Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/P
- paciencia patience, forbearance.
- paciente [adj] patient ¡Qué niño más paciente! What a patient child! ▲ [n] patient No se puede visitar a los pacientes después de las seis. Patients may not be visited after six o'clock.
- pacto agreement, pact.
- padecer [-zc-] to suffer Padezco de jaquecas. I suffer from headaches.
- padre [m] father. ▲ priest Llamaron a un padre. They called a priest.
○ padres [m] parents Sus padres son franceses. His parents are French. - padrino godfather Fué a ver a su padrino. He went to see his godfather. ▲ patron, sponsor Tiene muy buenos padrinos. He has very good sponsors.
- paella dish of rice with meat or chicken.
- paga wages, pay.
- pagador [m] paying teller, paymaster.
- pagar to pay Hay que pagar por anticipado. You have to pay in advance. ▲ to pay for Pagaron el traje a plazos. They paid for the suit in installments.
○ pagar contra recepción C.O.D. ○ pagar el pato to be the scapegoat, take the rap Siempre me toca pagar el pato. I'm always the one who takes the rap. ○ pagarlas to pay for (atone for) ¡Tarde o temprano me la pagarás! Sooner or later you'll pay for it. or I'll get even with you! ○ pagarse de uno mismo to be conceited Se paga mucho de si mismo. He's very conceited. - página page (of a book).
- pago payment.
- país [m] country Esa parte del país está llena de bosques. That part of the country's heavily wooded.
○ del país domestic ¿Le gusta Ud. el vino del país? Do you like the domestic wine? - paisaje [m] landscape, scenery.
- paisano, paisana person from same province or city Este señor es gallego; es paisano mío. This gentleman's a Galician; he's from my province. ▲ civilian En la plaza había algunos militares y muchos paisanos. In the square there were some army men and many civilians.
○ de paisano in civilian clothes, in mufti Iba vestido de paisano. He was wearing civilian clothes. - paja straw.
○ echarlo a pajas to draw straws Vamos a echarlo a pajas para ver quien paga. Let's draw straws to see who pays. - pájaro, pájara bird Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando. ▲ bird in the hand's worth two in the bush.
- pala spade, shovel; dust pan.
- palabra word ¿Cómo se escribe esa palabra? How do you spell that word?
○ decir de palabra to tell in person, to tell by word of mouth Es mejor que se lo diga de palabra que no por escrito. It's better to tell him in person than in writing. ○ ¡palabra! honestly! no fooling! no kidding! Lo que le dijo es cierto ¡palabra! No kidding! What he told him's true. ○ palabra de honor word of honor Dio su palabra de honor. He gave his word of honor. ○ palabras mayores no joking matter, insulting Esas son palabras mayores. That's no joking matter. or It's insulting. ○ pedir (or tener) la palabra "¡Pido la palabra!" "Un momento, por favor. Ahora la tiene el presidente." "May I have the floor?" "One moment, please. The president has the floor now." - palacio palace.
- palco box (theater).
- pálido pale.
- paliza beating, spanking.
- palma palm (leaf, tree) La avenida estaba bordeada de palmas. The avenue was lined with palms. ▲ palm (hand) Conozco este lugar como la palma de la mano. I know this place like the palm of my hand.
○ llevar la palma to win the prize, carry the day Me parece que te has llevado la palma. I think you've won the prize. - palmada clapping; pat (on the back).
○ dar palmadas to clap, applaud. - palmo span (measure of length: 8 inches).
- palo stick Tenía un palo en la mano. He had a stick in his hand. ▲ pole El palo del telégrafo cayó en tierra. The telegraph pole fell on the ground. ▲ wood La cuchara y el tenedor eran de palo. The spoon and fork were made of wood. ▲ tree [Am] Los palos están en flor. The trees are in bloom. ▲ suit (in cards) ¿Qué palo es el triunfo? What's trumps?
○ dar de palos to club, beat Le dieron de palos. They gave him a beating. - paloma pigeon, dove.
- palpitante [adj] throbbing, beating.
- palpitar to beat, throb, quiver.
- pampa pampa, plain [Arg].
○ estar a la pampa to be outdoors, camp [Am]. - pan [m] bread.
○ pan integral whole-wheat bread. ○ pan seco, pan duro stale bread. ○ pan tierno fresh bread. - panadería bakery.
- panadero, panadera baker.
- panamericano Pan-American.
- pandereta tambourine.
- pandillero gangster [Am].
- panecillo roll (bread) Los panecillos están muy tiernos. The rolls are very soft.
- pánico panic, fright.
- panorama [m] panorama.
- pantalla lamp shade Cambie la pantalla de esta lámpara. Change the shade on this lamp. ▲ film, screen, movie Conocía a muchas estrellas de la pantalla. He knew many movie stars.
- pantalones [m pl] trousers, pants.
- pantano swamp, marsh, bog.
- pantomima pantomime.
- pantorrilla calf (of the leg).
- panza belly, paunch.
- pañal [m] diaper.
- pañito small cloth.
- paño cloth, woolen goods.
- pañuelo handkerchief, kerchief; shawl.
- Papa [m] Pope El Papa reside en el Vaticano. The Pope lives in the Vatican.
- papa [f] potato [Am] Nos dieron puré de papas. They gave us mashed potatoes.
- papá [m] papa, pop, dad.
- papaya papaya (fruit).
- papel [m] paper ¿Está hecho de papel o de tela? Is it made of paper or cloth? ▲ paper, document Guarda esos papeles, son importantes. Keep those papers; they're important. ▲ role, part Tendrá a su cargo el papel papel principal. He'll have the leading role.
○ papel de cartas stationery He comprado una caja de papel de cartas. I bought a box of stationery. ○ papel de seda tissue paper Envuélvalo primero en papel de seda. Wrap it first in tissue paper. ○ papel moneda paper money, bills Démelo en papel moneda. Give it to me in bills. - papelería stationery store.
- papeleta slip of paper.
○ papeleta electoral ballot. - papera mumps.
- par [adj] even (of numbers) Las casas con números pares están al norte. The houses with even numbers are on the north side. ▲ [m] equal Es una mujer sin par. She has no equal. ▲ pair Un par de zapatos. A pair of shoes. ▲ couple Llegará dentro de un par de días. He'll arrive in a couple of days.
○ abierto de par en par wide open La puerta estaba abierta de par en par. The door was wide open. ○ a la par at par La peseta estaba a la par. The peseta was at par. ▲ in a tie, in a dead heat Los caballos llegaban a la par. The horses finished in a dead heat. ○ pares y (or o) nones odds and (or or) evens ¿Toma Ud. pares o nones? Do you take odds or evens? - para to, in order to Debemos salir ya para llegar a tiempo. We must leave now to get there on time.
○ estar para (followed by infinitive) to be about to Estoy para salir. I'm about to leave. ○ ¿para dónde? where (to)? ¿Para dónde va este tren? Where does this train go? ○ para que so (that) Abra la ventana para que nos entre el aire fresco. Open the window so we can get some fresh air. ○ ¿para qué? what for? what good? what use? ¿Para qué sirve esta máquina? What's this machine for? ▲ why? ¿Para qué lo despertó? Why did you wake him? - parachoques [m sg] bumper (of car).
- parada stop ¿Cuántas paradas hace este tren? How many stops does this train make? ▲ parade (military) Vio Ud. la parada esta mañana? Did you see the parade this morning?
- paradero whereabouts ¿Sabe Ud. el paradero de Juan? Do you know John's whereabouts?
- parado (see parar) shy, timid El chico es parado. The boy's shy. ▲ suspended, shut down Está parada la fábrica. The factory's shut down. ▲ unemployed ¿Hay muchos obreros parados estos días? Are there many unemployed workers at present? ▲ standing [Am] He estado parado mucho rato. I've been standing quite a while.
- paraguas [m sg] umbrella.
- paraíso paradise, heaven; upper gallery (in a theater).
- paralelo parallel, corresponding.
- paralizar to paralyze.
- parar to stop Tuvieron que parar a medio camino. They had to stop halfway there. ▲ to stake, bet [Am] Con estas cartas yo voy a parar cincuenta pesos. With these cards I'm going to bet fifty pesos. ▲ to stop (over), stay ¿En qué hotel pararán sus amigos? What hotel will your friends stay at? ▲ to end up, turn out No paró bien aquel negocio. That business didn't turn out very well.
○ ir (or venir) a parar to land finally, end up ¿Cómo ha venido a parar esto aquí? How in the world did this get here? ○ parar de to stop No para de llover desde ayer. It hasn't stopped raining since yesterday. ○ parar la oreja to prick up one's ears Paró la oreja para oír lo que decíamos. He pricked up his ears to hear what we were saying. ○ pararse to stop, halt Al llegar a la puerta se paró. When he got to the door he stopped. ▲ to stand up, get up [Am] Se pararon al verla llegar. They got up when they saw her coming. - parcial partial.
- pardo dark-gray; brown Tiene ojos pardos. He has brown eyes. ▲ [n] mulatto [Am].
- parecer [-zc-] to look, appear Parece que va a llover hoy. It looks as though it'd rain today. ▲ to seem Me parece muy bien. It seems all right to me. ▲ [m] opinion Me gustaría saber cuál es su parecer en este asunto. I'd like to know what your opinion is in this matter.
○ al parecer apparently Al parecer vendrá la semana próxima. Apparently he's coming next week. ○ parecerse to be alike Los dos se parecen mucho. The two of them are very much alike. ○ según parece as it seems, apparently Según parece lloverá toda la tarde. Apparently it'll rain all afternoon. - parecido like, similar Los dos trabajos son muy parecidos. The two jobs are very similar. ▲ [m] resemblance El parecido entre padre e hijo es muy claro. The resemblance between father and son is very clear.
○ bien parecido good-looking Su hijo es muy bien parecido. Your son's very good-looking. ○ parecido a like, similar to Yo tengo un traje muy parecido al suyo. I have a suit very much like yours. - pared [f] wall.
- pareja pair ¡Gano, tengo dos parejas! I win; I have two pairs. ▲ team Esos dos tenistas hacen muy buena pareja. Those two tennis players make a very good team. ▲ couple Vi una pareja de soldados en el parque. I saw a couple of soldiers in the park.—Hacen muy buena pareja. They make a good couple. ▲ dancing partner Su pareja baila muy bien. Your partner dances very well.
- parejo [adj] neck and neck Los dos caballos iban parejos en la carrera. The two horses were running neck and neck. ▲ equal, the same Sus caracteres son parejos. Their characters are the same.
- pariente [m, f] relative.
- parlamento parliament; parley.
- paro stoppage; unemployment; strike.
- parpadear to blink, wink.
- párpado eyelid.
- parque [m] park Paseamos por el parque. We strolled through the park. ▲ ammunition [Am] Se les acabó el parque. They ran out of ammunition.
- párrafo paragraph.
- parranda binge Se pasaron toda la noche de parranda. We were on a binge all night.
- parte [f] part ¿En qué parte de la ciudad vive Ud.? What part of the city do you live in?—¿Qué parte del pollo le gusta más? What part of the chicken do you like best? ▲ share Cada uno pagó su parte. Each paid his share. ▲ party (legal) Hicieron comparecer a ambas partes ante el juez. They summoned both parties before the judge. ▲ [m] report Envíeme el parte mañana. Send me the report tomorrow.
○ dar parte to inform, notify Dieron parte del robo a la policía. They notified the police of the robbery. ○ de mi parte on my behalf Déle recuerdos de mi parte. Remember me to him. ○ de parte de in the name of, on behalf of Telefoneo de parte del Sr. Gómez. I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Gómez. ○ en alguna otra parte somewhere else He debido dejar mi billete en alguna otra parte. I must have left my ticket somewhere else. ○ en parte partly, in part Tiene Ud. razón'sólo en parte. You're only partly right. ○ en todas partes everywhere Se le've siempre en todas partes. He's seen everywhere. ○ parte de guerra (war) communique ¿Ha leído Ud. el parte de guerra? Have you read the communique? ○ por mi parte as for me, as far as I'm concerned Por mi parte no hay inconveniente. It's all right as far as I'm concerned. ○ por (or a) partes in parts Hagamos el trabajo por partes iguales. Let's do the work in equal parts. ○ tomar parte to take part ¿Tomará parte Ud. en el proximo campeonato de golf? Are you taking part in the next golf tournament? - participante participating. ▲ [n] participant.
- participar to announce Participaron a las amistades su próximo matrimonio. They announced to their friends their coming marriage.
○ participar de to share, share in Participaremos de las ganancias. We'll share the profits.—Los hijos participaron de la fortuna de su padre. The children shared in their father's fortune. ○ participar en to take part in Participó en las olimpiadas de 1936. He took part in the 1936 Olympic games. - particular special, particular Es un caso muy particular. It's a very special case. ▲ private Esta es una casa particular. This is a private house. ▲ odd, peculiar Es una persona muy particular. He's a very peculiar person.
○ en particular particularly, especially Me gustan todos los deportes, pero el tenis en particular. I like all sports, but particularly tennis. ○ nada de particular nothing special, nothing unusual Esa casa no tiene nada de particular. There's nothing unusual about that house. - partida departure La hora de la partida de los trenes está indicada en el horario. Train departures are listed in the timetable. ▲ item (in an account) Asiente Ud. Esta partida en el libro correspondiente. Enter this item in the right book. ▲ game ¿Echamos una partida de cartas? Shall we play a game of cards? ▲ certificate (of birth, marriage, death) Partida de nacimiento. Birth certificate.—Partida de casamiento or boda. Marriage license.—Partida de defunción. Death certificate. ▲ band, gang Fueron atacados por una partida de ladrones. They were attacked by a band of thieves.
○ jugarle una mala partida to play a dirty trick on, double-cross Le jugó una mala partida. She played a dirty trick on him. - partidario follower Este señor es uno de sus partidarios más antiguos. This gentleman's one of his oldest followers.
- partido broken, divided La cuerda está partida en dos. The string's broken in two. ▲ [m] party, faction Pertenecen al mismo partido. They belong to the same party. ▲ match, game ¿Quiere Ud. ver el partido de fútbol? Would you like to see the football game?
○ sacar partido de to profit by Ese hombre saca partido de todo. That man profits by everything. - partir to split Partió la manzana en dos. He split the apple in two. ▲ to divide Partieron el terreno en varios lotes. They divided the land into several lots. ▲ to cut Partamos un poco de leña para el fuego. Let's cut some wood for the fire. ▲ to break, crush Esta máquina sirve para partir las piedras. This machine's for crushing stones. ▲ to divide (mathematics) Parta Ud. 250 entre 3. Divide 250 by 3. ▲ to leave Si partimos por la noche llegaremos durante el día. If we leave at night, we'll arrive during the day. ▲ to start, reckon Ud. parte de un supuesto equivocado. You're starting with a false assumption.
○ partirse to break Al partirse el hielo, cayeron al agua. When the ice broke they fell into the water. - pasa (see paso) raisin.
- pasado last Estas cartas llegaron la semana pasada. These letters came last week. ▲ spoiled La fruta está pasado. The fruit's spoiled. ▲ [m] past Esa mujer tiene un pasado muy romántico. That woman has a very romantic past.
○ pasado de moda out of date, out of style Está pasado de moda. It's out of date. ○ pasado mañana day after tomorrow Me dijeron que vendrían pasado mañana. They told me they'd come day after tomorrow. - pasaje [m] crossing, journey, voyage Hicimos el pasaje a Europa en siete días. We made the crossing to Europe in seven days. ▲ fare ¿Cuánto cuesta un pasaje en primera a La Habana? How much is the fare to Havana, first-class? ▲ passage Citó un pasaje del Quijote. He quoted a passage from Don Quixote. ▲ arcade Dentro de este edificio hay un pasaje. There's an arcade in this building. ▲ number of passengers on a ship, plane, etc. El pasaje del avión estaba completo. All seats on the plane were taken.
- pasajero passing, transitory Es solamente una lluvia pasajera. It's only a passing shower. ▲ [n] passenger Los pasajeros tienen que enseñar sus billetes a la entrada. Passengers must show their tickets at the gate.
- pasamanos [m sg] rail, banister.
- pasaporte [m] passport.
- pasar to pass, overtake Pasemos ese carro, nos retrasa mucho. Let's pass that car, he's holding us up. ▲ to pass, hand Haga el favor de pasarme el azúcar. Please pass me the sugar. ▲ to pass, go through Tuvimos que pasar muchos túneles. We had to go through a number of tunnels. ▲ to cross Debemos pasar el puente durante la noche. We must cross the bridge at night. ▲ to move, transfer Tienen que pasar al enfermo a otro cuarto. They have to move the patient to another room. ▲ to happen ¿Que pasó anoche? What happened last night? ▲ to spend Pasa los domingos en la playa. He spends his Sundays at the beach. ▲ to come (or go) in Pase Ud. y siéntese. Come in and sit down. ▲ to tolerate, overlook Ella le pasa todas sus faltas. She overlooks all his faults. ▲ to get along, make out Pasa muy bien con lo que gana. He gets along very well on what he earns. ▲ to pass (at cards) Paso. I pass. ▲ to pass, stop (of rain, snow, etc) La lluvia pasará pronto. The rain'll stop soon.
○ pasar de largo to go (or pass) right by, pass by without stopping No se demore, pase Ud. de largo. Don't delay. Pass by without stopping. ○ pasar de moda to go out of style. ○ pasar el rato to kill time, pass the time away ¿Cómo pasaremos el rato? How shall we kill time? ○ pasar (la) lista to call the roll Dentro de un momento pasarán (la) lista. In a moment they'll call the roll. ○ pasarlo bien to have a good time La otra noche lo pasamos muy bien. We had a very good time the other night. ○ pasar por alto to skip, overlook Pasé por alto esa página. I skipped that page. ○ pasarse to go over Se pasó al partido contrario. He went over to the other party. ▲ to slip one's mind ¡Se me pasó completamente! It completely slipped my mind. ○ pasarse de . . . to be too . . . Se pasa de listo. He thinks he's smart. ○ pasársele a uno to get over (a state of mind), pass from Se enfadó, pero se le pasó pronto. He got angry but he soon got over it. ○ pasarse sin to do (or get along) without Podemos pasar muy bien sin automóvil. We can get along very well without a car. - pasatiempo pastime, amusement.
- Pascua ○ Pascua florida, Pascua de resurrección Easter Celebran mucho la Pascua de resurrección. They have a big Easter celebration. ○ pascuas Christmas ¡Felices Pascuas! Merry Christmas!
○ estar como unas pascuas to be beaming all over. - pase [m] pass, permit.
- pasear to stroll, take a walk Ibamos paseando por el parque cuando la vimos. We were taking a walk through the park when we saw her. ▲ to go for a ride (car, horse, bicycle) Le gustaba pasear a caballo. She liked to go horseback riding.
○ pasearse to pace the floor Estuvo paseándose toda la noche. He paced the floor all night. - paseo walk En este lugar hay lindos paseos. There are beautiful walks here.
○ dar un paseo to stroll, take a walk ¿Le gustaría dar un paseo por el parque? Would you like to take a walk in the park? - pasillo passage, corridor.
- pasión [f] emotion, passion.
- paso dried (of fruits).
○ ciruela pasa prune. - paso step Dio unos cuantos pasos y se paró. He took a few steps and stopped. ▲ gait Este caballo tiene un paso excelente. This horse has a fine gait. ▲ progress Ha dado un gran paso en sus estudios. He's made great progress in his studies. ▲ pass (mountain) El paso es peligroso por la noche. The pass is dangerous at night.
○ abrir paso to open a passage, make way Los policías abrieron paso para el coche del Presidente. The policemen opened a passage for the President's car. ○ abrirse paso to get through Hay tanta gente que es muy difícil abrirse paso. There's such a crowd that it's very hard to get through. ○ apretar el paso to hurry, hasten Apretemos el paso para llegar a tiempo. Let's hurry and get there on time. ○ de paso in passing Aludió a la situación política solamente de paso. He referred to the political situation only in passing. ○ paso a paso step by step, little by little Paso a paso se hizo una posición. Little by little he made a place for himself. ○ salir del paso to get by Estudia'sólo lo suficiente para salir del paso. He only studies enough to get by. ○ salir de un paso to get out of a tough spot Será difícil que Ud. salga de ese paso. It'll be hard for you to get out of that tough spot.
|| Prohibido el paso. No trespassing. or Keep out. - pasta paste, batter Hicieron una pasta de harina de maíz. They made a paste of corn meal. ▲ pie crust La pasta es muy buena. The pie crust's very good. ▲ plastic El cenicero era de pasta. The ashtray was made of plastic. ▲ "dough" (money) Ese muchacho tiene mucha pasta. That fellow has a lot of dough. ▲ tea cake Tomaron'té con pastas. They had tea and cakes. ▲ binding, cover (of a book) Leía un libro de pasta roja. He was reading a book with a red cover.
○ de buena pasta good-natured Ese hombre es de muy buena pasta. He's a very good-natured man. ○ pasta de dientes toothpaste ¿Venden Uds. pasta de dientes? Do you sell toothpaste? ○ sopa de pasta noodle soup. - pastel [m] pie Nos sirvieron pastel de cerezas. They served us cherry pie.
- pastelería pastry shop; pastry.
- pasteurizado pasteurized.
- pastilla tablet, drop ¿Tiene Ud. algunas pastillas contra la tos? Do you have any cough drops?
- pasto pasture; grass.
○ a (todo) pasto aplenty, galore Teníamos comida a todo pasto. We had food galore. - pastor [m] shepherd.
- pata foot, leg (of an animal) Cogieron al perro de una pata. They caught the dog by the leg. ▲ leg (furniture) La pata de la mesa está quebrada. The table leg's broken.
○ a cuatro patas on all fours, creeping. ○ meter la pata to pull a boner, to put one's foot in it Ten cuidado no metas la pata. Be careful not to put your foot in it. - patada kick.
- patata potato [Sp].
- patente evident Era patente que quería pedirle a Ud. dinero. It was evident that he wanted to borrow some money from you. ▲ [f] patent Deberá sacar una patente de su invento. You should take out a patent on your invention.
- patinador, patinadora skater.
- patinar to skate; to skid, slip.
- patio patio, courtyard El patio es característico en las casas españolas. The patio's characteristic of Spanish houses.
○ patio de butacas orchestra (theater). - patizambo bow-legged.
- pato, pata duck.
- patojo lame, crippled [Am] Quedó patojo después de la caída. His fall left him lame. ▲ [n] kid, urchin [Am] Un patojo me enseñó el camino. A kid showed me the way.
- patria fatherland, native land.
- patriota [m, f] patriot.
- patriótico patriotic.
- patriotismo patriotism.
- patrón [m] boss Lo ha ordenado el patrón. The boss has ordered it. ▲ employer. ▲ patron saint Santiago, patrón de España. Saint James, patron saint of Spain. ▲ pattern Estos patrones para hacer vestidos son muy prácticos. These dress patterns are very practical.
○ patrón de barca skipper (of small boat) . - patronal [adj] of the employers Las representaciones patronales y obreras han llegado a un acuerdo. The representatives of the employers and workers have reached an agreement.
- patrono employer; patron saint.
- pausa rest; break.
○ hacer una pausa to take a break, to pause Vamos a hacer una pausa de cinco minutos. Let's take a fiveminute break. - pausar to pause, hesitate.
- pava pot, kettle [Arg]; turkey hen.
- pavada nonsense, foolishness [Arg].
- pavimentar to pave.
- pavimento pavement.
- pavo turkey cock.
○ pavo real peacock. - payar to sing to the accompaniment of a guitar [Arg].
- payaso clown.
- paz [f] peace Que en paz descanse. May he rest in peace.
○ estar (or quedar) en paz to be even, be quits Cuando le dé tres dólares estaremos en paz. When I give you three dollars, we'll be square. ○ hacer las paces to make up, patch up (differences), become reconciled Me alegra que hayan hecho las paces. I'm glad they've made up. - pecado sin.
- pecar to sin.
- pecho chest, bosom.
- pedazo piece, bit Le dio un pedazo de pan. She gave him a piece of bread.
○ hacerse pedazos to break into pieces, shatter El florero se hizo pedazos al caer al suelo. The vase broke into pieces when it fell on the floor. - pedido order, shipment.
- pedir [rad-ch III] to ask for Tengo que pedirle permiso. I have to ask him for permission. ▲ to ask, request ¿Por qué no pide que le sirvan más temprano? Why don't you ask them to serve you earlier? ▲ to order He pedido mil copias. I've ordered a thousand copies.
○ pedir de boca according to desire Todo salió a pedir de boca. Everything worked out according to our desires. ○ pedir limosna to beg for alms. - pegadizo catchy Es una música muy pegadiza. It's a very catchy tune.
- pegajoso sticky.
- pegar to stick, glue, cement ¿Con qué pegaron esto? What did they glue this with? ▲ to post Pegaron un cartel en la pared. They posted a sign on the wall. ▲ to sew (on) Tiene Ud. que pegarle botones a esta camisa. You have to sew buttons on this shirt. ▲ to infect with, communicate Me pegó el catarro. He infected me with his cold, or I caught his cold. ▲ to hit, beat, strike Le pegó con un bastón. He beat him with a cane.
○ pegar (le) fuego a to set fire to Le pegaron fuego a la casa. They set fire to the house. ○ pegarse to be catching Todo se pega menos la belleza. Everything's catching except beauty. ▲ to adhere, stick Este papel se ha pegado a la mesa. This paper's stuck to the table. - peinado (see peinar) combed. ▲ [m] hair-do.
- peinador [m] hairdresser; hairdressing cape.
- peinar to comb, do the hair of Peinó a la niña con trenzas. She did the child's hair in braids.
○ peinarse to comb one's hair, fix one's hair Está peinándose. She's fixing her hair. - peine [m] comb (for hair).
- peineta comb (for hair).
- pelado (see pelar) picked, plucked; "skinned." ▲ [n] peasant [Mex].
- pelar to peel Esta fruta no se puede comer sin pelar. You can't eat this fruit without peeling it. ▲ to pick, pluck (fowl) La cocinera peló los pollos. The cook picked the chickens. ▲ to fleece, skin En ese negocio me pelaron. They skinned me in that deal.
○ pelarse to peel off Esta pintura se está pelando. This paint's peeling off. ▲ to get one's hair cut Hoy tengo que ir a pelarme. I have to get my hair cut today. - pelea fight, brawl, quarrel; bout.
- pelear to fight Pelearon durante muchas horas. They fought for hours. ▲ to quarrel Son amigos, pero pelean mucho. They're friends, but they often quarrel.
- película film Necesito un rollo de película. I need a roll of film. ▲ picture, movie Hoy dan una película muy buena. There's a very good picture today.
- peligro danger Hubo peligro de que se incendiara la casa. There was danger of the house catching fire.
○ correr peligro to run a risk Corrió peligro de perder todo su dinero. He ran the risk of losing all his money. - peligroso dangerous, risky.
- pellejo skin, hide (of animals); wine skin.
○ estar en el pellejo de otro to be in another's shoes No querría yo estar en su pellejo. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes. ○ jugarse el pellejo to risk one's life. ○ quitarle a uno el pellejo to gossip about, flay Le quitan el pellejo a todo el mundo. They gossip about everybody. - pellizcar to pinch.
- pelo hair Tiene el pelo negro y los ojos castaños. He has black hair and brown eyes.
○ en pelo bareback Sabía montar en pelo. He could ride bareback. ○ ne tener pelos en la lengua to be outspoken Esa muchacha no tiene pelos en la lengua. That girl's very outspoken. ○ pelos y señales minute details Lo contó con pelos y señales. He told it in minute detail. ○ tomar el pelo to pull one's leg Creo que me estás tomando el pelo. I think you're pulling my leg. ○ venir a pelo to be to the point Lo que dijo no venía muy a pelo. What he said wasn't to the point. - pelota ball (for games).
- peluca wig, toupee.
- peluquería barber shop; beauty parlor.
- peluquero barber, hairdresser.
- pena penalty Sufrieron una severa pena por lo que hicieron. They paid a severe penalty for what they did. ▲ pain, sorrow Le dio mucha pena la muerte de su primo. His cousin's death caused him great sorrow. ▲ trouble Han pasado muchas penas. They've suffered a great deal of trouble. ▲ embarrassment, chagrin [Am] Me da mucha pena. It's very embarrassing.
○ a duras penas with great difficulty Llegaron a duras penas. They had a hard time getting here. ○ pena capital, pena de muerte death, capital punishment Lo condenaron a la pena capital. They condemned him to death. ○ tener la pena de to have the misfortune to Tuvo la pena de perder a su padre. He had the misfortune to lose his father. ○ valer la pena to be worth (while) No vale la pena hacerlo. It's not worth doing. - pendiente pending Tenemos un asunto pendiente con ellos. We have some unfinished business with them. ▲ [f] drop, slope La pendiente era muy pronunciada. The slope was very steep.
○ pendientes [m pl] earrings Le regaló unos pendientes de brillantes. He gave her diamond earrings. - penetrante penetrating, piercing.
- penetrar to penetrate, go in La bala penetró hasta el hueso. The bullet penetrated to the bone. ▲ to determine, make out Es difícil penetrar sus pensamientos. It's hard to make out what he thinks.
- peninsula peninsula.
- penoso arduous, hard Aquel trabajo era muy penoso. That was very hard work. ▲ embarrassing, unpleasant Sería penoso decírselo. It'd be embarrassing to tell him.
- pensamiento thought, idea Sus pensamientos son muy elevados. His thoughts are very lofty. ▲ pansy (flower).
- pensar [rad-ch I] to think ¡Yo pensaba que Ud. estaba en Chile! I thought you were in Chile! ▲ to intend, plan ¿Adonde piensa Ud. ir mañana? Where do you intend to go tomorrow?
○ pensar de to think of, have an opinion of ¿Qué piensa Ud. de Juan? What do you think of John? ○ pensar en to think of, about, or over ¿En qué piensas? What are you thinking about? - pensativo pensive, thoughtful.
- pensión [f] pension; boarding house.
- peña rock, boulder. ▲ group of friends La peña se reunía en el Café Universal. The group of friends used to meet in Café Universal.
- peón [m] workman, day laborer [Am]. ▲ pawn (chess). ▲ top (plaything).
○ jugar al peón to spin the top. - peonza top (plaything).
○ bailar como una peonza to dance well, be light on one's feet. - peor worse Hoy me encuentro peor. I'm worse today. ▲ worst Es el peor de todos. He's the worst of all.
○ de mal en peor from bad to worse. ○ tanto peor so much the worse Tanto peor para él. So much the worse for him. - pepa seed, stone, pit [Am].
- pepino cucumber.
- pequeño small, little Vive en un cuarto muy pequeño. He lives in a very small room. ▲ [m] child Los pequeños están en la escuela. The children are in school.
- pera pear.
- percha rack (for hat or clothes); hanger, coat hanger.
- perder [rad-ch I] to lose Tenga mucho cuidado no pierda esos papeles. Be careful you don't lose those papers.—Jugó y perdió. He gambled and lost. ▲ to miss Perdimos el tren. We missed the train. ▲ to ruin, disgrace (morally, socially) A esa muchacha la perdió su amor al lujo. Love of luxury ruined that girl.
○ echar a perder to ruin, spoil Me ha echado Ud. a perder el traje. You've ruined my suit. ○ echarse a perder to spoil La carne se echó a perder con el calor. The meat spoiled because of the heat. ▲ to become spoiled El niño se echó a perder con las malas compañías. The boy was spoiled by the bad company he kept. ○ perder de vista to lose sight of Al volver la esquina le perdimos de vista. When we turned the corner we lost sight of him. ○ perder la vista to go blind. ○ perderse to go to the dogs Se perdió con la bebida. He went to the dogs because he liked to drink. ▲ to get sour, turn, become spoiled La fruta se va a perder porque está demasiado madura. The fruit's going to spoil because it's overripe. ▲ to get lost Se perdió porque no conocía bien la ciudad. He got lost because he didn't know the city very well. ○ perderse de vista to drop out of sight. - pérdida loss El enemigo sufrió muchas pérdidas. The enemy suffered great losses.
- perdido (see perder) lost. ▲ [m] black sheep (person). ▲ perdida [f] loose woman.
- perdón [m] forgiveness Me pidió perdón por no haber contestado a mi carta. He asked my forgiveness for not having answered my letter. ▲ pardon, reprieve El perdón del gobernador le salvó la vida. The governor's pardon saved his life.
¡Perdón! Pardon me! or Excuse me! - perdonar to pardon Han perdonado a los criminales. They've pardoned the criminals. ▲ to forgive ¡Dios me perdone! God forgive me! ▲ to excuse, pardon ¡Perdone Ud.! Excuse me!
- perecer [-zc-] to perish En la mina perecieron cincuenta hombres. Fifty men perished in the mine.
- peregrino exotic, strange Tiene ideas muy peregrinas. He has very strange ideas.
- perejil [m] parsley.
- pereza laziness.
- perezoso lazy.
- perfección [f] perfection.
- perfecto perfect.
- perfil [m] profile; outline.
- perfumar to perfume.
- perfume [m] perfume.
- pericia skill, expertness.
- periódico [adj] periodic(al). ▲ [m] newspaper Lo he leído en el periódico de esta mañana. I read it in this morning's paper.
- periodista [m, f] journalist, newspaperman, newspaperwoman.
- período period, term.
- perito [adj; n] expert.
- perjudicar to damage, hurt, injure.
- perjudicial harmful, injurious.
- perjuicio prejudice; damage, injury, harm; financial loss.
- perla pearl.
○ ser una perla to be a jewel Esa criada es una perla. That maid's a jewel. - permanecer [-zc-] to stay, remain.
- permanente [adj] permanent. ▲ [f] permanent (wave).
- permiso permission, license, permit.
|| Con permiso (lit., with your permission) If you don't mind. or Excuse me, please. - permitir to permit, allow.
- pero [conj] but La ciudad es grande, pero no es muy hermosa. The city's large but it's not very attractive. ▲ [m] shortcoming, defect.
○ no tener pero(s) to be faultless or flawless Ese trabajo no tiene peros. That work's flawless. ○ poner pero(s) to find fault, object A este trabajo no se le puede poner ningún pero. You can't find fault with this job.
|| ¡No hay pero que valga! No buts about it! - perra female dog, bitch, slut.
- perro dog.
- persecución [f] persecution; pursuit.
- perseguir [rad-ch III] to pursue Persiguieron a los fugitivos. They pursued the fugitives. ▲ to aim at ¿Qué fin persigue Ud.? What are you aiming at?
- perseverancia perseverance.
- persona person.
- personaje [m] personage, big shot Debe ser un personaje. He must be an important person. ▲ character (in a play) El personaje principal es un viejo. The main character's an old man.
- personal [adj] personal Esos son asuntos personales. Those are personal matters. ▲ [m] personnel Vaya Ud. a la oficina de personal. Go to the personnel office.
○ cuestión personal personal quarrel Tuve una cuestión personal con él. I had a personal quarrel with him. - personalidad [f] personality, prominent person A la fiesta concurrieron muchas personalidades. Many prominent people attended the party.
- persuadir to persuade, convince Le persuadió a que se quesdasen. He persuaded them to stay.
- pertenecer [-zc-] to pertain to, concern. ▲ to belong to Este dinero no nos pertenece. This money doesn't belong to us.
- perturbar to perturb, disturb.
- perverso perverse, wicked.
- pesa weight (object).
- pesadez [f] boringness, dullness. ▲ persistence La pesadez de ese hombre me molesta. The persistence of that man annoys me.
- pesadilla nightmare.
- pesado (see pesar) heavy Esta maleta es muy pesada. This suitcase is very heavy. ▲ boring, dull, tiresome; persistent Es uno de esos tipos pesados. He's one of those boring people. ▲ sultry (of weather) ¡Qué tiempo tan pesado! What sultry weather! ▲ sound (of sleep) Tenía un sueño muy pesado. She slept soundly. ▲ stuffy En esta habitación hay una atmósfera muy pesada. The air in this room's very stuffy.
- pesar to weigh Esta carta pesa demasiado. This letter weighs too much. ▲ to be weighty, important, count Su opinión pesa mucho. Your opinion counts a lot.
○ pesarle a uno to regret, be sorry for No me pesa haberlo dicho. I don't regret having said it. ○ pesarse to weigh oneself, get weighed Es aconsejable pesarse a menudo. It's advisable to get weighed frequently. - pesar [m] sorrow, remorse Su muerte causó gran pesar. His death caused great sorrow.
○ a pesar de in spite of A pesar de todo, lo haremos. In spite of everything, we'll do it. ○ tener pesar to be sorry Tengo gran pesar por lo que hice. I'm very sorry for what I did. - pesca fishing La pesca es un deporte agradable. Fishing's a pleasant sport. ▲ catch (of fish) Fué una gran pesca. It was a big catch.
○ ir de pesca to go fishing. - pescado fish (caught).
- pescador [m] fisherman.
- pescar to fish ¿Le gusta a Ud. pescar? Do you like fishing? ▲ to catch, get, "hook" Ha pescado un buen marido. She hooked a good husband.
- peseta peseta (monetary unit of Spain).
- pesimista [adj] pessimistic. ▲ [n] pessimist.
- pésimo [adj] the very worst.
- peso weight ¿Puede Ud. darme el peso en libras? Can you give me the weight in pounds? ▲ load Es demasiado peso para tí. That's too big a load for you. ▲ weight, burden, load Se me ha quitado un gran peso de encima. That's a big load off my mind. ▲ peso (monetary unit).
○ caerse de su peso to be self-evident, go without saying Eso se cae de su peso. That goes without saying. ○ de peso weighty, important La razón es de peso. The reason's important. ○ exceso de peso excess weight. - pestaña eyelash.
- pestañear to wink, blink.
- peste [f] plague.
- pestillo door latch, bolt Corre el pestillo. Bolt the door.
- petaca cigarette case; [Am] suitcase.
- petate [m] straw mat [Mex].
- petición [f] petition; request.
- petróleo petroleum.
- pez [m] fish (in the water). ▲ [f] tar.
- pianista [m, f] pianist.
- piano piano.
- pibe [m] kid, child [Arg].
- picante spiced La comida mexicana es muy picante. Mexican food's highly spiced. ▲ risque, off-color Las historias que él cuenta son siempre un poco picantes. His stories are always a little off-color.
- picar to sting, bite, eat (of insects) Lo picaron bien las avispas. The wasps stung him good and proper.—Esta tela está picada. This material's moth-eaten. ▲ to chop, grind up Hay que picar muy bien la carne. The meat has to be well ground up. ▲ to nibble El pez picó el cebo. The fish nibbled at the bait. ▲ to itch Me pica todo el cuerpo. I'm itching all over. ▲ to crush (stone). ▲ to burn Pica mucho el sol hoy. The sun burns today.
○ picarse to be hurt, be offended Se picó por lo que le dijo él. She was hurt by what he said. ▲ to begin to spoil Está picándose la fruta. The fruit's beginning to spoil. ▲ to get rough El mar empieza a picarse. The sea's beginning to get rough. - picaro mischievous. ▲ [m] rascal, rogue.
- picazón [m] itching, itch Tengo un picazón en la espalda. I have an itch on my back.
- pichel [m] pitcher [Am].
- picher [m] baseball pitcher [Am].
- pichón [m] young pigeon, squab.
- pico beak, bill ¡Qué pico más tremendo el de ese pájaro! What a huge bill that bird has! ▲ sharp point, corner Me di un golpe con el pico de la mesa. I bumped against the corner of the table. ▲ pick, pickax Llevaba al hombro un pico y una pala. He was carrying a pick and shovel on his shoulder. ▲ spout Está roto el pico del jarro. The spout of the pitcher's broken. ▲ summit, peak Subimos hasta el pico más alto. We climbed up to the highest point. ▲ small amount over Me costó diez pesos y pico. It cost a little over ten pesos.
- pie [m] foot Se lastimó un pie durante el juego. He hurt his foot during the game.—Un metro tiene un poco más de tres pies. ▲ meter's a little over three feet.—Estaba sentado al pie de la cama. He was sitting at the foot of the bed. ▲ base El pie de esa lámpara está roto. The base of that lamp's broken.
○ al pie de la letra thoroughly Sabe el asunto al pie de la letra. He knows the subject thoroughly. ○ a pie on foot Iremos a pie. We'll go on foot. ○ de pie standing Tuvieron que ir de pie en el tren. They had to stand in the train. ○ en pie pending, undecided Aun están en pie nuestros proyectos. Our plans are still up in the air.
|| A los pies de Ud., señora. At your service, madam. - piedad [f] piety; pity.
- piedra stone.
- piel [f] skin Tiene la piel muy delicada. He has a very delicate skin. ▲ leather Este calzado está hecho con una piel muy fina. These shoes are made of very fine leather. ▲ fur La piel de zorro es muy cara. Fox fur's very expensive. ▲ skin, peel A esta fruta es muy difícil quitarle la piel. This fruit's hard to peel.
○ abrigo de pieles fur coat Me gustaría tener tin abrigo de pieles. I'd like to have a fur coat. - pierna leg Perdió una pierna en la guerra. He lost a leg in the war.
- pieza part (of a machine) Se ha perdido una pieza de la máquina. ▲ part of the machine's been lost. ▲ bolt (of cloth) Necesitamos una pieza de esa tela para las cortinas. We need a bolt of that material for the curtains. ▲ room La casa tiene varias piezas grandes. The house has several large rooms. ▲ play Vimos una pieza muy graciosa anoche. We saw a very amusing play last night. ▲ piece (of music) Toque Ud. una pieza en el piano. Play a piece on the piano. ▲ man (piece in games) Falta una pieza en este juego. One of the men's missing in this game.
○ buena pieza fine guy (ironical) ¡Ud. es una buena pieza! You're a fine guy! - pijama [m in Sp, f in Am] pajamas.
- pila stone trough, basin. ▲ sink Vacíe Ud. la pila. Empty the sink. ▲ battery (electrical) Hay que cambiar las pilas a esta linterna. The batteries in this flashlight have to be changed. ▲ pile Había una pila de cosas en el cuarto. There was a pile of things in the ropm.
○ pila de bautismo baptismal font. ○ nombre de pila Christian name, given name. - pilar [m] pillar, column, post.
- pildora pill, pellet.
- pillo petty thief; rascal.
- piloto pilot.
- pimentón [m] red pepper; paprika.
- pimienta pepper (spice).
- pimiento pepper (vegetable).
- pino pine, pine tree.
- pintado (see pintar) ○ como el más pintado as (or with) the best of them Puede hacerlo como el más pintado. He can hold his own with the best of them.
- pintar to paint Van a pintar esta habitación. They're going to paint this room.
○ pintarse to make up Esa muchacha se pinta demasiado. That girl uses too much make-up. ○ pintarse solo para to have great talent for Se pinta solo para ganar dinero. He has great talent for making money. - pintor [m], pintora painter.
- pintoresco picturesque.
- pintura painting, picture Las pinturas que se exhiben aquí son muy valiosas. The paintings exhibited here are very valuable. ▲ paint Dé Ud. dos manos de pintura. Put on two coats of paint.
- pina pineapple.
- piojo louse.
- pipa pipe (smoking); cask, hogshead.
- pique [m] resentment.
○ echar a pique to sink Echaron a pique muchas naves de guerra. Many warships were sunk. ○ tener un pique con to have a grudge against. - piquete [m] bite, small wound.
- piropo compliment, flattery.
- pisar to step on, tread on.
- piscina pool, swimming pool.
- piso floor, flooring Los pisos de esta casa son de madera. This house has wood floors. ▲ floor, story Vive en el tercer piso. He lives on the third floor.
○ piso bajo ground floor El piso bajo está desalquilado. The ground floor's vacant. - pistola pistol.
- pita string, cord [Am].
- pitar to whistle La locomotora pitó al entrar en la estación. The engine whistled as it entered the station.
- pito whistle.
○ tocar un pito to blow a whistle.
|| No me importa un pito. I don't give a hoot. - pizarra slate; blackboard.
- placa plaque.
- placer [v] to please, be pleasing to Puede Ud. hacer lo que le plazca. You can do what you please. ▲ [m] pleasure He tenido un gran placer en conocerle a Ud. It's been a great pleasure to meet you.
- plaga plague, epidemic.
- plan [m] plan ¿Cuáles son sus planes? What are your plans?
○ estar en plan de to be out for, be in the mood for Están en plan de divertirse. They're out for a good time. ○ plan de estudios curriculum Han cambiado el plan de estudios en la Universidad. They've changed the curriculum at the University. - plancha plate Las planchas estaban soldadas. The plates were welded together. ▲ iron, flatiron El último modelo de planchas eléctricas está ya a la venta. The latest model electric irons are now on sale.
○ hacer planchas to put one's foot in it Siempre está haciendo planchas. He's always putting his foot in it. ○ tirarse una plancha to pull a boner. - planilla payroll [Am] La planilla de esa compañía es muy elevada. That company has a very large payroll. ▲ bus (or streetcar) ticket. ▲ list of candidates, ticket [Am] Votaremos por esta planilla. We'll vote this ticket.
- piano flat El terreno aquí es muy plano. The ground here's very flat. ▲ [m] plan, drawing El arquitecto trazó un plano muy bonito. The architect drew a very fine plan.
- planta sole Me duele la planta del pie. The sole of my foot hurts. ▲ plant Esta planta es del Brasil. This plant comes from Brazil.
○ buena planta fine physique, good build Tiene muy buena planta. He has a very good build. - plantado ○ dejarle a uno plantado to leave one in the lurch, leave one high and dry; to stand someone up.
- plantear to pose, present, or state (a problem) Éso plantea una dificultad. That presents a difficulty.
- plástico [adj] plastic, pliable.
- plata silver En México y Perú hay muchas minas de plata. There are many silver mines in Mexico and Peru.
○ quedarse sin plata to be broke Me he quedado sin plata. I'm broke. - plataforma platform.
- platal [m] great quantity of money [Am] Le ha costado un platal. It cost him a fortune.
- plátano banana.
- platea orchestra (theater section).
- plateado silver-plated, silvered.
- plática talk, conversation.
- platillo dish (of food) [Mex], plato plate, dish La criada rompió tres platos. The maid broke three plates. ▲ dish (of food) Hubo unos platos deliciosos en la cena. There were several delicious dishes for supper. ▲ course ¿Qué desea como plato fuerte? What would you like for the main course?
○ ser plato de segunda mesa to play second fiddle. - playa beach, shore.
- plaza plaza, square En el centro de la plaza hay un gran monumento. There's a big monument in the center of the square. ▲ market En la plaza encontrará Ud. todo lo que desea. You'll find everything you need in the market. ▲ job, position Hay una plaza vacante en la oficina. There's a job open in the office.
○ plaza de toros bull ring. ○ sacar plaza to get a position Sacó plaza en una compañía de seguros. He got a position with an insurance company. - plazo time limit Si Ud. desea, podemos fijar un nuevo plazo. If you wish, we can set a new time limit. ▲ installment El primer plazo es de cien pesos. The first installment is one hundred pesos.
○ a plazos in installments. - plebiscito plebiscite.
- plegar [rad-ch I] to fold; to plait.
- pleito lawsuit Siguen un pleito sobre su herencia. They're having a lawsuit over their inheritance. ▲ dispute Hubo un pleito entre los estudiantes. There was a dispute among the students.
○ poner pleito to sue, bring suit against. - plenitud [f] plenty, abundance.
- pleno full, complete.
○ en pleno invierno or verano or día in the middle of winter or summer or the day. - pliego sheet (of paper, usually folded).
- pliegue [m] fold, crease.
- plomero plumber.
- plomo lead (metal). ▲ f use Se ha fundido un plomo. ▲ fuse was blown out.
- pluma feather. ▲ pen Vive de su pluma. He lives by his pen.
○ pluma-fuente fountain pen ¿Podría arreglarme esta pluma-fuente? Could you fix this fountain pen for me? - plural [adj; m] plural.
- población [f] population ¿Qué población tiene este país? What's the population of this country? ▲ town, village Pasamos por muchas poblaciones pintorescas durante el viaje. We went through many picturesque towns on the trip.
- pobre [adj] poor En este distrito vive gente muy pobre. Very poor people live in this section. ▲ poor, humble La casa de su madre es muy pobre. Her mother's house is very humble. ▲ poor, pitiful ¡Pobre muchacho! Poor fellow! ▲ [n] poor person Ayudan a los pobres. They help the poor. ▲ beggar Déle algo a ese pobre. Give something to that beggar.
|| ¡Pobre de mi! Poor me! - pobreza poverty.
- poco little Queda muy poca gasolina en el tanque. There's very little gasoline left in the tank. ▲ small Tienen muy poca existencia de vinos. They have a very small stock of wines.
○ a poco (de) shortly after A poco de llegar nosotros a la estación, llegó el tren. The train arrived shortly after we reached the station. ○ dentro de poco soon, in a short time Llegará dentro de poco. He'll be here soon. ○ poco a poco little by little, gradually Poco a poco aprenderá Ud. a hablar español. Liftle by little you'll learn to speak Spanish. ○ poco después de soon after Poco después de la terminación de la guerra, me casé. Soon after the end of the war, I got married. ○ poco más o menos more or less, about Saldremos poco más o menos a las ocho de la mañana. We'll leave about eight in the morning. ○ pocos a few Saldré dentro de pocos días. I'll leave in a few days. ○ por poco almost, nearly No miré por donde iba y por poco me perdí. I didn't look where I was going and nearly got lost. ○ un poco de a little, small amount of ¿Le pongo un poco de vino? May I give you a little wine?
|| ¡Eh, poco a poco! Hey, not so fast! or Take it easy! or Easy there! - pocho, pocha Mexican born in the U.S. [Mex].
- poder [irr] to be able, can ¿No puede Ud. correr más? Can't you run any faster? ▲ to be possible, may Puede que vaya a Europa el próximo año. I may go to Europe next year. ▲ [m] power, influence Tenía un poder muy grande entre los obreros. He had great influence among the workers.
○ a más no poder to the utmost Estudia a más no poder. He studies as hard as he possibly can. ○ no poder con not to be able to stand, endure, carry, control, manage No puedo con él. I can't stand him. ○ no poder más to be exhausted, be all in ¡No puedo más! I'm all in! ○ no poder menos de not to be able to help No puedo menos de ir. I can't help going. ○ no poder ver not to be able to stand No puedo verle. I can't stand him. ○ poder general power of attorney Ha dado poder general a su padre. He's given his father power of attorney. - poderío power, might.
- poderoso powerful, mighty.
- podrido rotten, spoiled.
- poema [m] poem.
- poesía poetry.
- poeta [m] poet.
- polar polar.
- policía [f] police Dieron parte a la policía inmediatamente. They informed the police immediately. ▲ [m] policeman Se lo preguntaré al policía de la esquina. I'll ask the policeman on the corner.
- polilla moth.
- política policy Ese país ha cambiado su política exterior. That country's changed its foreign policy. ▲ politics Ha dejado todo para dedicarse a la política. He's given up everything to devote himself to politics.
- politico political Este periódico no representa a ningún partido político. This newspaper doesn't represent any political party. ▲ [m] politician Fué uno de los políticos más distinguidos de su época. He was one of the most distinguished politicians of his time.
- póliza de seguro insurance policy.
- pollo chicken Los pollos están muy caros en este tiempo. Chickens are very high right now.
- polo pole Hicieron una expedición al polo norte. They made an expedition to the North Pole. ▲ pole (electrical). ▲ polo ¿Le interesaría ver un partido de polo? Would you like to see a polo match?
- polvareda cloud of dust; dust storm.
- polvera powder box.
- polvo dust Cerraremos la ventana para que no entre polvo. We'll close the window to keep the dust out.
○ en polvo powdered ¿Quiere Ud. azúcar en polvo o en terrón? Do you want powdered or lump sugar? ○ polvos powder Uso polvos de talco después de afeitarme. I use talcum powder after I shave. ○ polvos para dientes tooth powder. - pólvora powder, gunpowder.
- pompa pomp, show, display.
○ pompas de jabón soap bubbles El niño hace pompas de jabón. The child's blowing soap bubbles. - ponche [m] punch (liquor).
- poncho poncho (South American blanket with slit in middle for the head).
- poner [irr] to put, place, lay Ponga sus cosas aquí. Put your things here. ▲ to suppose, assume Pongamos que eso sea cierto. Let's suppose that's true. ▲ to impose, keep Aquí se necesita alguien que ponga orden. We need someone to keep order around here. ▲ to put down, write down Ponga Ud. lo que yo le voy a dictar. Put down what I'm going to dictate to you.
○ poner al corriente to inform, tell, bring one up to date Le puse al corriente de lo que había sucedido. I informed him of what had happened. ○ poner de mi (or tu, su etc) parte to do all one can Ponga Ud. de su parte todo lo que pueda. Do all you can. ○ poner en claro to clear up, make clear Tenemos que poner en claro este lío. We've got to clear up this mess. ○ poner en duda to question, doubt Pone en duda todo lo que le dicen. He questions everything they tell him. ○ poner la mesa to set the table Ya dije que pusieran la mesa para cenar. I've already told them to set the table for supper. ○ ponerle a uno to cause one to become, make Este calor me pone mala. This heat makes me ill. ○ ponerse to put on, wear Hoy me pondré el vestido azul. I'll put on my blue dress today. ▲ to get, become (with adjective denoting physical condition or state of mind) Se pondrán muy disgustados si lo saben. They'll get very angry if they find out. ▲ to place oneself Póngase Ud. en esa ventana. Place yourself at that window. ▲ to set (of the sun) El sol se pone más temprano en invierno. The sun sets earlier in winter. ○ ponerse a to begin to, start to De repente se puso a correr. Suddenly he began to run. ○ ponerse (a) mal con to get in bad with Se pone (a) mal con todos. He gets in bad with everybody. ○ ponerse colorado to blush Al oírlo se puso colorada. She blushed when she heard it. ○ ponerse de acuerdo to come to an agreement Después de discutir mucho se pusieron de acuerdo. After much discussion they came to an agreement. ○ ponerse en to reach Se puso en la frontera en unas cuantas horas. He reached the border in a few hours. ○ ponerse en camino to set out Nos pusimos en camino muy temprano. We set out very early. ○ ponerse en contra de to be against, oppose La mayoría de los diputados se pusieron en contra del proyecto. The majority of deputies were against the measure. ○ ponerse en marcha to start, start out, pull out El tren se puso en marcha lentamente. The train started out slowly. ○ ponerse en (or de) pie to get up, rise Cuando entró el presidente se pusieron todos en pie. When the president entered they all stood up. - poniente [m] west.
- popote [m] straw (for drinking) [Mex].
- popular popular; folkloric.
- popularidad [f] popularity.
- poquito [adj] little. ▲ [m] little bit.
- por by América fué descubierta por Colón. America was discovered by Columbus.—Hice el viaje por avión. I made the trip by plane. ▲ for (in behalf of) Nunca olvidaré lo que Ud. hizo por mí. I'll never forget what you did for me. ▲ around, about Regresará por la Navidad. He'll come back around Christmas. ▲ through Pasaron por el túnel. They went through the tunnel. ▲ for, (in order) to get Vaya Ud. por una botella de leche. Go get a bottle of milk. ▲ to, in order to Lo hicimos por ayudarle. We did it to help him. ▲ still (or yet) to (be). . . ¿Tiene trabajo por hacer? Do you still have work to do?—Quedan tres cartas por escribir. There are three letters still to be written. ▲ by way of, via Este autobus va por la calle central. This bus goes by way of Center Street. ▲ across, over Se pasó la mano por los ojos. He passed his hand across his eyes. ▲ in, during Estudio por la mañana. I study in the morning. ▲ per, a(n) ¿Cuánto paga Ud. por hora? How much do you pay an hour?
○ al por mayor wholesale. ○ al por menor retail. ○ por ahí around there, near there Viven por ahí cerca. They live near there. ○ por aquí around here Venga Ud. por aquí mañana temprano. Come around early tomorrow morning. ○ por ciento per cent. ○ por docena by the dozen. ○ por donde wherever Por donde voy lo encuentro. Wherever I go I meet him. ○ por encima superficially, hastily Leí el documento por encima. I glanced over the document. ○ por entre through, among, between La vi por entre los árboles. I saw her through the trees. ○ por escrito in writing. ○ por eso for that reason, therefore Por eso quiero salir temprano. For that reason I want to leave early. ○ por más que however much, no matter how much Por más que llame Ud. nadie contestará. No matter how much you knock, no one'll answer. ○ por qué why No'sé por qué me gusta tanto. I don't know why I like him so much.—¿Por qué me lo preguntas? Why do you ask me? ○ por si acaso in case Llevemos paraguas por si acaso llueve. Let's take umbrellas in case it rains. ○ por supuesto of course.
|| ¡Por Dios! Goodness! or For heaven's sake! - porcelana chinaware; enamelware.
- porción [f] portion, part.
- porfiar to persist, insist No profíe tanto. Don't insist so much. ▲ to argue, contend No porfíen más sobre eso. Don't argue any more over that.
- pormenor [m] detail, particular.
- poroto bean [Arg].
- porque because, for, as.
- porqué [m] reason No ha explicado el porqué de su ausencia. He hasn't explained the reason for his absence.
- perqué [adv] why.
- porquería dirty trick, filthy action or saying.
- porra club, bludgeon.
|| ¡Vayase a la porra! Go to the devil! - porrazo blow, knock; fall.
- portada entrance, lintel (of door in front part of house) La portada está pintada de rojo. The entrance is painted red. ▲ front, fagade La portada del edificio es muy hermosa. The building has a beautiful facade. ▲ cover (of book, magazine, etc) Dibujaba portadas para revistas. He drew covers for magazines.
- portal [m] entry, vestibule, hallway.
- portamonedas [m sg] purse, pocketbook.
- portarse to behave, conduct oneself Se portó muy mal. He behaved very badly.
- porte [m] postage ¿Cuánto será el porte de esta carta? How much is the postage on this letter? ▲ bearing (of a person).
- portería superintendent's or janitor's room.
- portero doorman, janitor.
- portezuela door (of a vehicle).
- porvenir [m] future.
- posada lodging house; inn (low-class).
- posar to pose ¿Quién posa para ese cuadro? Who's posing for that painting?
○ posarse to light Los pájaros se posaron en las líneas del teléfono. The birds lighted on the telephone wires. - posdata postscript.
- poseedor, poseedora owner, possessor.
- poseer to hold, possess, own.
- posesión [f] possession; property.
- posibilidad [f] possibility.
- posible possible No me filé posible venir más temprano. It wasn't possible for me to come earlier.
○ en lo posible as far as possible. ○ lo más . . . posible as . . . as possible Lo más pronto posible. As soon as possible.—Lo más tarde posible. As late as possible. ○ todo lo posible everything possible Hace todo lo posible por terminar el trabajo. He's doing everything possible to finish the work. - posición [f] position Cambiaré de posición para estar más cómodo. I'm going to change to a more comfortable position. ▲ position, place Me gustaría cambiar la posición de la cama. I'd like to change the position of the bed. ▲ position, status Es una persona de alta posición. He's a man of high position. ▲ position (military).
- positivo positive, certain Eso es un hecho positivo. That's positive. ▲ practical Es un hombre muy positivo. He's a very practical man. ▲ real No hace un trabajo positivo. He doesn't do a real job.
- poso sediment, dregs.
- postal [adj] postal, mail ¿Tienen Uds. servicio postal aquí? Do you have mail service out here? ▲ [f] postcard, postal card Me escríbió una postal. He wrote me a postcard.
○ giro postal money order Deseo enviar un giro postal. I want to send a money order. - poste [m] post, pillar; pole.
- posterior [adj] rear. ▲ later Eso ocurrió en una época posterior. That happened in a later period. ▲ back Salga Ud. por la puerta posterior. Leave by the back door.
- postizo artificial, false Tiene los dientes postizos. He has false teeth.
- postre [m] dessert Aquí sirven muy buenos postres. They serve very good desserts here.
- postre ○ a la postre at last.
- postura position, posture Estaba incómodo en aquella postura. I was uncomfortable in that position. ▲ position ¿Cuál es sil postura política? What's your political position? ▲ stake, bet Mi postura es de diez pesos. My bet's ten pesos.
- potable [adj] drinkable, potable.
- pote [m] pot, jar.
- potencia power, capacity, potency El motor tiene gran potencia. It's a high-powered motor. ▲ power, large nation No sabemos qué decidirán las potencias extranjeras. We don't know what the foreign powers will decide.
- potente powerful, strong, potent.
- pozo well (for water).
- práctica practice; exercise.
- practicar to practice, go in for ¿Practica Ud. algún deporte? Do you go in for any sport? ▲ to carry out, perform, make Practicaron una inspección general. They made a general inspection.
- práctico practical; experienced, skillful.
○ práctico de puerto harbor pilot. - prado lawn; field; meadow.
- precaución [f] precaution.
- preceder to precede.
- preciar to value, prize Precia mucho este recuerdo. She prizes this souvenir very highly.
○ preciarse de to take pride in, boast of Se precia de su habilidad. He takes pride in his ability. - precio price Los precios han bajado en los últimos días. Prices have gone down in the last few days.
○ no tener precio to be priceless. ○ precios fijos fixed prices. - precioso beautiful Llevaba un traje precioso. She wore a beautiful dress. ▲ precious Me gustan las piedras preciosas. I like precious stones.
- precipicio cliff, precipice.
- precipitación [f] rash haste; precipitation.
- precipitarse to rush, hurry, hurl oneself.
- precisar to fix, set Hay que precisar la fecha de salida. We must fix the date of departure. ▲ to be necessary, must Precisa hacer eso pronto. That must be done soon. ▲ to be urgent [Am] Me precisa hablar con Ud. I must speak with you. ▲ to make clear Precise Ud. lo que quiere decir. Make clear what you mean.
- precisión [f] necessity Hay precisión de terminar la carretera pronto. The highway must be completed soon. ▲ precision Es admirable la precisión de la máquina. The precision of that machine's wonderful.
○ tener precisión to need, have Tengo precisión de salir. I have to go out. - preciso accurate El reloj es muy preciso. The watch is very accurate. ▲ exact Dígame la hora precisa. Tell me the exact time.
○ ser preciso to be necessary Es preciso llegar temprano. It's necessary to get there early. ○ tiempo preciso just time enough Tenemos el tiempo preciso para llegar a la estación. We've just enough time to get to the station. - precoz precocious.
- predecesor [m] predecessor.
- predispuesto predisposed.
- predominar to predominate, prevail.
- preferencia preference Debemos dar preferencia al estudio del español y del inglés. We ought to give preference to the study of Spanish and English.
- preferible preferable.
- preferir [rad-ch II] to prefer.
- pregunta question Me hizo muchas preguntas. He asked me a lot of questions.
○ estar a la cuarta pregunta to be broke Siempre está a la cuarta pregunta. He's always broke. ○ hacer una pregunta to ask a question ¿Puedo hacerle una pregunta? May I ask you a question? - preguntar to ask Pregúntele Ud. dónde vive. Ask him where he lives.
○ preguntar por to inquire or ask about or for (a person) Preguntaron por Ud. esta mañana. They inquired for you this morning. ○ preguntarse to wonder Me pregunto cuando volverá. I wonder when he'll be back. - premiar to reward, give a prize to.
- premio prize, reward.
- prenda security Lo dejaron en prenda. They left it as security. ▲ personal quality Una muchacha de muchas prendas. ▲ girl of many fine qualities.
○ juego de prendas game of forfeits ¿Conoce Ud. algún juego de prendas? Do you know any game of forfeits? ○ prenda de vestir garment He comprado algunas prendas de vestir. I've bought some clothes. - prendedor [m] pin, brooch; [Sp] clothes pin.
- prender to fix, catch, pin Prenda esto con un alfiler. Fix this with a pin. ▲ to arrest Lo prendió la policía. The police arrested him.
○ prender fuego a to set on fire Prendieron fuego a los bosques. They set the woods on fire. - prensa press Las prensas funcionan muy bien. The presses are working very well. ▲ press, newspapers Libertad de prensa. Freedom of the press.
- prensar to press, compress Prensaron las uvas en la bodega. They pressed the grapes in the winery.
- preocupación [f] preoccupation. ▲ cares, worries Tiene mucha preocupación. He has many cares.
- preocupar to preoccupy. ▲ to worry Aquello le preocupó mucho. That worried him a lot.
○ preocuparse to worry No se preocupe Ud. por eso. Don't worry about that. ○ preocuparse de to care for, take care (of) Preocúpese Ud. de que los niños beban la leche. Take care that the children drink their milk. - preparación [f] preparation.
- preparado (see preparar) preparation.
- preparar to prepare Le prepararé el desayuno. I'll get your breakfast. ▲ to arrange, prepare Vamos a preparar una fiesta de despedida. Let's arrange a farewell party.
○ prepararse to get ready Está preparándose para hacer un viaje. He's getting ready for a trip. - preparativos [m pl] preparations.
- presa prey El león devoraba su presa. The lion devoured his prey. ▲ dam (for water) Tomamos una fotografía de la presa. We took a photograph of the dam.
- prescribir to prescribe.
- prescrito (see prescribir) prescribed.
- presencia presence Será muy de agradecer su presencia en ese acto. Your presence at that function will be greatly appreciated. ▲ appearance Tiene muy buena presencia. He has a very good appearance.
○ en presencia de in front of, in the presence of Lo dijo en presencia de todos. He said it in front of everybody. ○ presencia de ánimo presence of mind Su presencia de ánimo nos evitó el peligro. His presence of mind saved us from danger. - presenciar to see, witness.
- presentación [f] exhibition, display Ese escaparate tiene presentación muy bonita. That window has a very pretty display. ▲ introduction La presentación del orador fué hecha por el presidente. The speaker was introduced by the president.
○ a la presentación on presentation Lo pagaré a la presentación de la cuenta. I'll pay it on presentation of the bill. - presentar to present, introduce, submit El comité presentará mañana un nuevo plan. The committee will present a new plan tomorrow. ▲ to present, put on Presentarán un nuevo programa la semana próxima. They'll put on a new program next week.
○ presentarse to present oneself, report Preséntese Ud. a la oficina de inmigración. Report to the Immigration Department. ▲ to appear, turn up Se presentó inesperadamente. He turned up unexpectedly. ○ presentar una queja to complain Presentaron una queja a la directiva. They complained to the management. - presente present, current Hay cinco fiestas en el presente mes. There are five holidays in the current month. ▲ present Todos los niños presentes se levantaron. All the children present got up.
○ al presente at present Al presente no tenemos ninguna noticia. At present we have no news. ○ la presente this, the present writing La presente es para saudarle y decirle . . . . This is to greet you and say . . . . ○ tener presente to bear in mind Tengo presente lo que me dijo. I'm bearing in mind what he told me. ¡Presente! Present! (roll call). - presentimiento feeling, premonition.
- presentir [rad-ch II] to have a feeling or premonition.
- preservar to preserve, guard, keep.
- presidencia presidency; chairmanship.
- presidente [m] president El presidente de la compañía es un hombre muy joven. The president of the company's a very young man. ▲ chairman Cada año nuestra comisión elige un nuevo presidente. Every year our committee elects a new chairman.
- presidio penitentiary.
- presión [f] pressure.
- preso fastened; arrested. ▲ [m] convict, jailbird.
- préstamo loan.
- prestado (see prestar) lent; borrowed.
○ pedir prestado to borrow ¿Puedo pedirle prestado su coche el proximo domingo? May I borrow your car next Sunday? - prestar to lend, loan Me prestó un libro muy interesante. He lent me a very interesting book.
○ prestar atención to pay attention Se ruega prestar atención. Please pay attention. ○ prestar ayuda to help ¿Quiere Ud. prestarnos ayuda? Will you help us? ○ prestarse to lend itself Lo que dijo se prestaba a malas interpretaciones. What he said lent itself to misinterpretation. ▲ to offer Se prestó a ayudarnos. He offered to help us. - prestigio prestige.
- presumir to presume Presumo que es así. I presume it's so. ▲ to be conceited, show off Presume mucho. She shows off too much.
○ presumir de to think of oneself as Presume de elegante. He thinks he's pretty stylish. - presunción [f] conceit, presumption, vanity.
- presupuesto budget.
- pretender to intend, try Esa persona pretende aprovecharse de Ud. That person intends to take advantage of you. ▲ to court Pretendía a una chica rica. He was courting a rich girl. ▲ to pretend Pretendió no haberme visto. He pretended not to have seen me. ▲ to aim for, aspire to Varias personas pretendían el puesto. Several people aspired to the job.
○ pretender decir to mean, drive at ¿Qué pretende Ud. decir? What are you driving at? ○ pretender demasiado (de) to make unreasonable demands (on), ask too much (of) Esa señora pretende demasiado de su cocinera. That lady demands too much of her cook. - pretendiente [m] suitor; pretender (to throne).
- pretensión [f] (unreasonable) claim No había justificación alguna en su pretensión. There was no justification at all for his claim. ▲ pretension Tiene muchas pretensiones descabelladas. He has many foolish pretensions.
- pretexto pretext, excuse.
- prevención [f] prevention; police precinct.
- prevenido (see prevenir) forewarned.
○ estar prevenido to be ready, be prepared, be forewarned Como estaba prevenido, no lo sorprendieron. As he was prepared, they didn't catch him unawares. - prevenir to prepare, arrange Será necesario prevenir algo para la fiesta. It'll be necessary to prepare something for the party. ▲ to prevent, avoid Tendremos que tomar medidas para prevenir la propagación de la enfermedad. We'll have to take measures to prevent the spread of the disease. ▲ to forewarn Le previnieron del peligro. They forewarned him of the danger.
○ prevenirse (contra) to take precautions (against) Hay que prevenirse contra las enfermedades. One must take precautions against diseases. - previo previous.
○ examen previo preliminary or entrance examination. - previsión [f] foresight.
○ previsión social social security. - prieto dark, brunet(te) [Am].
- prever to foresee, anticipate Previeron la desgracia. They foresaw the mishap.
- previsto (see prever) foreseen.
- prima female cousin.
- primavera spring (season).
- primer See primero.
○ en primer lugar in the first place. ○ Primer Ministro Prime Minister. ○ primer plano foreground. - primero [adj] first Es el primero de la fila. He's the first in line. ▲ [adv] first, in the first place Primero es tin tonto; segundo no me gusta. In the first place, he's a fool; in the second place, I don't like him. ▲ first Haga esto primero. Do this first.
○ de buenas a primeras suddenly, unexpectedly De buenas a primeras, empezó a llorar. Suddenly she began to cry. ○ por primera vez for the first time. - primitivo [adj] primitive.
- primo male cousin.
- primor [m] something lovely Ese abrigo es tin primor. That coat's lovely. ▲ neatness Ese trabajo está hecho con primor. That job's very beautifully done.
- primoroso exquisite; neat; dexterous.
- princesa princess.
- principal [adj] main, principal Es la persona principal en la oficina. He's the main person in the office. ▲ [m] principal Hable Ud. con el principal. Speak to the principal.
○ el piso principal the second floor. - príncipe [m] prince.
- principiar to begin, start Hay que principiar el trabajo inmediatamente. The work must be started immediately.
- principio principle ¿En qué principio basa Ud. su teoría? On what principle do you base your theory? ▲ principle, standard Eso no está de acuerdo con sus principios. That doesn't agree with your principles. ▲ beginning El principio del libro era muy interesante. The beginning of the book was very interesting. ▲ entree, main dish.
○ al principio at first Al principio me parecía fácil el trabajo. The work seemed easy to me at first. ○ a principios de at the beginning of Reunámonos a principios de la semana entrante. Let's get together the beginning of next week. ○ en principio in principle En principio no me parece mal la idea. That idea doesn't seem bad to me in principle. - prisa hurry. ▲ urgency Hay prisa de terminar este trabajo hoy. It's urgent that this work be finished today.
○ andar de prisa to be in a hurry Siempre anda de prisa. He's always in a hurry. ○ a toda prisa at full speed Iban a toda prisa. They were going at full speed. ○ darse prisa to hurry ¡Démonos prisa, que es tarde! Let's hurry, it's late! ○ de prisa quickly. ○ tener prisa to be in a hurry Tenía tanta prisa que se olvidó el sombrero. He was in such a hurry that he forgot his hat. - prisión [f] prison.
- prisionero prisoner (military).
- privado [adj] private Todos los cuartos tienen baño privado. All rooms have a private bath.
○ en privado privately, in private Lo resolvieron en privado. They settled it privately. - privado (see privar) deprived. ▲ unconscious De la impresión, quedó privada. She became unconscious from the shock.
- privar to deprive Lo privaron de sus derechos. They deprived him of his rights.
○ privarse to deprive oneself Se priva Ud. de demasiadas cosas. You deprive yourself of too many things. - privilegio privilege.
- proa bow, prow; nose (of an airplane).
- probabilidad [f] probability.
- probable probable.
- probar to try, test Probaremos el avión esta tarde. We'll test the airplane this afternoon. ▲ to taste Pruebe Ud. este dulce. Taste this candy. ▲ to prove Probó su inocencia. He proved his innocence. ▲ to agree with, suit Este clima me prueba muy bien. This climate agrees with me.
○ probarse to try on ¿Puedo probarme el vestido? May I try on the dress? - problema [m] problem.
- proceder to proceed, begin Después de examinar a los muchachos procedieron a calificarlos. After testing the children they proceeded to classify them. ▲ to come, be the result Esto procede de su ignorancia. This is the result of his ignorance. ▲ to come ¿De dónde proceden sus padres? Where do your parents come from? ▲ to act Procedió sin reflexionar. He acted without thinking. ▲ to behave. ▲ [m] conduct, behavior No me gusta su proceder. I don't like your behavior.
○ proceder contra to take action against. - procedimiento method, procedure Su procedimiento de enseñanza es muy bueno. Your method of teaching's very good.
- procesión [f] procession.
- proceso process; trial (court).
- proclamar to proclaim.
- procurar to try Procuraré llegar al teatro a tiempo. I'll try to get to the theater on time. ▲ to see Procure Ud. que no falte nada. See that nothing is lacking.
○ procurarse to get, obtain Procúrese Ud. un buen asiento. Get a good seat. - pródigo prodigal, extravagant.
- producción [f] production.
- producir [irr] to produce Ese país produce mucho café. That country produces a lot of coffee. ▲ to produce, cause Un descuido de alguien produjo el incendio. The fire was caused by somebody's carelessness. ▲ to produce, yield, give No creo que el alquiler de la casa le produzca a Ud. mucho. I don't think the rent from the house will yield you much.
○ producirse to arise, break out Se produjo una huelga. A strike broke out. - productivo productive.
- producto product.
○ productos agrícolas (farm) produce. - profecía prophecy, forecast.
- profesión [f] profession.
- profesional [adj] professional.
- profesar to profess; to join (a religious order).
- profesor [m] professor.
- profeta [m] prophet.
- profundidad [f] depth.
- profundo deep ¿Es muy profunda esta parte del lago? Is this part of the lake very deep? ▲ profound Eso es un pensamiento muy profundo. That's a very profound thought.
- programa [m] program ¿Tiene Ud. el programa del concierto? Do you have the program of the concert? ▲ plans ¿Cuál es su programa para el domingo? What are your plans for Sunday?
- progresar to progress, make progress, advance Ese país ha progresado mucho en los últimos años. That country's made great progress in the last few years. ▲ to progress, improve Su español progresa mucho. His Spanish is improving a great deal.
- progreso progress.
- prohibición [f] prohibition.
- prohibir to forbid Te prohibo comer entre horas. I forbid you to eat between meals.
|| Se prohibe fumar. No smoking. || Se prohibe fijar carteles. Post no bills. - prólogo prologue; preface.
- prolongar to prolong.
- promedio [m] average.
- promesa promise.
- prometer to promise Le he prometido ir a visitarla. I've promised to visit her.—La fiesta promete estar muy alegre. It promises to be a very gay party. ▲ to be promising Este niño promete mucho. He's a very promising child.
- prometido (see prometer) engaged.
- pronto [adj] ready Estoy pronto para empezar. I'm ready to begin. ▲ [adv] quickly Hizo muy pronto el trabajo. He did the work very quickly. ▲ soon Llegó más pronto de lo que yo esperaba. He came sooner than I expected. ▲ [m] sudden impulse Todavía siente aquel pronto que tuvo. He still regrets that sudden impulse.
○ al pronto at first Al pronto no lo reconocí. At first I didn't recognize him. ○ de pronto suddenly De pronto apareció. Suddenly he appeared. ○ por de pronto in the meantime, for the time being Por de pronto trabaje Ud. en esto. For the time being, work on this. ○ tan pronto como as soon as Tan pronto como lo haga, avíseme. Let me know as soon as you do it. - pronunciación [f] pronunciation.
- pronunciamiento pronouncement; insurrection (in army).
- pronunciar to pronounce.
- propaganda advertising; propaganda.
- propiedad [f] property.
- propietario, propietaria owner, proprietor, proprietress.
- propina tip, gratuity.
- propio own Lo vi con mis propios ojos. I saw it with my own eyes. ▲ typical Eso es muy propio de él. That's typical of him. ▲ proper, right Era el hombre propio para aquel trabajo. He was the right man for that job. ▲ oneself Ella propia lo hizo. She did it herself.
- proponer [irr] to propose (suggest) Propondremos un cambio. We'll propose a change.
○ proponerle algo a alquien to make a proposition Le propuso un negocio a mi padre. He made a business proposition to my father. ○ proponerse to plan, intend Se propuso estudiar mucho. He planned to study a lot. - proporción [f] proportion.
- proporcionar to provide with, supply with Le voy a proporcionar a Ud. todo lo que necesita. I'm going to provide you with everything you need.
- proposición [f] proposition.
- propósito purpose ¿Cuál es su propósito? What's your purpose? ▲ intention El infierno está empedrado de buenos propósitos. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
○ a propósito on purpose Lo hice a propósito. I did it on purpose. ○ a propósito de in connection with A propósito de lo que dicen les contaré esto . . . . In connection with what you're saying, I'll tell you this . . . .
|| ¡A propósito! By the way! - propuesta proposal, proposition, motion.
- prorrogar to extend (expiration date).
- prosa prose.
- prosperar to prosper.
- prosperidad [f] prosperity.
- protección [f] protection.
- protector [m] protector.
- proteger to protect La madre protege a sus hijos. The mother protects her children.
○ protegerse to protect oneself Para protegernos de la lluvia entramos en una tienda. We went into a store to get out of the rain. - protesta protest El juez no dio importancia a la protesta del público. The judge ignored the public protest.
- protestar to protest.
○ protestar de to protest against Protestaron de la injusticia. They protested against the injustice. - provecho profit No sacó ningún provecho de aquel negocio. He didn't make any profit on that deal.
○ de provecho useful Es hombre de provecho. He's a useful man. ○ ser de provecho to be good (for) Esta comida no es de provecho para Ud. This food isn't good for you.
|| Buen provecho. Enjoy your meal. or I hope you've enjoyed your meal, (customary greeting before or after a meal) - provechoso profitable.
- providencia providence.
- provincia province.
- provinciano [adj; n] provincial.
- provisión [f] provision.
- provisional provisional.
- provocación [f] provocation.
- provocar to provoke ¡No me provoque Ud.¡ Don't provoke me!
- proximidad [f] vicinity Naufragaron en la proximidad de aquella costa. They were shipwrecked in the vicinity of that coast.
- próximo [adj] next Empezaré el año próximo. I'll begin next year. ▲ close Son parientes muy próximos. They're very close relatives.
○ estar próximo a to almost . . . . Estuvo próximo a caer al río. He almost fell in the river. - proyectar to plan Proyectan hacer más carreteras. They plan to build more highways. ▲ to project, show Proyectaron una película científica. They showed a scientific movie.
- proyecto plan El proyecto del nuevo edificio está listo. The plan of the new building's ready. ▲ project, plan Mis hijos tienen muchos proyectos para el futuro. My sons have many plans for the future.
- prudencia prudence.
- prudente prudent, wise.
- prueba proof ¿Qué prueba tiene Ud.? What proof do you have? ▲ evidence No hay prueba(s) para condenarlo. There's no evidence to condemn him. ▲ test El aparato se rompió en la prueba. The apparatus broke down during the test. ▲ proof (printing, photography) Me han enviado las pruebas de la imprenta. They've sent me the printers' proofs. ▲ trick [Am] Hizo una prueba can las barajas. He did a card trick.
○ a prueba de proof against, -proof Este refugio está a prueba de bombas. This shelter's bomb-proof.
|| Haga Ud. la prueba. Try it. - psicología psychology.
- publicación [f] publication.
- publicar to publish.
- publicidad [f] publicity.
- público [adj] public ¿Hay aquí un teléfono público? Is there a public telephone here? ▲ [m] public; audience El público estaba impaciente. The audience was impatient.
- puchero cooking pot.
- pudín [m] pudding.
- pueblo town, village Este es un pueblo muy pintoresco. This is a very picturesque village. ▲ people Es un hombre del pueblo. He's a man of the people.
- puente [m] bridge.
- puerco pig, hog; pork.
- puerta door; gate.
○ dar con la puerta en las narices to slam the door in one's face Me dio con la puerta en las narices. He slammed the door in my face. - puerto port.
- pues because, as, since Vaya, pues lo han llamado. Go, since they've called you. ▲ anyhow Pues yo me voy. I'm going anyhow. ▲ well Pues, si no quieres no vayas. Well, if you don't want to, don't go. ▲ certainly [Am] Sí, pues. Yes, certainly.
○ pues bien all right then ¡Pues bien, iré! All right then, I'll go! ○ pues no not at all, not so.
|| ¿Pues qué? So what? || ¿Y pues? So? or Is that so? or And so? - puesto (see poner) set La mesa está puesta. The table's set. ▲ [m] place Tengo el tercer puesto en la cola. I have the third place in the line. ▲ stall, stand, booth Lo compré en un puesto del mercado. I bought it at a stand in the market. ▲ position, job Tiene un buen puesto. He has a good job.
○ bien puesto well dressed Iba muy bien puesto. He was very well dressed. ○ mal puesto out of place. ○ puesto que since, as long as Puesto que temes aburrirte, no vayas. Since you're afraid you'll be bored, don't go - pulga flea.
- pulgada inch.
- pulgar [m] thumb.
- pulmón [m] lung.
- pulmonía pneumonia.
- pulpería grocery store, general store [Am].
- pulque [m] pulque (fermented juice of the maguey plant; a Mexican drink).
- pulsera bracelet.
○ reloj de pulsera wrist watch. - pulso pulse.
○ tomarle a uno el pulso to take one's pulse El médico le tomó el pulso. The doctor took his pulse. - punta point Este lápiz no tiene punta. This pencil has no point. ▲ end, tip Caminamos hasta la punta del muelle. We walked to the end of the pier. ▲ top En la punta del volcán se'veía humo. Smoke could be seen at the top
of the volcano.
○ de punta en blanco all dressed up Iban de punta en blanco. They were all dressed up.
- puntada stitch.
○ echar puntadas to stitch. - puntal [m] snack [Am].
- puntiagudo sharp-pointed.
- puntilla ○ de puntillas on tiptoe.
- punto point, dot El avión se'veía como un punto en el cielo. The airplane looked like a dot in the sky. ▲ period (in writing) ¿Dónde está el punto en esta máquina de escribir? Where's the period on this typewriter? ▲ place, spot Nos veremos en el mismo punto. We'll meet at the same place. ▲ point (in sports) Ganó por pocos puntos. He won by a few points.
○ al punto instantly Se presentó al punto. He appeared instantly. ○ a punto fijo exactly No lo'sé a pimto fijo. I don't know exactly. ○ a tal punto that far A tal punto no quiero llegar. I don't want to go that far. ○ coche de punto taxi, car for hire [Sp] . ○ dar en el punto to hit the nail on the head Ha dado Ud. en el punto. You've hit the nail on the head. ○ de punto by the minute Su cólera subía de punto. He became angrier by the minute. ▲ knitted Compraré un chaleco de punto. I'll buy a knitted vest. ○ desde cierto punto de vista from a certain standpoint Desde cierto punto de vista Ud. tiene razón. You're right from a certain standpoint. ○ en punto on the dot, sharp Debemos llegar a las seis en punto. We must arrive at six on the dot. ○ en punto a in regard to En punto a los precios que Ud. indica, estamos completamente de acuerdo. In regard to the prices you mention, we're in complete agreement. ○ estar a punto de to be about to Estábamos a punto de salir cuando llegaron. We were about to leave when they arrived. ○ hasta cierto punto to a certain extent Hasta cierto punto es cierto. To a certain extent it's true. ○ punto de gracia funny side Tiene su punto de gracia. It has its funny side. ○ punto final stop Hay que poner punto final a esto. We must put a stop to this. ○ punto por punto step by step, in detail Lo contó todo punto por punto. He told everything step by step.
|| ¿Hasta qué punto del programa han estudiado? How far did they get in their studies? - puntual prompt, punctual.
- puñado handful.
- puñalada stab, knife wound.
- puño fist Cerró los puños. He clenched his fists. ▲ handle El puño del paraguas está roto. The umbrella handle's broken. ▲ cuff Están mal planchados los puños de la camisa. The shirt cuffs are poorly ironed.
- pupila pupil (of eye).
- pupitre [m] (school) desk.
- pureza purity.
- purgante [m] purgative, physic.
- puro pure Esta leche es pura. This milk's pure. ▲ clear Tiene una voz muy pura. She has a very clear voice. ▲ [m] cigar Le gusta fumar puros. He likes to smoke cigars.
○ de pura casualidad purely by chance Me encontré con él de pura casualidad. I met him purely by chance. ○ de pura sangre thoroughbred Ese caballo es de pura sangre. That horse is a thoroughbred. ○ la pura verdad absolute or unvarnished truth Lo que le dijo es la pura verdad. What he told her's the unvarnished truth.
|| Apenas podía andar de puro fatigado. He was so exhausted he could hardly walk.