no me lo dijo, no fui. Since he didn't tell me, I didn't go.  like Nada como un pez. He swims like a fish.  if Como Ud. no se lo diga, él no lo hará. If you don't tell him, he won't do it.
     ¿cómo? why? how come? ¿Cómo no me lo dijo? Why didn't you tell me?  tan . . . como as . . . as ¿Es Ud. tan alto como yo? Are you as tall as I?  tanto como as much as No creo que Ud. trabaje tanto como él. I don't believe you do as much work as he does.
  • cómoda chest of drawers.
  • comodidad [f] convenience La casa tiene todas las comodidades. The house has all the conveniences.  ease, comfort Viven con mucha comodidad. They live very comfortably.
  • cómodo convenient, suitable, handy Una maleta de este tamaño es muy cómoda. A valise of this size is very handy.  comfortable ¿Está Ud. cómodo? Are you comfortable?
  • compadecer [-zc-] to pity, sympathize with Le compadezco a Ud. I sympathize with you.
  • compadre [m] (term of address between father and godfather of a child); pal (among country people).
  • compañero, compañera companion, pal, schoolmate Fueron compañeros de estudios. They were schoolmates.
  • compañía company Trabaja en una compañía de seguros. He works for an insurance company.  company of actors, stock company ¿Le gusta la compañía que hay en ese teatro? Do you like the company at that theater?
     hacer compañía (a) to keep company (with) Está sola; hágale compañía. She's lonely; keep her company.
  • comparable comparable.
  • comparación [f] comparison.
  • comparar to compare Compare Ud. esta copia con el original. Compare this copy with the original.
  • comparecer [-zc-] to appear (in answer to summons) Los testigos comparecieron ante el juez. The witnesses appeared before the judge.
  • compartir to share Compartieron lo que tenían. They shared what they had.—No comparto su opinión. I don't share his opinion.
  • compás [m sg] compass Es difícil dibujar un círculo sin un compás. It's hard to draw a circle without a compass.  beat, rhythm, time No sabe llevar el compás. He can't keep time.
  • compasión [f] compassion, pity, sympathy No tiene compasión de nadie. He has no pity for anybody.
  • compatriota [m, f] (fellow) countryman, fellow citizen.
  • compensar to balance, compensate Las ganancias compensan los gastos. The income balances the expenses.
  • competencia competition, rivalry Hay mucha competencia en el comercio. There's a lot of competition in business.
  • competir [rad-ch III] to compete No va a competir en el campeonato. He's not going to compete for the championship.
  • complacer [-zc-] to please, accommodate ¿En qué puedo complacerla? How can I help you?
  • complaciente pleasing, accommodating, kind Es una persona complaciente. She's a very accommodating person.
  • completar to complete, finish No han completado el informe. They haven't completed the report.
  • completo complete ¿Está completo este juego de té? Is this tea set complete?  full El tranvía va completo. The trolley's full.
  • complicación [f] complication.
  • complicar to complicate No complique Ud. la cuestión. Don't complicate the matter.
  • cómplice [m, f] accomplice.
  • componer [irr] to repair, fix ¿Compusieron el reloj? Did they repair the watch?  to compose Ha compuesto una sonata. He's composed a sonata.
     componerse to fix oneself, to doll up Se compuso mucho para ir al baile. She dolled up a lot to go to the dance.
  • composición [f] composition.
  • compositor [m] composer ¿Quién es el compositor de esta sinfonía? Who's the composer of this symphony?
  • compostura mending, repair(s), repairing Hacemos toda clase de compostura. We make all kinds of repairs.
  • compota stewed fruit.
  • compra purchase, buy Hicimos una buena compra. We made a good buy.
     hacer la compra to do the day's marketing La criada salió a hacer la compra. The maid went out to do the day's marketing.  ir de compras to go shopping.
  • comprador, compradora buyer, purchaser Tiene varios compradores para la finca. He has several buyers for the property.
  • comprar to buy, purchase.
  • comprender to understand, comprehend ¿Comprende Ud. español? Do you understand Spanish?  to include, comprise, cover Esta historia comprende también la época contemporánea. This history also includes the contemporary period.
  • comprensión [f] comprehension, understanding.
  • comprimir to compress.
  • comprobar [rad-ch I] to verify, confirm, check Comprobaron las cuentas. They checked the accounts.—Compruebe Ud. esta traducción con el original. Check this translation with the original.  to substantiate, verify No se pudo comprobar la inocencia del acusado. The defendant's innocence could not be verified.
  • comprometer to risk No comprometan Uds. su fortuna en eso. Don't risk your fortune on that.  to expose, jeopardize, endanger Está comprometiendo su carrera política. He's jeopardizing his political career.
     comprometerse to get involved No se comprometa Ud. en eso. Don't get yourself involved in that.  to become engaged Se comprometieron ayer. They became engaged yesterday.
  • compromiso obligation, engagement No puedo ir con Ud., tengo un compromiso. I can't go with you, I have an engagement.  predicament, plight, fix Se encontró en un compromiso terrible. He found himself in a terrible fix.
     compromiso matrimonial engagement Rompió su compromiso matrimonial. She broke her engagement.
  • compuesto See componer.
  • común common, usual, general Fué la opinión común. It was the general opinion.
  • comunicación [f] communication.
  • comunicar to communicate, transmit, send, issue Comunique Ud. esta orden a sus empleados. Issue this order to your employees.
     comunicarse to connect Las dos habitaciones se comunican. The two rooms are connected.  to communicate, tell one another Se comunican todo lo que ocurre. They tell each other about everything that happens.
  • comunicativo communicative Es un persona muy comunicativa. He's very communicative.
  • con with Salió con su hermano. She left with her brother.
     con tal que provided that.
  • concebir [rad-ch III] to imagine No concibo que motivo puede tener para hacer eso. I can't imagine what reason he has for doing that.
  • conceder to give, grant Le han concedido una pensión. They've granted him a pension.
  • concejal [m] councilman.
  • concejo board of aldermen.
  • concentrar to concentrate.
  • concepto judgment, opinion, thought Tengo buen concepto de él. I have a good opinion of him.
  • concesión [f] concession, grant.
  • conciencia conscience Me remuerde la conciencia. My conscience bothers me.  scruples Es un hombre sin conciencia. He's a man without scruples.  religion En este país no hay libertad de conciencia. There's no freedom of religion in this country.  consciousness Con el golpe perdió la conciencia. He lost consciousness as a result of the blow.
     a conciencia conscientiously Lo hizo a conciencia. He did it conscientiously.  painstakingly Hizo su trabajo a conciencia. He did his work painstakingly.
  • concierto concert ¿Va Ud. al concierto esta noche? Are you going to the concert tonight?
  • conciliar to conciliate, reconcile Es difícil conciliar todas las opiniones. It's difficult to reconcile all the opinions.
  • concisión [f] conciseness La concisión es una virtud. Conciseness is a virtue.
  • concluir to conclude, end, finish, close ¿A qué hora concluyó la sesión? What time did the meeting end?
  • conclusión [f] conclusion ¿Se ha llegado a alguna conclusión? Has any conclusion been reached?
  • concretar to express concretely Concrete Ud. su idea. Express your idea concretely.
     concretarse to limit or confine oneself Concrétese al tema. Confine yourself to the subject.
  • concreto definite, concrete ¿Le ha dicho a Ud. algo concreto? Has he told you anything definite?
     en concreto concretely, in so many words Dígame en concreto lo que necesita. Tell me in so many words what you need.
  • concurrir to attend Mucha gente concurrió a la sesión. Many people attended the meeting.
  • concurso competition, contest ¿Quiénes se presentaron al concurso? Who took part in the contest?
  • condado county.
  • conde [m] count (title).
  • condena sentence, term of imprisonment, penalty Cumplió su condena en el penal de Alcatraz. He served his sentence at Alcatraz.
  • condenar to prove, find, or declare guilty ¿Ud. cree que lo condenarán? Do you think they'll find him guilty?  to sentence Le condenaron a treinta años de cárcel. They sentenced him to thirty years in prison.  to condemn, blame Condenaron su conducta. They condemned his behavior.
  • condensar to condense Tienen un nuevo procedimiento para condensar la leche. They have a new process for condensing milk.
  • condición [f] condition, character Es un hombre de mala condición. He's a man of bad character.
     a condición de que, con la condición de que on the understanding that, on condition that, provided (that) Iré a condición de que Ud. vaya conmigo. I'll go provided you go with me.  condiciones qualities Tiene buenas condiciones, pero está mal educada. She has good qualities, but she's badly brought up.  terms ¿Cuáles son las condiciones del contrato? What are the terms of the contract?  condition, quality, state ¿En qué condiciones está el edificio? What condition is the building in?
  • condiscípulo, condiscípula schoolfellow, schoolmate, fellow student.
  • cóndor [m] condor.
  • conducir [-zc-] to lead ¿A dónde conduce este camino? Where does this road lead?  to take, accompany Conduzca a este señor a mi oficina. Take this gentleman to my office.  to drive Ud. conduce a demasiada velocidad. You drive too fast.
     conducirse to act, behave Se conduce como una persona educada. She acts like a well-bred person.
  • conducta conduct, behavior.
  • conductor [m] driver, motorman Se prohibe hablar al conductor. Don't talk to the driver.  conductor of train [Mex].
  • conectar to connect ¿Han conectado la antena del radio? Have they connected the radio antenna?
  • conejo rabbit.
  • conexión [f] connection No tiene conexión una cosa con la otra. There's no connection between the two things.
  • confección [f] workmanship, finish La confección del traje es muy mala. The workmanship on the dress is very bad.
  • confederación [f] confederacy, federation.
  • conferencia conference, meeting Hubo muchas conferencias entre los ministros y senadores. The Ministers and the Senators held many conferences.  public lecture Está dando unas conferencias sobre literatura. He's giving some lectures on literature.
  • conferenciar to confer, consult together, hold an interview Después de conferenciar varias horas hicieron públicos los acuerdos. After conferring for several hours, they made the agreements public.
  • confesar [rad-ch I] to admit, confess Confesó su delito. He confessed his crime.
  • confesión [f] confession, acknowledgment.
  • confiado (See confiar) trusting, unsuspecting Son unas personas muy confiadas. They're very trusting people.
  • confianza confidence, faith Han perdido la confianza en él. They've lost confidence in him.
     de confianza informal, intimate Fué una reunión de confianza. It was an informal meeting.  en confianza confidentially, in confidence Le digo esto en confianza. I'm telling you this confidentially.  hombre de confianza right-hand man Es su hombre de confianza. He's his right-hand man.  tener confianza con to be on intimate terms with No tengo suficiente confianza con él para eso. I'm not sufficiently intimate with him for that.  tener confianza en to trust ¿Por qué no tiene Ud. confianza en mí? Why don't you trust me?
  • confiar to entrust to, put in charge of Le confiaron la administración de sus negocios. They put him in charge of their business. ° confiar en to rely on, trust in, count on Ud. puede confiar en él. You can rely on him.
  • confidencia  hacer confidencias to confide Me ha estado haciendo confidencias. He's been confiding in me.
  • confidencial confidential.
  • confirmación [f] confirmation.
  • confirmar to confirm, corroborate La prensa confirmó los rumores. The press confirmed the rumors.
  • confitería candy store, confectionery; candy.
  • conflicto conflict, struggle.
  • conforme as Todo queda conforme estaba. Everything remains as it was.—Conforme leía, más me interesaba. As I was reading, I became more interested.
     conforme a in accordance with, in line with Conforme a su petición. . . . In accordance with your request. . . .  estar conforme con to be resigned to Está conforme con su suerte. He's resigned to his fate.  to be in agreement with Estoy conforme con lo que Ud. dice. I agree with you.
  • confundido confused, mistaken.
     estar confundido to be mistaken, confused.  quedar confundido to be extremely embarrassed Al ver lo que había hecho, quedó confundido. On seeing what he had done, he was extremely embarrassed.
  • confundir to confound, jumble, mix up Han confundido todas las tarjetas. They've mixed up all the cards.  to mistake Ud. me confunde con mi hermano. You're mistaking me for my brother.
     confundirse to make a mistake Me he confundido muchas veces al copiar esta carta. I made many mistakes in copying this letter.
  • confusión [f] confusion, disorder Hubo unos momentos de confusión. There were a few moments of confusion.  embarrassment, confusion.
  • confuso confusing, not clear Los informes eran confusos. The reports were confusing.  hard to read or understand Su letra es confusa. His handwriting's hard to read.  hazy, vague Tengo un recuerdo confuso. I have a vague recollection.  confused, mixed up, embarrassed Se quedaron muy confusos. They were completely confused.
  • congestión [f] stroke (sun, etc) Le dió una congestión. He had a stroke.
  • congestionado congested El tráfico está congestionado. The traffic's congested.
  • congraciarse to get into one's good graces Quería congraciarse con la madre de su novia. He wanted to get into the good graces of his sweetheart's mother.
  • congregación [f] congregation.
  • congregar to congregate, assemble El cura congregó a los fieles en la iglesia. The priest assembled the parishioners in the church.
     congregarse to gather, assemble Los manifestantes se congregaron en la plaza. The demonstrators gathered in the square.
  • congreso congress, convention.
     Congreso de los Diputados House of Representatives.
  • conjetura conjecture, guess Se hacían muchas conjeturas sobre lo que iba a ocurrir. There was a great deal of conjecture as to what would happen.
  • conjunto joint, unified Acción conjunta. Joint action.  [m] whole, entirety Vale más el conjunto que las partes. The whole is worth more than the parts.
     en conjunto as a whole En conjunto el plan me parece bien. As a whole, the plan seems good to me.
  • conmemorativo commemorative.
  • conmigo with me Fueron conmigo de paseo. They went for a walk with me.
  • conocer [-zc-] to know, understand Conoce muy bien el problema. He knows the problem very well.  to know, be acquainted with ¿Conoce Ud. al Sr. López? Do you know Mr. López?
     conocerse to meet, become acquainted Nos conocimos la semana pasada. We met last week.  to know each other Se conocen muy bien. They know each other very well.
  • conocido (see conocer) prominent, well known Era muy conocido en su país. He was well known in his country.  [n] acquaintance Es un conocido nuestro. He's an acquaintance of ours.
  • conocimiento knowledge, understanding Tiene muy pocos conocimientos de geografía. He has very little knowledge of geography.  consciousness Todavía no ha recobrado el conocimiento. He still hasn't regained consciousness.
  • conquista conquest.
  • conquistador [m] conqueror Alejandro fué un gran conquistador. Alexander was a great conqueror.  Don Juan, lady-killer Tenga Ud. cuidado con él; es un conquistador. Be careful with him; he's a Don Juan.
  • conquistar to conquer, overcome, subdue Conquistaron la ciudad. They conquered the city.  to win No pude conquistar su amistad. I wasn't able to win his friendship.
  • consagrar to devote, dedicate; to consecrate Consagró toda su vida a la ciencia. He devoted his whole life to science.
     consagrarse to devote oneself Se consagra a su trabajo. He devotes himself to his work.
  • consciente conscious.
  • consecuencia consequence La disputa tuvo malas consecuencias. The quarrel had unfortunate consequences.
  • conseguir [rad-ch III] to attain, get, obtain Conseguí lo que quería. I got what I wanted.  to succeed in Consiguió salir de la casa. He succeeded in getting out of the house.
  • consejero adviser, counselor.
  • consejo advice, counsel No necesito sus consejos. I don't need your advice.  council Lo acordó el consejo. The council agreed on it.
     consejo de ministros cabinet (of a government).
  • consentimiento consent No ha dado su consentimiento. He hasn't given his consent.
  • consentir [rad-ch II] to allow, permit, tolerate ¿Cómo lo consiente Ud.? Why do you permit it?  to coddle, spoil Consentían demasiado a sus nietos. They spoiled their grandchildren.
  • conserva  conservas preserves; canned food.  en conserva canned Me gustan las frutas en conserva. I like canned fruits.
  • conservación [f] conservation, maintenance.
  • conservador [adj; m] conservative.
     el partido conservador the conservative party.
  • conservar to conserve, preserve, keep Ponga Ud. esta fruta en la nevera para que se conserve bien. Put this fruit in the ice box so it will keep.  to keep Conservó el retrato durante muchos años. He kept the picture for many years.
     conservarse to keep (oneself) young, be well preserved Se conserva muy joven. He keeps himself very young.
  • considerable considerable, great, large Es una cantidad considerable. It's a large amount.
  • consideración [f] consideration, account Lo tomaré en consideración. I'll take it into consideration.  respect No tuvo ninguna consideración con ella. He showed her no respect.
  • considerado thoughtful, tactful.
  • considerar to consider, think over Considere de nuevo el problema. Consider the problem again.  to show consideration Lo consideran mucho. They show him every consideration.
  • consigo with him (self), with her (self), with it (self), etc Lleve Ud. el dinero consigo. Take the money with you.
     consigo mismo to oneself Hablaba consigo misma. She was talking to herself.
  • consiguiente  por consiguiente consequently, therefore.
  • consistir en to be a question or matter of La felicidad consiste en la moderación. Happiness is a question of moderation.
  • consolar [rad-ch I] to console, comfort.
  • consolidar to strengthen, consolidate Hay que consolidar la República. It's necessary to strengthen the Republic.
  • conspiración [f] conspiracy, plot.
  • conspirador, conspiradora conspirator.
  • conspirar to conspire, plot.
  • constancia perseverance Todo lo consigue por su constancia. He gets everything through perseverance.  record, statement No hay constancia de lo que ha dicho. There's no record of what he said.
  • constante firm, faithful, constant.
  • constar to be evident, be clear, be certain Consta que es así. It's clear that it's so.  to be recorded or registered Eso consta en las actas. That is recorded in the minutes.
     constar de to be composed of, consist of La obra consta de treinta capítulos. The book consists of thirty chapters.  constarle a uno to be evident to one, be positive Me consta que no salió ayer. I'm positive he didn't go out yesterday.  conste que let it be understood that Conste que yo no lo he hecho. Let it be clearly understood that I didn't do it.
  • constitución [f] constitution La constitución del país es muy democrática. The constitution of the country is very democratic.—Es un hombre de una constitución muy fuerte. He has a strong constitution.
  • constitucional constitutional.
  • constituir to constitute, be Esto constituye la parte esencial de la obra. This is the essential part of the work.  to establish, organize, constitute Constituyeron una nueva firma comercial. They established a new firm.
  • construcción [f] construction Han empezado la construcción del nuevo ferrocarril. They've begun the construction of the new railroad.  structure, building Es la mayor construcción de la ciudad. It's the biggest building in the city.
  • constructor [m] builder.
  • construir to build, construct.
  • consuelo consolation, comfort.
  • cónsul [m] consul.
  • consulado consulate.
  • consulta consultation, conference Se reununieron en consulta. They met in conference.  office hours ¿A qué hora tiene el doctor la consulta? What are the doctor's office hours?
  • consultar to consult (about) Tengo que consultarle una cosa. I want to consult you about something.
     consultar con la almohada to sleep on, think over Antes de decidirlo consúltelo con la almohada. Sleep on it before deciding.
  • consumado complete, perfect, accomplished Es un nadador consumado. He's an accomplished swimmer.
  • consumar to carry out, commit (an evil action) Consumaron el crimen. They committed the crime.
  • consumidor, consumidora consumer.
  • consumirse to be used up, run out Se consumieron todas las provisiones. All the supplies ran out.
     consumirse de to be consumed with Se consume de curiosidad. He's consumed with curiosity.
  • consumo consumption No es grande el consumo diario. Daily consumption isn't large.
  • contabilidad [f] bookkeeping, accounting.
  • contable [m, f] bookkeeper, accountant.
  • contacto contact, touch.  ignition (of motors) Encienda el contacto. Turn on the ignition.
  • contado (see contar) few Son contadas las personas que lo saben. Very few people know it.
     al contado (for) cash ¿Va Ud. a pagar al contado? Will you pay cash?
  • contador [m] accountant, bookkeeper.  meter (for gas, water, electricity, or taxi).
  • contagiar to infect.
  • contagio contagion.
  • contagioso contagious El tifus es una enfermedad contagiosa. Typhus is a contagious disease.
  • contaminar to contaminate, pollute.
  • contar [rad-ch I] to count Cuente Ud. el cambio. Count your change.  to relate, tell Contaron muy bien la historia. They told the story very well.
     contar con to depend upon, count on Cuento con su ayuda. I'm counting on your help.
  • contemplación [f] contemplation (in visual sense).
  • contemporáneo [adj, n] contemporary.
  • contener [irr] to check, curb, control No podía contener el caballo. He couldn't control the horse.  to contain La botella contenía vino. The bottle contained wine.
     contenerse to control oneself Se contiene admirablemente. He controls himself admirably.
  • contenido See contener, [m] contents ¿Puedo ver el contenido del paquete? May I see the contents of the package?
  • contentar to satisfy, please Es muy difícil de contentar. He's very hard to please.
     contentarse to be satisfied No se contenta con nada. He isn't satisfied with anything.  to become reconciled, make up Se han contentado ya. They've already made up.
  • contento happy, glad Estaba muy contento. He was very happy.
  • contestación [f] reply, answer No he recibido contestación a mi carta. I haven't received a reply to my letter.
  • contestar to answer, reply No ha contestado a mi carta. He hasn't answered my letter yet.
  • contigo with you No sabía que tu madre vivía contigo. I didn't know that your mother lived with you.
  • contiguo adjacent, next Se oían voces en el cuarto contiguo. They heard voices in the next room.
  • continente [m] continent.
  • continuación [f] continuation; sequence.
     a continuación immediately, right away Entró y a continuación se sentó. He came in and immediately sat down.
    || Continuación de la primera página. Continued from page one.
  • continuar to continue, pursue, carry on Continúa sus estudios. He's pursuing his studies.  to remain Su estado continúa lo mismo. His condition remains the same.  to be still (in same place or condition) Juan continúa enfermo y en el mismo hospital. John is still sick and in the same hospital.  to go on, keep on Continuó hablando dos horas. He kept on talking for two hours.
  • continuo continuous, uninterrupted.
  • contorno neighborhood Es conocido en todo el contorno. He's known in the whole neighborhood.  contour, outline El contorno de la figura no es claro. The outline of the figure isn't clear.
  • contra against ¡Apoye Ud. la escalera contra la pared! Put the ladder against the wall!  against, in opposition to Los Diputados votaron contra la proposición. The Representatives voted against the proposition.
     contra viento y marea against all odds Contra viento y marea consiguió lo que quería. He got what he wanted against all odds.  en pro y en contra for and against.  llevar la contra to oppose, object, raise objections Le gusta llevar la contra. He likes to raise objections.
  • contrabando contraband, smuggling.
  • contradecir [irr] to contradict Se enfada si le contradicen. He gets angry if he's contradicted.
     contradecirse to contradict oneself Se contradijo varias veces en su declaración. He contradicted himself several times in his testimony.
  • contradicción [f] contradiction.
  • contraer [irr] to contract Contrajo esa enfermedad hace muchos años. He contracted that illness many years ago.  to incur, run into Contrajeron deudas. They ran into debt.
     contraer matrimonio to marry, get married Contraerán matrimonio el próximo'sábado. They'll get married next Saturday.  contraerse to contract, diminish Se contrae con el frío. It contracts with the cold.
  • contrahecho deformed, crippled (from birth).
  • contraorden [m] countermand.
  • contrariar to thwart, change, spoil (a plan) Esto contraría todos mis planes. This spoils all my plans.  to annoy Esto me contraría mucho. This annoys me very much.
  • contrariedad [f] disappointment Fué una contrariedad no verle. It was a disappointment not to see him.
  • contrario contrary Esto es contrario a la ley. This is against the law.  adverse, unfavorable El fallo fué contrario. The verdict was unfavorable.  [m] opponent Ganaron el pleito sus contrarios. His opponents won the lawsuit.
     al contrario on the contrary ¿Ha dicho eso?" "Al contrario, no la ha dicho." "Did he say that?" "On the contrary, he didn't say that."  de lo contrario otherwise, if not Saldré a las seis; de lo contrario llegaré tarde. I'll leave at six; otherwise, I'll be late.  todo la contrario just the opposite, the other way around No es lo que Ud. dice, sino todo lo contrario. It isn't what you say, but just the opposite.
  • contraseña countersign; pass, check (for hat, baggage, or for readmittance).
  • contrastar to contrast, be opposed Sus ideas contrastaban con la mías. His ideas were opposed to mine.
     contrastar bien to harmonize, go well together Esos colores contrastan muy bien. Those colors go well together.  contrastar mal to clash Esos colores contrastan mal. Those colors clash.
  • contraste [m] contrast.
  • contratar to engage, hire Le han contratado por un año. They hired him for one year.
  • contratista [m] contractor.
  • contrato contract.
  • contribución [f] contribution.  tax Han aumentado mucho las contribuciones. They've raised the taxes considerably.
  • contribuir to contribute.
  • control [m] control.
  • controlar to control.
  • convalecencia convalescence.
  • convencer to convince.
     convencerse to become (or be) convinced No se convence fácilmente. He's not easily convinced.
  • convencido (see convencer) convinced.
  • conveniencia self-interest, good, advantage No mira más que su propia conveniencia. He only looks out for his own good.
     ser de la mayor conveniencia to be highly desirable Seria de la mayor conveniencia que viniese Ud. It would be highly desirable for you to come.
  • conveniente suitable Este clima es muy conveniente para él. This climate's very suitable for him.  convenient ¿Será esta hora conveniente para Ud.? Will this time be convenient for you?  desirable, advisable Es conveniente para su salud. It's advisable for his health.
  • convenir [irr] to agree Convengo con Ud. en ese punto. I agree with you on that point.
     convenirle a uno to be to one's advantage, be advisable, suit No le conviene aceptar ese empleo. It isn't advisable for him to take that position.
  • convento convent; [Arg] tenement house.
  • conversación [f] conversation, talk.
  • conversar to talk, converse Le gusta conversar. He likes to talk.
  • convertir [rad-ch I] to convert, turn Han convertido la casa en un museo. They've converted their house into a museum.
     convertirse to be converted Se convirtió al catolicismo. He became a Catholic.
  • convicción [f] conviction, belief.
  • convidado (see convidar) invited.  [n] guest ¿Había muchos convidados en la cena? Were there many guests at the dinner?
  • convidar to invite Me convidaron a pasar unos días en su casa. They invited me to spend a few days at their house.
     convidarse to invite oneself, come uninvited Se convida siempre a comer. He always invites himself for dinner.
  • convite [m] treat; invitation ¿Esto es un convite o tenemos que pagar? Is this a treat or do we have to pay?
  • convocar to convoke, call ¿Han convocado ya la reunión? Have they called the meeting yet?
  • coñac [m] cognac, brandy.
  • cooperativa [f] cooperative (enterprise).
  • cooperativo [adj] cooperative.
  • copa glass, stem glass, goblet Llenó las copas de vino. He filled the glasses with wine.  drink Se fueron a tomar unas copas. They went out to get a few drinks.  tree-top Las copas de los árboles estaban llenas de pájaros. The trees were full of birds.  crown (of a hat) La copa de este sombrero es demasiado alta. The crown of this hat's too high.  heart (of playing cards) Tengo el as de copas. I have the ace of hearts.
     sombrero de copa top hat.
  • copia copy Necesito tres copias de esta carta. I need three copies of this letter.—Este cuadro es una buena copia del original. This painting's a good copy of the original.
  • copiar to copy, make a copy of; to imitate.
  • copla popular song.
  • copo flake (of snow, soap, etc).
  • coqueta coquette, flirt Es la mujer más coqueta que he conocido. She's the biggest flirt I've ever known.
  • coquetear to flirt Coquetea con todo el mundo. She flirts with everybody.
  • coraje [m] anger; courage, bravery.
     darle a uno coraje to make one angry or mad Lo que le dijeron le dio mucho coraje. What they told him made him very mad.
  • coral [m] coral.
  • corazón [m] heart.  core (of fruits).
     dar el corazón, decir el corazón to have a premonition or hunch Me da el corazón que no vendrá. I've a hunch he isn't coming.  de buen corazón kind-hearted Es un hombre de buen corazón. He's a kind-hearted man.  de (todo) corazón heartily, sincerely Lo dijo de (todo) corazón. He said it very sincerely.
  • corazonada presentiment, hunch.
  • corbata necktie, tie ¿Qué tipo de corbata quiere Ud., de lazo o de nudo? What kind of tie do you want, a bow tie or a four-in-hand?
  • corcho cork.
  • cordel [m] thin rope, cord.
  • cordero lamb.
  • cordial cordial, hearty.
  • cordillera mountain range.
  • cordón [m] cord, twine, lace Quiero comprar unos cordones de zapatos. I want to buy some shoe laces.  cordon (of police or soldiers).
  • corneta [f] bugle; cornet.
  • corneta [m] bugler.
  • coro chorus, choir.
  • corona crown; wreath.
  • coronar to crown Aquel rey fué coronado a los quince años. That king was crowned when he was fifteen years old.—Sus esfuerzos fueron coronados por el éxito. Their efforts were crowned with success.
  • coronel [m] colonel.
  • coronilla top of the head, crown.
     estar hasta la coronilla de to be fed up with ¡Estoy hasta la coronilla de sus bromas! I'm fed up with his jokes!
  • corporación [f] (non-profit) corporation.
  • corral [m] animal enclosure, corral.
     aves de corral domestic fowls.
  • correa strap, belt.
  • corrección [f] correction He tardado mucho en la corrección de estas páginas. The correction of these pages has taken me a long time.—La carta tiene muchas correcciones. The letter has many corrections.  good manners Es un hombre malo pero de gran corrección. He's a bad man, but with very good manners.
  • correcto correct, right El libro estaba escrito en correcto español. The book was written in correct Spanish.  irreproachable Su conducta es muy correcta. His conduct is irreproachable.
  • corredor [m] runner, racer; corridor.
  • corregir [rad-ch III] to correct Corrija Ud. los errores. Correct the errors.  to discipline, correct No le han corregido cuando era malo. They didn't discipline him when he was bad.
  • correo mail ¿Ha venido el correo? Has the mail come?  post office ¿Está cerca de aquí el correo (or la oficina de correos)? Is the post office near here?
     administrador de correos postmaster.  correo aéreo air mail Envié Ud. sus cartas por correo aéreo. Send your letters by air mail.  correo certificado registered mail.  echar al correo to mail ¿Echó Ud. las cartas al correo? Did you mail the letters?  lista de correos general delivery.
  • correr to run Tenemos que correr para llegar a tiempo. We'll have to run to get there on time.  to race Su caballo correrá mañana. His horse is racing tomorrow.  to flow El río corre hacia el sur. The river flows towards the south.  to blow Corre un viento muy fresco. A very cool wind's blowing.  to move, push Corre esa silla para aquí. Push that chair over here.  to slide, draw Corre la cortina. Draw the curtain.  to go over, travel over Han corrido medio mundo. They've traveled over half the world.
     correr el rumor to be rumored Corre el rumor de que se va a casar. It's rumored that he's going to get married.  correr por cuenta de uno to be one's affair, to be up to one Eso corre por mi cuenta. I'll take care of that, or That's up to me.
  • correspondencia correspondence Hemos mantenido correspondencia desde hace años. We've kept up a correspondence for years.  mail Voy a abrir la correspondencia. I'm going to open the mail.
     en justa correspondencia in reciprocation, to get even Lo hice en justa correspondencia. I did it to get even.
  • corresponder to correspond, match Estos botones no corresponden. These buttons don't match.  to concern, be up to Eso le corresponde a Ud. That's up to you.  to return, reciprocate, respond to Correspondió a sus atenciones. She responded to his attentions.
  • corresponsal [m] correspondent.
  • corrida  corrida de toros bullfight.
  • corrido corrido (typical Latin American song and dance).
  • corriente current, common No es de uso corriente. It's not current usage.  ordinary Está hecho con tela corriente. It's made of ordinary cloth.  running, flowing ¿Hay agua corriente en este cuarto? Does this room have running water?  instant, present (month or year) Contesté a su carte el veinte del corriente (mes). I answered your letter on the twentieth instant (or on the twentieth of the present month).  [f] current (of electricity, air, river) Cuidado, la corriente es muy fuerte. Be careful, the current's very strong.
     al corriente informed, posted Le tendré al corriente de lo que pase. I'll keep you informed of what happens.  contra corriente upstream, against the tide.  corriente y moliente commonplace Es una expresión corriente y moliente. It's a commonplace expression.  dejarse llevar de la corriente to follow the current, follow the crowd En todo se deja llevar de la corriente. He always follows the crowd.
  • corromper to corrupt.
  • corrupción [f] corruption.
  • cortada cut, wound [Mex] Tengo una cortada en la mano. I have a cut on my hand.
  • cortado [adj] cut El traje estaba muy bien cortado. The suit was well cut.  chapped Tengo las manos cortadas por el frío. My hands are chapped from the cold.  confused, abashed Se quedó cortado y no pudo seguir hablando. He became confused and couldn't continue talking.
  • cortador [m] cutter (tailoring).
  • cortadura cut (wound) Tiene una cortadura muy profunda en el pie. He has a very deep cut on his foot.
  • cortapapeles [m sg] paper knife.
  • cortaplumas [m sg] penknife, pocket-knife.
  • cortar to cut ¿Tiene Ud. algo con que cortar esta cuerda? Have you anything to cut this string?  to interrupt, stop, cut short Su entrada cortó la conversación. His entrance interrupted the conversation.—Por favor, no me cortes el relato. Please don't interrupt my story.  to cut off Tiene Ud. que cortar los tallos de esas flores. You'll have to cut off the stems of these flowers.  to cut out El sastre todavía no ha cortado el traje. The tailor still hasn't cut out the suit.  to shut off, cut off (steam, water, electricity) Han cortado la electricidad. They shut off the electricity.  to cut out, abridge Han cortado algunas escenas importantes de la película. They cut out several important scenes in the picture.
     cortar al prójimo to criticize [Am] Le gusta mucho cortar el prójima. He likes to criticize others.  cortar el hilo to interrupt, break the thread (of a story) Por favor, no mé cortes el hilo. Please don't interrupt my story.  cortársele a uno to get chapped Se me ha cortado la cara con el viento. My face has got chapped in the cold wind.
  • corte [m] cut Tenía un pequeño corte en la mano. He had a small cut on his hand.  cut (style) Este traje tiene buen corte. This suit's well cut.  length (of material) Le regaló un corte de vestido. He presented her with a dress length.
  • corte [f] court [Am] El pleito será juzgado en la Corte Suprema. The case will be tried in the Supreme Court.
     hacer la corte to court, woo Le está haciendo la corte desde hace tiempo. He's been courting her for some time.  las cortes [pl] the Spanish parliament.
  • cortedad [f] bashfulness, shyness, timidity.
  • cortés polite, courteous No es una respuesta muy cortés. It's not a very courteous answer.
  • cortesía courtesy.
  • corteza bark (of tree); crust (of bread).
  • cortijo ranch [Andalusia].
  • cortina curtain.
  • corto short La chaqueta me está demasiado corta. The jacket's too short for me.  bashful, shy.
     a la corta o a la larga sooner or later Les veremos a la corta o a la larga. We'll see 'em sooner or later.  corto de vista near-sighted Tiene que usar gafas porque es muy corto de vista. He has to wear glasses because he's very nearsighted.
  • cosa thing Eso ya es otra cosa. That's quite another thing.
     como si tal cosa as if nothing had happened. ° cosa de about, more or less Serían cosa de veinte personas. There must have been about twenty people.  cosa de ver thing worth seeing.  cosa nunca vista something unheard of.  cosas ideas, notions ¡Qué cosas tiene Ud.! What ideas you have!  cosas de of the nature of, pertaining to. ° cosas de niños childish things (doings or sayings).  no . . . gran cosa not . . . much No vale gran cosa. It isn't worth much.—No dijo gran cosa. He didn't say much.  no hay tal cosa no such thing.
  • coscorrón [m] blow on the head.
  • cosecha crop, harvest.
  • cosechar to reap, harvest.
  • coser to sew.
  • cosmopolita [adj] cosmopolitan.
  • cosquilla tickle.
     buscarle a uno las cosquillas to pick on one.  hacer cosquillas to tickle.  tener cosquillas to be ticklish.
  • cosquilloso ticklish.
  • costa coast Viven en un pueblecito de la costa. They live in a little village on the coast.
     a costa de by dint of, at the expense of Lo hizo a costa de su salud. He did it at the expense of his health.—A costa de mucho trabajo consiguió lo que quería. By dint of hard work he got what he wanted.  a poca costa with little effort Lo consiguió a poca costa. He got it with little effort.  a toda casta at all hazards, at any cost Lo hará a toda costa. He'll do it at any cost.
  • costado side, flank.
  • costar [rad-ch I] to cost Eso cuesta demasiado. That costs too much.
  • coste [m] cost, price.
  • costilla rib Se rompió una costilla montando en bicicleta. He broke a rib riding his bike.  better half, wife Tengo que ver a mi costilla. I must see my better half.
  • costo cost, price.
  • costoso costly, expensive.
  • costumbre [f] custom; habit.
  • costura sewing; seam.
  • cotidiano [adj] daily.
  • cotorra parrot.
  • coyuntura joint (of body) Le duelen las coyunturas. His joints hurt.  opportunity, chance Es una buena coyuntura para hacer dinero. It's a good chance to make money.
  • coz [f] kick (of animals).
  • cráneo skull (of living person or animal).
  • cráter [m] crater.
  • creación [f] creation.
  • creador [m] creator.
  • crear to create ¿Quien creó el mundo? Who created the world?  to create, design Están creando nuevos modelos de aeroplanos. They're designing new airplane models.  to create, cause Creó muchos disgustos su actuación. His actions caused a lot of trouble.
  • crecer [-zc-] to increase Su capital ha crecido en los últimos años. His capital's increased in the last few years.  to grow ¡Cómo crece ese niño! How that child's growing!
  • crecimiento growth.
  • crédito credit Puedo comprar a crédito en esta tienda. I can buy on credit at this store.
     dar crédito a to believe No di ningún crédito al relato. I didn't believe the story at all.
  • creencia belief.
  • creer to believe Creyó lo que Ud. le dijo. He believed what you told him.  to think, believe No lo creo. I don't think so.
    || ¡Ya lo creo! Of course!
  • crema cream (of milk); cream (cosmetic).
  • crespo curly.
  • cretona cretonne.
  • cría breeding, stock breeding Se dedicó a la cría de caballos. He devoted himself to horse breeding.  the young (of animals) La gata tuvo una cría. The cat had a litter.—Esa cerdo tiene buena cría. That sow has a fine litter.
     ama de cría wet nurse.
  • criada maid, servant.
  • criado servant.
  • criar to raise, bring up.
  • criatura baby, infant ¡Cómo llora esta criatura! How this baby cries!—¡No seas criatura! Don't be a baby!
  • crimen [m] crime (spilling of blood).
  • criminal [adj, n] criminal.
  • crío baby (fretful).
  • criollo [adj, n] Creole.
  • crisis [f] crisis.
  • cristal [m] crystal, glass ¿Cuánto vale este juego de cristal? How much is this set of crystal worth?  window pane El cristal de esta ventana está roto. The pane of this window's broken.  crystal, lens Se me han roto los cristales de las gafas y el del reloj. I've broken my lenses and my watch crystal.
  • cristianismo Christianity.
  • cristiano [adj, n] Christian.
  • Cristo Christ.
  • criterio criterion No tenemos los dos el mismo criterio. The two of us don't have the same criterion.  judgment Es un hombre de buen criterio. He's a man of good judgment.
  • crítica criticism.
  • criticar to criticize.
  • crítico critical  [m] critic.
  • cruda hangover [Mex], crudo raw, not cooked enough Estas patatas están muy crudas. These potatoes weren't cooked long enough.  crude Habla de una manera muy cruda. He speaks very crudely.
  • cruel cruel.
  • crueldad [f] cruelty.
  • cruz [f] cross.
  • cruzar to cross, go across Cuidado al cruzar la calle. Be careful when you cross the street.
     cruzarse con to pass (a person) Me crucé con él en la calle. I passed him in the street.  cruzarse de brazos to fold one's arms; to be idle.
  • cuaderno notebook.
  • cuadra stable; [Am] block of houses.
  • cuadrado [adj; n m] square (shape).
  • cuadro painting Es un cuadro de Velazquez. It's a painting by Velazquez.  scene La obra está dividida en tres actos y ocho cuadros. The play's divided into three acts and eight scenes.
     a cuadros plaid, checked Llevaba un traje a cuadros. She was wearing a checked dress.
  • cuajado de filled with La calle estaba cuajada de gente. The street was filled with people.
  • cuajar to materialize No cuajó su plan. His plan didn't materialize.
     cuajarse to coagulate La sangre se cuajó en el suelo. The blood coagulated on the ground.  leche cuajada junket.
  • ¿cuál? which? which one? what? ¿Cuál de los dos lo hizo? Which one of the two did it?—¿Cual es el número de su casa? What's the number of your house?
     por lo cual for that reason, that's why Me dijo que estabas enfermo, por lo cual te he llamado. He told me you were ill and that's why I'm calling.
    || Cual el padre, tal el hijo. Like father, like son.
  • cualidad [f] quality, trait.
  • cualquier(a) any, whatever, whatsoever Llegarán cualquier día. They'll come any day now.—Déme un libro cualquiera. Give me any book whatsoever.  any, any one Déme Ud. cualquiera de esos libros. Give me any (one) of those books.  anyone (at all) Cualquiera puede hacer eso. Anyone can do that.
     un cualquiera a nobody, low-down fellow Es un cualquiera. He's a low-down fellow.
  • cuando when Cuando Ud. venga se lo diré. When you come I'll tell you.  if Cuando Ud. lo dice será verdad. If you say so, it must be true.
     ¿cuándo? when? ¿Cuándo vendrá Ud.? When will you come?  cuando más at most Cuando más, costará treinta pesos. It'll cost, at the most, thirty pesos.  cuando quiera when you please, when you're ready Cuando Ud. quiera, empezamos. When you're ready, we'll begin.  de cuando en cuando from time to time Vendré a verle de cuando en cuando. I'll come to see you from time to time.
  • cuanto all that, as much as Le daré a Ud. cuanto necesite. I'll give you all that you need.
     cuánto how much? ¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost?  how ¡Cuánto me alegro de verle! How glad I am to see you!  cuanto antes as soon as possible Venga cuanto antes. Come as soon as possible.  cuanto más . . . menos the more . . . the less Cuanto más me lo digas menos te creeré. The more you tell me, the less I'll believe you.  ¿cuántos? how many? ¿Cuántos vendrán? How many will come?  en cuanto as soon as En cuanto llegue avíseme. Let me know as soon as he arrives.
  • cuarenta forty.
  • cuaresma Lent.
  • cuarta span (of the hand).
  • cuartel [m] barracks.
  • cuarto room Está en su cuarto. He's in his room.  quarter, one fourth Le he esperado más de un cuarto de hora. I waited for him for more than a quarter of an hour.  fourth Carlos IV (cuarto). Charles the Fourth.  cuarto (old Spanish coin) No tengo un cuarto. I don't have any money.
     cuarto de baño bathroom.
    || Son las tres y cuarto. It's a quarter past three.
  • cuatro four.
  • cuatrocientos four hundred.
  • cuba barrel, cask.
  • cubeta pail, bucket [Am].
  • cubierta wrapping El paquete tenía una cubierta de papel grueso. The package was wrapped in thick paper.  cover (of book, magazine).  deck (of ship) Estuvimos paseando sobre cubierta. We were walking on the deck.
  • cubierto (see cubrir) covered.  [m] place at table.
     cubiertos set of silver; cover.
  • cubrir [irr] to cover Cúbralo con un plato. Cover it with a plate.  to cover, balance Sus ingresos cubrían sus gastos. His earnings covered his expenses.
     cubrirse to put on one's hat Cúbrase Ud. Put on your hat.
  • cucaracha cockroach.
  • cuchara soup spoon, tablespoon.
  • cucharada tablespoonful.
  • cucharadita teaspoonful.
  • cucharilla teaspoon.
  • cucharón [m] ladle.
  • cuchichear to whisper.
  • cuchicheo whisper, whispering.
  • cuchilla wide blade; razor blade.
  • cuchillo knife.
  • cuelgo See colgar.
  • cuello neck Tiene un cuello muy largo. He has a long neck.  neck (of a bottle) Se le ha roto en cuello a la botella. The neck of the bottle was broken.  collar Necesito una camisa de cuello duro. I need a shirt with a stiff collar.
  • cuenta account Póngalo en la nienta. Put it on my account.  bill ¿Le ha pedido la cuenta al camarero? Did you ask the waiter for the bill?
    a cuenta y riesgo at one's own risk Lo hizo a su cuenta y riesgo. He did it at his own risk.  caer en la cuenta to figure out, catch on No caigo en la cuenta de lo que quiere Ud. decirme. I can't figure out what you're trying to tell me.  dar cuenta de to account for, report Hay que dar cuenta de este dinero. You must account for this money.  to exhaust, finish up Dio cuenta de todo el tabaco. He finished up all the tobacco.  darse cuenta de to realize Se dio cuenta de su error. He realized his mistake.  en resumidas cuentas in short, in a word En resumidas cuentas, no quiso venir. In short, he wouldn't come.  hacer cuentas de to compute, calculate, figure out Estaba haciendo las cuentas de la casa. She was figuring out her household expenses.  tener en cuenta to keep in mind Tenga en cuenta lo que le digo. Keep in mind what I tell you.  tomar por su cuenta to take upon oneself Ese asunto lo tomo yo por mi cuenta. I'll take that matter upon myself.
    || Eso no me tiene cuenta. That isn't convenient for me.
  • cuento story, tale Compró un libro de cuentos. He bought a book of stories.
     dejarse de cuentos to stop beating around the bush, come to the point.  no venir a cuento not to have bearing on the question Lo que dice Ud. ahora no viene a cuento. What you're saying now has nothing to do with the question.
  • cuerda cord ¿Tiene Ud. una cuerda para atar este paquete? Do you have a cord to tie this package with?  string Tengo que cambiar una cuerda a la guitarra. I have to change a string on the guitar.  spring, mainspring Se le rompió la cuerda al reloj. The watch spring broke.
     dar cuerda a to wind (a watch or clock) No le di cuerda al reloj anoche. I didn't wind the clock last night.
  • cuerno horn (of an animal).
  • cuero tanned skin, leather La maleta es de cuero. It's a leather valise.  skin El elefante tiene el cuero muy duro. The elephant's skin is very tough.
     cuero cabelludo scalp Es una enfermedad del cuero cabelludo. It's a scalp disease.  en cueros stark-naked.
  • cuerpo body.  corps Pertenece al cuerpo diplomático. He belongs to the diplomatic corps.  corpse, body Encontraron el cuerpo en el río. They found the body in the river.
     tomar cuerpo to take shape El proyecto va tomando cuerpo. The project's taking shape.
  • cuervo crow.
  • cuesta slope, hill Al otro lado de la cuesta está el río. The river's on the other side of the hill.
     a cuestas on one's back Llevaba la carga a cuestas. He was carrying the load on his back.  cuesta abajo downhill.  cuesta arriba uphill.
  • cuestión [f] question (problem) Esta es la cuestión que tenemos que resolver. That's the question we have to solve.  argument Tuve una cuestión con él. I had an argument with him.
  • cueva cave; cellar.
  • cuidado care El cuidado de la piel es importante. Care of the skin is important.  keeping, care Considera muy importante el cuidado de su casa. She considers the care of her home very important.
     estar con cuidado to be anxious or worried Tardan tanto que estoy con cuidado. They're so late that I'm worried.  tener cuidado to be careful Tenga cuidado al bajar. Be careful going down.
    || ¡Cuidado! Look out!
  • cuidadoso careful, painstaking.
  • cuidar to take care of, mind Cuida muy bien de los niños. She takes very good care of the children.
  • culebra snake.
  • culpa fault, blame Eso no ha ocurrido por mi culpa. It isn't my fault that it happened.  sin Confesó todas sus culpas. He confessed all his sins.
     echar la culpa a to blame No me eches la culpa a mi. Don't blame me.  tener la culpa to be to blame Ella tiene la culpa de todo. She's to blame for everything.
  • culpable guilty.
  • culpar to blame, accuse.
  • cultivado (see cultivar) cultured, cultivated Es un hombre muy cultivado. He's a very cultured man.
  • cultivar to cultivate.
  • cultivo cultivation, growing Se dedican al cultivo del algodón. They devote themselves to the growing of cotton.  cultivated fields, crops La inundación arruinó los cultivos. The flood ruined the crops.
  • culto cultured, educated Es un hombre muy culto. He's a very cultured man.  [m] worship Acaban de abrir al culto

esta iglesia. They've just opened this church for worship.

  • cultura culture (of the mind).
  • cumbre [f] top, summit.
  • cumpleaños [m sg] birthday ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday!
  • cumplido polite Es un hombre muy cumplido. He's a very polite man.
  • cumplidor reliable Es muy cumplidor en su trabajo. He's very reliable in his work.
  • cumplidos formalities ¡Basta de cumplidos! Enough of formalities!
  • cumplimiento performance, fulfillment Murió en el cumplimiento de su deber. He died in the performance of his duty.  compliment Me llenó de cumplimientos. He paid me many compliments.
  • cumplir to carry out, execute ¡Cumpla Ud. mis órdenes! Carry out my orders!  to keep (a promise) Cumplirá lo que nos ha prometido. He'll keep his promise to us.
     cumplir . . . (años) to reach one's . . . birthday Mañana cumpliré veinte y cinco. I'll be twenty-five tomorrow.
     cumplirse to mature, fall due Hoy se cumple el plazo. The installment falls due today.
  • cuna cradle.
  • cuneta gutter (along highway).
  • cuña wedge.
  • cuñada sister-in-law.
  • cuñado brother-in-law.
  • cuota share, quota; dues.
  • cúpula dome.
  • cura [m] priest, minister Es el cura de esta parroquia. He's the priest of this parish.  [f] cure, treatment El médico venía a hacerle la(s) cura(s). The doctor came to dress his wound.
     cura de urgencia first aid.
  • curación [f] healing, recovery.
  • curar to treat, dress the wounds of Los médicos estuvieron curando a los heridos. The doctors were treating the wounded.  to salt, cure, preserve No han curado bien estos jamones. They haven't cured these hams well.
     curarse to recover Se ha curado muy bien de la pulmonía. He's completely recovered from pneumonia.
  • curiosidad [f] curiosity; curio.
  • curioso curious, inquisitive.  odd, strange, quaint, rare Es un tipo curioso. He's very odd.
  • cursi unsuccessfully pretentious.
  • curso course (direction) Seguimos el curso del río. We followed the course of the river.  course (of studies) Estudia un curso de historia. He's taking a history course.  course (development) La enfermedad sigue su curso. The ailment's taking its course.
  • curtido (see curtir) experienced, hardened (by life) Es un hombre curtido por la vida. He's a man hardened by life.
  • curtir to tan (hides).
     curtirse to become tanned or weatherbeaten.
  • curva curve.
  • cutis [m] complexion.
  • cuyo whose Este es el hombre cuya hija conociste ayer. This is the man whose daughter you met yesterday.