Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/be
- cêk ciah bé; cêk phit bé;
- one horse.
- khîa bé;
- to ride a horse.
- bé kó;
- a stallion.
- bé bó̤;
- a mare.
- tōa bé;
- a full grown horse.
- bé kíaⁿ;
- a colt.
- tōa pak bé;
- a Mongolian horse.
- choiⁿ lí bé;
- a swift courier; a fast horse.
- bé uaⁿ;
- a saddle.
- bé piⁿ;
- a horsewhip.
- bé so̤h;
- a bridle, or halter.
- bé chia;
- a carriage drawn by horses.
- bé chíang;
- a shed for horses.
- bé pâng;
- a stable.
- bé thua chia;
- horses draw carts.
- bé-lēng-thâu;
- the headstall.
- lêk bé;
- to guide a horse.
- lêk tńg bé thâu;
- to rein the horse about.
- lêk cŭ bé;
- to rein up and stop a horse.
- pûah lô̤h bé;
- to fall off a horse.
- bé hwn-tŏ, àiⁿ lô̤h hŏ;
- when the horses roll it is going to rain.
- bê-lêk-tŏ;
- a surcingle.
- bé-tâh-tèng;
- a stirrup.
- bé-uaⁿ-kîe;
- the pommel of a saddle.
- bé-phŭe;
- a saddle-cloth.
- bé-cô̤;
- a manger.
- bé līo; bé cháu;
- provender.
- bé thâu;
- a pier.
- bé lō;
- a verandah.
- bé thâu cîeh;
- a stone landing.
- bé hu; khang bé kâi;
- a groom.
- līu bé;
- to exercise a horse for its health.
- hó̤ bé;
- a gentle horse.
- bé tôi;
- a horse's hoof; the water-chestnut.
- bé tôi hún;
- flour made from the water-chestnut.
- bé cang mó̤ⁿ;
- horse's mane.
- téng bé;
- an attendant who rides ahead.
- piaⁿ bé;
- cavalry.
- bé piaⁿ;
- mounted soldiers.
- nâng-bé cōi;
- there is a great crowd.
- bé thâu lô̤;
- a gong sounded before an official who is riding.
- lô̤h bé têng;
- a portico where riders dismount.
- châ bé;
- a saw-horse.
- cìen bé;
- a warhorse.
- hái bé;
- the sea-horse.
- pháu bé;
- to gallop a horse.
- bé tău;
- a race course.
- toaⁿ piⁿ phit bé;
- a solitary horseman.
- si bé;
- an inspector of cavalry.
- bé tùi;
- a procession of horsemen.
- bé kéng;
- a fancy dress parade.
- híang bé châk;
- mounted robbers.
- khîa koi bé;
- to ride on one's shoulder.
- bé kâm kieⁿ;
- the horse's bits.
- bé-íⁿ;
- a high stool.
- sùe kûiⁿ kha bé-íⁿ, thóiⁿ hì;
- hired a high trestle, to sit on and see the play.
- bé-cah-íⁿ;
- a folding chair.
- phah tieⁿ bé-cah-íⁿ tó̤ cŏ̤;
- spread a folding chair and sat down.
- cám bé to̤;
- a long knife, used in war for cutting the legs of cavalry horses.
- bé tūi;
- a company of cavalry.
- teng bé;
- the part of a lamp which carries the wick.
- pha cĭeⁿ bé;
- to mount a horse.
- pha lô̤h bé;
- dismount from a horse.
- pha cĭeⁿ bé sin cū tîeh khîa;
- if you mount a horse you must ride him.
- bé-keng ío khin pō-keng;
- the bows used by the cavalry are lighter than those used by the infantry.
- bé-cìⁿ pí pō-cìⁿ ío kōi sīa tîeh;
- the arrows used by the cavalry are easier to shoot than are those used by the infantry.
- mîaⁿ bé;
- a famous horse; a noted person.
- chiah bé; kò bé;
- one employed to do work that his employer ought to do.
- cò̤ bé;
- to do work that another ought and is unable to do.
- kìm bô pàng bé;
- to forbid the employment of "ponies" at a literary examination.
- lîah tîeh kúi kâi bé;
- caught several "ponies."
- kîaⁿ khui cē, màiⁿ khṳt bé thak tîeh;
- withdraw a little, so as not to be kicked by the horse.
- khṳt bé tâh tîeh;
- tread upon by a horse; injured by an irresponsible person.
- bé pùe m̄ jû gû pùe ún;
- it is better to be carried by an ox (from which you will not fall) than by a horse (which will throw you off).
- bé uaⁿ pì tŏ̤ bé sin téng;
- the saddle is carried on the horse's back.
- gû chia, bé cài;
- carried by oxen and horses.
- pháu bé siā cìⁿ;
- shoot arrows from the back of a horse running at full gallop.
- bé mīn;
- long faced.
- lâm jîn seng cûn, pak jîn khîa bé;
- southerners travel by boat, and northerners on horse back.
- cŏ̤ kâi bé;
- to stand with the knees bent and the feet far apart.
- cŏ̤ kĕ bé;
- to squat down.
- bé ău phàu;
- reserve force.
- màiⁿ chòng i kai bé thâu;
- do not cross over in front of his horse.
- khí bé;
- the horse that leads the procession.
- cîeh nâng, cîeh bé;
- statue of a man on horse back.
- hùam bé hùam nâng khîa;
- refractory horses find reckless riders.
- hó̤ bé m̄ cîah hûe thâu cháu;
- gentle horses do not turn their heads to eat from stalls behind them.
- saⁿ-kha-bé;
- a three legged stool.
- phah khui saⁿ-kha-bé;
- to unfold a stand having jointed legs.
- ì bé, sim ŵn;
- a restless mind.
- tn̆g so̤h bé;
- a runaway horse.
- thàm bé;
- spies.
- bô̤ gû, sái bé;
- if you have not an ox, you must use the horse.
- táng kàu thih chīu khui hue, bé seⁿ kak;
- wait tell iron trees blossom, and horses have horns.
- bé ûang îa;
- a god, worshiped by soldiers.
- bé-kúi;
- the seven legged spider.
- bé-lêng-khîa;
- a large spider that carries its young in a nest attached to its belly.
- pò-bé;
- an artificial horse, used in theatres.
- cúa-bé;
- paper horses burned in idol worship.
- cáu bé teng;
- a revolving lantern.
- cí kâi nâng hó̤ keng bé;
- this man is expert in shooting with a bow from on horseback.
- bé khùai;
- constables who catch thieves.
- bô̤ siu bô̤ sîp, kio bé-lîu-sîn hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- as unkempt as a roving sprite.
- cêk ngân ìn chut, sì bé lâng tui;
- when a word is once spoken, a team of horses cannot bring it back.
- úa tó̤ kuah bé cháu, lṳ́ tó̤ cíeⁿ mî-îeⁿ, chap lṳ́ cò̤-pû lío, úa kâi tó bŏi pá;
- I cut grass for horses, and you tend sheep; if I stay along with you my stomach will never be filled.
- huap bé-chìn;
- standard balances.
- si-bé-chìn;
- balances that weigh sixteen taels to the catty.
- cok si-bé;
- full weights; the regular weights.
- bé-kíaⁿ; bé-cí;
- weights for weighing money.
- jī-bé;
- figures; numerals.
- phah àm bé;
- put a private mark on it.
- phah bé-kíaⁿ;
- write down the figures.