Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ak
- ak hue;
- to water flowers.
- ak cúi;
- to wet by pouring on water.
- ak hŏ; khṳt hŏ ak tîeh;
- wet by the rain.
- jīo kàu hṳ́-kò̤ cìaⁿ ak tîeh;
- pursued him to that point and there caught him.
- ak tîeh i kâi piⁿ;
- caught him by the cue.
- híam-híam ak m̄ tîeh;
- caught at and came very near missing it.
- ak-nâng;
- the wicked.
- cŭe-ak;
- wickedness.
- câp ak;
- all sorts of crimes.
- ak sôk;
- evil ways, tăi ak; great crimes.
- ak căi;
- very wicked.
- hiong-ak;
- malicious.
- ak-tâk;
- venomous.
- cek ak;
- heap up iniquity.
- ak hĕng;
- vicious looking.
- ak ŭ ak pò̤;
- wickedness brings its own retribution.
- nâng m̄ cò̤ ak, nâng m̄ ùi;
- where there is no iniquity, there is no fear.
- ak kùe cûa;
- more malignant than a serpent.
- pĕ ak, kíaⁿ hîen;
- wise sons of wicked fathers.
- ak cît;
- virulent disease.
- sim cṳ̂, mău ak;
- a gentle heart under a savage exterior.
- ak-nâng, ak-nâng tṳ̂;
- the wicked extripate the wicked.
- cŭe-ak thau thiⁿ;
- their wickedness reaches to the heavens.
- ak ūe;
- obscene talk.
- ak kiaⁿ;
- allay fear.
- hàm i a-ne sâh nŏ̤ kâi ngio n̆ng kio i ak kiaⁿ;
- tell his mother to boil two cats' eggs with which to quiet his alarm.
- cía tîeh i khṳ̀, cìaⁿ ak tit cŭ, pât nâng ak m̄ tîo;
- he is the one who must go, then they will be pacified, no one else can tranquilize them.
- có̤-ak;
- to bring to a standstill.
- ak-cí;
- to put a stop to.
- ak ak, îang sĭen;
- repress iniquity and encourage righteousness.
- ak-cí;
- to stop.
- ut-ak;
- irked.
- ak-cŭ;
- to repress.
- ak i m̄ cŭ;
- could not curb it.
- ak i m̄ tîo;
- could not restrain it.
- ak-cì i;
- restrain him.
- ka-kī ak-cì m̄ cŭ;
- could not himself control it.
- soiⁿ ak ău îang, soiⁿ îang ău ak;
- play fast and loose with.
- ak-hok;
- should it be.
- ak-hok cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- should it be thus.
- ak-hok i lâi, úa cĭu mîen khṳ̀;
- should he come, then I need not go.
- ak-hok ŭ cí kâi, lṳ́ àiⁿ jîeh cōi?
- Should there be that kind, how many do you want?