Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/M
- macana fib, tall tale, exaggeration [Arg].
|| ¡Qué macana! How annoying! [Arg] - macanudo excellent, wonderful, super [Am].
- maceta flowerpot; potted plant.
- machacar to crush Machacó la piedra completamente. He crushed the stone completely. ▲ to harp (on a subject) Es inútil, no machaque Ud. más. It's useless, don't harp on it any longer.
- macho [adj; m] male (animals).
- macizo [adj] solid Era una barra de oro macizo. It was a solid gold bar. ▲ [m] flower bed En medio del jardín había un macizo (de flores). There was a flower bed in the middle of the garden.
- madera wood La caja estaba hecha de madera de'sándalo. The box was made of sandalwood. ▲ lumber, timber La madera no está todavía seca. The lumber is still green. ▲ qualities, talent Tiene madera de actor. He has a talent for acting.
- madero beam; timber.
- madrastra stepmother.
- madre [f] mother. ▲ origin, source, cradle Grecia fué la madre de la civilización occidental. Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
○ madre política mother-in-law Le voy a presentar a mi madre política. I'm going to introduce you to my mother-in-law. ○ salirse de madre to overflow El río se salió de madre. The river overflowed. ▲ to lose control of oneself. - madrina godmother.
- madrugada dawn.
○ de madrugada at daybreak, at dawn. - madrugar to rise early.
- madurar to ripen La uva maduró bien aquel verano. The grapes ripened well that summer. ▲ to think out, develop (an idea) Maduró la idea antes de realizarla. He thought out the idea thoroughly before putting it into practice. ▲ to mature Maduró con los años. He became more mature with the passing of the years.
- madurez [f] maturity, ripeness.
- maduro ripe; mature (of persons).
- maestro teacher Los chicos escuchaban al maestro. The children were listening to the teacher. ▲ master, craftsman Era maestro en su oficio. He was master of his trade.
- magistrado magistrate; judge (higher courts).
- magnífico magnificent, excellent, grand.
- mago wizard.
- maguey [m] maguey (plant).
- maíz [m] corn, maize.
- majadero silly, foolish. ▲ [n] blockhead.
- majestad [f] majesty.
- majestuoso [adj] grand, majestic.
- mal (see malo) bad Hemos pasado un mal rato. We have had a bad time. ▲ [m] illness Su mal era incurable. His illness was incurable. ▲ harm Gozaba haciendo el mal. He enjoyed doing harm. ▲ [adv] badly Todo va muy mal. Everything is going very badly.
○ de mal en peor from bad to worse Vamos de mal en peor. We are going from bad to worse. ○ estar mal de to be badly off (or in a bad way) as regards Estoy mal de dinero. I'm badly in need of money. ○ mal hecho poorly done Ese trabajo está mal hecho. That work is poorly done. ▲ wrong.
|| No hay mal que por bien no venga. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. || Quien canta su mal espanta. He who sings drives away his grief. - malcriado ill-bred, spoiled.
- maldad [f] wickedness, evil deed; harm.
- maldecir [irr] to damn, to curse.
- maldición [f] curse.
- maldito [adj] cursed, damned.
- malestar [m] indisposition; discontent, dissatisfaction.
- maleta suitcase. ▲ bundle [Am] Haga una maleta con esta ropa. Make a bundle of these clothes.
○ hacer la maleta to pack the suitcase; to get ready to leave. - maletero porter (carrier).
- maletín [m] overnight bag, small case.
- maleza weeds.
- malicia malice Lo hizo sin malicia. He did it without malice.
○ tener malicia to be malicious Aquellas palabras parecían tener malicia. Those seemed to be malicious words. - malicioso malicious; risque.
- maligno malignant.
- malo bad, unpleasant El tiempo está muy malo. The weather is very bad. ▲ difficult, hard, bad ¡Qué rato tan malo hemos pasado! What a bad time we've had! ▲ naughty Este niño es demasiado malo. This child's very naughty. ▲ ill Tan malo se puso que murió a las dos horas. He became so ill that he died two hours later.
○ por las malas o por las buenas whether you like it or not Lo harás por las malas o por las buenas. You will do it whether you like it or not.
|| Ese es un tipo muy malo. He's a bad egg. - malograr to waste, to miss, fail to take advantage of (as time, opportunity, etc) Malograron la ocasión. They failed to take advantage of the opportunity.
○ malograrse to fail La empresa se malogró. The business failed. - malsano unhealthy, unhealthful, unsanitary, unwholesome.
- maltratar to mistreat, to abuse.
- malvado wicked. ▲ [n] wicked person, villain.
- mamá [f] mamma, mom.
- mameluco overalls [Am].
- manantial [m] spring, source of stream.
- manar to flow out, spring De la roca manaba tina fuente. ▲ spring flowed out of the rock.
- mancha spot, stain Le cayó una mancha en el traje. She got a spot on her dress. ▲ patch (of ground or vegetation) Sólo había algunas manchas de vegetación cerca del río. There were only a few patches of vegetation near the river.
- manchado (see manchar) spotted, mottled Un perro manchado. ▲ spotted dog.
- manchar to stain, soil.
- manco one-armed.
- mandadero messenger; errand boy.
- mandado See mandar. ▲ [m] errand; message.
- mandamiento order, command; commandment.
- mandar to order, direct Mandó salir a la criada. He ordered the maid to leave. ▲ to send Al llegar mandaron el equipaje al hotel. When they arrived they sent their luggage to the hotel. ▲ to send, transmit Mande Ud. recuerdos a nuestro amigo. Send my regards to our friend.
○ mandar a paseo to tell someone to go fly a kite. - mandato order, mandate, command.
- mando order El general dio el mando de retirarse. The general gave the order to retreat. ▲ leadership, sternness Era hombre de mucho mando. He was a man of great leadership. ▲ control Los mandos del avión no funcionaban. The controls of the plane were out of order.
○ (alto) mando high command El mando decidió atacar de madrugado. The high command decided to attack at dawn. ○ estar al mando to be in command Está al mando del sector. He's in command of the sector. ○ tomar el mando to take command Un comandante tuvo que tomar el mando de la división. A major had to take command of the division. - manecilla hand (of a watch, clock, or gage).
- manejar to manage, handle Manejó bien el dinero y aumentó los ingresos. He handled the money well and increased the income from it. ▲ to drive [Am] ¿Ha aprendido Ud. a manejar el coche? Have you learned to drive the car?
○ manejarse to move about Se manejaba ya sin las muletas. He was already moving about without crutches. ▲ to get along Se maneja bien. He gets along all right. ▲ to manage, succeed in ¿Cómo se maneja Ud. para hacer esto? How do you manage to do this? - manejo handling El manejo de esto ofrece peligro. This is a dangerous thing to handle.—El manejo de la dinamita es peligroso. The handling of dynamite is dangerous. ▲ driving (a car) [Am]. ▲ management, control Lleva todo el manejo de la tienda. He is in complete charge of the shop. ▲ intrigue Con sus manejos consiguió lo que quería. He got what he wanted by intrigue.
- manera way, manner ¿Qué manera es esa de contestar? Is that the way to answer?
○ de (esta) manera this way, in this manner Hágalo Ud. de esta manera. Do it this way. ○ de mala manera rudely Lo dijo de mala manera. He said it in a rude way. ○ de manera que so, as a result Ayer no fui, de manera que tengo que ir hoy. I didn't go yesterday, so I have to go today. ○ de ninguna manera by no means De ninguna manera lo aceptaré. By no means will I accept it. ○ de otra manera in another way No se lo puedo decir de otra manera. I can't tell him any other way. ▲ otherwise Estaba allí de otra manera no le hubiera hablado. He was there, otherwise I wouldn't have spoken to him. ○ de todas maneras at any rate De todas maneras iremos. In any case we'll go. ○ en cierta manera in a way En cierta manera, tiene Ud. razón. In a way you are right. ○ maneras manners No tiene buenas maneras. He hasn't got good manners. ○ no hay manera de there's no way to No hay manera de traducirlo. There's no way to translate it. - manga sleeve Las mangas le estaban cortas. His sleeves were short for him.
○ andar manga por hombro to be in a mess En aquella casa todo andaba manga por hombro. Everything was in a mess in that house. ○ de manga ancha indulgent Es hombre de manga ancha con sus hijos. He's very indulgent with his children. ▲ not too scrupulous. ○ en mangas de camisa in shirt sleeves Por el calor estaban en mangas de camisa. They were in their shirt sleeves because of the heat. ○ manga (de riego) hose La manga (de riego) no funcionaba. The hose didn't work. - mango handle; mango (fruit).
- manguito muff.
- maní [m] peanut [Am].
- mania madness; mania; hobby.
○ tomar manía (a) to dislike, have a grudge (against). - manifestación [f] demonstration (parade).
- manifestar [rad-ch I] to express, show En la carta manifestaba estar conforme. In the letter he expressed his agreement.
○ manifestarse to make a demonstration Los obreros quisieron manifestarse, pero no pudieron. The workers wanted to make a demonstration, but couldn't. - manifiesto manifest, plain, obvious. ▲ [m] manifesto.
- manilla hand (of watch, clock, gage).
- mano [f] hand. ▲ coat (of paint, varnish, etc) Hay que una mano de barniz. We must give it a coat of varnish. ▲ first player (next to dealer) La mano echó un triunfo. The first player led a trump. ▲ mishap, misfortune [Am] Nos pasó una mano. We had a slight accident.
○ a mano by hand La carta estaba escrita a mano. The letter was written by hand. ▲ near by, within reach Póngalo Ud. a mano. Put it within reach. ○ a mano derecha or izquierda on the right or left Su habitación está a mano derecha. His room is on the right. ○ de la mano by the hand Llevaba el niño de la mano. She was leading the child by the hand. ○ de segunda mano second-hand. ○ echar una mano to lend a hand. ○ hecho a mano handmade. ○ mano a mano tête-à-tête Se pusieron a hablar mano a mano. They had a tête-à-tête. - manojo bunch (of flowers or vegetables).
- mansedumbre [f] meekness, humility, tameness.
- manso tame; calm; meek.
- manta blanket.
- manteca lard, fat.
- mantel [m] table-cloth.
- mantener [irr] to support, provide for, make a living for Mantenía a su madre y tres hermanos. He supported his mother and three brothers. ▲ to hold Mantenga firme la cuerda. Hold the rope tight. ▲ to maintain, defend (an opinion) Mantendrá su opinion contra todos. He will defend his opinion against anyone. ▲ to keep up Costaba trabajo mantener la conversación. It was difficult to keep up the conversation.
○ mantenerse to support oneself Para mantenerse durante aquel mes no tenía dinero. During that month he had no money on which to live. ○ mantenerse (en) to hold (to) No creo que se mantenga en su decisión. I don't think he will hold to his decision. - mantenimiento maintenance, support; upkeep.
- mantequilla butter.
- mantilla mantilla; baby clothes.
○ estar en mantillas to be innocent as a child, not to know anything about En cuanto a la política, está todavía en mantillas. As far as politics is concerned, he's still as innocent as a child. - manual [adj] manual, physical. ▲ [m] manual, handbook.
- manufactura manufacture.
- manufacturar to manufacture.
- manuscrito handwritten. ▲ [m] manuscript.
- manzana apple. ▲ block ¿En qué manzana está su casa? What block is your house in?
- manzano apple tree.
- maña skill; craftiness.
○ darse maña to contrive, manage Se da maña para consegrar lo que quiere. He manages to get what he wants. - mañana [f] morning La mañana estaba clara. The morning was clear. ▲ [m] future Trabaja con ilusión para el mañana. He works hopefully for the future. ▲ [adv] tomorrow Le espero a Ud. mañana en el hotel. I'll wait for you in the hotel tomorrow.
○ a la mañana siguiente on the morning after Le vi a la mañana siguiente. I saw him the morning after. ○ de la mañana A.M. Vendrá a las seis de la mañana. He's coming at 6 A.M. ○ de mañana early in the morning Salió muy de mañana. He went out very early in the morning. ○ por (or en) la mañana in the morning Nos veremos el jueves por la mañana. We'll meet on Thursday morning. ○ de mañanita very early in the morning.
|| ¡Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow! - mapa [m] map.
- máquina machine La máquina se puso en movimiento. The machine began to run. ▲ car (automobile) [Arg].
○ a toda máquina at full speed Llevaba el trabajo a toda máquina. He worked at full speed. ○ máquina (de escribir) typewriter Escribe muy bien a máquina. She types very well. - mar [m or f] sea.
○ alta mar high sea, open sea. ○ hablar de la mar to talk idly Eso es hablar de la mar. That's idle talk. ○ la mar a lot, lots En su casa había la mar de gente. There were a lot of people at his house. ○ meterse mar adentro to go beyond one's depth (in swimming). - maravilla wonder, marvel.
- maravillar to amaze La fiesta maravillaba por su riqueza. The lavishness of the party amazed everybody.
○ maravillarse to be astonished Me maravillo de que llegue a tiempo. I'm astonished that he's on time. - maravilloso wonderful.
- marca mark, characteristic ¿Hay alguna marca que lo distinga? Has it any distinguishing mark? ▲ mark Ponga Ud. una marca en está página. Put a mark on this page.
○ marca (de fábrica) trademark, brand La marca de fábrica es muy conocida. The trademark is very wellknown.—¿Qué marca de cigarrillos fuma Ud.? What brand of cigarettes do you smoke? - marcar to mark Marcaba con un lápiz los nombres de los que asistían. With a pencil he marked off the names of those who attended.
○ marcar el compás to keep time Aprenda Ud. a marcar el compás. Learn to keep time. - marcha speed El barco llevaba muy buena marcha. The ship traveled at a good speed. ▲ march Tocaban una marcha militar. They played a military march.
○ apresurar la marcha to hurry, speed up Hay que apresurar la marcha. We must hurry. ○ poner en marcha to start, put in motion No podía poner en marcha el motor. He couldn't start the motor. ○ sobre la marcha at once El trabajo hay que terminarlo sobre la marcha. The work must be completed at once.
|| ¡En marcha! Let's go! or Forward, march! - marchar to run El tren marchaba a toda velocidad. The train was running at full speed. ▲ to progress, go along ¡Esto marcha muy bien! This is coming along fine! ▲ to go, run, work ¿Marcha el reloj de Ud.? Is your watch running?
○ marcharse to leave, go away ¿A qué hora se marcha Ud.? When are you leaving? - marchitar to wither El calor marchitó la flores. The heat withered the flowers.
○ marchitarse to fade, wither Su belleza empezó a marchitarse. Her beauty began to fade. - marchito faded, withered;
- marco frame (of door, window, picture); mark (German monetary unit).
- marea tide.
- marear to bother ¡No me maree Ud. más! Don't bother me any more!
○ marearse to get seasick, get carsick, get dizzy Al empezar a andar el barco, se mareó. As soon as the ship began to move, he got seasick. - mareo seasickness, carsickness, dizziness.
- marfil [m] ivory.
- margen [m or f] margin Deje Ud. margen en el papel cuando escriba. Leave a margin on the paper when you write. ▲ edge, border, bank Llegó hasta la margen del río. He reached the edge of the river.
○ dar margen to give an opportunity Le dio margen para ganar dinero. He gave him an opportunity to earn money. - mariachi [m] Mexican street singer.
- marido husband.
- marihuana marihuana.
- marimba marimba [Am].
- marina seascape, marine painting.
○ marina (de guerra) navy Era un oficial de la marina de guerra. He was a naval officer. ○ marina mercante merchant marine. - marinero sailor, seaman.
- marino marine, of the sea, maritime. ▲ [m] seaman Ese almirante era un buen marino. That admiral was a good seaman.
- mariposa butterfly.
- marítimo maritime.
- marmita large cooking pot.
- mármol [m] marble (stone).
- marrano hog. ▲ [adj] piggish.
- marrón [adj] brown.
- martes [m] Tuesday.
- martillar, martillear to hammer.
- martillo hammer.
- martirio torture, martyrdom.
- marzo March.
- más more. ▲ plus Cuatro más tres son siete. Four plus three is seven. ▲ longer No puedo esperarle más. I can't wait any longer for him.
○ a lo más at most A lo más, costará diez pesos. At most it'll cost ten pesos. ○ a más tardar at the latest A más tardar llegará esta noche. He'll arrive tonight at the latest. ○ de más too much, too many Le dieron seis libras de más. They gave him six pounds too much. ○ el (or la, los, las) más the more, the most Esta muchacha es la más inteligente. This girl is the most intelligent. ○ en más de for more than Lo ha vendido en más de lo que lo compró. He's sold it for more than he paid for it. ○ estar de más to be in excess, be unnecessary Estoy de más. I'm unnecessary here. ○ lo más . . . que as . . . as Llegó lo más pronto que pudo. He arrived as soon as he could. ○ los (or las) más the majority Los más de aquellos hombres trabajaban en la mina. The majority of those men worked in the mine. ○ más adelante later on, farther (or further) on Más adelante se lo explicaré. Later on I'll explain it to you. ○ más allá farther on La casa está más allá. The house is farther on. ○ más bien rather Llegó más bien tarde. He arrived rather late. ○ más de (before numerals) more than El pueblo tenía más de mil habitantes. The village had more than a thousand inhabitants. ○ más que more than Me importa más que a Ud. It's more important to me than to you. ○ más tarde o más temprano sooner or later Se sabrá más tarde o más temprano. It'll be known sooner or later. ○ no más que only No tiene más que cuatro pesos. He has only four pesos. ○ por más que however much, no matter how much Por más que diga Ud. no logrará convencerle. No matter how much you say you won't succeed in convincing him. - masa dough Se hizo la masa para el pan. The dough was made for the bread. ▲ mass (of people) Su discurso iba dirigido a las masas. His speech was directed to the masses.
○ con las manos en la masa in the act, red-handed Le cogieron con las manos en la masa. They caught him in the act. ○ masa de la sangre inner nature, blood Eso lo tiene en la masa de la sangre. It's in his blood. - masacre [m] massacre.
- mascar to chew Tragúelo, no lo masque. Swallow it, don't chew it.
- máscara [f] mask. ▲ [m, f] masquerader.
○ baile de máscaras masquerade ball. ○ máscara contra gases gas mask. ○ vestido de máscara in costume. - mascota mascot, good-luck charm.
- masculino masculine.
- mástil [m] mast, pole, post.
- mata plant, bush, shrub.
- matanza slaughter.
- matar to kill. ▲ to trump Me mató el rey. He trumped my king.
○ estar a matar con to have a feud with, be on bad terms with No me hables de Pérez, estoy a matar con él. Don't speak to me about Pérez; we're on bad terms. ○ matar de aburrimiento to bore to death Ese trabajo me mata de aburrimiento. That job bores me to death. ○ matar de hambre to starve En aquel hotel nos mataban de hambre. They starved us at that hotel. ○ matar dos pájaros en un tiro to kill two birds with one stone. ○ matar el tiempo to kill time Mató el tiempo leyendo el periódico. He killed time reading the paper. ○ matarse to kill oneself Intentó matarse con una pistola. He tried to kill himself with a pistol. ▲ to get killed Se mató en un accidente de automóvil. He got killed in an automobile accident. - mate [m] maté (South American tea).
- matemáticas [f pl] mathematics.
- materia material, substance ¿De qué materia está hecho esto? What material's this made of? ▲ matter, topic La materia que discutimos es interesante. The matter we're discussing is interesting. ▲ subject Enseñaba varias materias. He taught several subjects.
○ entrar en materia to come to the point, get down to business. ○ materia prima raw material. - material [m] material ¿Con qué material se hace esto? What material's used to make this? ▲ equipment Tiene una fábrica de material eléctrico. He has an electrical equipment factory.
- maternal maternal, motherly.
- materno maternal, on the mother's side.
- matiz [m] shade, tint.
- matón [m] bully, overbearing person.
- matorral [m] thicket, brush.
- matrimonio marriage Contrajo matrimonio hace tres días. He got married three days ago. ▲ married couple Era un matrimonio bien avenido. They were a harmonious couple.
- maullar to meow.
- máxima maxim, proverb.
- máximo [adj; m] maximum.
- mayo May.
- mayor larger, largest; bigger, biggest Juan es mayor que su hermano. John's bigger than his brother. ▲ older, oldest ¿Cómo se llama su hermana mayor? What's your older (or oldest) sister's name? ▲ main (of streets) Viven en la calle mayor. They live on the main street. ▲ [m] major Fué mayor en el Ejército. He was a major in the Army.
○ al por mayor wholesale Sólo vendemos al por mayor. We sell wholesale only. ○ la mayor parte (de) the majority (of), the greater part (of). ○ ser mayor de edad to be of age. - mayoría majority, greater part.
○ mayoría de edad majority (of age.) ○ llegar a la mayoría de edad to come of age. - mayorista [m] wholesale merchant [Am].
- me [obj pron] me, to me; myself, to (or for) myself Cuando me vieron anoche me estaba afeitando. When they saw me last night I was shaving.
- mecánica mechanics.
- mecánico mechanical Este juguete es mecánico. This is a mechanical toy. ▲ [m] mechanic Trabajó de mecánico en una fábrica. He worked as a mechanic in a factory.
- mecanismo mechanism, works (of machines).
- mecanógrafo, mecanógrafa typist.
- mecedora rocking chair.
- mecer to rock Mecía al niño en la cuna. He rocked the child in the cradle.
○ mecerse to rock (oneself), swing, sway Las flores se mecían en el viento. The flowers were swaying in the wind. - medalla medal.
- media stocking Llevaba medias negras. She wore black stockings. ▲ sock [Am] Entró a comprarse unas medias. He went in to buy some socks.
- mediación [f] mediation.
- mediado (see mediar) half-filled, half-full La jarra estaba mediada. The pitcher was half-filled. ▲ half-gone, half-over.
○ a mediados de in (or about) the middle of (a period of time) Estamos a mediados de mes. We're in the middle of the month. - medianería partition (wall).
- mediano [adj] medium Es de estatura mediana. He's of medium height. ▲ mediocre Su trabajo era muy mediano. His work was very mediocre.
- mediante through, by means of Mediante influencia pudo embarcar. He was able to book passage because he had pull.
○ Dios mediante God willing. - mediar to mediate Quiso mediar en la discusión. He wanted to mediate in the argument.
- medicina medicine ¿Qué año de medicina cursa Ud.? What year of medical school are you in?—El doctor le recetó una medicina. The doctor prescribed a medicine for him.
- médico [adj] medical. ▲ [n] physician.
- medida measure, measurements Voy a tomarle la medida. I'm going to take your measurements. ▲ rule, measure Aquella medida afectaba a todo el mundo. That rule applied to everybody. ▲ number, size ¿Cuál es su medida de calzado? What's your shoe size?
○ a la medida to order, to measure, custom-made El traje está hecho a la medida. The suit's custom-made. ○ a medida que as A medida que lleguen, dígales Ud. que pasen. As they arrive, tell them to come in. ○ llenar (or colmar) la medida to be the last straw Eso colma la medida. That's the last straw. ○ sin medida without moderation Bebe sin medida. He drinks to excess. ○ tener medida to have a sense of proportion or moderation No tiene medida en lo que hace. He has no sense of proportion in what he does. ○ tomar medidas to take measurements Me tomaron medidas para el traje. They took my measurements for the suit. ▲ to take measures or steps Tomaron medidas para evitar la rebelión. They took steps to prevent the revolt. - medio [adj] half, half a ¿Quiere Ud. medio polio? Would you like half a chicken? ▲ mid, middle of Podemos vernos a media tarde. We can meet in the middle of the afternoon. ▲ [m] middle El auto se paró en medio de la carretera. The car stopped in the middle of the road. ▲ means No veo medio de solucionar esto. I see no means of solving this.
○ a medias fifty-fifty, halves Iremos a medias en el negocio. We'll go fifty-fifty in the business. ○ a medio camino halfway to a place Ya estamos a medio camino. We're halfway there. ○ a medio hacer half-done Este trabajo está a medio hacer. This work's halfdone. ○ hacer algo a medias to do something poorly, do a half-baked job No haga Ud. las cosas a medias. Don't do a half-baked job. ○ ir a medias to go fifty-fifty, to go halves. - mediocre mediocre.
- mediodía [m] noon, midday.
- medir [rad-ch III] to measure Midió el ancho y el largo de la habitación. He measured the length and width of the room. ▲ to measure, weigh No mide lo que dice. He doesn't weigh his words.
- meditación [f] meditation, thought.
- meditar to meditate, think.
- mejilla cheek.
- mejor [adj] better Esta casa es mejor que la otra. This is a better house than the other one. ▲ best Es la mejor casa del pueblo. It's the best house in town.
○ a lo mejor perhaps, maybe A lo mejor mañana no llueve. Maybe it won't rain tomorrow. ○ mejor dicho or rather, or better Iré a las tres, mejor dicho a las tres y cuarto. I'll go at three, or rather at a quarter past three. ○ mejor que rather than, instead of Mejor que escribir, ponga Ud. un telegrama. Instead of writing, send a telegram. ○ mejor que mejor all the better, so much the better Si viene, mejor que mejor. If he comes, so much the better. - mejora improvement, getting better; renovation, alteration.
- mejorar to improve, recover Se le'veía mejorar rápidamente. He was obviously improving fast. ▲ to improve, get better Han mejorado los negocios. Business has improved. ▲ to improve, make better Con las obras mejoraron la casa. With the alterations, the house was improved.
- melancolía gloom, blues.
- melancólico melancholy, sad.
- melena long hair.
- melocotón [m] peach.
- melodía melody.
- melón [m] melon, cantaloupe.
- meloso honeylike, sweet.
- memorable memorable.
- memoria memory (not used for things remembered) Su memoria era magnífica. He had a wonderful memory. ▲ memorandum, report Escribió una memoria con los gastos hechos. He made a memorandum of the expenses.
○ de memoria by heart Me lo aprendí de memoria. I learned it by heart. ○ hacer memoria to recall, remember Haga Ud. memoria y recuerde lo que pasó. Try to recall what happened. ○ memorias regards Muchas memorias a su familia. My regards to your family. ▲ memoirs. - mencionar to mention.
- mendigo, mendiga beggar.
- menear to stir Hay que menearlo mientras cuece. It has to be stirred while it's cooking. ▲ to shake No menee Ud. la mesa. Don't shake the table. ▲ to wag El perro meneaba la cola. The dog was wagging his tail.
- menester [m] occupation, duty Los menesteres de la casa. Household duties.
○ ser menester to be necessary No es menester que venga a verme. You don't have to come to see me. - menesteroso needy, poor. ▲ [n] beggar.
- menguar to diminish, decrease.
- menor smaller, smallest María es la menor de las tres. Mary's the smallest of the three. ▲ younger, youngest Es de la misma edad que mi hermano menor. She's the same age as my younger brother. ▲ less, least, slightest No tengo la menor idea. I haven't the least idea. ▲ [m] minor No es apto para menores. It isn't suitable for minors.
○ al por menor at retail Vendía'sólo al por menor. He sold only at retail. ▲ minutely, in great detail Refirió al por menor todo lo sucedido. He reported in great detail everything that happened. ○ menor de edad under age, minor. - menoría ○ menoría de edad minority (of age).
- menorista [m] retail merchant [Am].
- menos less, least Mi hermano tiene seis años menos que yo. My brother's six years younger than I am.—Es el menos caro de todos. It's the least expensive of all. ▲ [prep] except, but Puede Ud. usar todos los libros, menos éste. You may use all the books but this one.
○ al menos at least Procure Ud. al menos llegar a la hora. At least try to come on time. ○ a menos que unless Le espero mañana a menos que Ud. me avise. I'll expect you tomorrow unless you let me know otherwise. ○ echar de menos to miss Echaba mucho de menos a sus amigos. He missed his friends very much. ○ lo de menos the least of it Eso es lo de menos. That's the least of it. ○ lo menos at least En el combate perecierona le menos seiscientos hombres. At least six hundred men died in the action. ○ menos de (before a numeral) less than Tengo menos de quince. I have less than fifteen. ○ por lo menos at least Por lo menos costará cien pesos. It'll cost at least a hundred pesos. ○ venir a menos to lose social position Esa familia ha venido mucho a menos. That family's lost its social position. - mensaje [m] message [Am]; dispatch [Sp].
- mensajero, mensajera messenger [Am]; courier [Sp].
○ paloma mensajera carrier pigeon. - mensual [adj] monthly.
- menta mint, peppermint.
- mental mental.
- mente [f] mind (mental faculties).
- mentir [rad-ch II] to lie, tell lies.
- mentira lie.
○ parece mentira it seems impossible Parece mentira que tenga tanta edad. It seems impossible that you're that old.
|| ¡Mentira! That's a lie! - menudeo ○ al menudeo at retail.
- menudo tiny, very small Era una mujer muy menuda. She was a very small woman. ▲ [m] coins, change [Am] Déme cambio en billetes y menudo. Give me change in bills and coins.
○ a menudo often Iba a verle a menudo. He used to go to see him often. - menudillo giblets.
- mercado market En este mercado hay fruta y hay carne. There's fruit and meat in this market.
○ mercado de valores stock market. ○ tener mercado con to trade with Tenemos mercado con toda América. We trade with all America. - mercancía merchandise, goods.
- mercantil commercial, mercantile.
- merced [f] favor Tenga Ud. la merced de . . . . Please . . . .
○ estar a merced de to be at the mercy of. ○ su merced you (courteous and familiar) [Col] Si su merced quiere, iremos. If you want to, we'll go. - merecer [-zc-] to deserve La cuestión merecía estudio. The question deserved study.
○ merecer la pena to be worthwhile. - merecimiento value, merit.
- merendar [rad-ch I] to have a snack or refreshments in the afternoon.
- meridional southern.
- merienda afternoon snack.
○ merienda en el campo picnic. - mérito merit, worth.
○ hacer méritos to build up good will, make oneself deserving. - mero pure, simple; mere.
- mes [m] month.
- mesa table.
○ poner la mesa to set the table. - meseta plateau.
- mesón [m] country inn (for lower classes).
- mestizo [adj; n] half-breed, (one) of mixed blood (white and Indian).
- meta aim, goal; finish line.
- metal [m] metal; brass.
○ metal de voz tone, timbre (of voice). - metálico metallic. ▲ [m] coin(s) ¿Quiere Ud. su dinero en metálico? Do you want your money in coins?
- meter to put Meta Ud. el dinero dentro del bolsillo. Put the money in your pocket. ▲ to take in Haga el favor de meter un poco las costuras de la chaqueta. Please take in the seams of the jacket a little.
○ meter embustes to tell fibs. ○ meter miedo to frighten Ud. trata de meternos miedo. You're trying to frighten us. ○ meter ruido to make noise No meta Ud. tanto ruido. Don't make so much noise. ○ meterse a to become (without previous thought or training) Decidió meterse a literato. He decided to become an author. ○ meterse con to pick a fight with ¿Por qué se mete Ud. conmigo? Why are you picking a fight with me? ○ meterse en to get into Se metió en la cama. He got into bed. ○ meterse fraile or monja to become a monk or nun. ○ meterse uno en lo que no le importa to be nosy No se meta Ud. en lo que no le importa. Don't be (so) nosy. - metódico systematic, methodical.
- método method.
- metro meter Compre Ud. seis metros de esa tela. Buy six meters of that cloth. ▲ subway [Sp] Tome Ud. el metro aquí mismo. Take the subway right here.
- mezclar to mix ¿Quiere Ud. wiskey puro o lo mezclo con agua? Do you want your whiskey straight or shall I mix it with water? ▲ to blend Aquí mezclan el café del Brasil con el de Colombia. They blend Brazilian and Colombian coffee here.
○ mezclarse to get mixed up No se mezcle Ud. en eso. Don't get mixed up in that. - mezquino mean, petty; stingy, skimpy.
- mi; pl mis [adj] my ¿Dónde están mi sombrero y mis guantes? Where are my hat and my gloves? ▲ [obj pron] me Esta carta es para mi. This letter's for me.
|| ¡A mí qué! I don't care! - miedo fear. ○ tener miedo to be afraid Tenía mucho miedo a estar enfermo. He was very much afraid of being ill.
- miedoso fearful, afraid.
- miel [f] honey.
- miembro limb Se le paralizaron los miembros. His limbs got paralyzed. ▲ member Es miembro de varias sociedades. He's a member of several societies.
- mientras while Lea Ud. el periódico mientras yo recibo la visita. Read the paper while I receive the visitor.
○ mientras más (or menos) . . . más (or menos) the more (or less) . . . the more (or less) Mientras más duermo, menos ganas tengo de trabajar. The more I sleep, the less I feel like working. ○ mientras no unless Mientras no estudie Ud. no aprenderá esto. Unless you study you won't learn this. ○ mientras tanto meanwhile Volverán pronto, mientras tanto juguemos una partida. They'll be back soon; meanwhile let's play a game. - miércoles [m] Wednesday.
- miga crumb Quitaba las migas de pan del mantel. She brushed the bread crumbs from the tablecloth.
○ hacer buenas migas to get on well together Los dos amigos hacían buenas migas. The two friends got on well together. ○ hacerse migas to be smashed to bits El jarrón al caerse al suelo se hizo migas. The jar was smashed to bits when it hit the floor. ○ tener miga to have a point, be pithy Todo lo que dijo tenía miga. Everything he said was pithy. - mil (one) thousand.
- milico soldier, "G.I." [Am].
- militar [adj] military Fué llamado al servicio militar. He was called up for military service. ▲ [m] military man Es un club de militares. It's a military club.
- milonga party and dance, "shindig", kind of dance music [Arg].
- milla mile.
- millar [m] one thousand.
- millón [m] million.
- millonario, millonada millionaire.
- mimar to pamper, spoil (a child).
- mina mine (excavation) Los obreros no bajaron a la mina aquella noche. The workmen didn't go down into the mine that night.—Aquel negocio era una mina (de oro). That business was a gold mine. ▲ mine (explosive) La navegación era difícil porque había minas. Navigation was difficult because there were mines.
- minero miner.
- mínimo [adj; m] minimum.
- ministerio department (government) ¿Es este el Ministerio de Trabajo? Is this the Department of Labor? ▲ cabinet Dimitió el ministerio. The cabinet resigned.
- ministro minister (member of a cabinet).
- minoría minority Habló en nombre de la minoría. He spoke on behalf of the minority.
- minorista [m] retail merchant [Am].
- minucioso minute, precise, thorough.
- minuta memorandum; minutes (of a meeting).
○ a la minuta short-order [Arg]. - minuto [adj] minute. ▲ [m] minute.
○ al minuto right away. - mío, mía; pl míos, mías [adj] mine, of mine Estas corbatas no son mías. These ties aren't mine.—Fué un gran amigo mío. He was a great friend of mine.
○ el mío, la mía; los míos, las mías [pron] mine Este lápiz es de Ud.; el mío está en la mesa. This pencil's yours; mine's on the desk. - mira intention, aim, goal ¿Cuáles son sus miras? What are your intentions? ▲ sight (of gun).
○ estar a la mira to be on the lookout Procura estar a la mira por si vienen. Try to be on the lookout in case they come. ○ tener la mira puesta en to aim at Tiene la mira puesta ot esa colocación. He's aiming for that job. - mirada look, expression Su mirada es inteligente. He has an intelligent expression. ▲ glance, look Su mirada de mostraba odio. His look showed hatred.
○ echar una mirada to glance, cast a glance Echó una mirada al libro. He glanced at the book. - mirar to look at ¿Qué mira Ud.? What are you looking at? ▲ to glance Miraba a uno y a otro procurando una respuesta. He glanced from one to the other, hoping for an answer. ▲ to regard, look at Debemos mirar este asunto con más calma. We must look at this matter more calmly. ▲ to consider, think Mire Ud. bien lo que hace. Consider well what you're doing. ▲ to watch, be careful Mire Ud. donde pisa. Watch your step. ▲ to watch Miraba lo que estábamos haciendo. He watched what we were doing.
○ mirar a to face Tres de las habitaciones miran a la calle. Three of the rooms face the street. ▲ to look towards (in the direction of) Estaba mirando al mar. He was looking towards the sea. ○ mirar alrededor to look around Miró alrededor para ver si estaban allí. He looked around to see if they were there. ○ mirar de hito en hito to stare at Se quedó mirándole de hito en hito. He kept staring at him. ○ mirar de reojo to look out of the corner of one's eye Le miraba de reojo mientras hablaba. He was looking at him out of the corner of his eye while he was speaking. ○ mirar por to look after ¿No tienen a nadie que mire por ellos? Don't they have anyone to look after them? ○ mirarse to look at each other Se miraron y se echaron a reír. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. ▲ to look at oneself Le gustaba mirarse en ei espejo. He liked to look at himself in the mirror.
|| ¡Mire! Look here! or Listen! - misa Mass.
- miserable miserable, unhappy, wretched Llevaba una vida miserable. He lead a miserable life. ▲ contemptible, rotten Fué una acción miserable. It was a contemptible thing to do. ▲ [n] cur, cad Aquel hombre era un miserable. That man was a cad.
- miseria poverty La familia estaba en la miseria. The family lived in poverty. ▲ trifle, pittance Lo que le pagan es una miseria. They pay him a pittance.
- misericordia mercy, compassion.
- misia, misiá title of respect used with first name of old ladies [Col, Arg, Ven].
- misión [f] mission Le envió el gobierno en misión a Rusia. The government sent him on a mission to Russia.—Esas iglesias las construyeron las misiones franciscanas. The Franciscan missions built those churches.
- mismo same, identical Es el mismo sombrero. It's the same hat.
○ aquí mismo right here Nos encontraremos aguí mismo. We'll meet right here. ○ darle a uno lo mismo to be all the same to one Todo le da lo mismo. It's all the same to him. ○ eso mismo that very thing Eso mismo le dije yo. That's just what I told him. ○ mismo(s) -self, -selves Yo mismo puedo hacer esto. I can do this myself.—Que lo hagan ellos mismos. Let 'em do it themselves. - misterio mystery.
- mitad [f] half ¿Quiere Ud. la mitad de este pastel? Do you want half of this cake? ▲ better half, wife Allí estaba el señor Gómez con su cara mitad. Mr. Gómez was there with his better half.
○ en la mitad in the middle El auto estaba en la mitad del camino. The auto was in the middle of the road. ○ por la mitad in half Parta Ud. esto por la mitad. Divide this in half.
|| Estamos a mitad de camino. We're half-way there. || Estamos a (la) mitad del trabajo. We're half-way through. - mitin [m] political meeting, rally.
- mixto mixed.
○ parejas mixtas mixed doubles (games). ○ tren mixto mixed train (freight and passenger train). - mobiliario furniture.
- mochila knapsack.
- moda fashion, style Viste a la última moda. She dresses in the latest fashion.
○ a la moda fashionable Siempre lleva trajes a la moda. She always wears fashionable dresses. ○ estar de moda to be popular, be in fashion Ese artista está muy de moda. That artist's very popular. ○ pasado de moda out of style Se ha pasado de moda. It's gone out of style. - modales [m pl] manners.
- modelo [adj] model, perfect Era una esposa modelo. She was a model wife. ▲ [n] model, one who poses Es un buen modelo para una escultura. He's a good model for sculpture. ▲ (clothes) model Es una de la modelas de la tienda. She's one of the models in the store. ▲ [m] thing to be copied, model Tenga Ud. esto como modelo. Use this as a model. ▲ model, style, pattern Me gusta este modelo. I like this model.
|| No tiene modelo. She has no equal. - moderación [f] moderation.
- moderado (see moderar) [adj] conservative El partido moderado. The conservative party.
- moderar to restrain Modere Ud. sus ímpetus. Restrain your impulses.
○ moderarse to become moderate, moderate, control oneself Se moderó en la bebida. He cut down on drinking.—¡Modérese Ud.! Control yourself! - moderno modern.
- modestia modesty, humbleness La modestia era su mejor cualidad. Modesty was his greatest attribute. ▲ modesty, lack of display Vestía con mucha modestia. He dressed very modestly.
- modesto simple.
- modificación [f] modification.
- modificar to modify.
- modista dressmaker.
- modo method, way Ese es el mejor modo de arreglarlo. That's the best way of settling it.
○ a mi (or su) modo in my (or his) own way Yo hago las cosas a mi modo. I do things in my own way. ○ con buenos modos politely. ○ con malos modos rudely Contestó con muy malos modos. He replied very rudely. ○ de este modo (in) this way Creo que es mejor hacerlo de este modo. I think it's better to do it this way. ○ de modo que so ¿De modo que es Ud. americano? So you're an American? ▲ so, therefore Tenemos mucha prisa, de modo que vamos a tomar un taxi. We're in a hurry, so let's take a taxi. ○ de ningún modo by no (or any) means, under no (or any) circumstances No iré de ningún modo. I won't go under any circumstances. ○ de todos modos anyhow. - moho mold, mildew.
- mojar to wet, moisten; to drench.
- molde [m] mold, form.
○ de molde fitting, to the purpose, to the point Viene de molde. It's to the point. - moldura molding.
- moler [rad-ch I] to grind, mill.
- molestar to disturb ¡No me moleste! Don't disturb me! ▲ to annoy Molestaba a sus amigos con sus palabras. His words annoyed his friends. ▲ to bother, inconvenience ¿Le molesta a Ud. que fume? Will it bother you if I smoke? ▲ to hurt Me molestan im poco estos zapatos. These shoes hurt me a little.
○ molestarse to be annoyed Ten cuidado con lo que dices porque se molesta muy fácilmente. Be careful of what you say, for he's easily annoyed. ○ molestarse (en) to bother (to), take the trouble (to) No se moleste en hacer tantos viajes. Don't bother making so many trips. - molestia trouble Perdone Ud. tantas molestias. I'm sorry to trouble you so much. ▲ discomfort No se encontraba muy bien, tenía algunas molestias. She wasn't very well; she suffered some discomfort.
- molesto uncomfortable ¿Está Ud. molesto? Are you uncomfortable? ▲ annoyed Se sentía molesto y dejó de hablarle. He was annoyed and stopped speaking to her.
- molete [m] disorder, mix-up, confusion [Am].
- molino mill.
- momento moment.
○ al momento right away, immediately. ○ por momentos any moment, soon. - mona female monkey. ▲ hangover Tiene una mona horrible. He has a terrible hangover.
○ como la mona terrible, lousy [Arg] Me siento como la mona. I feel terrible. - mondar to peel.
- mondas [f pl] peelings.
- moneda coin Dejó algunas monedas sobre la mesa. He left some coins on the table. ▲ currency ¿Dónde podré cambiar moneda extranjera? Where can I exchange foreign currency?
○ pagar en la misma moneda to pay back in one's own coin, give tit for tat. - monja nun.
- monje [m] monk.
- mono [adj] cute ¡Qué mona es esta muchacha! What a cute girl! ▲ [m] monkey El mono está metido dentro de la jaula. The monkey's in the cage.
○ mono (de mecánico) overalls [Sp] Llevaba puesto un mono de mecánico. He was wearing overalls. - monótono monotonous.
- monstruo monster.
- monstruoso monstrous.
- montado (see montar) astride.
- montador [m] assembler (of machinery).
- montaña mountain.
- montañoso mountainous.
- montar to ride (horseback) No monte Ud. ese caballo porque le tirará a Ud. Don't ride that horse; he'll throw you. ▲ to set up, assemble, install Hubo que montar una máquina en la fábrica. A machine had to be installed in the factory. ▲ to set (a precious stone) Montaron en el anillo cinco diamantes. They set five diamonds in the ring.
○ montar a to amount to (in money) ¿A cuánto monta mi deuda? How much does my debt amount to? ○ montar a caballo to ride horseback Montaba a caballo todas las mañanas. He went horseback riding every morning. ○ montar en to get on or in, board (a vehicle) Al montar en el automóvil me hice daño en un pie. I hurt my foot getting in the automobile. ○ montar en cólera to get furious Al oír aquello, montó en cólera. When he heard that he got furious. ○ montarse to get up onto, mount Se montaron a caballo y se fueron. They mounted their horses and left. - monte [m] mountain Subió hasta lo más alto del monte. He climbed to the very top of the mountain. ▲ woods, forest El monte era tan espeso que casi no se podía andar por él. The forest was so thick that one could hardly walk through it.
- montón [m] heap, pile Tengo un montón de cosas que hacer. I have a lot of things to do.
- monumental monumental, tremendous.
- monumento monument.
- moño knot, bun (of hair).
- mora blackberry; Moorish woman.
- moral [adj] moral No es un libro muy moral. It's not a very moral book. ▲ [f] morale La moral de aquellos hombres era magnífica. The morale of those men was excellent. ▲ [m] black mulberry tree.
- moralidad [f] morals, morality.
- morder [rad-ch I] to bite.
- moreno dark-skinned, brunet(te). ▲ [n] colored person [Antilles].
- morir [irr] to die Cuando murió lo rodeaba toda su familia. All his family was around him when he died.
○ estarse muriendo por to be dying to, be very anxious to Me estoy muriendo por verla. I'm dying to see her. ○ morirse to die Se murió el año pasado. He died last year.—Se moría de miedo. He was scared to death. ○ morirse de hambre to starve to death Por no morirse de hambre aceptó aquel trabajo. He took the job to keep from starving to death. ○ morirse por to like very much, be crazy about Se muere por la cerveza. He's crazy about beer. ○ ¡Muera . . .! Down with . . .! ¡Muera el rey! Down with the king! - moro [adj] Moorish. ▲ [n] Moor.
- morocho dark-skinned [Am].
- mortal [adj] fatal La herida que recibió era mortal. The wound he received was fatal. ▲ deadly, terrible Un enemigo mortal. A deadly enemy. ▲ [m] mortal being Eso les ocurre a todos los mortales. That happens to all mortals.
- mortificar to mortify, humiliate Lo que dije me mortifica. What I said mortifies me. ▲ to hurt, bother Estos zapatos me mortifican. These shoes hurt.
○ mortificarse to torment oneself. - mosca fly.
- mosquito mosquito.
- mostaza mustard.
- mostrador [m] counter (in a shop).
- mostrar [rad-ch I] to show Le mostró la herida al médico. He showed the doctor his wound. ▲ to show, display Mostraba una gran tristeza. He showed great sadness.
○ mostrarse to appear, show oneself Quiso mostrarse indulgente en ese momento. He wanted to appear lenient at that moment. - mote [m] nickname; alias.
- motín [m] uprising, revolt, riot.
- motivar to cause.
- motivo motive, reason.
○ por ningún motivo under no circumstances. - motor [m] motor.
- mover [rad-ch I] to move Mueva Ud. esta mesa hacia el rincón. Move this table toward the corner. ▲ to make use of Movió sus influencias para conseguir un puesto. He made use of his connections to get a job. ▲ to motivate No le movía al interés de la ganancia. He wasn't motivated by gain. ▲ to stir Mueva Ud. la sopa hasta que hierva. Stir the soup until it boils.
○ mover la cola to wag the tail. ○ moverse to move Procure no movase tanto. Try not to move so much. - movible [adj] movable.
- móvil mobile Pertenece a una brigada móvil. He belongs to a mobile brigade. [m] motive ¿Qué móvil tuvo Ud. para venir aquí? What made you come here?
- movilización [f] mobilization.
- movilizar to mobilize.
- movimiento movement, move A la hora en punto el tren se puso en movimiento. The train pulled out exactly on time. ▲ movement Pertenecia a un movimiento progresista. He belonged to a progressive movement. ▲ traffic Hay mucho movimiento en esa calle. There's a lot of traffic in that street. ▲ animation, action La primera escena tiene mucho movimiento. The first scene has a lot of action.
- mozo lad, young man (of peasant class). ▲ waiter ¡Mozo, tráigame la lista del almuerzo! Waiter, bring me the luncheon menu! ▲ porter, red-cap.
○ buen mozo good-looking [Am]; well-built [Sp]. - mucamo, mucama servant [Am].
- muchacha girl Me parece una excelente muchacha. She seems like a fine girl. ▲ young girl (in her teens) Sus hijas son ya unas muchachas. Her daughters are already in their teens. ▲ maid Dígale a la muchacha que haga las camas. Tell the maid to make the beds.
- muchachada boyish action, prank; [Arg] gang of boys.
- muchacho boy Estaba jugando con otros muchachos. He was playing with other boys.
- mucho [adj] much No tiene mucha fuerza. He hasn't much strength. ▲ long, extended Hace mucho tiempo que le estoy esperando. I've been waiting a long time for you. ▲ [adv] much, a lot Bebía mucho. He used to drink a lot. ▲ often Esas cosas ocurren mucho. Those things happen often. ▲ long No me haga Ud. aguardar mucho. Don't make me wait long.
○ muchos many Había muchos niños en la plaza. There were many children in the square. ○ ni mucho menos nor anything like it, far from it No es tonto, ni mucho menos. He's not stupid; far from it. ○ sentir mucho to be very sorry Siento mucho lo que le sucede. I'm very sorry about what happened to him. - mudanza moving, changing residence; change, evolution.
- muda change of underwear.
- mudar (de) to change Mudaba de opinión cada día. He changed his mind daily.—Hubo que mudar toda la instalación eléctrica. All the electric installations had to be changed.
○ mudarse (de) to change (clothes) ¿Se mudó Ud. de traje? Did you change your clothes? ○ mudarse (de casa, piso, or habitación) to move, change residence Decidió mudarse (de casa) aquel mismo día. He decided to move that very day. - mudo dumb, mute; speechless. ▲ [n] mute (person unable to talk).
○ cine mudo silent films. - mueble [adj] movable. ▲ [m] piece of furniture Me gusta mucho ese mueble. I like that piece of furniture very much.
○ muebles furniture Los muebles del salón eran de estilo moderno. The living-room furniture was modern in style. ○ propiedad mueble movable property, personal property. - muela molar, molar tooth; millstone.
○ dolor de muelas toothache. - muelle soft Una vida muelle. A soft life. ▲ [m] spring (wire); pier.
- muerte [f] death.
○ de mala muerte worthless, crumby. ○ guerra a muerte fight to the death. - muerto (see morir) dead.
- muestra sample Mande Ud. muestras de tela. Send samples of cloth.
▲ (shop) sign ¿Leyó Ud. bien la muestra? Did you read the sign correctly?
○ dar muestras de to show signs of Daba muestras de no entender nada. She showed no signs of understanding.
- mugre [f] grime, dirt, filth.
- mujer [f] woman; wife.
- mula female mule.
- mulato [adj; m] mulatto.
- muleta crutch.
- multa fine (punishment).
- multiplicar to multiply.
- multitud [f] crowd Abrió el balcón para ver la multitud. He opened the balcony window to see the crowd. ▲ masses En su discurso se dirigía a la multitud. His speech was addressed to the masses.
○ multitud de a great many, a great deal of Se me ocurren una multitud de ideas. I've a great many ideas. - mundano worldly.
- mundial global, universal, world La guerra mundial. The World War.
- mundo world Ha viajado por todo el mundo. He's traveled all over the world. ▲ world, environment, circle(s) Frecuentaba el mundo de las letras. He moved in literary circles.
○ gran mundo high society. ○ tener (mucho) mundo to be sophisticated or experienced. ○ todo el mundo everybody Todo el mundo estaba reunido en el salón. Everybody was gathered in the living room. ○ vida del mundo world, worldly life Abandonó la vida del mundo y entró en el convento. She gave up the world and entered the convent. - munición, municiones [f] ammunition.
- municipal municipal.
- muñeca wrist; doll.
- muralla wall (of a city).
- murmullo murmur, whisper.
- murmuración [f] gossip, slander.
- murmurar to mutter Murmuró unas palabras ininteligibles. He muttered some unintelligible words. ▲ to murmur, whisper Le murmuró al oído unas palabras. She murmured some words in his ear. ▲ to gossip Se pasaron la tarde murmurando de todo el mundo. They spent the afternoon gossiping about everybody.
- muro outside wall (of a house or garden).
- músculo muscle.
- museo museum.
- música music Estuvimos oyendo música clásica. We were listening to classical music. ▲ band (of musicians) La música venía a la cabeza del desfile. The band came at the head of the parade. ▲ sheet music No puedo tocar de memoria, haga el favor de darme la música. I can't play from memory, please give me the music.
- musical [adj] musical.
- músico musical. ▲ [m] musician.
- muslo thigh.
- mustio withered; depressed.
- mutuo mutual, reciprocal.
- muy very Estoy muy mal de salud. My health's very bad.—Lo he escrito muy de prisa. I've written it very quickly.
○ es muy de lamentar it's to be deeply regretted Es muy de lamentar que ocurra esto. It's to be deeply regretted that this should happen.