Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/a
- a-nôⁿ;
- my child.
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ;
- an infant.
- a-hiaⁿ;
- elder brother.
- a-pĕ;
- father.
- o-a a-a-kìe;
- the raven croaks.
- noⁿ-kíaⁿ khí-thâu ô̤h tàⁿ-ūe cĭu a-a-kìe;
- children beginning to learn to talk utter confused sounds.
- o-a;
- a crow.
- hṳ̂-a;
- a fish-hawk.
- a-phìen;
- opium.
- a siaⁿ;
- hoarse.
- siaⁿ li sĭ a siaⁿ;
- his voice is husky.
- ŭ o-a kìe saⁿ siaⁿ;
- a crow cawed three times.
- o-a lô̤h îeⁿ;
- the position of a crow descending into a field, (a fine site, geomantically considered).
- cúi kàu hṳ́-kò̤ pun a;
- the stream there divides into two branches.
- cí tîo hô̤ tŏ̤ ĕ pôiⁿ pun cò̤ saⁿ a;
- this river in its lower portion divides into three branches.
- chīu tōa, pun a;
- the tree grows and puts forth branches.
- pun cò̤ chit poih a;
- divides into seven or eight forks.
- cêk a cài pun cò̤ ku-ā a;
- one branch divided into several branches.
- a-che;
- a crotched stick, used as a support.
- khîeh ki a-che lâi thèⁿ;
- get a forked stick and prop it up.
- bô̤ a-che saⁿ cò̤-nî nê?
- Without crotches how can the clothes be hung out to dry?
- ki-búe khui a;
- the twigs are sprouting.
- lŏ pun cò̤ nŏ̤ a;
- the road divided into two forks.
- suaⁿ-lêng kîaⁿ kàu cí-kò̤ cĭu pun a;
- the spur of the mountain at this point divided off.
- cí câng hue pun cò̤ kúi a;
- this flower consists of several sprigs.
- hiah tŏ̤ tŏiⁿ kúi a, nē?
- On which branch is it perched?
- àiⁿ cám-tīo tī cêk a?
- Which branch would you chop off?
- cí a tn̂g, cí a tó̤;
- one of the tines is longer than the other.
- ŭ a bô̤?
- Is there any or not?
- lṳ́ cêng a m̄ cêng?
- Have you or have you not?
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ tîeh hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?
- Do you think it desirable, or not?
- lṳ́ àiⁿ pêh kâi a o kâi?
- Do you want white ones or black ones?
- àiⁿ kàu a būe?
- Are we almost there?
- sĭ i kâi a-hiaⁿ a m̄ si?
- It is his brother is it not?
- noih-a-noih;
- limping along.
- hìⁿ-a-hìⁿ;
- hobbling on.
- kŭai-a-kŭai;
- limping at every step.
- chĭang-a-chĭang;
- walking as one does when one leg is shorter than the other.
- phĕ-a-phĕ;
- walking lamely, in such a way as to throw the body forward by jerks.
- hit-a-hit;
- swinging to and fro.
- lû-a-lû;
- keeps poking it.
- pue-a-pue;
- flying round and round.
- nih-a-nih;
- winking every little while.
- lín-a-lín;
- turns over at intervals.
- i tŏ̤ cúi mīn lìm-a-lìm;
- it bobs up and down on the surface of the water.
- cûn sŏ̤-a-sŏ̤;
- the boat tosses constantly.
- chūe-a-chūe cū chūe tîeh;
- keep on looking for it and you will find it.
- bûa-a-bûa cū chûn tíam-kíaⁿ;
- by successive grindings it is worn away so that there is but little left.
- á cîh;
- to break by bending.
- à chùi;
- to snap in shivers.
- á tn̆g;
- to snap off.
- á cò̤ kûeh;
- to break in two.
- á chíu pà;
- to test the strength by seizing each other's wrists.
- á cang-khak;
- to make the frame of a coiffure.
- á chīu-ki;
- break off a branch of a tree.
- á lúi hue;
- pluck a flower.
- á kaⁿ-ná;
- pick olives.
- a tò̤-tńg;
- bend backward.
- á tît cē;
- bend it straighter.
- màiⁿ á khah wn;
- do not bend it into too short a curve.
- á būe lô̤h sì;
- have not yet brought it into shape.
- á sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
- twist it into a correct shape.
- jĭm á m̄ wn;
- endure pressure without bending.
- àiⁿ á tîeh lóng-cóng á;
- if you pluck any you must pluck all.
- chíu-cńg-thâu á jîp, bô̤ á chut;
- his fingers clutch but never relax, (said of a miser).
- cí kâi jī tàⁿ lâi cong-kú á m̄ tńg;
- he never gets the pronunciation of this word right.
- sie à;
- to debate.
- à m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;
- would not stop disputing.
- bô̤ lí, à kàu ŭ lí;
- make the worse appear the better reason.
- i à tàⁿ bô̤;
- he denied its being so.
- à îaⁿ;
- out argue.
- à su;
- worsted in argument.
- à m̄ khui kau;
- argue without coming to a conclusion.
- à-sìaⁿ;
- the second sage, Mencius.
- à-ngŵn;
- the scholar ranking next to the senior wrangler among the successful candidates for the degrees of hâng-lim, cìu-sṳ̆ and kṳ́-jîn.
- à-pĕ;
- next to a father to me.
- 歟ă11227614
- A final particle, indicative of relief or admiration, but mostly used after a question expressive of doubt, surprise or irony.
- i káⁿ sĭ bô̤, ă!
- He has none then!
- tùi cí-kò̤ khṳ̀, sĭ ă?
- This is the way to go, is it?
- sĭ i ă!
- It is he, certainly.
- i sĭ khṳ̀ khîu i kâi ă!
- He has gone to beseech it of him!
- hó̤, ă ;
- that will do perhaps.
- khah sòi, ă;
- that is too small surely.
- kàu ă;
- we are there by this time surely.
- ài-ă;
- an interjection expressing surprise or incredulity.
- sĭ uá ā;
- it is I.
- lṳ́ ā, ĕ tńg m̄ hó̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ ā;
- another time don't you do thus.
- sĭ ā;
- that is so.
- sĭ ā, tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ cìa° tîeh ā;
- yes, that is the way it must be.
- i sĭ a-hiaⁿ ā;
- he is the elder.
- uá lâi khṳ̀ ā;
- I am going.
- nâng ā, thâu ā!
- Look out for your head there!
- ā-sĭ; īa-sĭ;
- if; should it be; in case that; supposing that.
- ā-sĭ ŭ, hó̤ bói;
- should there be any, buy them.
- ā-sĭ úa lâi cū hó̤;
- had I come it would have been well.
- ā-sĭ ŭ hŏ, i cĭu m̄ lâi;
- should it rain he will not come.
- i ā-sĭ bô̤ lâi —;
- if he does not come —.
- lṳ́ ā-sĭ m̆ —;
- if you are determined that you will not —.
- īa m̄ sĭ;
- if not.