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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/aⁿ

From Wikisource


  • aⁿ1088648
  • To cover; to hide from view; to screen.
aⁿ mâk;
to hoodwink.
aⁿ mâk cáu tìam;
"hide and seek."
aⁿ mâk, phìen phīⁿ;
to throw dust in one's eyes; to thoroughly deceive.
aⁿ nâng kâi chùi, aⁿ căi tit mi?
How can people's mouths be stopped?
aⁿ mīn;
hide the face.
aⁿ hĭⁿ;
cover the ears with the hands.
aⁿ phīⁿ;
hold the nose.
kúi aⁿ mâk;
preternaturally blind.
aⁿ m̄ cŭ;
not effectually closed.
chit phìⁿ aⁿ m̄ cŭ;
all the doors are not simultaneously shut.
aⁿ mi-mi, bô̤ nâng cai;
concealed from every body's cognizance, aⁿ m̄ lī; irrepressible.
  • àⁿ11496418
  • To hold in the arms or lap; to snuggle.
àⁿ a-nôⁿ;
snuggle a baby.
àⁿ i tó̤ ût;
rock him to sleep.
tîeh àⁿ i, cìaⁿ ŏi ût;
you must snuggle him then he will sleep.
àⁿ hó̤-hó̤, màiⁿ kiaⁿ tîeh i;
hold him nicely, and do not startle him.
àⁿ tŏ̤ sin piⁿ;
hugged close.
àⁿ kàu sie-sie;
cuddled up warm.
  • àⁿ15294
  • To sit on eggs, to incubate; to hover over; to lie perdue.
koi-bó̤ àⁿ koi-kíaⁿ;
the hen covers the chickens.
àⁿ tŏ̤ i sît ĕ;
covered under her wings.
koi-bó̤ tó̤ àⁿ n̆ng;
the hen is sitting.
ēng àⁿ jîeh kú cìaⁿ ŏi chut koi-kíaⁿ?
How long must she sit in order to hatch out the chickens?
n̆ng khah cōi, ŏi àⁿ m̄ câu a bŏi?
If there be too many eggs, won't they fail to be uniformly warmed by her sitting on them?
khîeh kâi ah-n̆ng khṳt i àⁿ;
get a duck's egg and put it under her.
  • âⁿ4531818
  • To exhort to peace; to separate those who are fighting; to part combatants.
īa m̄ sĭ i lâi âⁿ, tîeh khṳt i phah sí khṳ̀;
if he had not come and separated us, I should have been beaten to death by him.
i lâi âⁿ i khui;
he came and separated them.
bô̤ nâng khéng khṳ̀ âⁿ i;
no one would go and interfere in the fray.
i kìe-sĭ i âⁿ phiⁿ, kŭa khṳ̀ âⁿ kâi nâng to khṳt i phah;
he complains that he evinced partiality in his interference, taking hold of one in such a way as to let the other beat him.
âⁿ m̄ chái;
paid no heed to the attempt to make them stop fighting.
  • ăⁿ571045
  • A bruise; a swelling caused by a blow or knock which does not break the skin.
céng kâi ăⁿ khí lâi; phû kâi ăⁿ;
a swelling arose.
pûah kàu kâi ăⁿ;
fell and bumped it so that it swelled up.
cŭang kàu kâi ăⁿ;
bumped it and caused it to swell.
cí kâi ăⁿ sĭ khṳt nâng phah tîeh a sĭ cŭang tîeh?
Is this swelling caused by a blow or by a bump?
kâi ăⁿ, o-cheⁿ kek hueh;
a black and blue swelling.
  • āⁿ2021848
  • The fruit or meat filling in pastry; the core of cakes or dumplings.
tîam āⁿ;
sweet pies.
kîam āⁿ;
cakes filled with hashed meat and vegetables.
pau āⁿ kai píaⁿ;
cakes having a stuffing of fruit, etc.
tāu-sa ⁿāⁿ;
a core of mashed beans.
sò̤-tāu āⁿ;
a core made of bean flour.
cût-bí āⁿ;
a core of glutinous rice.
tṳ-nêk āⁿ;
a core of hashed pork.
lêk-tāu āⁿ;
a core of green peas.
kúe āⁿ; píaⁿ āⁿ;
the stuffing in cakes.
hṳ́ tói pau āⁿ;
there is stuffing enclosed in it.
bô̤ āⁿ kâi pau, kìe-cò̤ sît-sim pau;
dumplings that have no stuffing are called solid dumplings.
āⁿ pau khah pá;
there is too much stuffing in the dumpling.
āⁿ bōi pá;
there is too little stuffing.
phûe khah pô̤h, i kâi āⁿ cū kiuh chut lâi;
if the paste is too thin the filling will burst out.