Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/Y
- y and.
○ ¿y bien? all right Y bien, ¿cuándo nos vamos? All right, when do we go? ○ eso que and yet, even though Ud. no ha barrido mi cuarto, y eso que le dije que no dejara de hacerlo. You haven't swept my room, even though I told you not to fail to do so. ○ ¿y luego? and then Y luego, ¿qué pasó? And then what happened? ○ ¿y qué? is it true that [Am] ¿Y qué se fué para Europa? Is it true that he went to Europe? - ya already Ya sabe Ud. lo que yo quiero. You already know what I want. ▲ now Y a es tarde. It's too late now. ▲ at once, right now [Am] Hágalo ya. Do it right now.
○ ya lo creo of course ¿Quiere Ud. venir? ¡Ya lo creo! Do you want to come? Of course! ○ ya no no longer Ya no tengo ganas. I no longer feel like it. ○ ya pronto presently, any minute now Ya pronto llegará el tren. The train will be here any minute now. ○ ya que since Ya que me preguntas, te contestaré. Since you ask me, I'll tell you. ○ ya voy I'm coming! ¡Ya voy! espere un minuto. I'm coming! Wait a minute!
|| ¡Ya, ya! Sure! - yanqui Yankee, any citizen of the U.S.A.
- yapa something extra, good measure [Am] Me dieron esto de yapa. They gave me this for good measure.
- yegua mare.
- yema bud, shoot; yolk; cushion of fingertip.
- yerba herb; grass.
- yerno son-in-law.
- yerro error, mistake.
- yeso plaster.
- yeta bad luck, misfortune [Arg].
- yo I Soy yo. It's me. or It's I.
○ yo mismo I myself Yo mismo se lo dije. I told you so myself. - yodo iodine.
- yugo yoke (for animals).
- yunta team of draft animals.