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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/O

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Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 (1945)
the United States War Department
4399768Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, Part 1 — O1945the United States War Department


  • o or Vienen tres o cuatro amigos. Three or four friends are coming.
     o . . . o either . . . or O lo hace Ud. o lo mato. Either you do it or I'll kill you.  o sea that is La fiesta será el lunes próximo, a sea el 25 de agosto. The party will be next Monday, that is, August 25th.
  • oasis [m] oasis.
  • obedecer [-zc-] to obey Tendrán Uds. que obedecer mis órdenes. You'll have to obey my orders.  to be the reason for, to arise from ¿A qué obedece todo eso? What's the reason for all that?
  • obediencia obedience.
  • obediente obedient.
  • obispo bishop.
  • objección [f] objection.
  • objeto object Había varios objetos sobre la mesa. There were several objects on the table.  purpose El objeto de su visita era estrictamente comercial. The purpose of his call was strictly business.
  • oblicuo [adj] oblique.
  • obligación [f] duty Tiene Ud. la obligación de contestar. It's your duty to reply.  obligation, responsibility Con una familia tan numerosa tiene muchas obligaciones. With such a large family he has a great many responsibilities.
  • obligar to oblige, force, compel Le obligaron a firmarlo. He was forced to sign it.
     obligarse to obligate oneself, bind oneself Se obligó a pagarlo. He bound himself to pay it.
  • obligatorio obligatory, binding, compulsory.
  • obra work Pongámonos a la obra. Let's get to work.  book(s), work(s) La obra de Cervantes es universalmente admirada. The works of Cervantes are universally admired.  show, performance ¿Qué tal era la obra que vieron Uds. anoche? How was the show last night?
     en obras under construction, undergoing repairs Esa casa está en obras. That house is undergoing repairs.  obra maestra masterpiece.
    || ¡Manos a la obra! Let's get to work!
  • obrar to do, act Obre Ud. como quiera. Do as you please.  to act, behave Obró Ud. ligeramente. You acted without thinking.
     obrar en poder de to be in the

possession of, be in one's hands La carta obra en mi poder. The letter's in my possession.

  • obrero, obrera worker, laborer.
  • o(b)scurecer [-zc-] to get dark En el invierno o(b)scurece pronto. It gets dark early in winter.
     o(b)scurecerse to get dark El cielo se o(b)sctireció. The sky got dark.
  • o(b)scuridad [f] obscurity, darkness.
  • o(b)scuro [adj] dark A las cinco ya está o(b)scuro. It's already dark at five o'clock.—Quiero un traje azul o(b)scuro. I want a dark-blue suit.  obscure, not clear El significado de esta frase es más bien o(b)scuro. The meaning of this sentence is rather obscure.
     a o(b)scuras in the dark, in darkness La habitación estaba a o(b)scuras. The room was in darkness.
  • obsequiar to lavish attentions on, entertain lavishly Todo el tiempo que estuvo en casa de sus amigos le obsequiaron mucho. During the whole time he was in his friends' home, they entertained him lavishly.  to present with La obsequiaron (con) un ramo de flores. They presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
  • obsequio gift, present.
  • observación [f] observation, suggestion ¿Le puedo hacer a Ud. una observación? May I make a suggestion?
     en observación under observation Estaba en observación en un sanatorio. He was under observation in a sanatorium.
  • observador [adj] observing Es un muchacho muy observador. He's a very observing fellow.  [m] observer El gobierno francés envió un observador. The French government sent an observer.
  • observar to notice ¿Observa Ud. algún cambio en el enfermo? Do you notice any change in the patient?  to watch Observe Ud. lo que hacen. Watch what they're doing.
     observar buena conducta to behave well.
  • obstáculo obstacle, hindrance.
  • obstinación [f] obstinacy, stubbornness.
  • obstinado stubborn.
  • obstinarse en to insist on Se obstina en quedarse en casa. He insists on staying home.
  • obstruir to obstruct, block Aquel automóvil estaba obstruyendo el tráfico. That car was blocking traffic.
     obstruirse to be blocked up or clogged up La cañería se obstruía con frecuencia. The pipe was often clogged.
  • obtener [irr] to get, obtain ¿Dónde obtuvo Ud. esos informes? Where did you get that information?
  • obtuso obtuse.
  • ocasión [f] chance, opportunity Aquí puede tener ocasión de encontrar trabajo. You may have a chance of finding work here.  time, occasion No es esta la mejor ocasión para preguntárselo. This isn't the best time to ask him about it.
     aprovechar la ocasión to take advantage of a situation.  de ocasión second-hand Compró un automóvil de ocasión. He bought a second-hand car.
  • ocasionar to cause Aquel descuido pudo ocasionar un incendio. That carelessness could have caused a fire.
  • occidental [adj] western; Occidental.  [n] Occidental.
  • occidente [m] west; Occident.
  • océano ocean.
  • ocio idleness, leisure.
     ratos de ocio spare time Lo haré en mis ratos de ocio. I'll do it in my spare time.
  • ocioso lazy, idle Era un hombre ocioso. He was a lazy fellow.
  • octavo [adj] eighth.
  • octubre [m] October.
  • ocultar to hide.
  • oculto concealed, hidden.
  • ocupación [f] business Si no tiene ocupación mañana, venga por aquí. If you have nothing to do tomorrow, come on over.  occupation La ocupación se hizo con orden. The occupation was carried out in an orderly way.
  • ocupado (see ocupar) busy Hoy estaré ocupado todo el día. I'll be busy all day today.  occupied, taken ¿Está ocupado ese piso? Is that apartment occupied?
  • ocupar to occupy, take possession of Han ocupado tina nueva ciudad. They've occupied a new city.  to take Puede Ud. ocupar esa silla. You may take that chair.  to live in Ocupó una habitación en el piso tercero. He lived in a room on the third floor.
     ocuparse de to take care of, pay attention to Se ocupa muy poco de su familia. He pays very little attention to his family.
  • ocurrencia witticism, wisecrack Las ocurrencias de aquel hombre hacían reír a todos. That fellow's wisecracks made everyone laugh.
  • ocurrir to occur, happen Salga Ud. a ver qué ocurre. Go out and see what's happening.
     ocurrirsele a uno to occur to one Se me ocurrió una buena idea. A good idea occurred to me.
  • ochavo penny.
     no tener ni un ochavo to be penniless.
  • ochenta eighty.
  • ocho eight; eighth (day of the month).
  • odiar to hate.
  • odio hatred.
  • odioso mean, nasty ¡Qué odioso! How nasty!
  • oeste [m] west.
  • ofenderse to take offense Se lo dije y no se ofendió. I told him and he didn't take offense.
  • ofensa insult, offense (personal).
  • ofensivo [adj] offensive.
  • oferta offer.
  • oficial [adj] official Fué en misión oficial. He went on an official mission.  [m] officer Fué oficial del Ejército. He was an army officer.
     oficial mayor chief clerk (government or civil service).
  • oficina office (room).
  • oficinista [m, f] office worker, white-collar worker; clerk.
  • oficio manual work, occupation, trade ¿Qué oficio tiene Ud.? What's your occupation?—Es carpintero de oficio. He's a carpenter by trade.
     oficio(s) divino(s) church service(s).
  • ofrecer [-zc-] to offer Me ofrecen un nuevo empleo. They're offering me a new job.
     ofrecerse to offer oneself, be at the service of Me ofrezco a Ud. para todo. I'm completely at your service.
  • ofrecimiento offer, offering.
  • ofrenda offering (religious).
  • ¡oh! O! oh!
  • oída hearing.
     de (or por) oídas by hearsay.
  • oído (inner) ear Le duelen los oídos. He has an earache.  hearing Era muy duro de oído. He was very hard of hearing.
     al oído in the ear, whispering Le murmuró algo al oído. She whispered something in his ear.  dar oídos to listen, lend an ear No quiso dar oídos a aquello. He didn't want to listen to that.  de oído by ear Tocaba el piano de oído. He played the piano by ear.  tener buen oído to have a good ear (for music); to have good hearing.
  • oír [irr] to hear No oigo bien; hable más alto. I don't hear well; speak louder.  to listen Óigame, por favor, tengo que hacerle una pregunta. Listen, please, I have to ask you a question.
    || ¡Oiga! Hello! (telephone) [Sp].
  • ojal [m] buttonhole.
  • ¡ojalá! || ¡Ojalá (que) venga! I wish he'd come!
  • ojeada glance.
     echar una ojeada to cast a glance.
  • ojear to glance through Ojeó rápidamente el periódico. He quickly glanced through the paper.
  • ojo eye El médico le examinó los ojos. The doctor examined his eyes.
     costar un ojo de la cara to cost plenty Nos costó un ojo de la cara. It's cost us plenty.  en un abrir y cerrar de ojos in the twinkling of an eye.  ¡ojo! look out! ¡Ojo! Que se va a caer. Look out! It's going to fall.  ojo de agua spring of water.  ojo de la llave keyhole.  ojo morado, ojo negro black eye Le pusieron un ojo negro. They gave him a black eye.  poner ojo to pay (close) attention ¡Ponga Ud. ojo en esto! Pay attention to this!  tener buen ojo to have a good eye or good foresight Ha tenido Ud. buen ojo. You've shown good foresight.
  • ola wave (of water).
  • oleaje [m] ground swell, motion of waves.
  • oler [rad-ch I] to smell Esto huele muy bien. This smells very good.—Olió el peligro y decidió no salir. He smelled danger and decided not to go out.
  • olfato sense of smell.
  • olivar [m] olive grove.
  • oliva olive.
  • olivo olive tree.
  • olla pot.
  • olor [m] smell, odor.
  • oloroso fragrant.
  • olvidar to forget ¿Ha olvidado Ud. algo? Have you forgotten something?
     olvidarse (de) to forget Olvídese de lo ocurrido. Forget what's happened.
  • olvido forgetfulness.
  • omisión [f] omission.
  • omitir to omit.
  • ómnibus [m] bus.
  • once eleven; eleventh (day of month).
  • onda wave (of hair); ripple (of water).
     onda corta, onda larga short wave, long wave (radio).
  • ondulación [f] wave, waiving.
     ondulación permanente permanent wave.
  • ondulado (see ondular) wavy.  [m] wave, waving.
  • ondular to ripple, wave.
  • onza ounce.
  • opaco opaque.
  • ópera opera.
  • operación [f] operation Los médicos decidieron hacer la operación. The doctors agreed to perform the operation.  operation (Math), calculation ¿Quiere Ud. comprobar las operaciones? Do you want to check the calculations?  operation (Mil) El general dirigía las operaciones. The general directed the operations.
  • operar to operate on Le han operado de apendicitis. They operated on him for appendicitis.
  • operario, operaría operator, skilled worker.
  • opinar to judge, hold (or be of) the opinion.
  • opinión [f] opinion ¿Qué opinión tiene Ud. de esto? What's your opinion about this?
  • oponer [irr] to set up Opusieron toda cíese de obstáculos. They set up all kinds of obstacles.
     oponerse (a) to oppose Nadie se opuso a aquel proyecto. No one opposed that project.
  • oportunidad [f] opportunity.
  • oportuno opportune, fitting, appropriate Su intervención fué oportuna. His intervention was opportune.
  • oposición [f] opposition.
  • oprimir to oppress Oprimía a los débiles. He oppressed the weak.  to be tight El cinturón le oprimía demasiado. The belt was too tight on him.
  • óptico optometrist Voy al óptico para comprar unos lentes. I'm going to the optometrist to get glasses.
  • optimismo optimism.
  • optimista optimistic.  [m] optimist.
  • opuesto (see oponer) [adj] opposed.  opposite Estaba situado en el lado opuesto. It was situated on the opposite side.
  • opulento rich, opulent.
  • oración [f] sentence Escribe oraciones muy cortas. He writes very short sentences.  prayer Rezó sus oraciones. He said his prayers.
  • orador [m] orator.
  • órbita [f] orbit.
  • orden [f] order (s), command, instruction No he recibido ninguna(s) orden(es) de mis superiores. I haven't received any order (s) from my superiors.  order (commercial) Despacharemos su orden vía Nueva Orleans. We'll ship your order via New Orleans.  order (religious) La orden franciscana. The Franciscan order.  [m] order Trabajaba sin ningún orden. He had no order in his work.
     a sus órdenes at your service.  en orden in order Todo estaba en orden. Everything was in order.  orden del día agenda, order of the day.
  • ordenar to put in order Tenemos que ordenar estos papeles. We must put these papers in order.  to order Ordenó que le sirvieran la comida. He ordered them to serve his dinner.
     ordenarse to be ordained.
  • ordinario usual ¿Cuál es el precio ordinario de esto? What's the usual price of this?  ordinary Era un hombre ordinario. He was an ordinary man.  vulgar Es un tipo muy ordinario. He's a very vulgar fellow.
     correo ordinario regular mail.  de ordinario usually De ordinario viene por la mañana. He usually comes in the morning.
  • oreja ear Tiene las orejas grandes. He has big ears.  handle [Am] Se le rompió la oreja a la taza. The handle of the cup broke.
     descubrir la oreja to give oneself away.
  • orgánico organic.
  • organismo organism.
  • organización [f] organization.
  • organizador [adj] organizing.  [m] organizer.
     comité organizador, comisión organizadora committee on arrangements.
  • organizar to organize Van a organizar el club la semana que viene. They're going to organize the club next week.  to arrange, organize Organizó una fiesta. She arranged a party.
  • órgano organ La cantante fué acompañada por un órgano. The singer was accompanied by an organ.—No tiene órgano sano. He hasn't a healthy organ in his body.—Ese periódico es el

órgano de un partido político. That paper's the organ of a political party.

  • orgía drunken revel, orgy.
  • orgullo pride.
  • orgulloso proud, haughty.
  • oriental [adj] eastern; Oriental.  [n] Oriental.
  • orientarse to find one's bearings, to orient oneself.
  • oriente [m] east; Orient.
  • origen [m] origin Sé el origen de toda la historia. I know the origin of the whole story.  descent, extraction Es de origen francés. He's of French descent.
  • original original; eccentric, odd Es un tipo muy original. He's a very eccentric person.  [m] original Haga Ud. el original y tres copias. Make an original and three copies.
  • originalidad [f] originality; oddity, eccentricity.
  • originar to start Aquella frase originó una discusión. That sentence started a discussion.
  • orilla bank Las orillas del río estaban cubiertas de árboles. The banks of the river were heavily wooded.  edge, rim La orilla de la taza está rota. The rim of the cup's chipped.
     orilla del mar seashore.
  • oro gold.
  • orquesta orchestra (musicians).
  • ortografía spelling (in writing).
  • os you, to you [Fam pl, Sp; see vosotros] Os he dicho que no lo hagáis más. I told you not to do it again.
  • osadía audacity, daring, boldness.
  • oso, osa bear.
  • ostentación [f] ostentation.
  • ostentar to boast, show off.
  • ostión [m] oyster [Mex].
  • ostra oyster.
  • otoño autumn, fall.
  • otro another, other Este otro me gusta más. I like this other one better.  another ¿Quiere Ud. otro? Would you like another?
     alguna otra cosa something (or anything) else ¿Quiere Ud. alguna otra cosa? Do you want anything else?  (el) uno a(l) otro each other Se miraron (el) uno a(l) otro con sorpresa. They looked at each other in surprise.  otra cosa something else, something different Eso es otra cosa. That's something else.  otra vez again ¿Volverá Ud. otra vez por aquí? Will you come here again?  por otra parte on the other hand.  unos a otros one another Se miraron unos a otros. They looked at each other.
  • ovación [f] ovation, cheering.
  • oveja sheep.
  • oxígeno oxygen.
  • oyente [m, f] hearer, listener.