Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/beh
- síe bêh;
- common wheat.
- tōa bêh;
- barley.
- saⁿ-kak bêh;
- buckwheat.
- bêh-sūi;
- an ear of wheat.
- bêh-kó̤;
- wheat stubble.
- bêh-kó̤-cháu bō̤;
- a hat made of wheat straw.
- bêh pho;
- bran.
- bêh hún;
- flour made from parched wheat.
- bêh chòi;
- coarse wheaten flour.
- bêh kúe;
- wheaten cakes.
- bêh luah;
- strips of dried paste.
- kuah bêh;
- to reap wheat.
- oi bêh;
- to grind wheat.
- phah bêh;
- sut bêh; to thresh wheat.
- bêh gê;
- wheat sprouts, used in medicine.