Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/V
- vaca cow. ▲ beef Estos filetes ¿son de vaca o de ternera? Are these steaks beef or veal?
- vacación [f] vacation.
- vacante [adj] vacant. ▲ [f] vacancy.
- vaciar to empty; to drain.
- vacilar to reel, stagger Vacilaba mucho al andar. He staggered badly when he walked. ▲ to waver, hesitate ¡No vacile Ud.! Don't hesitate!
- vacío void, empty El granero estaba vacío. The granary was empty. ▲ unoccupied, vacant A fin de mes quedará el cuarto vacío. At the end of the month the room'll be vacant. ▲ vacuous, stupid, empty Era un hombre vacío. He was a stupid fellow. ▲ [m] empty space, space, vacuum Se lanzó al vacío. He jumped into space.
- vacuna vaccine.
- vadear to wade through, ford.
- vado ford.
- vagabundo, vagabunda tramp, bum.
- vagar to rove, wander.
- vago vague, hazy Tengo una vaga idea. I have a vague idea. ▲ [m] loafer, tramp No le gusta trabajar, es un vago. He doesn't like to work; he's a loafer.
- vagón [m] railway car.
○ vagón de carga freight car. - vagoneta dump cart.
- vaina nuisance, bother. ▲ scabbard, sheath; pod (of vegetables).
- vainilla vanilla.
- vaivén [m] fluctuation; vibration.
- vajilla set of dishes; chinaware.
- vale [m] note, I.O.U.; sales slip; coupon.
- valentía courage.
- valer [irr] to cost ¿Cuánto vale ese traje? How much is that dress? ▲ to cause, result in Aquella tontería le valió muchos disgustos. That foolishness caused him a lot of trouble. ▲ to be of value Puede Ud. tirar esos papeles, no valen nada. You can throw those papers away, they're worthless. ▲ to be worth, be worthy Ese hombre vale mucho. That man's very worthy. ▲ [m] worth, merit Es un hombre de mucho valer. He's a man of great merit.
○ más valiera it'd be better Más me valiera no haberle conocido. It'd be better for me never to have known him. ○ no poder valerse to be helpless Con las manos heridas no podía valerse. With his injured hands he was helpless. ○ valer(le a uno) la pena to be worth (one's) while No (me) vale la pena ir. It's not worth (my) while to go. ○ valerse de to make use of, avail
oneself of Se valió de muchos medios. He availed himself of every means at his disposal.
- valiente valiant, brave, courageous.
- valija valise, suitcase; briefcase.
- valioso [adj] valuable.
- valla wooden fence.
- valle [m] valley.
- valor [m] price Lo he comprado por la mitad de su valor. I bought it at half price. ▲ value El valor del dólar equivale a cinco pesos en México. The dollar's worth five Mexican pesos. ▲ import, importance, meaning ¿Qué valor le da Ud. a esas palabras? What importance do you attach to those words? ▲ courage, gallantry El soldado demostró mucho valor. The soldier showed great courage. ▲ nerve, crust ¿Cómo tiene Ud. valor para presentarse aquí? How do you have the nerve to appear here?
○ valores stocks, bonds, securities. - vanidad [f] vanity.
- vanidoso vain.
- vano vain, shallow.
○ en vano in vain. - vapor [m] steam; steamship.
○ al vapor swiftly, at lightning speed. - vaquero cowboy, cowhand.
- vara twig, switch; vara (measure; about a yard); yardstick.
- varar to run aground La embarcación varó frente a la costa. The vessel ran aground off the coast.
|| Se ha varado completamente. He's down and out [Col]. - variable changeable, variable, unstable.
- variación [f] variation, change.
- variedad [f] variety, diversity.
○ variedades vaudeville show. - vario various, varied Tenía telas de varios precios. He had fabrics at various prices. ▲ several Hay varios libros en la mesa. There are several books on the table.
- varón [m] male (of humans).
- varonil virile, manly.
- vaselina vaseline.
- vasija container, receptacle (for liquids).
- vaso (drinking) glass.
- vasto vast, huge, immense.
- ¡vaya un(a) . . . ! what a(n) . . .!¡Vaya una idea! What an idea!
- vecindad [f] tenants ¿Tiene esta casa mucha vecindad? Are there many tenants in this house? ▲ vicinity, neighborhood Viven en la vecindad. They live in the vicinity.
- vecindario population of a district, ward, etc.
- vecino neighboring, near-by Traen las provisiones del pueblo vecino. They bring provisions from the town near-by. ▲ [n] neighbor. ▲ tenant Aquella casa tenía cincuenta vecinos. There were fifty tenants in that house.
- vegetación [f] vegetation.
- vegetal [adj; m] vegetable.
○ el reino vegetal the vegetable kingdom. - vehemencia vehemence.
- veinte twenty.
- vejez [f] old age.
- vela vigil Le vela duró hasta la madrugada. The vigil lasted till daybreak. ▲ candle Encienda Ud. esa vela. Light that candle. ▲ sail Tenía varios barcos de vela. He had several sailing ships.
○ a toda vela under full sail; at full speed. ○ en vela awake Pasó la noche en vela. He was awake all night. - velada evening party or gathering.
- velar to stay up, keep watch Estuvo toda la noche velando el enfermo. He kept watch all night over the sick man. ▲ to stay awake Veló toda la noche. He stayed awake all night.
○ velar por to take care of, protect Vela muy bien por su familia. He takes very good care of his family. - velo veil; film (thin coat).
○ correr un velo to drop the matter, forget about it Carramos un velo. Let's drop it. - velocidad [f] velocity, speed.
- veloz swift, fast.
- vena vein.
○ estar de vena to be in the mood. - venado deer.
- vencer to defeat, vanquish Vencieron al enemigo. They defeated the enemy. ▲ to overcome No creo que venza esa pasión. I don't think he'll overcome that habit. ▲ to win Venció nuestro equipo por dos tantos. Our team won by two points. ▲ to prevail Su opinión fué la que venció. It was his opinion that prevailed. ▲ to become due La letra venció ayer. The bill of exchange was due yesterday.
○ vencerse to control (one's feelings). - venda bandage, surgical dressing; roll of bandage.
- vendaje [m] bandage, surgical dressing; bandaging.
- vendar to bandage, dress.
- vendedor [m] vendor, seller, trader.
- vender to sell Vendió todas sus propiedades. He sold all his property.
○ vender a crédito to sell on credit. ○ vender al contado to sell for cash. ○ vender a plazos to sell on installments ○ vender(se) to give oneself away, betray Su emoción le vendió. His emotion betrayed him.—Al hablar se vendió. When he spoke he gave himself away. ▲ to accept a bribe, sell out Le fusilaron por haberse vendido al enemigo. They shot him for having sold out to the enemy. - veneno poison, venom.
- venenoso [adj] poisonous, venomous.
- venganza revenge, vengeance.
- vengar to avenge.
○ vengarse to take revenge. - venir [irr] to come. Viene de muy buena familia. He comes of a very good family. ▲ to fit Eso le viene muy ancho. That's too big for her. ▲ to occur No'sé como me vino esa idea. I don't know how that idea occurred to me.
○ que viene next Le veré la semana que viene. I'll see you next week. ○ venir a (followed by infinitive) to get to, end by Vino a ser presidente. He got to be president. ○ venir a menos to decline, be in reduced circumstances Con la muerte del padre esa familia vino a menos. As a result of the death of the father, that family's in reduced circumstances. ○ venir a parar to turn out, terminate ¿En qué vino a parar ese asunto? How did that matter turn out? ○ venir a pelo to be to the point Lo que dijo no venía a pelo. What he said wasn't to the point. ○ venir a ser to amount to Eso viene a ser lo mismo. That amounts to the same thing. ○ venir a tener probably have, must have Viene a tener unos cuatro mil pesos de renta al año. He must have an income of about four thousand pesos a year. ○ venir bien to suit Me vendrá muy bien una temporada en el campo. A stay in the country will suit me fine. ○ venir mal not to suit, be inconvenient for Me viene mal ir a esa hora. It isn't convenient for me to go at that hour. ○ venirse abajo, venirse a tierra to fall (through), collapse Todo aquello se vino a tierra. The whole thing fell through. - venta sale Hicimos un contrato de venta. We made a contract of sale. ▲ sales, selling Toda la venta se hacia al por mayor. All the sales were wholesale.
○ estar a la venta to be on sale. - ventaja advantage, profit; headway, lead.
○ llevar ventaja to be ahead, have a lead. - ventajoso advantageous.
- ventana window.
○ echar la casa por la ventana to put oneself out, go to a lot of expense. ○ ventanas de la nariz nostrils. - ventanilla ticket window; window (of a vehicle).
- ventilación [f] ventilation.
- ventilador [m] electric fan; ventilator.
- ventilar to air, ventilate Hay que ventilar esta habitación. This room must be aired. ▲ to settle ¿Cuándo ventila esta cuenta con el Banco? When are you going to settle this account with the bank?
- ventoso windy.
- ventura happiness; happy event. ▲ luck Tuve la ventura de encontrarlo. I had the luck to find him.
- ver [irr] to see ¿Ve Ud. bien con esas gafas? Can you see well with those glasses? ▲ to look at [Am] No me vea Ud. de esa manera. Don't look at me that way.
○ no poder ver to abhor, detest No me hables de él, no le puedo ver. Don't mention his name, I detest him. ○ no tener que ver con to have nothing to do with No tengo nada que ver con él. I have nothing to do with him. ○ ver el cielo abierto to see a great opportunity. ○ ver las estrellas to see stars (experience a sudden pain). ○ verse to meet, see each other Hace mucho tiempo que no se ven. It's been a long time since they saw each other. ▲ to find oneself, be Me vi en una mala situación. I found myself in a tough spot.—Me veo obligado a hacerlo. I'm forced (or I find myself obliged) to do it. ○ ver visiones to see things ¡Está Ud. viendo visiones! You're seeing things!
|| ¡Allá (or Ya) veremos! Time'll tell! || ¡A ver! Let's see! || Hasta más ver. See you again. - veranear to summer, spend the summer ¿Dónde veranea Ud.? Where are you spending the summer?
- veraneo (summer) vacation, summering Fuimos de veraneo a la playa. We spent the summer at the beach.
- verano summer.
- veras [f pl] reality, truth.
○ de veras in truth, really, honestly ¡Ahora va de veras! Now he's really going!—Se lo digo de veras. I'm telling you honestly. - verdad [f] truth Le ha dicho la verdad. He's told you the truth.
○ a decir verdad to tell the truth A decir verdad, yo no creo eso. To tell the truth, I don't believe that. ○ decir cuatro verdades to speak one's mind, tell someone a thing or two. ○ de verdad really ¿De verdad lo cree Ud.? Do you really believe it? ○ ser verdad to be true Era verdad lo que decía. What he said was true. ○ ¿verdad (que)? isn't that so? isn't it true? isn't it? Es Ud. americano ¿verdad? Isn't it true that you're an American?—¿Verdad que no estaba allí? Isn't it true that he wasn't there?
|| ¿No es verdad? or ¿Verdad? Isn't it so? - verdadero true, staunch Es un amigo verdadero. He's a staunch friend. ▲ real No usaba su nombre verdadero. He didn't use his real name.
- verde [adj] green. ▲ green, unripe La fruta estaba demasiado verde. The fruit was too green. ▲ risque, off-color Ese libro es muy verde. That book's very off-color.
- verdor [m] greenness, green.
- verdura vegetation; leafy vegetables.
- vereda path; [Arg] sidewalk.
- vergonzoso shameful; shy, bashful.
- vergüenza shame; shyness, bashfulness.
○ darle a uno vergüenza to be ashamed No me atrevo a decírselo, me da vergüenza. I don't dare tell him, I'm ashamed. ▲ to be (too) bashful Le da vergüenza declararse. He's too bashful to propose. ○ no tener vergüenza to be shameless Ese hombre no tiene vergüenza. That man's shameless. ○ no tener vergüenza de not to be too bashful to, not to be ashamed to Ese niño no tiene vergüenza de cantar delante de la gente. That boy's not ashamed to sing before people. ○ tener vergüenza to be shy Ese niño tiene mucha vergüenza. That child's very shy. ▲ to be honorable or honest Es un politico que tiene vergüenza. He's an honest politician.
|| ¡Qué vergüenza! How shameful! - verso line of poetry; poem.
- verter [rad-ch I] to spill Ha vertido el vino. He's spilled the wine. ▲ to empty Vierta Ud. esa jarra. Empty that jug. ▲ to translate Han vertido ese libro al inglés. They've translated that book into English.
- vertiente [f] slope; watershed; basin (of a river).
- vértigo dizziness.
- vestíbulo vestibule; lobby.
- vestido (see vestir) dressed Iba muy bien vestido. He was very well dressed. ▲ [m] dress ¿Qué vestido llevo a la comida? What dress shall I wear to the dinner? ▲ garments, clothing.
- vestir [rad-ch III] to dress. ▲ to wear Vestía uniforme militar. He was wearing a military uniform. ▲ to be fashionable, be dressy Ese traje viste mucho. That dress is very fashionable.—Ese traje viste demasiado. That outfit's too dressy.
○ vestirse to dress ¿Quién le ayuda a Ud. a vestirse? Who helps you dress? ▲ to clothe oneself; to buy clothes Antes, yo me vestía en Paris. I used to buy my clothes in Paris. - veterano old, seasoned (of soldiers). ▲ [m] veteran; old hand, old-timer.
- vez [f] turn (in line) Le llegó a Ud. la vez de entrar. It was your turn to go in. ▲ time La primera vez que vine a los Estados Unidos fué en 1938. The first time I came to the United States was in 1938.
○ a la vez at once, simultaneously Todos querían hablar a la vez. Everybody wanted to talk at once. ○ alguna que otra vez occasionally Le'veía alguna que otra vez. I used to see him occasionally. ○ alguna vez, algunas veces sometimes Algunas veces voy a comer al restaurante. Sometimes I eat at the restaurant. ○ a veces occasionally A veces le veo en casa de sus amigos. Occasionally I see him at the home of friends. ○ cada vez each time ¡Que lo haga otra persona cada vez! Let a different person do it each time! ○ cada vez que whenever, every time Cada vez que le encuentro se lo digo. Whenever I see him I tell him so. ○ cuantas veces whenever, every time Cuantas veces lo veo me habla. Whenever I see him, he speaks to me. ○ ¿cuántas veces? how many times? how often? ○ de una vez immediately, without delay, right now ¡Hágalo de una vez! Do it right now! ▲ in (or at) a gulp Se lo comió de una vez. He ate it in a gulp. ○ de una vez para siempre once and for all De una vez para siempre se lo prohibo. Once and for all I forbid it. ○ de vez en cuando once in a while, from time to time De vez en cuando iba a verla. I went to see her once in a while. ○ dos veces twice. ○ en vez de instead of Voy a tomar pescado en vez de carne. I'm going to have fish instead of meat. ○ otra vez again ¿Por qué ha hecho Ud. eso otra vez? Why did you do that again? ▲ some other time Otra vez almorzaremos juntos. We'll have lunch together some other time. ○ tal vez perhaps Tal vez mañana podamos vernos. Perhaps we can meet tomorrow. ○ todas las veces que whenever, every time Todas las veces que le veo me pregunta por Ud. Whenever I see him he asks about you. ○ una vez once Me invitó a comer una vez. He invited me to dinner once.—Habia (or Era) una vez. . . . Once upon a time there was. . . . - vía track ¿Por qué vía viene el expreso? Which track does the express train come in on? ▲ route La vía marítima es algo peligrosa. The sea route's somewhat dangerous. ▲ via, by way of Llegamos a Nueva York vía Miami. We arrived in New York via Miami. ▲ method, procedure Se hizo por la vía ejecutiva. It was done through executive channels.
○ vía pública thoroughfare, street. - viajar to travel.
- viaje [m] trip, travel ¡Cuándo sale Ud. de viaje? When do you start on your trip?—Hizo un relato de sus viajes. He gave an account of his travels.
|| ¡Buen viaje! Bon voyage! or Have a good trip! - viajero, viajera traveler El viajero estaba muy cansado. The traveler was very tired. ▲ passenger Se ruega a los viajeros que conserven sus billetes. Passengers are requested to keep their tickets.
- víbora viper.
- vibrar to vibrate.
- vicio vice.
○ quejarse de vicio to complain habitually. - vicioso licentious, given to vice.
- víctima victim.
- victoria victory, triumph.
○ cantar victoria to celebrate victory; to crow too soon. - victorioso victorious, triumphant.
- vid [f] grapevine.
- vida life, human life Aquel descubrimiento salvó muchas vidas. That discovery saved many lives. ▲ life, liveliness El niño tiene mucha vida. The child's full of life. ▲ life, way of living Llevaba muy buena vida. He lived a very good life. ▲ life (being alive) Estuvo entre la vida y la muerte. He hovered between life and death. ▲ life, history Sabe la vida y milagros de todo el mundo. He knows everybody's life story.
○ en mi vida never in my life En mi vida le he visto. I've never seen him before in my life. ○ ganarse la vida to make (or earn) a living Se gana la vida escribiendo. He earns his living by writing. ○ vida de perros dog's life. - vidriera glass door, window, or partition; show case; show window [Am].
- vidriero glazier, dealer in glass.
- vidrio glass (material); pane of glass.
○ pagar los vidrios rotos to be made the scapegoat. - viejo old Aquella casa era muy vieja. That was a very old house. ▲ [m] old man [Am] El viejo caminaba con dificultad. The old man walked with difficulty. ▲ old man, pal [Am] ¡Oyeme viejo! Listen to me, old man!
○ los viejos parents (affectionate) [Am] Tengo que escribirles a los viejos. I have to write to my parents. ○ mi vieja my old lady (affectionate) [Am]. ○ mi viejo my old man (affectionate) [Am]. ○ viejo verde old goat Era un viejo verde. He was an old goat. - viento wind.
○ contra viento y marea come hell and high water. ○ con viento contrario against the wind. ○ ir viento en popa to go very well Sus negocios van viento en popa. His business is going very well. - vientre [m] belly.
- viernes [m sg] Friday.
○ Viernes Santo Good Friday. - viga beam (of a building).
- vigilancia vigilance, watchfulness.
- vigilante watchful. ▲ [m] watchman; [Arg] policeman.
- vigilar to watch, keep watch, guard, watch over.
- vigilia fast, abstaining from food for religious reasons; wakefulness.
○ comer de vigilia to fast (abstain from meat). - vigor [m] vigor, strength Era un hombre de mucho vigor. He was a man of great strength.
○ en vigor in effect, in force. ○ leyes en vigor laws in force. - vil vile, mean, despicable.
- villa town Toda la villa estaba alegre en la fiesta. The whole town was gay at the festival. ▲ villa, country house En el campo tengo una villa. I have a villa in the country.
- vinagre [m] vinegar.
○ cara de vinagre sour-puss. - vindicar to vindicate.
- vino wine.
○ vino tinto red wine. - viña vineyard.
- violencia violence, strength.
- violento impulsive; violent Tiene un carácter muy violento. He's very impulsive. ▲ strong No diga Ud. esas frasas tan violentas. Don't use such strong language.
○ sentirse violento to be embarrassed, feel out of place. - violeta violet; lilac (color).
- violin [m] violin.
- violón [m] bass viol.
○ tocar el violón to talk through one's hat. - virgen [adj; f] virgin.
- virtud [f] virtue, good quality; efficacy, power.
- virtuoso virtuous. ▲ [n] virtuoso.
- viruela smallpox.
- visera eyeshade, visor.
- visible [adj] visible.
- visillo window curtain.
- visión [f] vision Tuvo una visión. He had a vision. ▲ view, opinion Su visión del problema me parece justa. His view of the problem seems correct to me. ▲ sight, peculiar looking person Con aquel traje y aquel sombrero estaba hecha una visión. With that dress and hat she was a sight.
○ ver visiones to be seeing things, be deluded. - visita visit ¿Recibió Ud. la visita de mi amigo? Did my friend call on you? ▲ visitor, caller Con tantas visitas no hemos podido hacer nada. There were so many callers we haven't been able to accomplish anything.
○ hacer una visita to pay a call. ○ pagar la visita to return the call. ○ tener visita to have company No puede recibirle, tiene visita. She can't see you, she has company. - visitar to visit, call on ¿Cuándo podré visitarle? When may I call on you? ▲ to visit, to make a professional visit, make a call El doctor está visitando a sus enfermos. The doctor is making his calls. ▲ to inspect El inspector y los arquitectos han salido a visitar las obras. The inspector and the architects have gone to inspect the constructions.
- víspera eve, day before Hoy es la víspera de la fiesta. This is the eve of the holiday.
○ estar en vísperas de to be on the eve of, be about to Estaba en vísperas de embarcar para Europa. He was about to sail for Europe. - vista eyesight, vision Tiene muy buena vista. He has very good eyesight. ▲ sight ¡No te pongas delante de mi vista! Get out of my sight! ▲ view, vista La vista desde la terraza era preciosa. There was an attractive view from the terrace.
○ corto de vista near-sighted Es muy corto de vista. He's very near-sighted. ○ de vista by sight, without introduction No me han presentado, lo conozco sólo de de vista. I haven't been introduced to him; I know him only by sight. ○ echar la vista encima to lay eyes on (upon). ○ en vista de in view of En vista de esto, yo no puedo comer con Ud. hoy. In view of this, I cannot eat with you today. ○ hacer la vista gorda to wink (at), to overlook. ○ tener la vista cansada to have tired eyes; to be far-sighted. ○ tener vistas a to face La casa tiene vistas a la calle. The house faces the street. ○ vista cansada far-sightedness.
|| ¡Hasta la vista! So long! - visto (see ver) seen.
○ estar mal visto to be improper, be disapproved, be bad form No haga Ud. eso, equí está mal visto. Don't do that; it's considered bad form here. ○ estar visto to be evident, obvious, clear Está visto que Juan no viene. It's evident that John isn't coming. ○ no estar bien visto to be improper, frowned upon Eso no está muy bien visto. That isn't done. ○ por lo visto apparently Por lo visto no se acordó de que tenía que venir. Apparently he forgot that he was supposed to come. ○ visto bueno (abbr Vo Bo) approved, O.K. ▲ approval, O.K. Tiene que llevar el visto bueno del jefe. He has to have the chief's O.K. - vistoso showy, loud.
- vital vital, essential.
- vitrina show window [Am]; show case [Sp].
- viuda widow.
- viudo widower.
- víveres [m pl] provisions.
- viveza quickness, liveliness Tiene mucha viveza de ingenio. He has a quick mind. ▲ vehemence, spirit Al oírlo contestó con viveza. When she heard it she replied with spirit.
- vivienda dwelling, house.
- vivir to live, exist No sé si vive o ha muerto. I don't know whether he's living or dead. ▲ to live, to dwell Yo vivo en América. I live in America.
○ vivir de to live on Vivía de sus rentas. He lived on his investments.
|| ¿Quién vive? Who's there [Mil]? || ¡Viva! Hurray! || ¡Viva la República! Long live the Republic! - vivo alive Por fortuna estoy vivo. Fortunately I'm alive. ▲ vivid Los colores eran muy vivos. The colors were very vivid. ▲ intense La luz a esa altura es muy viva. The light at that altitude is very intense. ▲ acute, quick, keen Tiene una inteligencia muy viva. He has a very keen mind. ▲ [m] edging, piping Llevaba un traje con vivos verdes. She was wearing a suit with green piping. ▲ wise guy No me gusta porque es un vivo. I don't like him because he's a wise guy.
○ a lo vivo vividly Se lo pintó a lo vivo. He described it to her vividly. ○ de viva voz by word of mouth Lo aprendió de viva voz. He learned it by word of mouth. ○ en carne viva raw, open (wound) Tenía la rodilla en came viva. His knee was raw. ○ tocar en lo vivo to cut to the quick. - vocabulario vocabulary.
- vocación [f] vocation (activity or profession for which one feels an inner calling) Soy médico pero mi verdadera vocación era la pintura. I'm a doctor, but I've always wanted to be a painter.
- volado See volar.
○ hacer un volado to do something pressing or urgent [Am] Tengo que hacer un volado. I have something urgent to do. ○ volado de genio quick-tempered [Am]. - volante [m] steering wheel (of vehicle); flywheel.
○ tomar el volante to take the wheel. - volar [rad-ch I] to fly El avión vuela alto. The plane's flying high. ▲ to vanish, disappear Mi dinero voló. My money vanished. ▲ to blow up Volaron los puentes con dinamita. They blew up the bridges with dynamite.
○ volando quickly, on the run, as fast as possible Fué volando. He went on the run. - volcán [m] volcano.
- volcar [rad-ch I] to overturn, turn over El automóvil volcó al entrar en el puente. The car turned over when it entered the bridge.
- voltear to turn (over), whirl Volteaba en el trapecio. He was whirling on the trapeze.
○ voltearse to change party or creed Se volteó a otro partido. He changed sides. - volumen [m] bulk, volume; volume (book).
- voluntad [f] will Tiene una voluntad de hierro. He has a will of iron.
○ buena voluntad kindliness, good will. - voluntario voluntary. ▲ [m] volunteer.
- voluptuoso voluptuous.
- volver [irr] to turn (over) Volvía las páginas del libro rápidamente. He was turning the pages of the book quickly. ▲ to turn Este camino vuelve a la derecha. This road turns to the right. ▲ to return, go back Volvió a su casa por el mismo camino. He went back home by the same route. ▲ to return, to pay back, to give or send back Vuelva Ud. favor por favor. Return favor for favor.
○ volver a to . . . again No ha vuelto a escribirme. He hasn't written me again. ○ volver del revés to turn upside down; to turn inside out. ○ volver en'sí to recover consciousness, come to. ○ volver la cabeza to turn one's head Al oír su nombre volvió la cabeza. She turned her head when she heard her name. ○ volver loco to drive crazy, irritate Me vas a volver loco. You're driving me crazy. ○ volverse to turn Se le ha vuelto el pelo muy blanco. His hair has turned snow-white. ▲ to turn over ¡Haga el favor de volverse del lado contrario! Please turn over on the other side. ○ volverse atrás to flinch. ▲ to back out Dijo que vendría, pero se ha vuelto atrás. He said he would come, but he has backed out. ○ volverse loco to become crazy, become insane Se ha vuelto loco. He's gone crazy. - vomitar to vomit.
- vómito vomiting, vomit.
- voraz ravenous Tenía hambre voraz. He was ravenously hungry. ▲ fierce Un voraz incendio arrasó el edificio. ▲ fierce fire demolished the building.
- vos you [Fam; Am].
- votación [f] voting, balloting.
- voto vote, ballot; vow.
○ hacer voto to make a vow. - voz [f] voice.
○ a media voz softly Estaban hablando a media voz. They were talking softly. ○ a voces (by) shouting A voces no consigue Ud. nada. You won't get anything by shouting. ○ correr la voz to be rumored Corre la voz de que ha desaparecido. It's rumored
that he has disappeared. ○ dar voces to shout, yell ¡No des esas voces! Don't shout like that! ○ en voz alta aloud. ○ en voz baja very softly No hable Ud. en voz tan baja, no le oigo. Don't speak so softly, I can't hear you. ○ secreto a voces open secret. ○ voz de mando command A la voz de mando se pusieron en marcha. At the command they began to march.
- vuelco tumble, overturning.
- vuelo flight, trip De un solo vuelo el avión atravesó el mar. The airplane made a non-stop flight across the ocean. ▲ width, fullness Las faldas ahora tienen poco vuelo. Skirts are narrow this season.
○ al vuelo right away, quickly; in flight, on the wing. - vuelta turn, revolution. ▲ curve ¡Cuidado con esa vuelta! Watch out for that curve! ▲ change ¿Tiene Ud. vuelta de este billete? Do you have change for this bill?
○ a la vuelta upon returning A la vuelta de mi viaje nos veremos. We'll see each other when I get back from my trip. ○ a la vuelta de around La casa está a la vuelta de la esquina. The house is around the corner. ○ dar la vuelta a to turn Hay que dar dos vueltas a la llave. You have to turn the key twice. ▲ to go around Dimos la vuelta a la casa. We walked around the house. ○ darse vuelta to turn around; go to and fro Haga Ud. el favor de darse vuelta. Please turn around. ○ dar una vuelta to take a stroll, turn Vamos a dar una vuelta por el parque. Let's take a turn through the park. ▲ to turn over El automóvil dio una vuelta. The car turned over. ○ dar vueltas to turn La tierra da vueltas sobre su eje. The earth turns on its axis. ▲ to hang around Anda dando vueltas por ahí sin hacer nada. He's hanging around here not doing anything. ○ dar vueltas a to turn, turn around and around Déle vueltas a la manivela. Turn the handle. ○ poner de vuelta y media to give a bawling out.
|| No hay que darle vueltas. There are no two ways about it. - vuelto change (money) [Am] Cuente Ud. el vuelto. Count your change.
- vulgar vulgar, coarse; common.