Dictionary of Spoken Spanish/Part 1/Z
- zacate [m] grass; hay [Am].
- zafarse to slip off, come off [Am] Se zafó la rueda. The wheel came off. ▲ to dislocate [Am] Se ha zafado un brazo. He dislocated his arm. ▲ to get out of, avoid No'sé como zafarme de ese compromiso. I don't know how to get out of that engagement.
- zafio coarse, vulgar.
- zaguán [m] entrance, hall, vestibule.
- zambo [adj; n] half-breed (Negro and Indian).
- zambullida dive, plunge.
- zambullir to plunge.
○ zambullirse to dive. - zanahoria carrot.
- zancudo long-legged. ▲ [m] mosquito [Am].
- zangolotear to shake violently [Am].
- zanja ditch, trench.
- zapatería shoemaker's shop, shoe store.
- zapatero shoemaker.
- zapatilla slipper.
- zapato shoe.
- zarco blue-eyed.
- zarpar to weigh anchor; to sail, start moving (of a boat).
- zarza bramble.
- zarzuela musical comedy.
- zona district, zone.
- zonzo dull, stupid, silly [Am].
- zoológico zoological.
- zoquete [m] piece of stale bread; chuck, block; blockhead.
- zorro fox.
- zozobra worry.
- zozobrar to capsize, founder, sink.
- zumbar to buzz.
- zumbido buzz, buzzing.
- zumo juice (of fruit); juice (of fruit skin) [Am].
- zurcir to darn, mend.
- zurdo left-handed.
- zurrar to whip, flog.