Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/bu
- thìo-bú;
- dancing and tumbling.
- ko̤-bú;
- singing and dancing.
- bú kìam;
- fencing.
- bú-lŏng;
- play a double part.
- bú-pī;
- surreptitiously.
- kó bú;
- pantomimes.
- bú ît;
- perform as mummers, who act in relays of eight, at the worship of ancestors.
- bù-íang;
- to rear or nurture.
- tâng sòi bú-íang kàu tōa;
- reared up from childhood.
- uaⁿ-bú peh-sèⁿ;
- to manage the people.
- bú-īⁿ; bú-thâi; sûn-bú;
- the governor of a province.
- bûn bú;
- civil and military.
- bú kuaⁿ;
- bú cìang; military officers.
- bú-thông;
- cadets.
- khì bûn, cíu bú;
- discard the civil service and enter the military.
- ô̤h bú;
- learn military tactics.
- ô̤h bú gōi;
- learn to be a soldier.
- bú hu;
- a soldierly man.
- līen bú;
- practiced in warfare.
- bú tîeⁿ;
- an arena for military trials.
- eng-hîong bô̤ eng-bú cṳ tí;
- a valiant man without a field to make conquests in.
- bûn bú húe;
- intense heat.
- bú-tẁn hieⁿ-lí;
- to intimidate the villages.
- bûn bú hak;
- civil and military authority.
- tá bú sin;
- dress in military costume.
- bōi bú;
- a mock battle.
- bú cìen;
- prepared as for a fight.
- kà bú;
- instruct in military tactics.
- bú-bú nē;
- a martial air.
- ĭo-bú îang-ui;
- martial splendor and dignity.
- bú îaⁿ;
- a military camp.
- i khîa ki thûi cū bú khṳ̀;
- he took a club and charged upon them.
- i khṳt i bú pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- they were knocked down by his onset.
- bú sí;
- to set upon and kill.
- eng-bú;
- a parrot.
- pêh eng-bú;
- a cockatoo.
- eng-bú ŏi tàⁿ ūe, hŵn sǹg sĭ cío;
- though parrots can talk they are still reckoned among birds.
- bú-lŏng;
- to make game of.
- bú-bw̆n;
- to lord it over.
- thóin tîeh bú-bú;
- appears very gallant.
- siu-sîp kàu nĕ bú-bú;
- apparelled in such a way as to appear very menacing.
- lâm-bú;
- a wizzard.
- ńng-bû;
- a witch.
- 誣bû10591497
- To affirm what is false, with malicious intentions; to inculpate falsely; to invent a statement; to calumniate.
- bû-lūa nâng;
- to implicate unjustly.
- bû hām;
- to involve so as to injure.
- bû sì, hok mîn;
- delude the people.
- bû-kò̤ àiⁿ hẃn cŏ̤, kù-chṳ́ m̄ hó̤ bû-kò̤ nâng;
- a lying charge brings down its punishment on the accuser, therefore make no lying charges.
- m̄ hó̤ bû lîang ûi tău, m̄ hó̤ bû lîang ûi chiang;
- do not falsely accuse the upright of theft and the pure of lewdness.
- pĭ nâng bû kâi;
- subjected to a false accusation.
- lîang bû;
- a summer portico.
- tâng bû, sâi bû;
- east and west piazzas.
- lăi bû, gūa bû;
- inner and outer galleries.
- chân-hn̂g huang-bû;
- neglected fields.
- 務bŭ1062198
- To bend the mind to a subject; to strive after; concerns; business; an intensive particle; certainly.
- sṳ̄-bŭ;
- business.
- kong bŭ;
- public affairs.
- ke bŭ;
- domestic concerns.
- cwn bŭ thâk cṳ;
- devoted to study.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ tîeh bŭ pún;
- in the transaction of business there must be undivided attention.
- lông bŭ;
- agricultural affairs.
- gūa bŭ;
- extraneous sources of profit.
- bŭ gūa;
- attend to outside concerns.
- bŭ-pit tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is necessarily so.
- bŭ-su tîeh nā kò̤;
- must certainly stay.
- bŭ-pit;
- indispensable.
- sṳ̄-bŭ cōi;
- has many functions; has much to attend to.
- i kâi chù khṳt tōa phàu bū tó̤ khṳ̀;
- his house was blown down by the cannon.
- bū sí kuí câp nâng;
- killed several tens of persons by the blast.
- bū tîm i kâi cûn;
- sunk their ship by firing upon it.
- cía phàu khah sòi ki, bū i bô̤ bī;
- this cannon is too small, firing it has no effect.
- bū kàu i kâi îaⁿ chap-chap-chùi;
- fired upon their intrenchment and blew it to pieces.
- bū cúi lío cìaⁿ hó̤ sàṳ tò̤;
- spurt water out of the mouth to settle the dust, and then you may sweep the floor.
- cîah cúi-hun bū tâm tò̤;
- those who smoke strong tobacco spit all over the floor.
- hûn-bū;
- misty.
- hwt bū;
- become misty.
- mông-bū mông-bū;
- very foggy.
- thiⁿ bū-bū, àiⁿ lô̤h hŏ;
- the sky is cloudy, it is going to rain.
- in-bū;
- steam.
- suaⁿ khṳt bū câh tîeh;
- the view of the land is cut off by the vapor.
- pìn koiⁿ bū-bū, lî hn̆g cĭu thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
- is full of mist, so that you cannot see far.
- mâk bū-bū;
- my eyes are dim.
- mâk thóiⁿ tîeh pêh-bū pêh-bū;
- his vision is clouded.
- pêh-bū, pêh-bū;
- clean and bright.
- pêh kàu ŏi bū;
- of dazzling whiteness.