Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/F
- fábrica factory.
- fabricación [f] manufacture.
- fabricante [m] manufacturer.
- fabricar to manufacture.
- fábula fable. ▲ fabrication, lies Todo lo que nos contó es una fábula. Everything he told us was pure fabrication.
- fabuloso fabulous.
- facción [f] faction.
○ facciones features (of the face) Tiene las facciones muy correctas. He has very regular features. - facha appearance, looks No me gustaba la facha que tenía aquel hombre. I didn't like that man's looks. ▲ sight, mess Vestido de aquella manera, era una facha. He was a sight, dressed that way.
- fachada front (of a building).
- fácil easy. ▲ loose Aquella mujer era muy fácil. She was a loose woman. ▲ probable, likely Es muy fácil que vaya el domingo. It's very likely hell go Sunday.
○ fácil de easy to Eso es muy fácil de hacer. That's very easy to do.
- facilidad [f] facility, ease. ▲ aptitude Mostró gran facilidad para aprender música. He showed great aptitude for music.
○ con facilidad with ease, fluently Hablaba inglés con mucha facilidad. He speaks English very fluently. ○ dar facilidades to facilitate; to offer assistance El gobierno nos dio toda clase de facilidades para la investigación. The government offered us every assistance in the investigation. - facilitar to supply Facilitó los fondos necesarios para aquel negocio. He supplied the necessary funds for that deal. ▲ to facilitate, make easier Estos libros facilitarán su trabajo. These books will make your work easier.
- factor [m] factor, element; baggageman.
- factoría trading post; [Mex] factory.
- factura bill, invoice Mándeme la factura a casa. Send the bill to my house.
- facturar to check (baggage).
- facultad [f] faculty No tenía completas sus facultades. He didn't have all his faculties. ▲ authority Se le dio facultad para resolver la cuestión. He was given authority to settle the dispute. ▲ branch of a university, school Se licenció en la Facultad de Derecho. He graduated from Law School.
- faena work, task Se dedicaban a las faenas del campo. They were engaged in farm work. ▲ trick Me hizo una mala faena. He played a dirty trick on me.
- faja sash (worn around waist); girdle (underwear).
- falda skirt Lleva la falda muy corta. She's wearing a very short skirt. ▲ slope, side El pueblo está en la falda de la colina. The village is on the side of the hill. ▲ lap Tenía el niño en la falda. She had the child on her lap.
- fallar to pass sentence El juez está dispuesto a fallar. The judge is ready to pass sentence. ▲ to fail Me ha fallado uno de mis mejores amigos. One of my best friends has failed me. ▲ to miss, fail El motor falla siempre al subir las cuestas. The motor always misses going uphill.
- fallecer [-zc-] to die, pass away.
- fallo verdict, decision.
- falsear to falsify Ha falseado los hechos. He's falsified the facts. ▲ to open with a skeleton key or pass key [Am] Los ladrones falsearon la puerta. The thieves opened the door with a pass key.
- falsedad [f] falsehood, lie Estoy seguro de que ha dicho una falsedad. I'm sure he's told a lie.
- falsificar to forge, counterfeit.
- falso false, untrue. ▲ forged La firma era falsa. The signature was forged. ▲ counterfeit Me dieron un peso falso. They gave me a counterfeit peso. ▲ imitation Usaba joyas falsas. She was wearing imitation jewelry. ▲ dishonest Fué muy falso conmigo. He was dishonest with me.
○ dar un paso en falso to make a misstep. ○ en falso falsely Juró en falso. He swore falsely. - falta error, mistake Hay muchas faltas en esta traducción. There are a lot of mistakes in this translation. ▲ fault Todos tenemos nuestras faltas. We all have our faults. ▲ misdemeanor, petty crime.
○ a falta de for lack of Tomaremos esto a falta de cosa mejor. We'll take this for lack of something better. ○ hacer falta to be necessary, be needed Hace falta dinero. Money is needed. ○ hacerle falta a uno to need Me hace falta un lápiz. I need a pencil. ▲ to miss Ud. me hace mucha falta. I miss you very much. ○ sin falta without fail Venga Ud. sin falta a las once. Come at eleven without fail. - faltar to lack Le faltan condiciones para tener éxito en el teatro. He lacks the qualifications for success in the theater. ▲ to be missing ¿Le falta a Ud. algo en su cartera? Is anything missing from your pocketbook? ▲ to be needed Faltan cuatro para completar los cincuenta. Four more are needed to make fifty. ▲ to be lacking Faltan diez minutos para las dos. It's ten minutes to two. ▲ to offend No le he querido faltar. I didn't want to offend him.
○ faltar a to be absent from Faltó a la clase el lunes. He was absent from class Monday. ▲ to break, ignore No puede Ud. faltar a la cita. You can't break the appointment. ○ ¡No faltaba más! Of course; by all means "¿Va Ud. a quedarse?" "¡No faltaba más!" "Are you going to stay?" "Of course!" - fama fame. ▲ reputation Ese hombre tiene mala fama. That man has a bad reputation.
○ tener fama de to have the reputation of Tiene fama de sabio. He has the reputation of being very wise. - familia family.
- familiar familiar Su apellido me es familiar. His name's familiar to me. ▲ [m] relative Invitaron solaviente a los familiares. They invited only their relatives.
- famoso famous.
- fanático [adj] fanatic, fanatical. ▲ [m] fanatic.
- fango mud.
- fantasía imagination Toda esa historia es un producto de su fantasía. That whole story's a product of his imagination. ▲ whim No debe Ud. consentirle todas sus fantasías. You shouldn't give in to all her whims. ▲ fantasy, fairy tale No le crea, todo eso es una fantasía. Don't believe that; it's all a fairy tale.
- fantasma [m] ghost.
- fantástico fantastic, unbelievable Explicó de una manera fantástica su retraso. He told a fantastic story to explain his delay. ▲ extravagant Daba unas propinas fantásticas. He gave extravagant tips.
- fardo big bundle, bale.
- farmacéutico pharmacist.
- farmacia pharmacy.
- faro beacon, lighthouse; headlight.
- farol [m] lantern Encienda Ud. el farol para que veamos. Light the lantern so we can see. ▲ street lamp A la luz del farol de la calle leyó la carta. He read the letter by the light of the street lamp. ▲ bluff Se echó un farol diciendo que le conocía. He was bluffing when he said he knew him.
- farola street lamp.
- farra ○ ir de farra to paint the town red, to go on a spree.
- fascinar to fascinate.
- fastidiar to annoy, bother ¡Hombre, no fastidies con esas bromas! Don't annoy me with those jokes.
- fastidioso annoying, tiresome.
- fatal fatal.
- fatalidad [f] fate.
- fatiga fatigue, tiredness El trabajo produce fatiga. Work produces fatigue. ▲ hardship No hay vida sin fatigas. There's no life without hardships.
○ pasar fatigas to have a hard time Pasaba fatigas para ganarse la vida. He had a hard time making a living. - fatigar to tire Fatigó al caballo de tanto galopar. He tired the horse with so much galloping.
○ fatigarse to get tired ¡Se fatiga Ud. demasiado con este trabajo! You're getting too tired doing this work. - fatuo pompous, vain.
- favor [m] favor Le hicieron muchos favores. They did him many favors.
○ a favor de with, aided by Remaba a favor de la corriente. He rowed with the current. ▲ on behalf of, for, in favor of Hizo testamento a favor de sus hijos. He made his will in favor of his children. ○ en favor in behalf (of someone) Fué el único que habló en su favor. He was the only one who spoke in his behalf. ○ favor de please [Am] Favor de pasarme el azúcar. Please pass me the sugar. ○ hacer el favor de please ¿Quiere Ud. hacer el favor de pasarme su plato? Will you please pass me your plate? ○ por favor please Por favor, ¿Quiere decirme qué hora es? Would you tell me the time, please? - favorable favorable.
- favorecer [-zc-] to grant favors to, help Ese hombre ha favorecido mucha a mi familia. That man's helped my family a lot. ▲ to flatter Ud. me favorece. You flatter me. ▲ to become No creo que ese color le favorezca a Ud. I don't think that color becomes you.
- favorito [adj; n] favorite.
- fe [f] faith.
○ de buena fe, de mala fe in good faith, in bad faith Lo hizo de buena fe. He did it in good faith. ○ tener fe en to believe in, have faith in Tengo mucha, fe en él. I have great faith in him. - fealdad [f] ugliness.
- febrero February.
- febril feverish.
- fecha date ¿Qué fecha tiene la carta? What's the date on the letter?
- fechar to date (a letter, etc).
- fecundo prolific, fruitful.
- federación [f] federation.
- federal federal.
- felicidad [f] happiness Es difícil conseguir la felicidad. It's hard to achieve happiness. ▲ safety Salió de aquella prueba con toda felicidad. He carne through that experience safely.
- felicitación [f] congratulations Cuando le escriba envíele mi felicitación por su éxito. When you write to him, send my congratulations on his success.
- felicitar to congratulate.
- feliz happy No creo que será muy feliz viviendo con su suegra. I don't think she'll be happy living with her mother-in-law.—Deseamos a Ud. Feliz Año Nuevo. We wish you a Happy New Year.
- femenino feminine.
- fenómeno phenomenon; freak. ▲ prodigy Era un fenómeno en las matemáticas. He was a prodigy in mathematics.
- feo homely, ugly Era un hombre muy feo. He was a very homely man. ▲ serious El asunto tomó un cariz muy feo. The matter took a serious turn.
○ hacer un feo to be impolite to, to slight Vaya Ud. a visitarlo, no le haga Ud. un feo. Go and visit him; don't slight him. - feria country market, fair Compró dos caballos en la feria. He bought two horses at the fair. ▲ small change [Mex] ¿Tiene Ud. feria? Do you have any small change?
- feriado ○ dia feriado holiday [Am].
- fermentar to ferment, sour.
- feroz ferocious.
- ferretería hardware store.
- ferrocarril [m] railroad, railway.
- fértil fertile.
- festivo humorous.
○ día festivo holiday. - fiado (see fiar) ○ al fiado on credit.
- fiambre cold, served cold (of food).
○ fiambres [m pl] cold meat, cold cuts. - fiambrera lunch pail.
- fianza bail, bond.
○ bajo fianza on bail Le han puesto en libertad bajo fianza. They've freed him on bail. - fiar to give credit El Banco le fio hasta cien mil pesetas. The bank gave him a hundred thousand pesetas' credit. ▲ to sell on trust, sell on credit Hoy no se fia mañana'sí. Cash today, credit tomorrow.
○ fiarse de to trust, rely on No me fío de lo que dice. I don't trust what he says. ○ ser de fiar to be trustworthy Ese hombre no es de fiar. That man's not to be trusted. - fibra fiber. ▲ stamina, energy Es un hombre de mucha fibra. He's a man of great energy.
- ficha chip (card games); domino; filing card.
- fidelidad [f] loyalty, faithfulness La fidelidad es una virtud. Faithfulness is a virtue. ▲ exactness El documento se copió con toda fidelidad. The document was copied exactly.
- fiebre [f] fever.
- fiel faithful Le era fiel como un perro. He was as faithful to him as a dog. ▲ correct, accurate El relato que hizo era fiel. The account he gave was correct.
○ estar en el fiel to balance, be balanced La balanza estaba en el fiel. The scales were balanced. - fieltro felt (material).
- fiera wild animal En el circo tienen una magnífica colección de fieras. The circus has a wonderful collection of wild animals.
○ como una fiera furious, like a wild beast Se puso como una fiera. He became furious. ○ trabajar como una fiera to work like a horse. - fiesta holiday El lunes es día de fiesta. Monday's a holiday. ▲ party Hubo una gran fiesta en su casa. There was a big party at his house.
○ hacerle fiestas a uno to play with (an infant) Le hizo fiestas al niño. He played with the child. - figura figure, build Ese hombre tiene muy buena figura. That man has a very good build.
- figurar to figure, be Entre los concurrentes figuraba el Duque de X. The Duke of X was among those present. ▲ to be in the limelight, be conspicuous Le gustaba mucho figurar. He liked to be in the limelight.
○ figurarse to imagine, think Se figura que puede hacer todo lo que quiere. She imagines she can get away with anything. - fijar to drive in Fijaron estacas para asegurar la tienda. They drove in stakes to hold the tent down. ▲ to post Se prohibe fijar carteles. Post no bills. ▲ to establish Han fijado su residencia en Paris. They've established their residence in Paris. ▲ to fix, set Fijaron la fecha de la boda. They set the date for the wedding.
○ fijar los ojos en to stare at. ○ fijarse to imagine ¡Fíjate (en) lo que me pasó! Imagine what happened to me! ○ fijarse en to pay attention to Fíjese Ud. en lo que le digo. Pay close attention to what I'm telling you. - fijo permanent Su puesto no es fijo. His job isn't permanent. ▲ fixed, set No hacemos rebajas, nuestros precios son fijos. We don't make reductions; our prices are fixed. ▲ fast No se puede quitar. Está fijo. It can't be removed. It's fast.
○ a punto fijo exactly No lo'sé a punto fijo. I don't know exactly. ○ de fijo surely De fijo llueve hoy. It'll surely rain today. ○ hora fija exact time, time agreed upon. - fila row Déme una butaca de primera fila. Give me a seat in the first row, orchestra. ▲ line, rank Había dos filas de soldados. There were two lines of soldiers.
○ en fila in (a) line Los niños estaban en fila. The children were standing in line. - filete [m] steak Comió un filete con papas fritas. He had steak and fried potatoes.
- filial filial.
- filo (cutting) edge.
- filosofía philosophy.
- filtrar to filter.
- fin [m] end ¿Llegaremos antes del fin de la película? Will we get there before the end of the movie? ▲ purpose No'sé con qué fin lo dice. I don't know what his purpose is in saying it.
○ a fin de que so (that) A fin de que pudiera volver le mandé dinero. I sent him money so he'd be able to come back. ○ a fines de toward the end of, late in (the week, etc) A fines de mes volveré a mi casa. I'll be back home toward the end of the month. ○ al fin at last, finally Al fin se quedaron solos. They were alone at last. ○ al fin y al cabo after all Al fin y al cabo no era tan mala la comedia. After all the play wasn't so bad. ○ en fin in short En fin, ella no le quería. In short, she didn't love him. ▲ well En fin, ya veremos. Well, we'll see. ○ por fin at last Por fin pude encontrarle. At last I managed to find him. ○ sin fin (de) endless, no end (of), numberless Tenía un sin fin de cosas que hacer. He had no end of things to do. - final [adj] final. ▲ [m] end, conclusion.
○ punto final period (punctuation). - financiar to finance [Am].
- finca country estate, property, farm.
- fineza courtesy, politeness, kindness Me hizo muchas finezas. He extended many courtesies to me.
- fingir to pretend ¡No finja Ud. lo que no siente! Don't pretend what you don't feel.
- fingirse to feign, pretend Se fingió enfermo para no trabajar. He feigned illness to get out of working.
- fino thin, fine, sharp Me gusta una pluma fina. I like a pen with a fine point. ▲ fine, delicate (of features, etc) Esa muchacha tiene las facciones muy finas. That girl has very delicate features. ▲ refined, fine La pulsera es de oro fino. The bracelet's of fine gold. ▲ courteous Era un hombre muy fino. He was a very courteous man. ▲ sheer, thin Llevaba unas medias muy finas. She wore very sheer hose.
- finura courtesy.
- firma signature Escriba Ud. la firma al pie. Sign it at the bottom.
○ buena firma reliable firm or house Trabajaba para una buena firma. He worked for a reliable firm. - firmar to sign.
- firme firm, steady, sturdy Tome esta silla que es muy firme. Take this chair; it's sturdy.
○ en firme definite, firm Hicieron una oferta en firme. They made a definite offer. ○ estar en lo firme to be in the right Creo que estoy en lo firme. I believe I'm in the right. ○ firmes [m pl] roadbed La carretera se hizo con firmes especiales. The road was built with a special roadbed. - firmeza firmness.
- fiscal fiscal. ▲ [m] attorney-general; district attorney.
- física physics.
- físico physical. ▲ [n] physicist.
- fisonomía physiognomy, countenance, looks.
- flaco thin, lean Cada día se le'veía más flaco. He appeared thinner every day. ▲ weak Encontré su punto flaco. I discovered his weak spot.
○ hacerle a uno un flaco servicio to play a dirty trick on one Le hizo un flaco servicio. He played a dirty trick on him. - flamenco flamingo; flamenco (type of Spanish songs and dances).
- flan [m] custard.
- flaqueza failing, weakness.
- flauta flute.
- flecha arrow.
- flete [m] freight; freight rate.
- flexibilidad [f] flexibility.
- flexible flexible. ▲ [m] electric cord [Sp]; soft hat.
- flirtear to flirt.
- flojo lazy, slack Es muy flojo para el trabajo. He's very slack about his work. ▲ loose Ese nudo está flojo. That knot's loose.
- flor [f] flower. ▲ compliment Al verla pasar le echó una flor. When he saw her pass, he paid her a compliment.
- florecer [-zc-] to bloom No creo que florezcan tan pronto los rosales. I don't think the roses will bloom so soon.
- florero flower vase.
- florido florid, flowery. ▲ in bloom Los almendros están floridos. The almond trees are in bloom.
- flota fleet (of ships).
- flotación [f] buoyancy.
○ línea de flotación waterline. - flotar to float.
- foco focus; headlight.
- fogón [m] fire box (of locomotive, etc); stove, cooking range.
- fogonero stoker, fireman.
- folleto pamphlet.
- fomentar to foment, promote El gobierno debe fomentar las artes. The government ought to promote the arts. ▲ to foment, instigate Los agitadores fomentaban la rebelión. The agitators instigated the rebellion.
- fomento encouragement, promotion El fomento de las artes. Promotion of the arts.
- fonda inn.
- fondo bottom Lo guardaba en el fondo del cajón. He kept it in the bottom of the drawer. ▲ background El retrato tenía un fondo oscuro. The portrait had a dark background. ▲ back El fondo de la casa. The back of the house.
○ a fondo thoroughly Era necesario estudiar el asunto a fondo. It was necessary to study the matter thoroughly. ○ andar mal de fondos to be short of money. ○ artículo de fondo editorial Escribió un buen artículo de fondo. He wrote a good editorial. ○ en el fondo at bottom, at heart En el fondo era una excelente persona. He was an excellent person at heart. ○ fondos funds No tengo fondos en el banco. I have no funds in the bank. - fonógrafo phonograph.
- forastero, forastera stranger (from another city or town).
- forjado (see forjar) ○ hierro forjado wrought iron.
- forjar to forge, hammer.
○ forjarse ilusiones to delude oneself, build castles in the air. - forma shape, form No me gusta la forma de este sombrero. I don't like the shape of this hat. ▲ way, manner No había forma de entenderlo. There was no way of understanding it.
○ con buenas (or malas) formas politely (or impolitely) Lo dijo con muy buenas formas. He said it very politely. ○ dar forma a to put in final form or shape Había que dar forma al artículo. The article had to be put in final form. ○ en forma in order El pasaporte estaba en forma. The passport was in order. - formación [f] formation.
○ en formación in formation. - formal reliable Es un hombre muy formal. He's a very reliable man. ▲ serious, sedate, settled Desde que se casó se ha vuelto muy formal. He's become very settled since his marriage.
- formalidad [f] earnestness, seriousness Hablemos con formalidad. Let's talk seriously.
○ formalidades red tape Perdieron mucho tiempo en todas las formalidades. They lost a lot of time, with all the red tape. - formalizar to arrange, legalize Formalizaron el contrato. They legalized the contract.
- formar to form, make, be Formaban un grupo muy alegre. They made a very merry group.
○ formar parte de to be a member or part of Formó parte de esa organización. He was a member of that organization. - formidable formidable Se enfrentaban con una competición formidable. They were up against some very formidable competition.
- fórmula formula. ▲ solution Había que encontrar una fórmula. A solution had to be found.
○ por fórmula as a matter of form Le saludó por fórmula. He greeted him as a matter of form. - formular to draw up, formulate Formuló sus ideas en una memoria. He formulated his ideas in a report.
- forro lining (in clothing).
- fortaleza fortitude, strength Su fortaleza era notable. His fortitude was remarkable. ▲ fortress.
- fortuna fortune Hizo una fortuna especulando en la bolsa. He made a fortune playing the stock market. ▲ luck Tuve la fortuna de encontrarle. I had the luck to find him.
○ por fortuna fortunately Por fortuna pudieron escapar. Fortunately, they were able to escape. - forzado See forzar. ▲ [m] convict.
○ trabajo forzado forced labor. - forzar [rad-ch I] to force, compel; to rape. ▲ to break down Forzaron la puerta. They broke down the door.
- forzoso compulsory, unavoidable La decisión era forzosa. The decision was unavoidable.
○ paro forzoso unemployment. - fosa grave Lo llevaron a la fosa. They took him to the grave.
- fósforo match ¿Tiene Ud. fósforos? Have you any matches?
- fotografía photography; photograph.
- fracasar to fail La comedia fracasó. The play failed.
- fracaso failure, flop El negocio fué un fracaso. The business was a failure.
- fracción [f] fraction; fragment.
- fragancia fragrance.
- frágil fragile.
- fragmento fragment.
- fraile [m] monk, friar.
- franco free, exempt Se estableció un puerto franco. ▲ free port was established. ▲ frank ¡Sea Ud. franco conmigo! Be frank with me!
○ franco de porte prepaid Envió la mercancía franco de porte. He sent the merchandise prepaid. - franqueo postage, amount of postage ¿Cuánto es el franqueo de esta carta? What's the postage on this letter?
- franqueza frankness Me gusta la franqueza de Ud. I like your frankness.
○ con franqueza frankly ¿Habla Ud. con franqueza? Are you speaking frankly? - frasco bottle, flask.
- frase [f] phrase.
- fraternal brotherly, fraternal.
- frazada blanket Ponga Ud. dos frazadas en la cama. Put two blankets on the bed.
- frecuencia frequency.
- frecuente frequent.
- fregadero or fregadera kitchen sink.
- fregar [rad-ch I] to scour, scrub Hace falta que frieguen este piso. The floor has to be scrubbed. ▲ to wash (dishes) No me gusta fregar los platos. I don't like to wash dishes. ▲ to annoy [Am] ¡Hombre no friegues más! Stop annoying me!
- freír [rad-ch III] to fry Fríe el pescado con aceite. He's frying the fish in oil.
- frenar to (put on the) brake; to restrain.
- frenesí [m] madness; frenzy.
- frenético very angry; frenzied.
- freno bit (for horses); brake.
- frente [f] forehead. ▲ [m] front, battlefield Los soldados marcharon al frente. The soldiers left for the front.
○ al frente de in charge of No'sé quien está al frente del negocio. I don't know who's in charge of the business. ○ en frente de opposite Vive en la casa que está en frente de la nuestra. He lives in the house opposite ours. ○ frente a in front of El coche paró frente a la puerta. The coach stopped in front of the door. ○ frente a frente face to face Los dos enemigos estaban frente a frente. The two enemies were face to face. ○ hacer frente to face Había que hacer frente a aquel conflicto. The problem had to be faced. - fresa strawberry.
- fresco cool (of weather, wind, etc) La noche estaba fresca. The night was cool. ▲ fresh (of food) El pescado estaba muy fresco. The fish was very fresh. ▲ fresh, cheeky, nervy Ese tipo es muy fresco. That guy has a lot of nerve. ▲ [m] cooling drink [Am] ¿Le gusta el fresco de pina? Do you like pineapple drinks? ▲ fresco Los frescos de la catedral son muy interesantes. The frescoes of the cathedral are very interesting.
○ quedarse tan fresco to show no concern, to remain unmoved ¡Y se quedó tan fresco! He was completely unconcerned! ○ tomar el fresco to get some fresh air Estaban en el jardín tomando el fresco. They were in the garden getting some fresh air. - frescura coolness Notamos frescura al llegar al río. We felt the coolness when we arrived at the river. ▲ nerve, cheek La frescura de aquel hombre indignaba. The nerve of that man was irritating.
- frialdad [f] coldness (of weather); coolness, unconcern.
- frijol [m] bean.
- frío [adj] cold La sopa está fría. The soup's cold. ▲ cold, unemotional Era de temperamento muy frío. He was a very cold person.
○ hacer frío to be cold (of weather) Aquel invierno hizo mucho frío. It was very cold that winter. ○ no darle a uno frío ni calor to leave one indifferent No me daba frío ni calor. It left me indifferent. ○ tener frío to feel (or be) cold Tengo mucho frío. I'm very cold. - friolento sensitive to cold.
- friolera trifle, something unimportant Eso es una friolera. That's a trifle.
- friolero chilly, sensitive to cold Es muy friolero. He's very sensitive to cold. ▲ (ironically) extremely important.
- frito (see freír) fried.
○ estar frito to be annoyed Estaba frito con esas preguntas. He was annoyed by those questions. ○ traerle a uno frito to pester or annoy Aquel hombre me traía frito. That man was pestering me. - fritura fritter.
- frivolo frivolous.
- frontera frontier, boundary.
- frotación [f] rub, rubbing.
- frotar to rub Le frotó la espalda con alcohol. She rubbed his back with alcohol.
- fruncir to shir, gather (material).
○ fruncir el ceño or entrecejo to frown. - frustrar to thwart, frustrate.
- fruta (edible) fruit De postre siempre tomaba fruta. He always ate fruit for dessert.
- frutal [m], árbol frutal fruit tree.
- frutero greengrocer; fruit bowl.
- fruto fruit (edible or inedible) El fruto de ese arbusto es venenoso. The fruit of that shrub's poisonous. ▲ fruit, reward Aquel esfuerzo no dio fruto. That effort bore no fruit. ▲ profit El negocio no dio fruto. The business didn't produce a profit.
○ frutos produce Inglaterra importa frutos españoles. England imports Spanish produce. - fuego fire Atice Ud. el fuego que se apaga. Poke the fire; it's going out.
○ hacer fuego to fire (a weapon) Los soldados hicieron fuego. The soldiers fired. - fuente [f] fountain El agua de esta fuente está muy fría. The water of this fountain's very cold. ▲ source Su información es de buena fuente. His information comes from a reliable source. ▲ dish, platter Sirva Ud. el pescado en esa fuente. Serve the fish on that platter.
- fuera out, outside Los enviaron fuera. They sent them out. ▲ out ¡Fuera de aquí! Get out!
○ desde fuera from the outside Desde fuera no se've el jardín. The garden can't be seen from the outside. ○ fuera de out of Estará tres días fuera de la ciudad. He'll be out of the city for three days. ○ fuera de'sí beside oneself Estaba fuera de'sí de cólera. He was beside himself with anger. ○ por fuera on the outside Por fuera la casa es muy bonita. On the outside the house is very pretty. - fuerte strong Era un hombre muy fuerte. He was a very strong man. ▲ bad, severe Ha cogido un catarro muy fuerte. He's caught a very bad cold.
▲ severe, intense Hace un frío muy fuerte. The cold's intense. ▲ heavy, warm, thick Lleve calzado fuerte para la excursión. Wear heavy shoes for the outing. ▲ heavy La lluvia era muy fuerte. The rainfall was very heavy. ▲ harsh, unbearable Lo que le dijo fué demasiado fuerte. What she told him was too harsh. ▲ [adv] loud Habla demasiado fuerte. He speaks too loud. ▲ [m] fort.
- fuerza power Ese motor no tiene fuerza suficiente. That motor doesn't have enough power.
○ a fuerza de by dint of Lo consiguió a fuerza de trabajo. He got it by dint of hard work. ○ a la fuerza forcibly Habrá que hacerlo a la fuerza. It'll have to be done forcibly. ○ fuerza(s) strength. ○ fuerzas forces Nuestras fuerzas ocuparon la ciudad. Our forces occupied the city. ○ por (la) fuerza by force, forcibly Lo metieron al automóvil por la fuerza. They put him into the car forcibly. - fuete [m] quirt, riding whip [Am].
- fuga flight, escape.
- fugarse to run away, flee, escape.
- fullero shady, not on the level Su juego es un poco fullero. He plays a shady game. ▲ stuck-up, conceited, pompous [Am] Es un tipo muy fullero. He's a pompous ass.
- fumar to smoke Se prohibe fumar. No smoking.
- función [f] function, duty, position ¿Cuáles son sus funciones? What are your duties? ▲ show, performance ¿A qué hora empieza la función? What time does the show start?
- funcionamiento [m] working, functioning.
- funcionar to work, function, run (of machines) El ascensor no funciona. The elevator isn't running.
- funcionario public official, public servant.
- funda case, pillowcase; slipcover; sheath.
- fundación [f] foundation, founding Hoy se celebra la fundación de la ciudad. Today they're celebrating the founding of the city.
- fundamental [adj] fundamental.
- fundamento basis Sus ideas no tienen fundamento. His ideas have no basis.
- fundar to found, establish.
○ fundarse to base oneself En eso me fundo para decirlo. That's my basis for saying so. - fundición [f] melting; foundry. ▲ casting La fundición de la estatua se re
trasó. The casting of the statue was delayed.
- fundir to smelt Fundieron todo el hierro. They smelted all the iron.
○ fundirse to combine, merge Se fundieron los dos negocios en uno. They merged the two businesses into one. ▲ to be ruined [Am]. - funeral(es) [m] funeral service Los funerales se celebrarán en la catedral. Funeral services will take place in the cathedral.
- furia fury.
- furioso furious.
- furor [m] fury, anger; rage, fashion.
- fusil [m] army rifle.
- fusilar to shoot (execute by shooting).
- fuste [m] substance, importance Una dama de alto fuste. A lady of great importance.
- fútbol [m] soccer, football (game).
- futuro [adj; m] future.
○ en lo futuro in (the) future, hereafter Procure Ud. en lo futuro venir puntualmente a la oficina. In the future, try to get to the office on time.