Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/J
- jaba crate [Am].
- jabón [m] soap ¿Puede darme un jabón y una toalla? Can you give me a piece of soap and a towel?
- jalar (see halar) to pull, haul [Am].
- jalea jelly Deseo café, tostadas y jalea. I want coffee, toast, and jelly.
- jamás never, not ever.
- jamón [m] ham (cured pork).
- jamona buxom woman (middle-aged) [Sp]; old maid [Antilles].
- jaqueca headache, megrim Estoy con jaqueca desde ayer. I've had a headache since yesterday.
- jarabe [m] syrup; jarabe (a Mexican dance).
- jardín [m] garden (of flowers).
- jaripeo bronco-busting, rodeo [Mex].
- jarra pitcher Hágame el favor de poner una jarra con agua en mi cuarto. Please put a pitcher of water in my room.
- jaula cage.
- jefatura headquarters, chief's office Los llevaron a la jefatura de Policía. They took them to Police Headquarters.
- jefe [m] chief, leader, head Lograron capturar al jefe. They managed to capture the leader. ▲ boss Tendré que avisar a mi jefe que no vendré mañana. I'll have to tell my boss that I won't be in tomorrow.
- jerga slang.
- jicara small cup.
- jinete [m] horseman.
- jitomate [m] tomato [Mex].
- jornada journey; day's work; day's walk.
- jornalero day laborer, casual worker.
- jota letter "j"; Aragonese folk dance.
- joven [adj] young. ▲ [m] young person.
- joya gem; piece of jewelry.
- judío Jewish. ▲ [m] Jew.
- judía bean [Sp].
○ judías verdes string beans. - judía bean [Sp]. ○ judías verdes string
- juego game El ajedrez es un juego muy difícil. Chess is a very difficult game. ▲ set Compré un juego de manteles. I bought a set of table linen. ▲ play,