Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/I
- iberoamericano [adj; n] Latin American.
- ida leaving, going, trip out A la ida, el viaje fué mas agradable que a la vuelta. The trip out was more pleasant than the return.
○ billete de ida y vuelta round-trip ticket. - idea idea.
- ideal [adj] ideal, perfect. ▲ [m] ideal, principie.
- idear to plan, invent Ideó un mecanismo para pelar fruta. He invented an instrument for peeling fruit.
- idéntico identical.
- identidad [f] identity. ▲ identification ¿Tiene Ud. documentos de identidad? Have you any identification?
- identificar to identify.
○ identificarse con to identify oneself with. - idioma [m] language, tongue El Consul habla muchos idiomas. The Consul speaks many languages.
- idolatrar to worship, idolize, adore Te idolatro. I adore you.
- ídolo idol.
- iglesia church; clergy.
- ignorancia ignorance.
- ignorante ignorant.
- ignorar not to know, lack knowledge Ignora las cosas más elementales. He doesn't know the most elementary things.
- igual same, similar La madre y la hija tienen los ojos iguales. Mother and daughter have the same eyes. ▲ even Tiene un carácter muy igual. He has a very even disposition. ▲ [m] equal, peer Era un hombre sin igual. He was a man without (an) equal.—Solo se trata con sus iguales. He only deals with his equals.
○ de igual a igual as one equal to another, man to man Le habló de igual a igual. He spoke to him man to man. ○ igual a equal to, the same as Esta mesa es igual a aquélla. This table's the same as that one. ○ igual que Pienso igual que Ud. I think the same as you. ○ por igual evenly Extienda Ud. la arena por igual. Spread the sand evenly. ○ serle a uno igual to be all the same to one Que venga o no venga me es igual. Whether he comes or not it's all the same to me. - igualar to equal No iguala a su hermano. He doesn't equal his brother. ▲ to level No han igualado la carretera. The road hasn't been leveled.
○ igualar con or a to put oneself on the same plane as, compare oneself with No te iguales a tu hermano porque vale más que tú. Don't compare yourself with your brother because he's a better man than you. ○ igualarse to be equal, to be tied (score) Los dos equipos se igualaron al final. The two teams were tied at the finish. - igualdad [f] equality Libertad, igualdad y fraternidad. Liberty, equality, and fraternity. ▲ evenness, smoothness.
- ilegal illegal, unlawful.
- ilícito illicit, immoral.
- ilimitado boundless, unlimited Su audacia es ilimitada. His audacity is boundless.
- iluminar to light, illumine Iluminaron el salón con todas las luces. They turned on all the lights in the salon.—Han iluminado muy bien el estadio. They've lighted the stadium very well.
- ilusión [f] illusion, delusion.
○ hacerse ilusiones to kid oneself. ▲ to bank on No se haga Ud. ilusiones sobre ese negocio. Don't bank too much on that business. ○ tener ilusiones (de) to have hopes or illusions Tiene ilusiones de casarse algún día. She has hopes of getting married some day. - ilusionar to thrill La idea de ver a mi madre me ilusiona mucho. The idea of seeing my mother thrills me veiw much.
○ ilusionarse (con) to get excited, thrilled Se ilusiona con cualquier cosa. She gets excited over anything. - ilustración [f] learning Es un hombre de mucha ilustración. He's a very learned man. ▲ illustration, picture Las ilustraciones del libro son muy buenas. The illustrations of the book are very good.
- ilustrado learned Era un hombre muy ilustrado. He was a very learned man. ▲ illustrated, with pictures Pidió una revista ilustrada para distraerse. He asked for a picture magazine to amuse himself.
- ilustrar to illustrate Es un buen artista el que ha ilustrado este libro. The artist who illustrated this book is very good.
○ ilustrarse to educate oneself Le gustaba ilustrarse viajando. He liked to educate himself by traveling. - ilustre illustrious, distinguished.
- imagen [f] image, representation; image, reflection.
- imaginar to think of, figure out Imagine Ud. algo para resolver nuestro problema. Figure out something to solve our problem.
○ imaginarse to imagine, suspect No puedo imaginarme lo que pretende. I can't imagine what he's driving at.—¡Imagine(se) Ud. que sorpresa tuvimos! Just imagine what a surprise we had! - imán [m] magnet.
- imbécil [m] imbecile, fool. ▲ [adj] stupid.
- imborrable indelible, unforgettable Es una impresión imborrable. It's an unforgettable impression.
- imitar to imitate, impersonate Imita muy bien a esa actriz. She imitates that actress very well.
- impaciencia impatience.
- impaciente impatient; anxious, eager.
- imparcial impartial.
- impasible impassive, unmoved, indifferent Tiene una cara impasible. He has an impassive face.
- impedimento hindrance, impediment.
- impedir [rad-ch III] to prevent ¿Quién lo puede impedir? Who can prevent it?
○ impedir el paso to block the way Retírese de ahí, está Ud. impidiendo el paso. Step aside; you're blocking the way. - imperar to prevail, reign En la calle impera el desorden. Disorder prevails in the street.
- imperativo imperative Es imperativo salir. It's imperative to go out. ▲ bossy Es un hombre muy imperativo. He's a very bossy man.
- imperdible [m] safety pin [Sp].
- imperio empire; command. ▲ spell Ese hombre está bajo el imperio de ese mujer. That man is under that woman's influence.
- imperioso imperative; arrogant, haughty.
- impermeable [adj] waterproof. ▲ [m] raincoat.
- impertenencia impertinence Su impertinencia me molesta. His impertinence annoys me.
- impertinente impertinent.
○ impertinentes [m pl] lorgnettes.
ímpetu [m] impetus, impulse.
- impío impious, irreligious.
- implacable implacable, relentless.
- implicar to involve, implicate No me implique Ud. en ese asunto. Don't involve me in that matter.
- implorar to beg, implore.
- imponente imposing La ceremonia fué imponente. The ceremony was imposing.
- imponer [irr] to impose, levy Le impusieron una multa. They imposed a fine on him.
○ imponerse to assert oneself, command respect Supo imponerse por su talento. He was able to command respect because of his ability. ▲ to dominate, get one's way Es un hombre que siempre se impone a todo el mundo. He's a man who always gets his way. - importación [f] import(s), importation.
- importante important.
- importar to import Importó cien mil toneladas de trigo. He imported one hundred thousand tons of wheat.
○ importarle a uno to matter (to), concern Eso no me importa. That doesn't matter to me.
|| importa no. No matter. or Never mind. - importe [m] cost.
- importuno annoying (of a person) Me molesta la gente importuna. Annoying people irritate me.
- imposible impossible.
- imposición [f] deposit (of money in a bank); imposition (of will on another); tax.
- impotencia impotence, weakness.
- imprenta printing shop; press; print.
|| error de imprenta printer's error. ○ libertad de imprenta freedom of the press. - imprescindible essential, indispensable, imperative.
- impresión [f] impression Me causó muy buena impresión lo que me dijo. What he said made a good impression on me. ▲ imprint. ▲ printing La impresión del libro era perfecta. The printing of the book was perfect.
- impresionar to impress Le impresionó mucho esa novela. She was very much impressed by the novel. ▲ to make or cut (a record) Fué contratado para impresionar discos. He was under contract to make records.
○ impresionarse to be moved Se impresionaron cuando le vieron. They were moved when they saw him.—Se impresionaron con la noticia. They were moved by the news. - impreso (see imprimir) printed matter, pamphlet; blank (paper to be filled).
- imprevisión [f] lack of foresight, thoughtlessness Dejar a los niños solos fué una gran imprevisión. Leaving the children alone was sheer thoughtlessness.
- imprevisto unforeseen, unexpected.
- imprimir to print.
- improbable improbable.
- impropio inappropriate, unfitting.
- improvisado makeshift Un pupitre improvisado. ▲ makeshift desk.
- improvisar to improvise.
- imprudente imprudent, unwise.
- impuesto (see imponer) [m] tax.
- impulsar to urge; to encourage; to push.
- inaccesible inaccessible.
- inactivo inactive.
- inadvertencia oversight No lo incluyeron en la lista por inadvertencia. He was left off the list through an oversight.
- inagotable inexhaustible.
- inaguantable unbearable El dolor era inaguantable. The pain was unbearable.
- inaudito unheard of, strange, unexpected Obró de una manera inaudita. He behaved in a strange manner.
- inauguración [f] unveiling, dedication, (ceremony of) opening (a building) Ayer fué la inauguración de la estatua del fundador y del edificio de la escuela. Yesterday the unveiling of the founder's statue and the opening of the school building took place.
- inaugurar to unveil, dedicate, open (exhibition, courses, etc).
- incansable untiring.
- incapacidad [f] incapacity; incompetence.
- incapaz incompetent; incapable.
- incauto [adj] unwary, gullible. ▲ [m] easy mark Por ser incauto le robaron el dinero. Since he was an easy mark they stole his money.
- incendiar to set on fire.
- incendio fire (conflagration) El incendio destruyó tres casas. The fire destroyed three houses.
- incertidumbre [f] uncertainty.
- incesante continual, ceaseless El ruido era incesante. The noise was ceaseless.
- incidente [m] incident, disturbance.
- incierto uncertain, doubtful El resultado del partido es incierto. The result of the game is doubtful.
- inclemencia severity, inclemency.
- inclinación [f] slant, slope La inclinación del terreno hacia difícil la construcción de la carretera. The slope of the ground made it difficult to construct the road. ▲ bent, inclination Desde niño tuvo inclinación por el arte. He had a bent for art from childhood.
- inclinar to bend, bow Inclinó la cabeza. He bowed his head.
○ inclinarse to bow. ▲ to yield, give in Hubo que inclinarse ante aquella verdad. He had to yield in the face of that truth. ○ inclinarse a to be inclined to Me parece que se inclina a hacerlo. I think he's inclined to do it.
incluir to include Incluya Ud. su nombre en la lista. Include his name in the list. ▲ to enclose Incluí el recibo en la carta. I enclosed the receipt in the letter.
- incomodar to disturb, inconvenience, bother ¿Le incomoda a Ud. esta maleta? Does this suitcase bother you?
○ incomodarse to become angry, to be upset Se incomoda por cualquier cosa. He gets angry at the slightest thing. - incomodidad [f] inconvenience.
- incómodo uncomfortable (of position) Esta silla es incómoda. This chair is uncomfortable.—En esta postura estoy incómodo. In this position I'm uncomfortable.
- incomparable incomparable.
- incompatible incompatible.
- incomprensible incomprehensible.
- inconsciente unconscious El golpe lo dejó inconsciente. The blow left him unconscious. ▲ irresponsible Es un hombre muy inconsciente. He's a very irresponsible person.
- inconveniente [m] disadvantage Ese plan tiene algunos inconvenientes. That plan has certain disadvantages. ▲ objection No tiene inconveniente en que salgamos. He has no objection to our leaving.
- incorporar to incorporate, unite. ▲ to add Incorporó su dinero al fondo común. He added his money to the common fund.
○ incorporarse to sit up (in bed). ▲ to join (a military unit) Recibió orden de incorporarse en su batallón. He got orders to join his battalion. - incorrecto incorrect; ill-mannered.
- increíble incredible, unbelievable.
- inculto uncultivated.
- incumplido unfulfilled Sus promesas quedaron incumplidas. His promises were unfulfilled.
- incurable incurable.
- indagar to investigate.
- indecente indecent, obscene.
- indeciso vacillating, hesitant Es un hombre muy indeciso. He's a very hesitant man. ▲ indefinite, not clear Su oferta es indecisa. His offer is indefinite.
- indefinido indefinite.
- indemnización [f] indemnity, compensation.
- indescriptible indescribable.
- indiano, indiana Spaniard who returns to birthplace after long residence on the American continent.
- indicación [f] suggestion Siguió las indicacioyies del médico. He followed the doctor's suggestions. ▲ hint Una indicación de Ud. es bastante. ▲ hint from you is enough.
○ indicaciones directions Para usarlo siga Ud. las indicaciones siguientes. To use this, follow these instructions. - indicado (see indicar) indicated. ▲ logical, appropriate Su madre es la persona más indicada para decírselo. Her mother is the most logical person to tell it to her.
○ lo indicado that which is stated, directed, or requested Haga Ud. lo indicado en el prospecto. Do what's directed in the prospectus. - indicar to indicate, to hint, to show.
- índice [m] index; forefinger, index finger.
- indicio indication, evidence, clue No se encontraron indicios del asesino. They found no clues of the murderer.
- indiferente indifferent Se mostró indiferente a cualquier sugerencia. He was indifferent to any suggestion.
○ serle a uno indiferente to make no difference to one Eso me es indiferente. That makes no difference to me. - indígena [adj] native, aboriginal ▲ [n] native, aborigine.
- indigestión [f] indigestion.
- indignación [f] indignation.
- indignar to make indignant Sus palabras la indignaron. His words made her indignant.
○ indignarse to become indignant Ante aquella injusticia se indignó. He became indignant in the face of that injustice. - indigno despicable, unworthy.
- indio [adj; n] Indian; Hindu.
- indirecta insinuation, hint.
○ echar indirectas to make insinuations.
|| Suprima Ud. esas indirectas. Stop insinuating. - indirecto indirect.
- indiscreto indiscreet.
- indiscutible unquestionable, indisputable.
- indispensable essential, indispensable.
- indisponer [irr] to set against (of persons), prejudice Su mala lengua nos indispuso. Her sharp tongue set us against each other.
○ indisponerse to fall out (with a person) Se indispuso con sus compañeros. He had a falling out with his friends. ▲ to become ill, sick A consecuencia del viaje se indispuso. As a result of the trip she became sick. - indispuesto (see indisponer) set against; indisposed, ill.
- individual [adj] individual, separate.
- individuo individual, person, guy ¿Quién es ese individuo? Who is that guy?
- indole [f] (inner) nature Es un hombre de mala índole. He's an evil man. ▲ class, kind.
- indolencia indolence.
- inducir [-zc-] to induce.
- indudable indubitable, certain, evident.
- indulgente indulgent, lenient.
- indulgencia leniency La indulgencia de ese profesor es conocida. The leniency of that teacher is known.
- indulto pardon (legal).
- industria industry (manufacturing).
- industrial [adj] industrial. ▲ [m] manufacturer.
- ineficaz inefficient.
- inesperado unexpected.
- inestimable invaluable.
- inevitable unavoidable, inevitable.
- inexplicable inexplicable.
- infalible infallible.
- infame infamous. ▲ [m] scoundrel.
- infancia infancy, childhood.
- infantería infantry.
- infantil infantile, childlike.
- infatigable untiring.
- infección [f] infection.
- infeliz unhappy Su vida fué muy infeliz. His life was very unhappy. ▲ [n] poor devil Ese es un infeliz. He's a poor devil.
- inferior lower, inferior En la parte inferior iba el depósito de gasolina. The gasoline tank was underneath. ▲ [n] inferior Trata a sus inferiores con brutalidad. He treats his inferiors brutally.
- inferioridad [f] inferiority.
- infernal infernal, terrible.
- infidelidad [f] infidelity, unfaithfulness.
- infiel unfaithful Fué infiel a sus deberes. He didn't fulfill his obligations.
- infierno hell.
- infinidad [f] endless number, a lot Había una infinidad de personas en el parque. There were a lot of people in the park.
- infinito infinite. ▲ [m] infinity.
- inflamar to set on fire Una chispa del cigarro inflamó el depósito. ▲ cigarette spark set the warehouse on fire.
○ inflamarse to catch fire Tenga Ud. cuidado porque se inflama muy fácilmente. Be careful, it's very inflammable. ▲ to swell Los bordes de la herida se inflamaron. The edges of the wound swelled. - influir (en) to influence, to have influence (on) Influye en los que le rodean. He influences everyone around him.
- influyente influential, having pull.
- información [f] information Necesito más información sobre este asunto. I need more information on this matter.
○ fuente de información source of information, contact Este periódico tiene muy buenas fuentes de información. This newspaper has very good sources of information. - informar to tell, to inform Necesitaba informar a sus lectores de lo sucedido. He had to tell his readers what happened.
○ informarse to get information, to inform oneself Pudo informarse leyendo la carta. He could get the information by reading the letter. ○ informarse de to find out, get information on ¿Se ha informado Ud. de lo que necesita para entrar en el país? Did you find out what you need to enter the country?—Infórmese Ud. de que clase de persona es. Find out what kind of a person he is.—Por el periódico puede Ud. informarse de la marcha de la guerra. Through the newspaper you can get information on the progress of the war. - informe [m] report Presentó un informe a sus superiores. He presented a report to his superiors.
○ informes data, information. - infortunio great misfortune La muerte de su padre fué un infortunio para él. The death of his father was a great misfortune.
- ingeniero engineer (holder of a degree in engineering).
- ingenio talent Fué un escritor de mucho ingenio. He was a writer of great talent. ▲ wit Esa frase tiene mucho ingenio. That's a very witty phrase. ▲ wits, ingenuity Vivía de su ingenio. He lived by his wits.
○ ingenio de azúcar sugar plantation; sugar mill. - ingenuo ingenuous, candid, innocent.
- ingrato ungrateful, thankless Es un trabajo muy ingrato. It's a thankless job. ▲ [n] ingrate.
- ingresar (en) to enter, to join Cuando ingresó en el Ejército tenía viente años. He was twenty when he joined the Army. ▲ to deposit Ingresaba cada mes su dinero en la Caja de Ahorros. He put his money in a savings bank every month.
- ingreso entrance (joining) Su ingreso en el partido fué muy comentado. His joining the party caused a lot of comment.
○ ingresos earnings, income Sus ingresos eran escasos. His earnings were small. - ingrimo alone [Am] Se quedó ingrimo. He was left all alone.
- inicial [adj; f] initial ¿Cuáles son sus iniciales? What are your initials?
- iniciar to initiate, begin; to initiate (in societies or religious orders).
- iniciativa initiative.
- inhábil incompetent, unskillful, clumsy.
- injuria insult.
- injusticia injustice.
- inmediato adjoining, next.
- inmenso immense.
- inmigrante [m, f] immigrant.
- inmoral immoral.
- inmortal [adj] immortal.
- inmóvil motionless El miedo lo dejó inmóvil. He was motionless with fright.
- inmundo filthy, unclean.
- innoble ignoble.
- inocente innocent; not guilty; gullible, unsophisticated.
- inofensivo inoffensive, harmless.
- inolvidable unforgettable.
- inoportuno inopportune, inconvenient Era un momento muy inoportuno para tratar el asunto. That was a very inconvenient time to bring up the subject.
- inquietar to worry, to trouble La falta de noticias le inquietaba. The lack of news worried him.
○ inquietarse to become restless, to become worried Empezó a inquietarse con aquel ruido. He began to get restless because of that noise. - inquilino, inquilina tenant.
- inquieto restless Es un niño muy inquieto. He's a very restless child. ▲ worried Estoy inquieto por su ausencia. I'm worried over his absence.
- insaciable greedy, insatiable.
- insano unhealthy, unsanitary; insane Un clima insano. An unhealthy climate.
- inscribir to register, enroll Se inscribieron en la lista de votantes. They registered for voting.
- inscripción [f] inscription La medalla tenía una inscripción. The medal had an inscription. ▲ registration El plazo de inscripción acaba a las cuatro. Registration is over at four o'clock.
- insecto insect.
- inseguro insecure, unsafe, unsteady.
- insensato senseless, stupid, foolish.
- insensible heartless, insensitive. ▲ numb Tenía los dedos insensibles. His fingers were numb.
- inseparable inseparable.
- insigne famous, noted, outstanding (of persons).
- insignificancia insignificance; trifle Se preocupa por cualquier insignificancia. He worries over every trifle.
- insignificante insignificant.
- insinuación [f] insinuation.
- insinuar to insinuate, hint.
- insistir to insist Insistió pero no consiguió nada. He insisted but he didn't get anything.
○ insistir en to insist on Insistió en salir a la calle. He insisted on going out into the street. - insolente insolent.
- insoportable unbearable.
- inspección [f] inspection, examination Hicieron una inspección en la oficina. They made an inspection in the office. ▲ inspector's office Fui a la Inspección por los documentos. I went to the inspector's office for the documents.
- inspeccionar to inspect, to examine.
- inspector, inspectora inspector.
- instalar to install, set up ¿Quién le ha instalado la radio? Who installed your radio?
○ instalarse to establish oneself, to take quarters Apenas llegó a la capital se instaló en un hotel. As soon as he arrived in the capital he got settled at a hotel. - instancia petition, application (written).
○ a instancia de at the request of. - instante [m] instant, moment.
- instintivo instinctive.
- instinto instinct Su instinto le decía que iba a ocurrir algo. His instinct told him that something was going to happen.
- institución [f] institution.
- instituto institute; school (equivalent to high school plus two years of college).
- instrucción [f] education Creo que tiene poca instrucción. I don't think he has much education.
○ instrucciones instructions, directions Todavía no ha recibido instrucciones. He hasn't yet received instructions. - instruir to teach, instruct.
- instrumento instrument.
- insuficiente insufficient.
- insufrible unbearable, intolerable.
- insultar to insult.
- insurrección [f] insurrection, rebellion.
- insurrecto [adj; n] insurgent.
- intacto intact, untouched.
- integridad [f] integrity; entirety.
- íntegro complete, whole Estaba íntegro el dinero, nadie lo tocó. The money was all there; nobody touched it. ▲ upright Es un hombre serio y muy íntegro. He's a serious and upright man.
- intelectual [adj; n] intellectual.
- inteligencia intelligence.
- inteligente intelligent.
- intención [f] intention, purpose No'sé con que intención me lo dijo. I don't know what his purpose was in telling me that.
○ tener buenas intenciones to be well meaning. ○ tener la intención de to intend to, mean to Tenía la intención de decírselo pero se me olvidó. I meant to tell him that, but I forgot. ○ tener malas intenciones to be malicious. - intensidad [f] intensity.
- intenso intense.
- intentar to attempt, try.
- interés [m] interest Pone mucho interés en todo lo que hace. He takes a lot of interest in everything he does. ▲ rate of interest Tenía que pagar mucho interés. I had to pay a high interest.
○ intereses affairs Administraba los intereses de su amigo. He administered his friend's affairs. ○ por (el) interés for money Se casó por (el) interés. He married for money. - interesado (see interesar) interested; mercenary.
- interesar to interest Su conversación me interesaba. His conversation interested me.
○ interesarse to be interested Llegó a interesarse en las matemáticas. He became interested in mathematics. - interior [adj] interior, inside Esas habitaciones son interiores. Those are inside rooms. ▲ domestic El correo interior se distribuía cuatro veces por día. Domestic mail was delivered four times a day. ▲ [m] inside El interior de la casa es muy fresco. The inside of the house's very cool.
○ para el interior de uno to oneself Lo dijo para su interior. He said it to himself. - interjección [f] interjection.
- intermedio intermediate, medium Quisier una talla intermedia. I'd like an intermediate size. ▲ [m] intermission Le veré en el intermedio. I'll see him during the intermission.
○ por intermedio de through (the intervention of) Lo consiguió por intermedio medio de su tío. He got it through his uncle. - interminable endless.
- internacional [adj] international.
- interno internal Esto es para tiso interno. This is for internal use. ▲ boarding Es un alumno interno. He's a boarding pupil.
- interponer [irr] to interpose, place (between) Interpusieron un tabique entre las dos partes de la habitación. They placed a partition between the two parts of the room.
○ interponerse to block Esa mujer se interpuso en mi camino. That woman blocked my way. - interpretar to interpret Procure Ud. interpretar bien mis palabras. Try to interpret my words properly.
- intérprete [m, f] interpreter.
- interrogación [f] interrogation; question mark.
- interrogar to question, interrogate.
- interrogatorio interrogation, questioning.
- interrumpir to interrupt Por favor, no me interrumpa. Please don't interrupt me.
○ interrumpirse to be interrupted, to be blocked El tráfico se interrumpió por la aglomeración de automóviles. The traffic was blocked by the jam of automobiles. - intervalo interval.
- intervención [f] intervention Su intervención fué muy oportuna. He intervened at a very opportune moment. ▲ mediation El sindicato ha pedido la intervención del Estado en la cuestión. The union has asked for the mediation of the government in the dispute. ▲ (surgical) operation Después de la caída hubo que hacerle una rápida intervención. He had to undergo an operation immediately after his fall.
- intervenir [irr] to intervene Para evitar el conflicto tuvo que intervenir. He had to intervene to prevent the conflict. ▲ to audit, check Se le intervino la cuenta en el Banco. His bank account was audited.
- intestino [adj; m] intestine.
- intimar to become an intimate friend.
- intimidar to frighten, intimidate.
- íntimo [adj] intimate. ▲ [n] intimate (friend).
- intolerable intolerable.
- intoxicar to poison; to drug.
- intranquilo restless, worried.
- intratable unsociable.
- intrépido brave, fearless.
- intrigar to scheme ¿Cuándo terminará Ud. de intrigar? When will you stop scheming? ▲ to intrigue, interest Aquello intrigó a todos. That intrigued everybody.
○ intrigarse to be intrigued Me intriga lo que Ud. dice. I'm intrigued by what you say. - introducir [-zc-] to put (in), insert Introdujo la llave en la cerradura. He put the key in the keyhole. ▲ to present (a person) Era el encargado de introducir los embajadores ante el rey. He was the one in charge of presenting the ambassadors to the king.
- intuición [f] intuition.
- inundación [f] flood.
- inundar to flood El agua inundó la calles. The water flooded the streets.
○ inundarse to be flooded Se inundó el piso bajo. The ground floor was flooded. - inútil useless. ▲ [n] useless person.
- invadir to invade.
- invariable constant, unchanging.
- invasión [f] invasion.
- invencible invincible, unconquerable.
- inventar to invent; to lie, fib.
- inventario inventory.
- invento invention; lie.
- invernal wintry.
- inverosímil unlikely, improbable.
- invertido See invertir. ▲ [adj; n] homosexual.
- invertir [rad-ch II] to invest Invirtió su dinero en una casa. He invested his money in a house. ▲ to reverse, turn upside down No invierta Ud. el orden de esas cantidades. Don't reverse the order of those amounts. ▲ to spend (time) Invirtió dos horas en recorrer veinte millas. He spent two hours traveling twenty miles.
- investigación [f] investigation, inquiry; research.
- investigar to investigate Investigue Ud. cuál es la causa. Investigate the cause of it. ▲ to do research work Investigaba en un laboratorio. He was doing research work in a laboratory.
- invierno winter.
- invisible invisible.
- invitación [f] invitation.
- invitado See invitar. ▲ [n] guest Estaban recibiendo a los invitados. They were receiving their guests.
- invitar to invite.
- involuntario involuntary.
- inyección [f] injection, shot.
- inyectado bloodshot Tenía los ojos inyectados. His eyes were bloodshot.
- inyectar to inject, give an injection Le
inyectó una dosis de morfina. He gave him an injection of morphine.
- ir [irr] to go. ▲ to lead ¿A dónde va ese camino? Where does that road lead?
○ ir a caballo to ride on horseback Fuimos a caballo a la hacienda. We rode to the ranch on horseback. ○ ir a pie to walk, go on foot Si vamos a pie tardaremos mucho. If we walk we'll be very late. ○ ir del brazo to walk arm in arm Iban del brazo. They were walking arm in arm. ○ ir de paseo to go for a walk ¿Ya Ud. de paseo? Are you going for a walk? ○ ir en auto to drive Yendo en auto llegaremos en tres horas. We'll arrive in three hours if we drive. ○ irle a uno (bien) to be becoming Ese color le va muy bien. That color is very becoming to you. ○ ir para (or con) to be meant for (of remarks) Lo que he dicho no va con Ud. What I've said isn't meant for you. ○ irse to leave, to go away Ya se fueron. They've already left.
|| Ahora va de veras. Now it's the real thing. || ¿Cómo le va? How are you? - ira anger.
- ironía irony, sarcasm.
- irónico ironical, sarcastic.
- irregular irregular, improper Su conducta es bastante irregular. His conduct is quite irregular. ▲ irregular, uneven Tiene unas facciones muy irregulares. He has very irregular features.
- irremediable irreparable, hopeless.
- irresoluto irresolute, wavering, hesitant.
- irritable irritable.
- irritación [f] irritation Tiene irritación en la garganta. He has an irritation in his throat. ▲ irritation, peevishness Su irritación molestó a todos. His peevishness annoyed everyone.
- irritar to irritate; to peeve.
- isla island, isle.
- isleño, isleña islander.
- itinerario itinerary.
- izquierda left hand Escribía con la izquierda. He wrote with his left hand. ▲ left En política, militaba en la izquierda. In politics, he belonged to the left.
○ a la izquierda on the left, to the left Estaba sentado a mi izquierda. He was sitting on my left. - izquierdo [adj] left Recibió un balazo en el pie izquierdo. He got a bullet wound in his left foot.