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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/D

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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 (1945)
the United States War Department
4399754Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 — D1945the United States War Department


  • dados dice.
     jugar a los dados to shoot dice.
  • dama lady. Primero las damas. Ladies first.
  • danza dance (spectacle) Ha escrito un libro sobre la historia de la danza. He's written a book on the history of the dance.
  • danzar to dance (as a performance).
  • dañar to damage.
     dañarse to damage Al aterrizar se le dañó un ala al avión. The plane damaged a wing in landing.
  • daño damage El temporal causó gran daño. The storm caused a lot of damage.
     daños damages Tuvo que pagar los daños. He had to pay the damages.  hacerle daño a uno to be harmful to one, not to agree with one Me hace daño la comida picante. Highly spiced food doesn't agree with me.  hacerse daño to get hurt, hurt oneself Me hice daño en el pie. I hurt my foot.
  • dar [irr] to give.  to bear Este árbol da muy buena fruta. This tree bears good fruit.  to show No da señales de vida. He doesn't show any sign of life.  to show (movies or plays) ¿Dónde dan esa película? Where's that movie showing?
     dar a to face, overlook Las ventanas dan a la calle. The windows face the street.  dar a conocer to make known Dio a conocer su opinión. He made his opinion known.  dar a

entender to pretend El da a entender que no le interesa. He pretends that it doesn't interest him.  to insinuate, drive at ¿Qué quiere dar a entender? What are you driving at?  dar (al) fiado to sell or give on credit Se lo podemos dar fiado. We can let you have it on credit.  dar calabazas See calabaza.  dar con to find, locate No puedo dar con él. I can't locate him.  dar de baja to dismiss Le han dado de baja del equipo. They've dropped him from the team.  dar de'sí to stretch, give Estos calcetines no dan de'sí cuando se lavan. These socks don't stretch when you wash 'em.  dar el golpe to create a sensation, make a hit Darás el golpe con ese vestido. You'll make a hit with that dress.  dar en to hit ¡Al fin ha dado Ud. en el clavo! At last you've hit the nail on the head!  to take to Dio en coleccionar sellos. He took to stamp collecting.  dar fin a to complete, finish Dimos fin a la obra. We finished the work.  dar guerra to make trouble or a rumpus Dile a los chicos que no den guerra. Tell the boys not to make a rumpus.  dar la hora to strike El reloj de la catedral acaba de dar las tres. The cathedral's clock just struck three.  dar la razón to agree, be of the same opinion Le doy la razón. I agree with you.  dar las gracias to thank No le dieron las gracias. They didn't thank him.  darle a uno to be stricken with, come down with (illness) Me dio el sarampión. I came down with measles.  darle a uno gana(s) to want, desire Me dan ganas de comprar un automóvil. I want to buy an automobile.  dar . . . manos de to put on . . . coats (as of paint) Dio dos manos de pintura a la pared. He put two coats of paint on the wall.  dar parte to report ¿Dieron ya parte a la policía? Have they reported it to the police yet?  dar por cierto or seguro to feel sure Doy por seguro que vendrá. I feel sure he'll come.  dar por hecho to assume, take for granted Lo dimos por hecho. We took it for granted.  dar que decir or hablar to cause criticism Eso dará mucho que decir. That'll cause a lot of criticism.  dar que hacer to give or cause trouble or work ¡Estos niños me dan tanto qué hacer! These children give me so much trouble!  dar que pensar to make suspicious Su conducta extraña me dio que pensar. His queer behavior made me suspicious.  dar recuerdos to give regards Déle recuerdos de mi parte. Give him my regards.  dar saltos to jump Al ver a su padre los niños dieron saltos de alegría. When they saw their father, the children jumped for joy.  darse la mano to shake hands ¡Ea, dense la mano, muchachos! Come on, shake hands, boys!  darse prisa to hurry ¡Dése prisa que perdemos el tren! Hurry up or we'll miss the train!  (no) darle a uno la gana (not) to feel like No me da la gana (de) hacerlo. I don't feel like doing it. or I refuse to do it.

  • datos data.
  • de of, -'s Viven en casa de mi madre. They live in my mother's house.  of Haga el favor de darme un vaso de agua. Please give me a glass of water.  from Soy de Madrid. I'm from Madrid.  about ¿Habla Ud. de mi amiga? Are you talking about my friend?  in Se lo bebió de un trago. He drank it in one gulp.  with ¿Quién es esa señora del sombrero rojo? Who's the woman with the red hat?  to Es la hora de salir. It's time to leave.
  • debajo de beneath, under Encontrará Ud. la carta debajo de estos papeles. You'll find the letter under these papers.
  • debate [m] debate.
  • deber to owe Nos debe mucho dinero. He owes us a lot of money.  to have to, must Debemos irnos. We have to go.
     deber de must be (probability) Debe de hacer frío. It must be pretty cold.
  • deber [m] duty, obligation Cumple con su deber. He does his duty.
  • débil weak Después de su enfermedad se ha quedado muy débil. Since his illness he's been very weak.
  • debilidad [f] weakness.
  • debilitar to weaken.
  • debut [m] debut.
  • decadencia decline.
  • decaer [irr] to fail Su salud decae. His health's failing.  to lessen, fall off Ha decaído mucho el interés del público. Public interest has fallen off a lot.
  • decano dean.
  • decente nice, decent A ese lugar no va gente decente. No decent people go to that place.  honest Creo que son personas decentes. I think they're honest people.
  • decepción [f] disappointment.
  • decepcionar to disappoint.
  • decidido (see decidir) determined Es una persona muy decidida. He's a very determined person.
  • decidir to decide Decidieron hacer el viaje en seguida. They decided to make the trip right away.
     decidirse a to make up one's mind to Se decidió a casarse con ella. He made up his mind to marry her.
  • décimo tenth.  [m] one-tenth of a lottery ticket.
  • decir [irr] to tell No dijo la verdad. He didn't tell the truth.  to say ¿Qué dice hoy el periódico? What does the paper say today?
     como quien no dice nada as if it were of no importance Habló de ganar miles de dólares como quien no dice nada. He spoke of earning thousands of dollars as if it were nothing.  decir bien to be right Dice Ud. bien. That's right.  decir para'sí to say to oneself.  decir por decir to talk for the sake of talking, talk to make conversation No hace más que decir por decir. He just talks for the sake of talking.  el qué dirán gossip, what people will say No hay que preocuparse del qué dirán. One shouldn't worry about what people are going to say.  es decir that is to say, that is.  querer decir to mean ¿Qué quiere decir eso? What does that mean?  ser un decir to be a manner of speaking Todo esto es un decir. All this is a manner of speaking.
    || ¡Diga! Hello! (telephone) [Sp, Cuba] .
  • decisión [f] determination Muestra siempre mucha decisión en todo lo que emprende. He always shows great determination in everything he undertakes.  decision ¿Han hecho ya pública la decisión del tribunal? Have they announced the decision of the court yet?
  • decisivo decisive, final.
  • declaración [f] declaration ¿Fué después de la declaración de guerra? Was it after the declaration of war?  statement Lea Ud. su declaración antes de firmarla. Read your statement before you sign it.
  • declarar to testify Después declararon los testigos. Afterwards the witnesses testified.
     declararse to declare one's love No se me ha declarado todavía. He hasn't told me he loves me yet.  declararse en huelga to declare a strike.
  • decoración [f] decoration.  (stage) setting, props Las decoraciones de la obra eran muy acertadas. The settings of the play were very appropriate.
  • decorar to decorate.
  • decoro dignity, decorum.
  • decretar to decree.
  • decreto decree.
  • dedal [m] thimble.
  • dedicar to devote Dedica todo su tiempo al trabajo. He devotes all his time to his work.  to inscribe, autograph El autor me ha dedicado su libro. The author has autographed his book for me.  to dedicate El libro está dedicado al Presidente. The book's dedicated to the President.
  • dedillo  saber al dedillo to know perfectly.
  • dedo finger; toe
     dedo anular ring finger.  dedo gordo thumb; big toe.  dedo índice index finger.  dedo medio middle finger.  dedo meñique little finger, pinky.  dedo pulgar thumb.
  • deducir [-zc-] to deduce, imagine Se pueden deducir las consecuencias. You can imagine the consequences.  subtract, deduct Deduzca Ud. esa cantidad del total. Subtract this amount from the total.
  • defecto defect, imperfection, shortcoming No tiene defectos físicos. He has no physical defects.
  • defectuoso defective, faulty.
  • defender [rad-ch I] to defend Defendió su opinión con energía. He defended his opinion with vigor.  to protect La pared nos defendía del viento. The wall protected us from the wind.
  • defensa defense, protection.
  • defensor [m] defender Era uno de los defensores de Bataan. He was one of the defenders of Bataan.  champion Siempre ha sido uno de mis defensores. He's always been one of my champions.  [adj] for the defense Después habló el abogado defensor. Then the attorney for the defense spoke.
  • deficiencia deficiency.
  • definir to define.
  • definitivo final, definite.
  • deformar to deform.
  • degenerar to degenerate.
  • dejado (see dejar) sloppy ¡Anda siempre tan dejado! He's always so sloppy!
  • dejar to leave Dejó el libro sobre la mesa. He left the book on the table.  to let, leave Déjale tranquilo. Let him alone.  to leave, abandon Dejó a su mujer y a sus hijos. He left his wife and children.  to intrust, leave, turn over Dejó sus negocios a su hijo por un año. He turned the business over to his son for a year.  to yield, produce, pay (income, dividends, profit) Es un negocio que deja muchas ganancias. It's a business that pays big dividends.  to give up, leave Ha dejado ese empleo. He's left that job.  to permit, allow, let Déjeme Ud. que se lo explique. Let me explain it to you.
     dejar caer to drop Cuidado, no dejes caer la botella. Be careful, don't drop the bottle.  dejar de to stop Dejó de comer. He stopped eating.  dejar dicho to leave word Dejó dicho que vendría a las cuatro. He left word that he'd come at four.  dejar en paz to leave alone Déjeme en paz porque estoy trabajando. Leave me alone; I'm working.  dejar sin efecto to cancel.  no dejar de not to fail to No dejes de venir a verme. Don't fail to come and see me.
  • del (de + el; see de) Es el padre del abogado. He's the lawyer's father.—Acaba de llegar del extranjero. He's just arrived from abroad.
  • delantal [m] apron.
  • delante de before, in front of Mi casa está delante de la catedral. My house is in front of the cathedral.  before, in front of, in the presence of No digas esas cosas delante de una señora. Don't say such things in front of a lady.
  • delantera start, lead El caballo blanco ha tornado la delantera. The white horse has taken the lead.  front row (of seats).  front, facade (of building).
  • delantero front Hay que arreglar el delantero de la chaqueta. You have to fix the front of the jacket.  forward (basketball, soccer).
  • delegación [f] delegation Es un miembro de la delegación española. He's a member of the Spanish delegation.
     delegación de policía police station Lo llevaron a la delegación de policía. They took him to the police station.
  • delegado delegated.  [n] delegate.
  • deletrear to spell (out) ¿Quiere Ud. hacer el favor de deletrear su apellido? Would you spell your name, please?
  • delgado thin, slim Se ha quedado muy delgado. He's become very thin.  thin, light Ese abrigo es muy delgado. That coat's too thin.
  • deliberar to deliberate El jurado está todavía deliberando. The jury's still deliberating.
  • delicadeza delicacy.
  • delicado delicate.
  • delicia delight.
  • delicioso delightful Hemos pasado un rato delicioso. We had a delightful time.  delicious El postre está delicioso. The dessert's delicious.
  • delincuente [adj; n] delinquent.
  • delirio delirium El delirio le duró toda la noche. The delirium lasted all night.
     con delirio madly La quiere con delirio. He's madly in love with her.  delirio de grandeza delusions of grandeur.
  • delito misdemeanor, crime.
  • demanda claim, demand, request Han aceptado nuestra demanda. They've accepted our demand.  demand, call (Com) Ahora hay mucha demanda de este artículo. There's a great demand for this article now.
     demanda (judicial) legal proceeding, court action Entablaré demanda contra ellos. I'll take court action against them.  oferta y demanda supply and demand.
  • demás  lo demás the rest Luego contaré la demás. I'll tell you the rest later.  los demás, las demás others, the others, the rest Esperemos a los demás. Let's wait for the others.  por demás too, too much Eso es por demás. That's too much.  por lo demás aside from this, as to the rest Por lo demás me parece bien. Aside from this, it seems all right to me.  todo lo demás everything else.
  • demasiado [adj] too much, too many Había demasiada gente. There were too many people there.  [adv] too much Cuesta demasiado. It costs too much.
  • demente mad, insane.  [m] insane person.
  • democracia democracy.
  • demócrata [m, f] democrat.
  • democrático democratic.
  • demoler [rad-ch I] to demolish.
  • demonio devil ¿Para qué demonios lo quiere? What the devil does he want it for?
     ¡demonio! damn (it)! ¡Demonio, qué frío hace! Damn it, it's cold!
  • demora delay.
  • demorar to delay Se demoraron en el camino. They were delayed on the way.
  • demostración [f] proof Eso no necesita demostración. That doesn't need any proof.  demonstration Se le recibió con grandes demostraciones de alegría. He was received with great demonstrations of joy.
  • demostrar [rad-ch I] to prove Demostró que tenía razón. He proved he was right.  to show Demostró mucho talento. He showed great talent.
  • densidad [f] density.
  • dentadura set of teeth.
  • dentífrico toothpaste, toothpowder.
  • dentista [m, f] dentist.
  • dentro inside, into, within Le espero dentro. I'll wait for you inside.
     a dentro See adentro.  dentro de inside (of) Está dentro del cajón. It's inside the drawer.  in, within Vendrá dentro de dos meses. He'll be here in two months.  dentro de poco soon, in a little while Nos veremos dentro de poco. I'll see you again soon.  por dentro inside, on the inside La caja está pintada por dentro. The box is painted on the inside.
  • denunciar to denounce.
  • departamento section, department.  apartment [Am] Viven en una casa de departamentos. They live in an apartment house.
  • depender to depend, be dependent No le gusta depender de nadie. He doesn't like to be dependent on anyone.
     depende it depends Depende de lo que quiera Ud. hacer. It depends on what you want to do.
  • dependiente [m, f] clerk, salesman.
  • deplorar to deplore, regret, lament.
  • deponer [irr] to depose.
  • deportar to deport, exile.
  • deporte [m] sport ¿Le gustan a Ud. los deportes? Do you like sports?
  • deportista [m, f] sportsman, sportswoman.  [adj] fond of sports.
  • deportivo [adj] sport, athletic.
  • depositar to deposit Depositaron su dinero en el banco. They deposited their money in the bank.  to put, have Deposité en él toda mi confianza. I put all my trust in him.
  • depósito deposit, bond Para entrar en el país hay que dejar un depósito. You must leave a deposit in order to enter the country.  warehouse Estos edificios son los depósitos de la fábrica. These buildings are the warehouses of the factory.
     depósito de agua water tank; reservoir.  en depósito on deposit.
  • depravado depraved, lewd.
  • depreciado depreciated Esa mercadería está depreciada. That merchandise has depreciated.
  • depresión [f] depression.
  • deprimir to depress.
  • derecha right (hand), right (side) Tomamos el camino de la derecha. We took the road to the right.—Conserve (or lleve) la derecha. Keep to the right.
     a derechas right, well No hace nada a derechas. He doesn't do anything right.  a la derecha to the right.  de derecha conservative Pertenece a un partido de derecha. He belongs to a conservative party.
  • derecho [adj] right (opposed to left) Llevaba un anillo en la mano derecha. He wore a ring on his right hand.  straight Póngase Ud. la corbata derecha. Straighten your tie.  [m] right Ud. no tiene derecho a decirme eso. You have no right to say that to me.  law Es estudiante de derecho. He's a law student.
     del derecho right side out Fíjese que esté del derecho. Make sure it's right side out.  derechos de aduana customs duties No tiene Ud. que pagar derechos de aduana. You don't have to pay duty.  derechos de autor copyright; royalties.  hecho y derecho grown-up, full-fledged Es un hombre hecho y derecho. He's a real man now.  ponerse derecho to stand up straight.
  • derecho [adv] straight, right Siga Ud. todo derecho hasta la plaza. Go straight ahead to the square.
  • derramar to spill Derramó el agua en el mantel. He spilled water on the tablecloth.
  • derretir [rad-ch III] to melt El sol está derritiendo la nieve. The sun's melting the snow.
     derretirse to melt La mantequilla se está derritiendo. The butter's melting.
  • derribar to demolish, tear down Han derribado muchas casas viejas. Many old houses have been torn down.  to throw down, knock down De un golpe lo derribó al suelo. He knocked him down with one blow.  to overthrow Derribaron al gobierno. They overthrew the government.
  • derrochar to waste, squander.
  • derrota defeat, rout.
  • derrotar to defeat, rout.
  • derrumbarse to collapse, tumble down El puente se derrumbó. The bridge collapsed.
  • derrumbe [m] landslide Hay un derrumbe en el camino. There's a landslide on the road.
  • desabrigarse to take off outer clothing, to expose oneself (to cold).
  • desabrochar to unclasp, unbutton, unfasten.
  • desacierto error, mistake, blunder.
  • desacreditar to discredit.
  • desacuerdo disagreement.
  • desafiar to challenge Le desafío a una partida de ajedrez. I challenge you to a game of chess.  to defy Desafiaba el peligro. He defied the danger.
  • desafinar to be out of tune.
  • desafío duel; challenge; match (sports).
  • desagradable disagreeable, unpleasant.
  • desagradar to displease Me desagrada mucho lo que Ud. ha hecho. I'm very much displeased with what you did.
  • desagrado displeasure.
  • desaguar to drain, draw liquid off.
  • desagüe [m] drain (plumbing).
  • desahogado comfortable Viven de una manera muy desahogada. They live very comfortably.  cheeky, nervy ¡Qué tío más desahogado! What a nervy guy.
  • desahogo relief, breathing spell, rest No he tenido un momento de desahogo desde que empecé este trabajo. I haven't had a moment's rest since I began this work.  cheek, nerve Tiene un desahogo terrible. He has an awful nerve.
  • desairar to scorn, disregard, slight No quiero desairarle. I don't mean to slight him.
  • desalentar [rad-ch I] to discourage No le desaliente en su trabajo. Don't discourage him about his work.
  • desaliento discouragement.
  • desalmado inhuman, merciless.
  • desalquilado unrented, vacant ¿Tienen algún apartamento desalquilado? Do you have a vacant apartment?
  • desalquilarse to become vacant Me han dicho que este piso se desalquilará el mes próximo. I've been told this apartment will be vacant next month.
  • desamparar to abandon, desert.
  • desamueblado unfurnished.
  • desandar to retrace (one's steps).
  • desangrarse to bleed, lose blood.
  • desanimación [f] lack of enthusiasm Hubo gran desanimación en el público. There was a great lack of enthusiasm on the part of the public.
  • desanimado poorly attended La fiesta estuvo muy desanimada. The fiesta was very poorly attended.
  • desanimar to dishearten, discourage ¿Por qué me desanima Ud. a hacer el viaje? Why are you discouraging me from taking the trip?
     desanimarse to become discouraged Se desanima con la menor dificultad. He gets discouraged at the least difficulty.
  • desaparecer [-zc-] to disappear.
  • desaparición [f] disappearance.
  • desaprobar to disapprove of Desapruebo su actitud. I disapprove of his attitude.
  • desarmar to disarm Desarmaron a los soldados. They disarmed the soldiers.  to take apart Desarmé la máquina de escribir para limpiarla. I took the typewriter apart to clean it.
  • desarreglar to disarrange.
  • desarrollar to develop Están desarrollando una nueva industria. They're developing a new industry.
     desarrollarse to develop El niño se ha desarrollado muy de prisa. The child's developed very quickly.
  • desarrollo development.
  • desaseado slovenly, not clean.
  • desastrado untidy, slovenly.
  • desastre [m] disaster, catastrophe.
  • desastroso unfortunate, disastrous.
  • desatar to untie.
  • desatento discourteous.
  • desatinado foolish Me dio un consejo desatinado. He gave me foolish advice.  [n] idiot, fool.
  • desatino nonsense.
  • desavenencia discord, disagreement.
  • desayunarse to breakfast ¿Se ha desayunado Ud. ya? Have you had your breakfast yet?
  • desayuno breakfast.
  • desbaratar to destroy, ruin Estos niños desbaratan todo lo que cogen. These children destroy everything they get hold of.
     desbaratarse to fall to pieces Se han desbaratado todos nuestros planes. All our plans went to pieces.
  • desbordarse to overflow.
  • descabellado preposterous, absurd ¡Qué ideas tan descabelladas tiene Ud.! What absurd ideas you have!
  • descalabro setback, misfortune.
  • descalificar to disqualify.
  • descalzarse to take off one's shoes.
  • descalzo [adj] barefoot.
  • descamisado ragamuffin [Am].
  • descansar to rest Cuando termine este trabajo, descanse Ud. un rato. When you finish this work, rest for a while.
  • descanso rest, let-up Trabaja sin descanso. He works without let-up.  relief ¡Qué descanso me da haber terminado eso! What a relief to be finished with that!  intermission Iremos a su palco en el descanso. We'll come to your box during the intermission.  landing (of staircase).
  • descarado impudent, saucy, fresh.
  • descargar to unload Varios hombres descargaban el camión. Several men were unloading the truck.  to free (from an obligation or debt) Le han descargado de esas obligaciones. They've freed him from those obligations.  to burst, strike (as a storm) La tormenta va a descargar de un momento a otro. The storm's going to strike any minute.
  • descargo unloading, unburdening.
  • descartar to discard, eliminate Hay que descartar esa posibilidad. You have to eliminate that possibility.
     descartarse (de) to discard (at cards) Me he descartado de un rey. I discarded a king.
  • destendencia descendants Su descendencia llegó a ser ilustre. His descendants came to be well known.
  • descender [rad-ch I] to go down, descend Esa carretera desciende hasta el mar. That road goes down to the sea.  to be descended Creo que descienden de una familia francesa. I think they're descended from a French family.  to descend, come down El avión descendió rápidamente. The airplane came down rapidly.  to drop, decrease La temperatura está descendiendo. The temperature's dropping.
  • descendiente [m, f] descendant.
  • descenso descent, going down El descenso era muy peligroso. The descent was very dangerous.  fall, decrease Durante varios años hubo un descenso en la natalidad. There was a fall in the birth rate for several years.
  • descifrar to decipher, make out.
  • descolgar to take down Ayúdeme a descolgar este cuadro. Help me take down this picture.
  • descolorido faded La tela está muy descolorida. The cloth's very faded.  pale Después de la enfermedad se quedó muy descolorido. He was very pale after his illness.
  • descomedido impolite, rude Es un muchacho muy descomedido. He's very impolite.
  • descomponer [irr] to upset Eso descompuso todos nuestros planes. That upset all our plans.  to put out of order Los niños descompusieron el radio. The children put the radio out of order.
     descomponerse to dislocate Se ha descompuesto un brazo. He's dislocated his arm.  to get out of order El teléfono se descompuso. The telephone got out of order.  to spoil, rot Por el calor se ha descompuesto la comida. The food's spoiled because of the heat.  to get very angry, lose one's temper Al oír aquello, se descompuso. When he heard that he got very angry.  to lose one's looks [Mex] Con la enfermedad se ha descompuesto mucho. On account of her illness she's lost a lot of her good looks.
  • descompuesto (see descomponer) out of order; spoiled.
  • desconcertar [rad-ch I] to disturb, confuse La pregunta le desconcertó mucho. The question confused him.
  • desconfianza distrust.
  • desconfiar de to distrust, suspect No tiene Ud. razón para desconfiar de él. You have no reason to distrust him.  to have little hope of El médico desconfiaba de poder salvarlo. The doctor had little hope of saving him.
  • desconocer [-zc-] to disregard, ignore Desconoce las reglas de la etiqueta. He ignores the rules of etiquette.
  • desconocido (see desconocer) unknown, strange Es difícil orientarse en una ciudad desconocida. It's difficult to find one's way around in a strange city.  [n] stranger Se le acercó un desconocido.  stranger approached him.
  • desconsideración [f] inconsiderateness ¡Eso es mucha desconsideración! That's very inconsiderate.
  • desconsolado disconsolate.
  • descontado See descontar.  dar por descontado to take for granted.
  • descontar [rad-ch I] to deduct Descuente Ud. de esa cantidad los gastos de viaje. Deduct the traveling expenses from that amount.
  • descontento dissatisfied, displeased Estaban muy descontentos de su trabajo. They were dissatisfied with his work.  [m] dissatisfaction.
  • descortés discourteous, rude.
  • describir to describe.
  • descripción [f] description.
  • descrito See describir.
  • descubierto See descubrir.
  • descubrimiento discovery.
  • descubrir [irr] to discover Descubrimos que todo era mentira. We discovered that it was all a lie.  to disclose, show, make clear Descubrió sus intenciones. He disclosed his intentions.
     descubrirse to take off one's hat.
  • descuento discount; deduction.
  • descuidado (see descuidar) sloppy, slovenly, unclean.  unaware, off guard.  careless, negligent No seas tan descuidado en tu trabajo. Don't be careless in your work.
  • descuidar to neglect Descuidó mucho su trabajo. He neglected his work.
    || Descuida, yo me encargo de eso. Don't worry, I'll take care of that.
  • descuido carelessness, negligence.
     al descuido carelessly Hace todo al descuido. He does everything carelessly.  en un descuido when least expected [Mex] En un descuido llega. He turns up when least expected.
  • desde from Le vi desde lejos. I saw him from a distance.  since Vivo en esta casa desde el mes pasado. I've been living in this house since last month.
     desde ahora from now on.  desde entonces since then Desde entonces he cambiado mucho. I've changed a lot since then.  desde hace for Le conozco desde hace muchos años. I've known him for many years.  desde luego of course ¡Desde luego Uds. vendrán con nosotros! Of course you're coming with us!  desde que (ever) since Desde que la conocí la quiero. I've loved her ever since I met her.  desde un principio from the beginning Desde un principio me pareció que estaba equivocado. It seemed to me from the beginning that he was mistaken.
  • desdén [m] scorn.
  • desdicha misfortune.
  • desdichado unhappy, unfortunate Fué un accidente desdichado. It was an unfortunate accident.
  • desdoblar to unfold.
  • desear to desire, want, like Deseo verle cuanto antes. I want to see you as soon as possible.
  • desechar to reject Desecharon su propuesta. They rejected his proposal.  to put aside Deseche Ud. esos temores. Put aside those fears.
  • desembarcar to unload, put ashore Estaban desembarcando las mercancías. They were unloading the goods.  to land, disembark Cuando desembarcamos vimos a nuestro amigo en el muelle. When we landed we saw our friend on the pier.
  • desembarco landing, disembarkation.
  • desembocar to flow, or empty, into Ese río desemboca en el Pacífico. That river flows into the Pacific.  to end, lead No'sé donde desemboca esa calle. I don't know where that street leads.
  • desembolsar to pay out.
  • desempacar to unpack [Am] Tengo que desempacar el equipaje. I have to unpack my luggage.
  • desempeñar to carry out Desempeñó muy bien su misión. He carried out his mission very well.
  • desenfrenado wild Lleva una vida desenfrenada. He leads a wild life.
  • desengañar to set right, undeceive.
     desengañarse to be disillusioned, not to fool oneself Desengáñate, no te quiere. Don't fool yourself, he doesn't love you.  estar desengañado to be disappointed or disillusioned Están muy desengañados después de lo ocurrido. They were disillusioned after what happened.
  • desengaño disappointment, disillusion.
  • desentendido  hacerse el desentendido to pretend not to know.
  • desenterrar [rad-ch I] to dig up.
  • desenvolver [rad-ch I] to unwrap Voy a desenvolver el paquete. I'm going to unwrap the package.
  • desenvuelto (see desenvolver) forward; free and easy.
  • deseo desire, wish No puede refrenar sus deseos. He can't control his desires.
     tener deseo de to be eager to Tengo muchos deseos de verle. I'm very eager to see him.
  • deseoso desirous, eager.
  • desertor [m] deserter.
  • desesperación [f] desperation.
  • desesperanza despair.
  • desesperar to despair, lose hope El médico desespera de salvarle. The doctor's losing hope of saving him.  to drive crazy Me desesperó con su insistencia. He drove me crazy with his insistence.
  • desespero despair.
  • desfallecer [-zc-] to be on the verge of collapse, grow weak, break down.
  • desfavorable unfavorable.
  • desfigurar to disfigure, deform.
  • desfilar to parade.
  • desfile [m] parade.
  • desganado having no appetite.
  • desgarrar to tear, rip.
  • desgracia misfortune Tuvo la desgracia de perder todo su dinero. He had the misfortune to lose all his money.  sorrow, grief Trataban de consolarla en su desgracia. They tried to console her in her grief.
     por desgracia unfortunately Por desgracia no lo supimos a tiempo. Unfortunately we didn't find it out in time.
  • desgraciadamente unfortunately.
  • desgraciado [should not be used in Ecuador] unfortunate Han sido muy desgraciados durante los últimos años. They've been very unfortunate during the past few years.  [n] wretch No es más que un desgraciado. He's nothing but a miserable wretch.
  • deshacer [irr] to undo Tenemos que deshacer lo hecho. We have to undo what was done.  to untie, unwrap No puedo deshacer este nudo. I can't untie this knot.  to dissolve Deshaga la pastilla en un vaso de agua. Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.  to spoil, upset Su llegada deshizo nuestros planes. His arrival spoiled our plans.
     deshacerse to wear oneself out Se deshace con tanto trabajo. He's wearing himself out with so much work.  deshacerse de to dispose of, get rid of Me deshice de mis alhajas. I got rid of my jewels.  deshacerse en to outdo oneself in Se deshizo en amabilidades con las señoras. He outdid himself in courteous attentions to the ladies.  deshacerse en lágrimas to burst into tears.
  • deshecho (see deshacer) undone, not made.  worn out, exhausted Estoy deshecho. I'm exhausted.
  • deshonesto dishonest, dishonorable; lewd.
  • deshonra dishonor, disgrace.
  • deshonrar to disgrace.
  • desierto deserted; uninhabited La estación estaba desierta. The station was deserted.  [m] desert La última parte del viaje fué a través del desierto. The last part of the trip was across the desert.
  • designar to name, appoint (a person).
  • desigual unequal La lucha era muy desigual. It was an unequal struggle.  uneven El terreno era muy desigual. The ground was very uneven.
  • desigualdad [f] difference, inequality.
  • desilusión [f] disillusionment.
  • desinfectante [adj; m] disinfectant.
  • desinfectar to disinfect.
  • desinteresado impartial; disinterested.
  • desistir de to give up, call off Desistió de hacer el viaje. He called off the trip.
  • desleal disloyal.
  • deslizarse to slip, slide, glide Los patinadores se deslizaban rápidamente por la pista. The skaters glided rapidly around the rink.
  • deslucido worn, faded Este traje está muy deslucido. This dress is too worn.  unsuccessful La fiesta fué muy deslucida. The party was a failure.
  • deslumbrar to dazzle.
  • desmayar to be dismayed or depressed or discouraged No desmayó en su intento. He wasn't discouraged in his plan.
     desmayarse to faint Al saber la noticia se desmayó. When she learned the news she fainted.
  • desmejorado  estar desmejorado to look sickly.
  • desmentir [rad-ch II] to disprove Pude desmentirle en todo lo que decía. I was able to disprove every statement he made.
     desmentirse to take back, retract Después de haberlo dicho trató de desmentirse. After he had said it, he tried to take it back.
  • desnudar to undress Está desnudando a los niños. She's undressing the children.
     desnudarse to take off one's clothes, get undressed Se desnudó y se tiró al agua. He took off his clothes and dove into the water.
  • desnudo naked, nude, bare.
  • desobedecer [-zc-] to disobey No desobedezca Ud. mis órdenes. Don't disobey my orders.
  • desocupado unoccupied, vacant ¿Hay algún piso desocupado? Do you have an apartment vacant?  not busy, not occupied Hablaré con Ud. cuando esté desocupado. I'll talk with you when you're not busy.  [m] idler Toda su vida no ha sido más que un desocupado. He's been an idler all his life.
  • desocupar to vacate Tenemos que desocupar la casa antes del mes próximo. We must vacate the house before next month.  to empty Voy a desocupar este armario para que Ud. lo use. I'm going to empty this cabinet so that you can use it.
  • desolación [f] desolation.
  • desolado desolate, disconsolate; disappointed.
  • desollar to skin Después de matar el carnero tendrá Ud. que desollarlo. After you kill the sheep you'll have to skin it.
    || Queda el rabo por desollar. The most difficult part's still to be done.
  • desorden [m] disorder, confusion, mess El cuarto estaba en el más completo desorden. The room was a complete mess.
     desórdenes riots, disturbance En los últimos desórdenes hubo varios heridos. There were several people hurt in the recent riots.
  • desordenado disorderly.
  • desordenar to upset.
  • desorganizar to disorganize.
  • desorientar to confuse Me desorienta su manera de presentar el asunto. His way of presenting the matter confuses me.
     desorientarse to lose one's bearings, get lost Me desorienté al salir del metro. I lost my bearings when I came out of the subway.
  • despachar to ship, send out Despacharon un vagón de géneros. They shipped a carload of goods.  to attend to, take care of No he despachado todavía la correspondencia de hoy. I haven't taken care of today's mail yet.  to wait on, take care of Señorita, ¿quiere Ud. despacharme, por favor? Will you please wait on me, miss?  to fire, dismiss Le despacharon por inútil. They fired him because he was useless.
  • despacho dispatch.  office ¿Quiere Ud. pasar a su despacho? Will you go into his office?
     despacho de billetes ticket office, ticket window Tuvo que hacer cola en el despacho de billetes. He had to stand in line at the ticket office.  despacho de mercancía shipment of goods Se ha retrasado mucho el despacho de esa mercancía. That shipment's been very much delayed.
  • despacio slowly ¿Quiere Ud. hablar más despacio? Would you speak more slowly?
  • despedazar to tear up, mangle.
  • despedida farewell, send-off Les dieron una comida de despedida. They gave them a farewell dinner.
  • despedir [rad-ch III] to dismiss, discharge Tuvieron que despedir a la mitad del personal. They had to dismiss half their personnel.  to see (someone) off Iremos a despedirle a la estación. We'll go to the station to see him off.
     despedirse a la francesa to take French leave, sneak away.  despedirse (de) to take leave (of), say goodby (to) Tengo que despedirme de unos amigos. I have to say good-by to some friends.  ser despedido, salir despedido to be thrown out A consecuencia del choque uno de los pasajeros salió despedido. As a result of the collision one of the passengers was thrown out.
  • despegar to unglue, take off Voy a despegar este sello con agua caliente. I'm going to take off this stamp with hot water.  to rise, take off El avión todavía no ha despegado. The plane still hasn't taken off.
     despegarse to come off El sello se despegó. The stamp came off.  no despegar los labios to keep silent, keep one's mouth shut.
  • despejado (see despejar) smart, bright ¡Qué muchacho tan despejado! What a bright boy!
  • despejar to clear La policía ha despejado la plaza. The police have cleared the square.
     despejarse to clear up (of the weather or sky) Me parece que el tiempo se está despejando. I think it's clearing up.
  • despensa pantry.
  • desperdiciar to waste No se debe desperdiciar la comida. Food shouldn't be wasted.
  • desperdicio [m] waste Esta carne no tiene desperdicio. This meat has no waste.  desperdicios refuse, garbage.
  • desperezarse to stretch (oneself).
  • despertador [m] alarm clock Ponga el despertador a las siete. Set the alarm clock for seven o'clock.
  • despertar [rad-ch I] to wake up Despiérteme a las ocho. Wake me up at eight o'clock.  to arouse, sharpen, excite Todo lo que've despierta su curiosidad. Everything he sees arouses his curiosity.  despertarse to wake up Me desperté al amanecer. I woke up at sunrise.
  • despierto (see despertar) awake.  smart, wide-awake Es un chico muy despierto. He's a very wide-awake boy.
  • despintar to remove paint; to remove make-up.
  • desplegar [rad-ch I] to unfold Estaban desplegando el mapa sobre la mesa. They were unfolding the map on the table.  to deploy (Mil).
     desplegar los labios to open one's mouth Estuvo allí sin desplegar los labios. He sat there without opening his mouth.
  • desplomarse to fall, collapse.
  • despoblado uninhabited place, wilderness.
  • despojar to strip (of property), despoil Le han despojado hasta del último centavo. They stripped him of his last penny.
     despojarse de to take off (clothing) Al entrar se despojó del abrigo. On entering he took off his coat.
  • despojo spoils.
     despojos remains.
  • déspota [m] tyrant, despot.
  • despotismo tyranny, despotism.
  • despreciable despicable, low-down.
  • despreciar to look down on, despise No tiene Ud. ninguna razón para despreciarle. You have no reason to look down on him.  to scorn, reject Despreció todos mis consejos. He scorned all my advice.
  • desprecio contempt.
  • desprender to unfasten Desprenda Ud. el broche. Unfasten the pin.
     desprenderse to loosen, fall off Se ha desprendido un botón del saco.  button's fallen off the jacket.  desprenderse de to give away Se ha desprendido de toda su fortuna. He gave away his whole fortune.
  • desprendido (see desprender) generous Siempre ha sido muy desprendido. He's always been very generous.
  • desprestigiado having lost one's prestige or reputation Es un hombre completamente desprestigiado. He's a man who's completely lost his reputation.
  • desprestigiar to slander.
  • despropósito nonsense.
  • después later Tendremos una reunión y después podemos dar un paseo. We'll have a meeting and later we can take a walk.  then Después fuimos al teatro. Then we went to the theater.  afterwards Se lo contaré después. I'll tell you afterwards.
     después de after Iremos después de comer. We'll go after we eat.  después de todo after all Después de todo es lo razonable. After all, it's reasonable.
  • despuntar to be outstanding Ese alumno despunta mucho. That student's very outstanding.
  • desquitarse to get even Vamos a jugar otra partida, a ver si me desquito. Let's play another game to see if I can get even.
  • desquite [m] revenge, getting even Entonces se le presentó la ocasión de su desquite. Then he had a chance for revenge.
  • destacar to stand out Destacaban por su estatura. They stood out because of their height.
     destacarse to be noted, be famous, distinguish oneself Se destacaron por su valor. They distinguished themselves by their courage.
  • destapar to take the lid or cover off ¿Puede Ud. destapar esta caja? Can you take the lid off this box?  to open Destape Ud. otra botella de Coca-Cola. Open another bottle of Coca-Cola.
  • desternillarse to split (one's sides with laughter).
  • desterrar [rad-ch I] to banish, exile Lo van a desterrar. They're going to exile him.
  • destilar to distill.
  • destinado (see destinar) addressed La carta venía destinada a mí. The letter was addressed to me.
     estar destinado a to be bound to, be destined to Ese proyecto está destinado a fracasar. That plan's bound to fail.
  • destinar to appoint, assign Le destinaron a otra sucursal del banco. They appointed him to another branch of the bank.
  • destinatario, destinataria addressee.
  • destino job Tiene un destino en el ministerio de Hacienda. He has a job in the Treasury Department.  destiny, fate Su destino fué trágico. He had a tragic fate.  destination Esta carta no llegará a su destino. This letter won't reach its destination.
     con destino a bound for, going to Salió con destino a Buenos Aires. He was bound for Buenos Aires.
  • destituir to dismiss (from office).
  • destornillador [m] screw driver.
  • destornillar to unscrew.
  • destreza skill.
  • destrozar to destroy, tear down.
  • destrucción [f] destruction.
  • destruir to destroy.
  • desunir to separate, take apart Tendremos que desunir los alambres. We'll have to separate the wires.  to estrange La política desunió a las dos familias. Politics estranged the two families.
  • desvalido destitute.
  • desván [m] attic.
  • desvanecerse to vanish, disappear Con el viento, el humo se desvaneció. The smoke vanished with the wind.  to faint Al oír la mala noticia se desvaneció. When she heard the bad news she fainted.
  • desvelar to keep awake El café me desvela mucho. Coffee keeps me awake.
     desvelarse to outdo oneself Se desvelaban por sernos agradables. They outdid themselves in being kind to us.
  • desventaja disadvantage; handicap.
  • desventura misfortune, mishap.
  • desvergüenza impudence; shamelessness.
  • desviación [f] detour Había una desviación en el camino. There was a detour on the road.
  • desviar to change the course of Desviaron la carretera para hacerla más corta. They changed the course of the road to make it shorter.
     desviar la mirada to avoid someone's eyes, look away.  desviarse to deviate, get away (from) No se desvíe Ud. del tema. Don't get away from the subject.  to drift El avión se ha desviado de su ruta. The plane drifted from its course.
  • desvío indifference Su desvío me molesta. Her indifference annoys me.
  • detallar to tell in detail, to detail.
  • detalle [m] detail Cuénteme Ud. todos los detalles. Tell me all the details.
     con detalle in detail Expliquenme Uds. con detalle como ha ocurrido eso. Explain to me in detail how it happened.
  • detener [irr] to stop, detain Por favor, deténgale un momento. Please detain him for a minute.  to arrest La policía detenuvo a los cómplices del asesino. The police have, arrested the accomplices of the murderer.
     detenerse to stop, halt El automóvil se detuvo. The automobile stopped.  to stop, restrain oneself Detente un momento a pensarlo. Stop and think it over for a minute.
  • detenido (see detener) [adj; n] (person) under arrest Los detenidos esperaban a que se les interrogara. Those under arrest were waiting to be questioned.
  • determinación [f] determination; decision Tenemos que tomar una determinación. We have to make a decision.
  • determinado determined [Am] Triunfó porque era muy determinado. He succeeded because he was very determined.
  • determinar to fix, determine Determinaron las condiciones del negocio. They fixed the terms of the deal.  to decide ¿Determinó Ud. lo que quiere hacer? Did you decide what you want to do?
     determinarse to make up one's mind ¿Se determinó a hacer el viaje? Did he make up his mind to make the trip?
  • detestable hateful, detestable, awful.
  • detrás behind Vienen detrás. They're coming along behind.
     detrás de behind, in back of Detrás de los árboles hay una casa. There's a house behind the trees.  por detrás from behind El enemigo atacó por detrás. The enemy attacked from behind.  behind one's back Por detrás hablaba mal de él. He talked about him behind his back.
  • deuda debt Pagó todas sus deudas. He paid all his debts.
     estar en deuda to be indebted Estoy en deuda con Ud. I'm indebted to you.
  • deudo, deuda relative, kin.
  • deudor, deudora debtor.
  • devanar to wind Estaba devanando un ovillo de lana. She was winding up a spool of wool.
     devanarse to double up (with pain) [Am].  devanarse los sesos to rack one's brains Me estoy devanando los sesos para encontrar una solución. I'm racking my brains to find a solution.
  • devastar to lay waste.
  • devoción [f] piety, devoutness; devotion.
  • devolver [rad-ch I] to return, give back ¿No ha devuelto Ud. todavía esos libros? Haven't you returned those books yet?  to pay back ¿Te ha devuelto el dinero que le prestaste? Has he paid back the money you lent him?  to restore Aquella noticia le devolvió la tranquilidad. That news restored her peace of mind.
  • devorar to devour.
  • devoto devout, pious.
  • devuelto See devolver.
  • día [m] day ¿A qué día estamos hoy? What day's today?
     al día a day, per day Producen cien automóviles al día. They produce a hundred automobiles a day.  up to date Ponga Ud. Esa correspondencia al día. Bring that correspondence up to date.  al día siguiente the following day.  buenos días good morning Buenos días. ¿Cómo está Ud.? Good morning. How are you?  darle a uno los días to congratulate one on his saint's day or birthday Fui a dar los días a mi hermano. I went to congratulate my brother on his birthday.  de día before dark ¿Cree Ud. que volveremos de día? Do you think we'll return before dark?  by day, when it's light Llegó a casa cuando ya era de día. It was daylight when he got home.  de día en día from day to day, as time goes by De día en día la situación va empeorando. The situation's getting worse from day to day.  de hoy en . . . días . . . days from today Iremos de hoy en ocho días. We'll go a week from today.  de un día para otro from day to day Está dejando esa visita de un día para otro. He keeps putting off that visit from day to day.  día de Año Nuevo New Year's Day.  día de fiesta holiday ¿Es mañana un día de fiesta? Is tomorrow a holiday?  dia del santo saint's day.  el día menos pensado when one least expects.  el mejor día some fine day El mejor día se presenta aquí. Some fine day he'll show up here.  hoy (en) día today, these days Hoy día es muy difícil encontrar eso. It's very hard to find that today.  ocho días a week Voy al cine cada ocho días. I go to the movies every week.  quince días two weeks Estaré en el campo quince días. I'll be in the country two weeks.  todos los días daily, every day Le veo todos los días. I see him every day.  un día sí y otro no, día de por medio every other day Tengo clase un día si y otro no. I have a class every other day.
  • diablo devil ¡Qué diablo estás haciendo! What the devil are you doing?
     irse al diablo to go to the devil.
  • diáfano transparent.
  • dialecto dialect.
  • diálogo dialogue.
  • diamante [m] diamond.

¡diantre! the deuce! the devil!

  • diario [adj] daily Salió a dar su paseo diario. He went out for his daily walk.  [m] journal, diary Escribía por las noches su diario. He used to write his diary in the evening.  paper, journal ¿Qué trae el diario? What's new in the paper today?
     a diario daily, every day Nos vemos a diario. We see each other every day.
  • dibujar to draw, sketch.
  • dibujo drawing.
  • diccionario dictionary.
  • dicha happiness.
  • dicho See decir.  [m] saying, saw Ese es un dicho muy antiguo. That's a very old saying.  witty remark Tiene unos dichos muy graciosos. He makes some very witty remarks.
    || Dicho y hecho. No sooner said than done.
  • dichoso happy, fortunate, lucky.
  • diciembre [m] December.
  • dictador [m] dictator.
  • dictadura dictatorship.
  • dictar to dictate Le voy a dictar unas cartas. I'm going to dictate some letters to him.—Hizo lo que le dictó su consciencia. He did what his conscience dictated.  to give, issue (by decree) Acerca de esto no se han dictado órdenes. They haven't given any orders about this.
  • diente [m] tooth Tengo un diente picado. I have a cavity in my tooth.  tine El tenedor tiene torcidos los dientes. The tines of the fork are bent.  cog Se cogió el brazo entre los dientes de la rueda. His arm was caught between the cogs of the wheel.
     decir (or hablar) entre dientes to mumble, mutter.  tener buen diente to be a hearty eater Este chico tiene muy buen diente. This boy's a hearty eater.
  • diestro able, skillful.  [m] bull fighter.
  • dieta diet.
  • diez ten.
  • diferencia difference.
  • diferenciar to distinguish between.
  • diferente different.
  • diferido (see diferir) deferred Pusieron un cable diferido. They sent a deferred cablegram.
  • diferir [rad-ch II] to postpone, put off No difiera Ud. esos asuntos. Don't put off those matters.  to differ Difiero de Ud. en ese punto. I differ with you on that point.
  • difícil difficult, hard.
  • dificultad [f] difficulty.
  • dificultar to make difficult.
  • difundir to spread, tell ¿Quién habrá difundido esa noticia? Who could have spread that news?  to broadcast Esa emisión será difundida a toda América. That program'll be broadcast throughout America.
  • difunto [adj] dead, deceased  [n] deceased person, corpse.
  • difusora (radio) broadcasting station.
  • digerir [rad-ch II] to digest Es una comida que se digiere muy mal. That food's hard to digest.
  • digestión [f] digestion.
  • dignidad [f] dignity; high rank (office).
  • digno dignified ¡Que hombre tan digno! What a dignified man!  worthy No es digno del puesto que tiene. He's not worthy of his position.  worthwhile.
     digno de confianza reliable Es una persona digna de confianza. He's a reliable person.
  • dije [m] trinket, charm, pendant.
  • dilatación [f] expansion, enlargement.
  • dilatar to expand, dilate Tiene las pupilas dilatadas. The pupils of his eyes are dilated.  to delay [Am] No dilaten Uds. más la resolución del negocio. Don't delay finishing the business.
  • diligencia diligence Trabaja con mucha diligencia. He works diligently.  speed Hay que resolverlo con toda la diligencia posible. You must solve it with all possible speed.
     hacer una diligencia to attend to some business, do an errand.
  • diligente industrious.
  • diluvio flood, deluge.
  • dimensión [f] dimension.
  • diminuto diminutive, tiny.
  • dineral [m] large sum of money.
  • dinero money En ese cajón he dejado el dinero. I've left the money in that drawer.—No venturen Uds. su dinero en eso. Don't risk your money in that.
     dinero suelto small change.  persona (or gente) de dinero wealthy person (or people).

Dios, dios [m sg] God, god.
 a Dios gracias, gracias a Dios thank God A Dios gracias, tenemos lo que necesitamos. Thank God, we have what we need.  ¡Dios mío! My God! Goodness!  ¡por Dios! for goodness' sake ¡Por Dios! No diga Ud. eso. For goodness' sake, don't say that!
|| Que Dios se lo pague. May God reward you.

  • diplomacia diplomacy.
  • diplomático diplomatic Su respuesta no fué diplomática. His answer wasn't diplomatic.  [m] diplomat Era un buen diplomático. He was a good diplomat.
  • diputado a cortes congressman.
  • dirección [f] direction ¿En qué dirección va Ud.? Which way are you going?  address (mail, etc) Escriba Ud. la dirección con claridad. Write the address clearly.  board of directors.  management.
     de dirección única one-way Esta calle es de dirección única. This is a one-way street.
  • directo [adj] direct.
  • director [m] director, manager Hable Ud. con el director de la empresa. Speak to the manager of the firm.
     director de escena stage manager.  director (de escuela) principal (of a school).  director de orquesta orchestra conductor.  director (de un periódico) editor (of a newspaper).
  • dirigible [m] dirigible.
  • dirigir to direct.  to address ¿A quién tengo que dirigir la carta? Who should I address the letter to?  to manage Dirigió la campaña política. He managed the political campaign.  to lead Diríjanos Ud. que sabe el camino. Lead us, since you know the road.  to steer Dirigieron el barco hacia el muelle. They steered the boat toward the wharf.
     dirigir la palabra to speak, address No me dirigió la palabra en varios días. He didn't speak to me for several days.  dirigirse (a, hacia) to go, make one's way (to or toward) Se dirigieron hacia la puerta. They went toward the door.
  • disciplina discipline.
  • discípulo, discípula student, pupil.
  • disco disk.  phonograph record Ponga Ud. un disco de música de baile. Put on a dance record.
  • discordia discord.
  • discreción [f] discretion.
  • discrepar to differ, disagree Discrepo de su opinión. I differ from your opinion.
  • discreto fair (fairly good) Es un actor discreto. He's a fair actor.  discreet Lo que dijo no era discreto. What he said wasn't discreet.
  • disculpa apology Sus disculpas no me interesan. I'm not interested in his apologies.  excuse Lo que ha hecho no tiene disculpa. There's no excuse for what he did.
  • disculpar to pardon, excuse Tenemos que disculpar sus faltas. We must excuse his mistakes.
     disculparse to apologize Tengo que disculparme por lo tarde que he venido. I must apologize for coming late.
  • discurrir to think Es un hombre que discurre muy bien en una emergencia. He's a man who thinks well in an emergency.
  • discurso speech.
  • discusión [f] discussion.
  • discutir to discuss (involving difference of opinion between two or more persons) Estuvieron varias horas discutiendo el asunto. They discussed the matter for several hours.  to argue Discute todo lo que se le manda. He argues about everything he's told to do.
  • disfraz [m] disguise.
  • disfrazar(se) to disguise (oneself).
  • disfrutar  disfrutar de to enjoy (good health) Disfruta de muy buena salud. He enjoys good health.  disfrutar en or de to enjoy Disfrutamos mucho en la excursión. We enjoyed the excursion very much.
  • disgustar to displease, grieve Aquella disgustó a todos. That displeased everyone.
     disgustarse to be displeased or hurt Se disgustó por lo que le dije. She was hurt by what I said to her.
  • disgusto quarrel He tenido un disgusto con unos amigos. I had a quarrel with some friends.  grief, sorrow Cuando se enteró de la muerte de su amigo se llevó un disgusto terrible. When he found out about the death of his friend, he was very much grieved.
     dar disgustos to distress, grieve Ese muchacho le dio muchos disgustos a sus padres. That boy distressed his parents very much.  estar a disgusto to be uncomfortable, be ill at ease Estaba muy a disgusto con aquella gente. I was very ill at ease with those people.
  • disimular to conceal, dissimulate Siempre disimula sus intenciones. He always conceals his intentions.  to tolerate, overlook Como la quiere tanto disimula todas sus faltas. Since he likes her so much, he overlooks her faults.
  • disimulo dissimulation.
  • disipar to squander Disiparon su fortuna en un par de años. They squandered their fortune in a couple of years.  to dispel, drive away Quiero disipar sus dudas. I want to dispel his doubts.
  • disminución [f] decrease, diminution.
  • disminuir to decline, lessen En unas horas disminuirá el dolor. The pain'll be lessened in a few hours.  to decrease En estos días han disminuido las ventas. Sales have decreased these days.  to die down, diminish Si disminuye el viento, iremos. If the wind dies down, we'll go.
  • disolución [f] dissolution.
  • disolver [irr] to dissolve Disuelva Ud. la pastilla en un vaso de agua. Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.  to break up La policía disolvió la reunión. The police broke up the meeting.
  • disparado (see disparar)  a la disparada [Am] at full speed.  salir disparado to beat it Al llegar la policía salieron disparados. When the police arrived they beat it.
  • disparar to shoot, fire Dispararon al aire. They fired into the air.
     dispararse to go off Se disparó la escopeta. The shotgun went off.
  • disparate [m] nonsense; mistake.
  • disparo discharge, shooting (of weapon).
  • dispensar to excuse Le han dispensado de hacer ese trabajo. They've excused him from doing that work.  to excuse, pardon Dispense Ud. que le interrumpa. Pardon me for interrupting you.—Dispénseme. Excuse me. or Beg pardon.  to distribute, dispense.
  • dispersar to scatter, disperse Los guardias dispersaron a la multitud. The police dispersed the crowd.
  • disponer [irr] to place, arrange Han dispuesto mal los muebles. They arranged the furniture badly.  to arrange Disponga Ud. lo que quiera. Make any arrangements you like.  to order, decree El gobierno ha dispuesto la movilización general. The government's ordered total mobilization.
     disponer de to spend [Am] Dispuso de todo el dinero que le di. He spent all the money I gave him.  to have at one's disposal Dispongo de muy poco tiempo. I have very little time at my disposal.  disponerse a to get ready to Me dispongo a salir mañana. I'm getting ready to leave tomorrow.
  • disponible available.
  • disposición [f] disposal, service Estoy a su disposición. I'm at your service.  provision, order Han cambiado las disposiciones. They changed the orders.  arrangement La disposición de los cuadros. The arrangement of the pictures.
     estar en buena disposición to be in a good frame of mind.  tener disposición to have aptitude or talent Tiene mucha disposición para el dibujo. She has a great talent for drawing.
  • dispuesto (see disponer) disposed, ready; zealous.
     bien dispuesto favorably disposed.  mal dispuesto ill-disposed.
  • disputa dispute.
     sin disputa undoubtedly, doubtless.
  • disputar to dispute, argue Disputaban por cualquier cosa. They argued over anything at all.
     disputarse to fight for or over Los dos se disputaron el premio. The two of them fought for the prize.
  • distancia distance ¿Qué distancia hay de su casa al pueblo? How far is it from your house to town?
     a distancia at a distance.  a larga distancia long-distance [Am] ¿Cuánto tiempo hay que esperar para una llamada a larga distancia? How long must one wait for a long-distance call?
  • distante far, distant.
  • distar to be distant ¿Dista mucho de aquí? Is it far from here?  to be far Distaba mucho de ser cierto. It was far from certain.
  • distinción [f] distinction Era una mujer de mucha distinción. She was a woman of great distinction.  difference, distinction Hay que hacer una distinción entre los dos sonidos. It's necessary to make a distinction between the two sounds.  distinction, honor Aquella distinción era merecida. That distinction was well-deserved.
  • distinguir to distinguish, tell apart Era muy difícil distinguir a los gemelos. It was very difficult to tell the twins apart.  to make out ¿Distingue Ud. a lo lejos una luz? Can you make out a light in the distance?  to esteem, show regard for La distingue de un modo especial. He has a special regard for her.
     distinguirse to distinguish oneself.
  • distinto different.
  • distracción [f] absent-mindedness Lo hizo por distracción. He did it absentmindedly.  diversion, pastime, amusement El cine es una gran distracción. Movies are a great diversion.
  • distraer [irr] to distract Ese ruido me distrae. That noise distracts me.  to entertain, divert Me ha distraído mucho esta novela. I've enjoyed this novel very much.
     distraerse to be distracted, not to be able to concentrate Ese chico se distrae fácilmente. That child's easily distracted.
  • distribución [f] distribution.
  • distribuir to distribute Distribuyeron víveres. They distributed food.  to sort ¿Han distribuido el correo? Has the mail been sorted?
  • distrito district.
  • divagar to digress.
  • diván [m] couch.
  • diversidad [f] diversity.
  • diversión [f] pastime, diversion.
  • diverso different Tenían opiniones diversas. They had different opinions.
     diversos various, several Le he visto en diversas ocasiones. I've seen him on several occasions.
  • divertir [rad-ch II] to amuse, entertain, divert Esa película le divertirá mucho. That picture will amuse you.
     divertirse to be entertained, have a good time. ¿Se divirtieron Uds. anoche? Did you have a good time last night?
  • dividendo dividend.
  • dividir to divide.
  • divinidad [f] divinity.
  • divino divine.  very beautiful Era una mujer divina. She was a very beautiful woman.
     culto divino public worship in churches.
  • divisar to make out, perceive indistinctly.
  • división [f] division.  compartment El cajón de la cómoda tiene varias divisiones. The bureau drawer has several compartments.  disunity, discord Hay una gran división en el partido. There's a serious split in the party.  division [Mil] Se han rendido dos divisiones. Two divisions have surrendered.
  • divorciarse to get a divorce.
  • divorcio divorce.
  • divulgación [f] diffusion, spread.
  • divulgar to reveal, let out No'sé quien divulgó la noticia. I don't know who let out the news.  to popularize, make popular Ese libro ha contribuido mucho a divulgar la química. That book's done a lot to popularize chemistry.
     divulgarse to become widespread Se ha divulgado mucho el uso de ese tipo de radio. The use of this type of radio has become widespread.
  • doblar to fold Está doblando el mantel. She's folding the tablecloth.  to double Doblaron las apuestas. They doubled their bets.
     doblar la cabeza to give in, yield.  doblar la esquina to turn the corner.
  • doblarse to bend, sag Con tanto peso se doblará la barra. The rod'll bend under so much weight.
  • doble double Tendrá Ud. que pagar el doble. You'll have to pay double.  thick, heavy Quiero una tela doble. I want some heavy cloth.  deceitful, two-faced No se fíe Ud. de él, es muy doble. Don't trust him, he's very two-faced.
    || Ponga la manta doble. Double the blanket.
  • doblez [m] fold, crease Tiene que hacer el doblez bien derecho. You have to make the crease very straight.
  • doce twelve.
  • docena dozen.
  • dócil docile, obedient.
  • doctor [m] doctor (academic title) Acaba de obtener el grado de doctor en Filosofía. He's just received his Ph.D.  doctor (of medicine) El doctor dijo que será necesario operar. The doctor said it'll be necessary to operate.
  • doctrina doctrine; Sunday school.
  • documento document, paper.
  • dólar [m] dollar.
  • dolencia pain; disease.
  • doler [rad-ch I] to hurt, pain Esta inyección no duele nada. This injection doesn't hurt a bit.  to hurt, grieve Les dolió mucho lo que dijo. What he said hurt their feelings.
  • dolor [m] pain, ache Tornó un calmante para el dolor de muelas. He took a sedative for his toothache.  sorrow, grief, affliction Trataba de consolarla en su dolor. He tried to console her in her sorrow.
  • dolorido sore, painful.
  • domar to tame; to subdue, overcome.
  • doméstico [adj] domestic.  [n] domestic, servant.
  • domicilio residence Avise Ud. si cambia de domicilio. Let us know if you change your residence.
  • dominar to have a command or mastery of Domina el español. He has an excellent command of Spanish.  to dominate No deje que ese hombre le domine. Don't let that man dominate you.  to overlook, command a view of Esta colina domina la ciudad. This hill overlooks the city.  to predominate Entre los productos de esta región domina el algodón. Among the products of this region, cotton predominates.
     dominarse to control oneself Domínese, no se ponga Ud. así. Control yourself; don't get excited.
  • domingo Sunday.
  • dominico Dominican friar.
  • dominio power, rule, control Tiene un gran dominio sobre sí mismo. He's very self-controlled.  domination, authority Estos territorios estuvieron bajo el dominio extranjero. These lands were under foreign domination.  dominion El rey salió a visitar sus dominios. The king went to visit his dominions.
  • dominó [m] game of dominoes.

Don [m] Mr. (used before a man's first name or full name).

  • don [m] gift Tiene un don natural para hablar. He has a natural gift for speaking.
     don de gentes winning manners.
  • donación [f] donation, gift, grant.
  • donativo donation, gift.
  • doncella maid, servant [Sp] La doncella sirvió el té. The maid served the tea.  girl ¡Qué doncella tan linda! What a pretty girl!
  • donde where Aquí es donde murió. This is where he died.
     ¿a dónde? where? ¿A dónde va Ud.? Where are you going?  ¿de dónde? how? ¿De dónde va a saberlo si nadie se lo ha dicho? How's he going to know if no one's told him?  ¿dónde? where? ¿Dónde estuvo Ud. ayer? Where were you yesterday?  ¿por dónde? which way? where? ¿Por dónde está la salida? Where's the exit?
    || ¡De dónde! Nonsense!
    || Fui donde mi hermano. I went to my brother's.
  • dondequiera wherever; anywhere.

Doña Mrs. (used before a woman's first name or full name) ¿Conoce Ud. a Doña María López? Do you know Mrs. María López?  Miss [Col] ¿Ha llegado Doña Juanita? Has Miss Janet arrived?

  • dorado gold, gilded.
  • dormilón, dormilona sleepyhead.
  • dormir [rad-ch II] to sleep.  to rest, be inactive Deje que duerma el asunto hasta que yo vuelva. Let the matter rest until I get back.  to put to sleep Duerme al niño. Put the child to sleep.
     dormirse to fall asleep Se durmió en la conferencia. He fell asleep at the lecture.  to go to bed, retire Nunca se duerme antes de las doce. He never goes to bed before midnight.
  • dormitorio bedroom; dormitory.
  • dos two.  second Saldré el dos o el tres del mes próximo. I'll leave the second or third of next month.  [m] deuce Echó el dos del triunfo. He played the deuce of trumps.
     de dos en dos in pairs, by twos, two abreast Las niñas iban de dos en dos por el paseo. The girls went down the walk in pairs.  de dos en fondo two abreast Los soldados marchaban de dos en fondo. The soldiers were marching two abreast.  entre los dos between you and me Esto queda entre los dos. This is just between you and me.  en un dos por tres in a jiffy En un dos por tres lo arregló todo. He fixed it all up in a jiffy.
  • doscientos two hundred.
  • dosis [f] dose (of medicine).
  • dotación [f] allotment La dotación no es suficiente. The allotment's inadequate.  endowment, foundation; donation.  crew Ya está completa la dotación del buque. The ship's crew is now complete.
  • dotado (see dotar) gifted Es un muchacho muy bien dotado. He's a very gifted boy.
  • dotar to give a dowry to Su padre la dotó muy bien. Her father gave her a good dowry.
  • dote [f] dowry Se gastó la dote de su mujer. He spent his wife's dowry.  talent Con tan buenas dotes tenía que triunfar. With such talents he was bound to succeed.
  • draga dredge.
  • drama [m] play, drama.
  • dramático dramatic.
  • droga drug.
  • droguería drug store.
  • ducha shower, shower bath.
  • duda doubt.
     sin duda certainly, without doubt "¿Vendrá Ud. mañana?" "Sin duda." "Will you come tomorrow?" "Certainly."
  • dudar to doubt Dudo que venga. I doubt that he'll come.  to hesitate Dudó al darme la respuesta. He hesitated before he answered me.
     dudar de to doubt, distrust, question No dudamos de lo que Ud. dice. We don't question what you say.
  • dudoso doubtful.  dubious, suspicious Ese es un tipo dudoso. He's a suspicious character.
  • duelo mourning Se cerraron las tiendas en señal de duelo. The stores were closed as a sign of mourning.  sorrow La muerte del presidente causó gran duelo. The president's death caused great sorrow.  duel Su abuelo murió en un duelo. His grandfather was killed in a duel.
  • duende [m] hobgoblin.
  • dueño, dueña owner, landlord, landlady Es el dueño de la propiedad. He's the owner of the property.  master, mistress El perro miraba a su dueño. The dog looked at his master.
     dueño de sí mismo self-controlled Siempre es dueño de'sí mismo. He's always self-controlled.
  • dulce [adj] sweet.  [m] a piece of candy; pl candy Compró una caja de dulces. He bought a box of candy.
     agua dulce fresh water.
  • dulzura sweetness; mildness El clima es de una gran dulzura. The climate's very mild.
  • duodécimo twelfth.
  • duplicado (see duplicar) [adj; m] duplicate Este ejemplar está duplicado. This is a duplicate copy.
     por duplicado in duplicate Envíelo por duplicado. Send it in duplicate.
  • duplicar to double; to duplicate; to repeat.
  • duque [m] duke.
  • duquesa duchess.
  • duración [f] duration, term, length La duración de la guerra perjudica al comercio. The length of the war's harmful to trade.
     ser de duración to wear well, last Este género es de mucha duración. This material will wear very well.
  • duradero lasting, durable.
  • durante during.
  • durar to last ¿Cuanto dura la película? How long does the picture last?  to wear, last El abrigo me ha durado tres años. This overcoat's lasted me three years.
  • dureza hardness, solidity La dureza del ébano es bien conocida. The hardness of ebony is well known.  hardness, harshness ¡Qué dureza de corazón! How hard-hearted!Debe evitarse la dureza en esos casos. Harshness should be avoided in those cases.  callus Me ha salido una dureza en la planta del pie. I have a callus on the sole of my foot.
  • durmiente [m] (railroad) tie [Am].
  • duro hard Este colchón es muy duro. This is a very hard mattress.  hard, rough ¡Llevan una vida tan dura! They lead such a hard life.  hard, stubborn ¿Por qué tienes la cabeza tan dura? Why are you so hard-headed?  [adv] hard Trabajó muy duro para conseguirlo. He worked very hard to accomplish it.  [m] duro (Spanish coin equal to five pesetas).
     a duras penas with difficulty, hardly A duras penas se hacía entender. He could hardly make himself understood.