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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/G

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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 (1945)
the United States War Department
4399757Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 — G1945the United States War Department


  • gabán [m] coat, overcoat.
  • gabinete [m] cabinet Se han encargado de formar gabinete. They've undertaken to form a cabinet.  study, small living room La casa tiene comedor, alcoba y gabinete. The house has a dining room, a bedroom, and a study.
  • gaceta gazette, newspaper; record.
  • gacho slouched, turned down, stooped Lleva el sombrero gacho. He wears his hat turned down.
  • gachupín, gachupina Spaniard who settles in Mexico.
  • gafas [f pl] eye-glasses, spectacles.
  • gajo small bunch [Am] Quiero un gajo de uvas. I want a small bunch of grapes.  section, piece Pele la naranja y déme un gajo. Peel the orange and give me a piece.
  • gala  función de gala gala performance.  tener a gala to be proud Tenía a gala ser inglés. He was proud to be an Englishman.  traje de gala dress suit (uniform).
  • galán juvenile lead (in a movie or theatrical performance) El galán de esa compañía es muy malo. The juvenile lead of that company is very bad.
     galán, galán easily, without effort [Mex] Galán, galán subió las escaleras. He climbed the stairs easily.
  • galante attentive Sea Ud. galante con ella. Be attentive to her.
  • galantear to court, make love to.
  • galantería compliment Me dijo una galantería. He paid me a compliment.  courtesy.
  • galápago fresh-water tortoise.  side saddle [Am].
  • galera shed [Am] El carro estaba debajo de la galera. The cart was under the shed.  wagon; van.
  • galería gallery (art) La galería de pintura estaba muy concurrida. The art gallery was very crowded.  gallery (theater) Los espectadores de la galería hacían mucho ruido. The spectators in the gallery were making a lot of noise.  glass-covered sun porch Vamos a tomar el sol en la galería. Let's sun ourselves on the sun porch.  underground passageway, gallery Abrieron otra galería en la mina. They opened another passageway in the mine.
  • galgo greyhound.
  • gallardía fine bearing Los soldados mostraban gran gallardía. The soldiers had a very fine bearing.
  • gallego, gallega Spaniard [Am].
  • galleta cookie ¿Quiere Ud. galletas con el té? Would you like cookies with your tea?  slap Le dio una galleta. She gave him a slap.
  • gallina [f] hen.  [m] coward ¡Es Ud. un gallina! You're a coward!
  • gallinero hen coop; top gallery.
  • gallo cock, rooster.  bully [Sp]  match, equal [Am] Ese no es gallo para él. That fellow's no match for him.
     llevar un gallo to serenade [Mex] .
  • galón [m] gallon.
  • galope [m] gallop, canter.
  • galpón [m] toolshed [Arg].
  • gana  dar ganas to feel like No me dan ganas de trabajar. I don't feel like working.  darle a uno la gana [Fam] to feel like, want to Me da la gana de ir. I'm going because I want to.  de buena gana willingly Lo hizo de buena gana. He did it willingly.  de mala gana unwillingly.  no darle a uno la gana to refuse to, not to feel like No me da la gana de hacerlo. I refuse

to do it.  tener ganas de to feel like Tengo ganas de pasear. I feel like taking a walk.

  • ganado cattle, livestock Tenía doscientas cabezas de ganado. He had two hundred head of cattle.
  • ganador, ganadora winner.
  • ganancia profit, gain.
  • ganar to win ¿No ganó Ud. la apuesta? Didn't you win the bet?  to gain No ganó nada con decirme eso. He gained nothing by telling me that.  to earn ¿Cuánto gana Ud. a la semana? How much do you earn per week?
     ganar de mano to beat (someone) to it [Arg] Los dos queríamos comprar el caballo pero él me ganó de mano. We both wanted to buy the horse but he beat me to it.  ganarse la vida to earn a living Me gano la vida como puedo. I earn my living as best I can.  ganar tiempo to save time.
  • ganchada  hacer una ganchada to do a favor [Arg].
  • gancho hook Colgó la chaqueta en un gancho. He hung his jacket on a hook.
     gancho de cabeza hairpin [m].  tener gancho to be attractive, charming Esa muchacha tiene mucho gancho. That girl is very attractive.
  • ganga bargain Estos calcetines son una ganga. These socks are a bargain.
  • ganso goose, gander.
  • garaje [m] garage.
  • garantía security Antes de prestarle el dinero pidió garantía. Before lending him the money he asked for security.
  • garantizar to guarantee El reloj estaba garantizado. The watch was guaranteed.  to vouch for Quiero que Ud. le garantice. I want you to vouch for him.
  • garbanzo chickpea.
  • garbo grace Baila con garbo. He dances gracefully.
  • garfio hook, gaff.
  • garganta throat.
  • gárgaras [f pl] gargle (act of gargling).
     hacer gárgaras to gargle.
  • garra claw.
     caer en las garras de to fall into the clutches of.
  • garrafa decanter; straw-covered bottle.
  • garrote [m] club (weapon); gallows.
  • garúa drizzle [Arg].
  • gas [m] gas (vapor) Encienda Ud. el gas. Turn on the gas.
     llevar gas to go at high speed, go fast Llevaba mucho gas aquel automóvil. That automobile was going very fast.
  • gasa gauze.
  • gasolina gasoline.
  • gastar to spend Gastó casi todo su sueldo. He spent almost all his salary.  to waste Me está Ud. haciendo gastar el tiempo. You're making me waste time.  to wear, use Nunca gasta sombrero. He never wears a hat.
     gastar bromas pesadas to play practical jokes Siempre está gastando bromas pesadas. He is always playing practical jokes.  gastarse to wear out Se ha gastado muy pronto esa tela. That cloth has worn out very rapidly.
  • gasto expense Cuando pagó los gastos quedó limpio. When he paid the expenses, he had nothing left.
     hacer el gasto to be the life of the party Fué él quien hizo el gasto de la fiesta. He was the life of the party.  pagar los gastos to pay the expenses, foot the bill.
  • gata cat, she-cat.
     andar a gatas to walk on all fours, creep.
  • gatillo trigger.
  • gato cat, tom-cat.  jack Nos hace falta el gato para cambiar la rueda. We need a jack to change the wheel.
     dar gato por liebre to cheat, to deceive.
    || Aquí hay gato encerrado. There is more here than meets the eye.
  • gaucho gaucho, man of the pampas, cowboy [Am].
  • gaveta drawer [Am] Los pañuelos están en la gaveta. The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.
  • gemelo twin Parecían gemelos. They looked like twins.  cuff link.
     gemelos binoculars, opera glasses Préstame los gemelos para verlo mejor. Lend me the binoculars so I can see it better.
  • gemido moan, whine.
  • general [adj] general Tomaron billetes de entrada general. They bought general admission tickets.  [m] general [Mil].
     en general usually, generally En general se va a casa a las cinco. He generally goes home at five o'clock.  por lo general usually ¿Que bebe Ud. por lo general, vino o cerveza? What do you usually drink, wine or beer?  por regla general as a general rule.
  • generalidad [f] greatest part, majority La generalidad de los niños son juguetones. Most children are playful.
  • generalizar to generalize Generaliza al hablar de los norteamericanos. He generalizes when he speaks of Americans.
     generalizarse to become general El uso del chicle se ha generalizado. The use of chewing gum has become general.
  • género cloth Ese sastre usa siempre muy buenos géneros. That tailor always uses very good material.  kind ¿Qué género de trabajo le gusta? What kind of work do you like?
     género humano mankind.  género masculino, género femenino masculine gender, feminine gender.
    || Sin ningún género de duda. Without any doubt. or Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  • generosidad [f] generosity.
  • genial brilliant Es un músico genial. He is a brilliant musician.
  • genio genius Es un hombre de genio. He's a genius.
     buen genio good nature Tiene buen genio. He's good-natured.  mal genio bad temper.
  • gente [f] people ¿Cuánta gente hay en esta oficina? How many people are there in this office?  folks ¿Cómo está su gente? How are your folks?
     gente bien upper class.  gente de bien honest people.  gente menuda children, small fry.
  • gentil gracious, kind.
  • gentileza graciousness, kindness.
  • geografía geography.
  • geográfico geographical.
  • gerencia management Mudaron la gerencia de la fábrica. They changed the management of the factory.
  • gerente [m] manager.
  • germen [m] germ.
  • gesto gesture; expression of the face Tenía mal gesto. He had an unpleasant expression on his face.  gesture Su dimisión fué un gesto muy noble. His resignation was a very noble gesture.
     hacer gestos to make gestures, to signal, make (a) sign(s) Hizo gestos de aprobación. He made signs of approval.
  • giganta giantess.
  • gigante huge, gigantic.  [m] giant.
  • gimnasia physical exercise, calisthenics.
  • gimnasio gymnasium.
  • gimotear to whine.
  • girar to revolve, turn La rueda no gira. The wheel doesn't turn.  to turn Llegando a la esquina el coche giró a la derecha. The car turned right when it reached the corner.  to draw Puede Ud. girar contra mí cuenta. You can draw against my account.
  • giro turn El asunto ha tomado un nuevo giro. The matter has taken a new turn.  draft Ayer le mandamos un giro de veinte dólares. We sent him a draft yesterday for fifty dollars.
  • giro (postal) money order Mándeme la cantidad por giro (postal). Send me the amount by money order.
  • gitano, gitana gypsy.
  • glacial icy El frío es glacial en este país. It's freezing cold in this country.
  • globo globe, sphere, balloon.
  • gloria glory En la batalla el general se cubrió de gloria. In the battle the general covered himself with glory.  heaven.
     saber a gloria to be delicious Comimos un pastel que sabía a gloria. We ate a very delicious pie.
  • glotón [adj; n] gluttonous; glutton.
  • gobernador [m] governor (political).
  • gobernar to govern Es un pueblo difícil de gobernar. It is a difficult country to govern.
     gobernarse to manage Se gobierna muy bien. He manages his affairs very well.
  • gobierno cabinet El primer ministro está formando un nuevo gobierno. The premier is forming a new cabinet.  government Es un gobierno democrático. It's a democratic government.  control Perdió el gobierno del volante. He lost control of the steering wheel.
  • golfo gulf.
  • golondrina swallow (bird).
  • golpe [m] blow El golpe no le hizo daño. The blow didn't harm him.
     al primer golpe de vista at first sight Al primer golpe de vista me pareció más grande. At first sight it seemed larger to me.  dar golpes to knock, pound Dio varios golpes en la puerta. He knocked on the door several times.  de golpe suddenly, all of a sudden Me lo dijo de golpe. He told me all of a sudden.  golpe de estado coup d'état.
  • golpear to pound Estaba golpeando con el martillo. He was pounding with the hammer.
  • goma glue; rubber, eraser.  hang-over [Am] ¡Qué goma tengo! What a hangover I have!
  • gordo fat Era demasiado gordo. He was too fat.
     agua gorda hard water [Sp].  hacer la vista gorda to pretend not to see, wink at Los niños robaban la fruta pero el guarda hacía la vista gorda. The children were stealing the fruit but the keeper pretended not to see.  llevarse un susto gordo to get a bad scare.
  • gordura stoutness, fatness.
  • gorro cap (for head).
     ir de gorra to sponge Le gustaba ir de gorra. He liked to sponge on people.
  • gorrión [m] sparrow.
  • gorro cap (for head).
  • gota drop No dejó gota en el vaso. He didn't leave a drop in the glass.  gout.
     gota a gota drop by drop.  sudar la gota gorda to sweat blood.
  • gotear to rain, to drizzle.  to leak Esa cañería gotea. That water pipe leaks.
  • gotera leak (in roof, wall) ¡Tape Ud. esa gotera! Plug up that leak!
  • gótico Gothic.
  • gozar to enjoy oneself, have a good time [Am] Gozamos mucho en la fiesta. We had a very good time at the party.
     gozar de to enjoy ¿Goza Ud. de buena salud? Are you enjoying good health?
  • gozo joy.
  • grabado (see grabar) engraved Sus iniciales están grabados en la pulsera. Her initials are engraved on the bracelet.  fixed La idea quedó grabado en su imaginación. The idea became fixed in his mind.  [m] engraving, etching Era un experto en el grabado en cobre. He was an expert in copper engraving.  picture (illustration) El periódico tenía muy buenos grabados. The newspaper had very good pictures.
  • grabar to engrave; to cut (a record).
  • gracejada crude joke.
  • gracia wit, charm, grace.  mercy El abogado defensor pidió gracia para el condenado. The defense attorney asked mercy for the condemned man.  joke Se reía de todas sus gracias. He laughed at all her jokes.  name ¿Cual es su gracia de Ud.? What is your name?
     gracias thanks Estoy bien, muchas gracias. I am well, thank you.  gracias a thanks to Gracias a Ud. llegué a tiempo. Thanks to you I arrived on time.  hacer gracia to strike one (as) funny Me hace gracia lo que dice. What he says strikes me (as) funny.  tener gracia to be funny, be witty.
    || ¡Qué gracia! How swell! or How funny! (Ironical)
  • gradas wide steps leading to the entrance of a building; bleachers.
  • grado degree Obtuvo el grado de doctor en filosofía. He got his doctor's degree.—La temperatura bajó tres grados. The temperature went down three degrees.
     de mal grado unwillingly, reluctantly Aceptó de mal grado. He accepted reluctantly.
  • graduar to set Había que graduar la espoleta. It was necessary to set the fuse.
     graduarse to graduate, be graduated Se graduó en la Universidad de Harvard. He was graduated from Harvard University.
  • gráfico [adj] graphic Habla de una manera gráfica. He speaks very graphically.  pictorial, picture ¿Hay aquí revistas gráficas? Are there any picture magazines here?  [m] time table Ese gráfico marca las horas de entrada y salida. That time table gives the hours of arrival and departure.
  • grama lawn (grass) [Am].
  • gramática grammar.
  • gramo gram (weight).
  • gran (see grande) great Ha tenido Ud. una gran idea. You've had a great idea.  fine, good, grand Es una gran persona. He is a fine person.
  • granada grenade; pomegranate.
  • granado ripe, mature Es un hombre granado. He's a mature man.  [m] pomegranate tree.
  • grande large Un cigarro grande.  large cigar.  tall Es un hombre grande. He's a big man.  old [Am] Es el más grande de los tres. He is the oldest of the three.
     a lo grande in (great) style Le gustaba vivir a lo grande. He liked to live in style.  en grande on a large scale Las fábricas están produciendo en grande. The factories are producing on a large scale.
  • grandeza greatness.
  • grandioso grandiose, magnificent.
  • granero granary.
  • granito granite; pimple.
  • granizo hail.
  • granja farm.
  • grano grain El grano maduró bien aquel año. The grain ripened well that year,  pimple Tiene la cara llena de granos. His face is covered with pimples.
     ir al grano to get to the point ¡Vamos al grano! Let's get to the point!
  • grasa grease Una mancha de grasa.  grease spot.  fat La carne de cerdo tiene mucha grasa. Pork has a lot of fat.
  • grasiento greasy, oily Tiene el pelo muy grasiento. Her hair is very oily.
  • gratificar to reward Lo gratificaron espléndidamente. They rewarded him generously.
  • gratis gratis, free La entrada es gratis. Admission free.
  • gratitud [f] gratitude.
  • gratuito free La entrada es gratuita. Admission free.
  • grave grave, serious El estado de mi amigo es muy grave. My friend's condition is very grave.  deep Tiene la voz grave. He has a deep voice.
  • gravedad [f] seriousness, gravity.
  • grieta crack La pared tenía una grieta. The wall had a crack in it.
     grietas en las manos chapped hands Tengo grietas en las manos. My hands are chapped.
  • grifo having hair or fur bristling or standing on end El gato está grifo. The cat's fur is bristling.  [m] faucet El grifo del baño está estropeado. The faucet in the bathroom's out of order.
  • grillo cricket (insect).
     grillos fetters (for prisoners) Le pusieron grillos en los pies. They put fetters on his feet.
  • grima  darle grima a uno to set one's teeth on edge, get on one's nerves El chirrido de la puerta me da grima. The squeaking of the door gets on my nerves.
  • gringo gringo, American [Am]; foreigner [Am].
  • gripa grippe, influenza [Mex].
  • gripe [f] grippe, influenza.
  • gris gray.
  • gritar to shout, scream.
  • grito scream, shout.
     a grito pelado at the top of one's lungs Nos llamó a grito pelado. He called us at the top of his lungs.  alzar el grito to raise the voice, shout.  poner el grito en el cielo to hit the ceiling, make a great fuss.
  • grosero rude, coarse Era un hombre grosero. He was a coarse man.
  • grotesco grotesque.
  • gruesa gross (twelve dozen).
  • grueso [adj] stout, heavy set Era demasiado grueso. He was too stout.  thick Esta tela es muy gruesa. This cloth is very thick.  [m] main body (of troops) El grueso del ejército atravesó el río. The main body of the army crossed the river.
  • gruñido growl; grunt.
  • gruñir to growl El perro gruñó cuando nos acercamos. The dog growled when we approached.  to grunt.  to grumble Gruñía porque no le pagaban bastante. He grumbled because they didn't pay him enough.
  • gruñón cranky, irritable.
  • grupo group ¿En qué grupo está su amigo? Which group is your friend in?  clump En lo alto había un grupo de árboles. At the top there was a clump of trees.
  • guacho odd (only one of a pair) [Chile] Tengo un guante guacho. I have an odd glove.
  • guagua bus [Ant] ¿Para dónde va eso guagua? Where does that bus go to?  baby [Am] La guagua lloró toda la noche. The baby cried all night.
  • guajolote [m] turkey [Mex].
  • guante [m] glove.
  • guapo handsome Era un hombre guapo. He was a handsome man.  brave Se las da de guapo. He acts like a tough guy.
  • guarango rough, vulgar [Arg].
  • guarda [m] guard; [Arg] conductor.
  • guardar to keep Guarde Ud. copia de ese documento. Keep a copy of that document.  to guard Guardaba la entrada. He was guarding the entrance.
     guardarse de to avoid Guárdese de las malas compañías. Avoid bad company.  guardar silencio to keep quiet.
  • guardarropa [m] wardrobe, clothes closet, checkroom.
  • guardia [m] policeman Llame Ud. a un guardia. Call a policeman.  [f] guard, guard duty Le tocó hacer la guardia. It was his turn for guard duty.
     en guardia on guard Ante el peligro me pongo en guardia. I put myself on guard against the danger.  estar de guardia to be on guard duty.  guardia-civil [f] civil guard (body of rural police).  [m] member of civil guard [Sp].
  • guardián [m] watchman.
  • guarida den.
  • guarnición [f] garrison; trimming, edging.
  • guasa kidding, joking A los andaluces les gusta la guasa. Andalusians are fond of kidding.
     de guasa jokingly.
  • guasón [m] wag, joker.
  • guerra war.
     dar guerra to cause trouble Ese niño da mucha guerra. That child caused a lot of trouble.  Departamento de (or Ministerio de la) Guerra War Department.
  • guía [m, f] guide Hubo que buscar un guía para el viaje. It was necessary to find a guide for the trip.  [f] guide (book), directory.  guía de ferrocarriles railroad guide.  guía de turismo tourists' guide book.  guía telefónica telephone directory.
  • guiar to guide Iba delante para guiar a los soldados. He went ahead to guide the soldiers.  to drive Aprendió a guiar un automóvil. He learned to drive a car.
     guiarse por to follow Quiso guiarse por los consejos de su amigo. He wanted to follow his friend's advice.
  • guillotina guillotine.
  • guisante [m] pea [Sp].
  • guisar to cook.
  • gustar to like, be fond of Le gustaba mucho viajar. He was very fond of traveling.—Como Ud. guste. As you like.
  • gusto taste Esto tiene buen gusto. This tastes good.—Viste con muy buen gusto. She dresses in very good taste.  liking Eso ne es de mi gusto. That isn't to my liking.
     a gusto comfortable ¿Esta Ud. a gusto? Are you comfortable?
     con mucho gusto gladly, willingly, with much pleasure Lo haré con mucho gusto. I shall do it gladly.
     dar gusto a to please Mi deseo es darles gusto a Uds. My wish is to please you.
    || Tengo mucho gusto en conocerle. I'm very glad to meet you.