Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ṳ
- cía sĭ nín kâi sṳ̄, ṳ́ tha nâng sĭm-mih siang-kang?
- This is your affair, and of what consequence is it to other people?
- ṳ́ úa bô̤ kang;
- it is nothing to me.
- i ṳ́ nâng m̄ tâng;
- he is unlike other people.
- ú phêng-íu kau-chap;
- consort with friends.
- cí kâi nâng hó̤ siang ṳ́;
- this person is a good one to consort with.
- cin ṳ́ ké cò̤-nî hun-pîet?
- How can one distinguish between the true and the false?
- kim ṳ́ kó m̄-tâng;
- the present and the past are unlike.
- hó̤ ṳ́ m̄ hó̤, tîeh lṳ́ cìaⁿ cai;
- the good and the bad must both be known to you.
- cí kâi nâng kio i sĭ lău siang-ṳ́;
- this is one of his old cronies.
- glutted;
- satiated; sick of.
- cîah tîeh ṳ̀-ṳ̀ nē, cîah m̄ lô̤h;
- my gorge rises when I take it, and I can't swallow it.
- pá-ṳ̀;
- glutted, surfeited.
- tò lăi pá-ṳ̀ pá-ṳ̀, m̄ sṳ cîah;
- my stomach felt full, and I did not think of eating.
- cîah lío tó lăi ṳ̀-sak;
- fell oppressed by the amount of food taken.
- ka-kī pa-lói lío, būe cîah cū soiⁿ ṳ̀;
- when I have myself prepared the food, I am sick of it before I have tasted it.
- thóiⁿ tîeh cū ṳ̀;
- loath the sight of it.
- ṳ̀ káu cn̂g kâi bŏi cîah;
- have had so much of it that I cannot eat it.
- im ṳ̀;
- dense shade.
- mō̤ⁿ tîeh thong thiⁿ to sĭ ṳ̀-khì;
- look off and see the whole heavens overcast.
- mâk chĭeⁿ ṳ̀;
- his sight is dim.
- i kâi mâk sèn ṳ̀ mô̤h;
- his eyes have a film forming over the iris.
- mâk-ciu ṳ̀-ṳ̀;
- his eyes are bleared.
- ṳ̀-sak, m̄ thong;
- obstructed with sediment, so that there is no intercommunication.
- líu lío cē keh kú (illegible text)u ṳ̀-sak khṳ̀;
- after being dug out it silts in after awhile so as to obstruct the passage.
- ṳ̀ hueh;
- effused blood; the blood that has settled in it.
- seⁿ ṳ̀ nêk;
- has proud flesh forming in it.
- cía îeh ŏi khṳ̀ ṳ̀ hueh, ŏi seⁿ sin hueh;
- this medicine will remove the extravasated blood and produce new blood.
- tîeh cîah kàu i kâi ṳ̀ hueh cheng-chó̤;
- must keep on taking it till the effused blood is all removed.
- ṳ̂ tī;
- unused space.
- cêk nâng li ŭ ṳ̂, cêk nâng li put cok;
- one has a superabundance and the other has not enough.
- hùi-ēng lío hŵn-lío ŭ ṳ̂ cîⁿ hó̤ cò̤ pât sṳ̄;
- beside what is required for expenses, there is still money left which amy be applied to other uses.
- cía sǹg sĭ ṳ̂ sṳ̄, bô̤-siang-kang kâi;
- this is an outside consideration, and of no importance.
- khi-ṳ̂;
- the remainder, the rest, what is over and above the amount required.
- khî-ṳ̂ kâi bó̤ lâu cò̤ céng-cí;
- save what is left for seed.
- cía sĭ ēng chûn ṳ̂-sīn kâi;
- this is the remainder.
- ṳ̂ kâi mûeh, úa m̄-àiⁿ;
- the remnants I do not care for.
- cîah chēng ŭ îong-ṳ̂;
- they have enough and to spare after buying food and clothing.
- îong-ṳ̂ kâi cîⁿ lâu-pàng-kò̤ cò̤ hó̤ sṳ̄;
- lay aside the money that is left over and expend it in some good work.
- hŵn ŭ ṳ̂-táng cōi-cōi nâng;
- there are still many others of the same ilk at large.
- 輿ṳ̂112215910
- To push out, or on ahead of one; to hold and sustain; to contain and bear, as the earth does its inhabitants.
- ṳ̂ cêk tieⁿ chia chut lâi;
- pushed by a carriage out ahead of him.
- cí kù ūe būe hó̤ ṳ̂ chut khṳ̀;
- do not yet utter this.
- khṳt i kù ūe û lâi kàn, i cū khì;
- when this utterance of hers reached him, he was angry.
- i kâi kīe ṳ̂ kàu tōa tn̂g tèng;
- his chair pushed on to the great hall.
- cí pak t(illegible text)-ṳ̂-tô̤;
- this map of the world, or of the Chinese empire.
- i ṳ̆-pĭ hó̤ a būe?
- Is he all ready for it?
- úa iⁿ-keng ṳ̆-pĭ pīn-pīn;
- I have already perfected the arrangement for it.
- hun-hù i tîeh cai ṳ̆;
- tell him he must be prepared for it.
- ṳ̆ hó̤ a būe?
- Is everything in readiness?
- úa bô̤ ṳ̆ i àiⁿ lâi;
- I did not foresee his coming.
- cí cho̤h nâng-kheh úa ṳ̆ ŭ poih sîaⁿ lâi, kù-chṳ́, ṳ̆ kàu lâk tieⁿ sîah;
- I more than half expected these guests, and therefore provided to some extent for their entertainment.
- chuah i m̄ cai ṳ̆ i;
- took him unawares.
- sái kàu nâng bô̤ ṳ̆;
- take people by surprise.
- soiⁿ ṳ̆ tó̤-kò̤;
- all ready beforehand.
- soiⁿ cò̤ kâi hì sĭ ṳ̆ cok kâi;
- the first performance was a forerunner of others to come in celebration of a god's birthday.
- úa cía sṳ̄ hŵn sĭ iu-ṳ̆, bue kwt;
- I am not yet ready to take up the matter, and am still undecided in regard to it.
- úa thóiⁿ i sĭ îu-îu ṳ̆-ṳ̆, bô̤ kwt-tẁn;
- I see that he is dallying, and is not ready for any decisive action.
- úa bô̤ ṳ̆ sṳ̄;
- I have nothing to do with the matter.
- cía sṳ̄ úa bô̤ ṳ̆ cai;
- this affair is something that I know nothing about.
- i chŵn bò̤ ṳ̆ bŭn;
- he heard nothing about it.
- ṳ̆, pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- ah, he has fallen down.
- ṳ̆, bŏi hó̤ lío;
- there, it is spoiled.