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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ceng

From Wikisource


  • ceng1061679
  • A small cup.
cíu ceng;
a wine cup.
tê ceng;
a tea cup.
tê ceng pûaⁿ;
a saucer.
  • ceng10616712
  • A bell with flaring mouth.
phah ceng;
ring a bell.
ceng híang a būe?
Has the bell rung yet?
a clock.
a belfry.
a clock shelf.
a clock that stands on a broad base.
cêk tíam ceng;
one o'clock.
saⁿ tíam pùaⁿ ceng;
half past three o'clock.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ sî-ceng kṳ́i tíam;
look at the clock and see what time it is.
khà ceng;
ring a bell by beating upon it.
khio ceng lûi kó;
ring bells and sound drums.
cŭang bâk ceng;
ring a wooden bell; to intrust business to a fool.
ceng híang m̄ tùi sî;
the bell rang out of time.
siu-sîp ceng pie kâi nâng;
one who repairs clocks and watches.
ceng būe híang i soiⁿ lâi;
he came before the bell rang.
  • ceng1151345
  • To pound with a pounder, held vertically.
ceng bí;
to pound rice.
ceng chîeⁿ;
to pound up a wall.
ceng thô;
to pound up clay.
ceng chòi;
to pound rice flour.
ceng thâng-îu-hue;
to make putty.
ceng îeh-îⁿ;
make pills.
ceng cî cò̤ kúe;
make dough for cakes.
lṳ́ lâi ceng, úa lâi thai;
you pound and I will sift.
m̄-hó̤ ceng tîeh i kâi chíu;
do not pound her hand.
ceng kàu chùi-chùi;
pound it up into small fragments.
ceng kàu hu-hu;
pulverize it finely.
  • ceng7846411
  • To batter; to knock about; to run against.
ceng mn̂g ceng hŏ;
batter down doors.
ceng úaⁿ, tǹg tîh;
smash the dishes.
ceng pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
knocked down by being run against.
ceng ka-lâuh cêk kâi khí;
had a tooth knocked out.
ceng kàu mâk úaⁿ céng;
knocked him so as to cause his eye to swell up.
thó ceng;
knock things to pieces, as in anger.
ceng kàu i bŏi kîaⁿ;
mauled him so he could not walk.
thóiⁿ kéng sie léng, thóiⁿ teng sie ceng;
pushing to see a fine view, or mauling each other at a puppet show.
  • ceng30648
  • To strike with a horizontal stroke.
lîah lío tùi i kâi sim-kuaⁿ li-li ceng;
seized him, and struck him repeatedly in the chest.
ceng tîeh i kâi hîap-ĕ;
struck him in the side.
ceng tîeh ka-ciah, ceng bô̤ bī;
it is of no use to hit him on his back.
cattle; domestic animals.
chī ŭ jîeh cōi ceng-seⁿ?
How many domestic animals do you keep?
ceng-seⁿ kâi mûeh sek căi;
dumb creatures are very knowing.
àu ceng-seⁿ!
You nasty brute!
  • ceng9921198
  • The germinating principle; the essence; before another adjective it sometimes makes that adjective intensive.
the quintessence; animal vigor.
ŭ ceng-sîn;
vigorous; sprightly.
ceng-sîn cok căi;
full of vitality.
bô̤ ceng-sîn;
no vitality.
ceng-sîn khùn-tŏaⁿ;
a low state of the nervous system; weak vitality.
seⁿ lâi ceng-sîn câi;
naturally very vigorous.
sang mâk ho̤h ceng-sîn;
eyes bright and indicative of health.
sîn-khì bô̤ hêng, ceng-hueh ŭ hêng;
vitality is invisible, but the vascular system may be seen.
ceng piaⁿ;
picked men.
ceng sòi;
very small.
ceng cho;
very ugly.
ceng bīo;
very subtle.
the marrow.
ceng-khì chong cok;
abundant animal vigor.
pó-iah ceng-khì;
recuperate the animal vigor.
ceng-khì pô̤h;
weak vitality.
sĭm sĭ seⁿ ceng-hueh;
excellent for strengthening the system.
pó ceng, mêng mâk;
strengthening the nervous system improves the sight.
  • ceng74605
  • To reduce to submission, or to chastise refractory states.
chut ceng;
go out to war against rebels.
ceng tu;
to exterminate the rebels.
ceng hŵt;
to subdue and punish.
lâm ceng, pak tháu;
the south subjugated and the north brought under authority.
ceng-pí sṳ-îa;
a clerk of the taxes in a district magistrate's yamun.
chut ceng piaⁿ;
veteran troops; tried warriors.
chut ceng kîeⁿ síu sîaⁿ;
more is to be gained by going forth to conquer than by staying at home to defend.
  • ceng952738
  • To duplicate, said of generations only.
great grandfather.
great grandson.
great grandparents.
great grandson's wife.
cí kháu phûn sĭ cǹg i ceng-có;
this grave is the one in which his great grandfather is buried.
  • ceng731542
  • Clean, chaste, pure.
ceng kiet;
chaste, even unto death.
síu ceng;
a betrothed girl whose affianced died before the nuptials, and who refuses to marry.
ceng ńng;
a virgin.
ceng cak;
a widow who will not marry again.
honest; trustworthy.
ńng-ceng cí;
seeds of the wax tree, used in medicine.
  • ceng9513212
  • To add; to increase.
ceng ke;
ceng ke jîeh cōi?
How much is to be added?
àiⁿ ceng-thiⁿ;
will increase the amount.
ceng kè-cîⁿ;
raise the price.
ceng ke nâng;
increase of population.
ceng co;
increase the rent.
ceng kíam;
increase and diminish.
to add to.
  • ceng725912
  • A Buddhist priest.
ceng tău;
priests and their teachings.
a wandering bonze.
la-má ceng;
a lama or Mongol priest.
lău ceng;
an old priest.
cí kâi am ŭ cêk peh ceng;
this monastery has a hundred monks.
ceng kang si;
an official who governs his fellow priests.
  • ceng7799
  • A scout; one sent to reconnoitre.
a scout.
tng ceng-thàm;
act as scout.
phài ceng-thàm khṳ̀ chê;
despatch a scout to reconnoitre.
cí kâi ceng-thàm mîaⁿ-ke thàm sṳ̄;
this scout is expert in discovering things.
  • ceng9931098
  • The eyes; the eye ball; the iris.
ūe lêng m̄ tíam ceng;
to draw a dragon and leave out the eyes; to leave work without finishing it up.
thóiⁿ kàu mâk m̄ cẃn ceng;
gazing with motionless eye balls; staring fixedly.

  • ceng74866
  • To decant by steaming; the winter sacrifice.
káu ceng káu sài;
nine steamings and nine airings.
ceng ngîap;
entailed property whose proceeds are applied to ancestral sacrifices.
  • ceng74615
  • Restless; afraid.
ŭ kâi ceng-chong kâi pēⁿ;
is very nervous.
ceng-chong kâi nâng to̤ bô̤ táⁿ;
nervous people are generally cowardly.
auspicious; lucky.
chông ceng sói keng;
take an auspicious time for cleaning the temples.
  • ceng291188
  • A sort of virginal or harpsichord, having twelve brass strings, and played with a plectrum.
cuaⁿ ceng;
play on the harpsichord.
cêk keⁿ ceng;
a harpsichord.
  • céng1071309
  • To swell; to tumefy; a swelling.
to swell up.
céng thìaⁿ;
swollen and painful.
puffed up.
n̂g-pûh céng;
dropsical swelling.
céng kâi pau;
a hard small swelling.
cúi céng;
a watery swelling.
cheⁿ céng;
a black and blue swelling.
n̂g céng phòng;
a hard, permanent swelling.
âng céng;
a red swelling.
céng hap;
an inflamed swelling.
nĕ céng-céng;
badly swollen.
thò̤ céng; sio céng;
to reduce swelling.
hāi i khàu kàu mâk céng;
made him cry so that his eyes are swollen.
mâk céng kàu peh m̄ khui;
his eyes are swollen so that he cannot open them.
céng kàu tōa-bó̤-ki;
swollen to an immense size.
nío-chṳ́ búe cĭn céng m̄ kiaⁿ sí nâng;
people are not frightened to death by a rat's tail, even when it is swollen to the uttermost.
  • céng9898614
  • Embers; brands; hot coals.
coals that may be used for starting a fire.
hŵn-lío chûn ŭ húe-céng mē?
Are there any live coals left?
  • céng1071159
  • A seed; a germ; a sort.
īa céng-cí;
to sow seed.
lô̤h céng-cí;
to put in the seed.
hó̤ céng;
good seed.
m̄-hó̤ céng;
bad seed.
thŵn céng;
propagate this variety.
hó̤ céng-câk;
of good stock.
sĭm-mih céng-câk?
Of what species is it?
lâu pàng kò̤ cò̤ céng;
save it for seed.
tāu céng;
vaccine virus.
pńg tī céng;
gūa kò̤ céng;
an exotic.
àiⁿ tī cêk céng?
Which variety do you want?
câp céng;
câp céng kíaⁿ;
a bastard.
cí-kò̤ bô̤ cía céng;
this sort does not grow hereabouts.
māng céng;
seeds that grow slowly; perennial.
khùe céng;
  • céng756612
  • To put in order; to repair.
chî-chî céng-céng;
put in fine order.
siu-sîp kàu chî-céng căi;
arranged very perfectly.
m̄ chî m̄ céng;
all out of repair.
  • cèng761045
  • Disease; the causes and the symptoms of disease.
a malady.
mn̄g cèng;
to ascertain the symptoms; to diagnose a case.
thóiⁿ cèng;
consider the causes of the ailment.
jīn cèng àiⁿ tīaⁿ, màiⁿ jīn tāⁿ cèng;
in telling the symptoms, precision is essential, else you may confess to a disease you have not got.
tōa cèng;
a serious case.
gūa cèng, lăi cèng;
external and internal diseases.
keng ngīam-kùe kâi cèng;
a well understood malady.
cí kâi cèng, úa keng ngīam-kùe cōi chṳ̀;
I have treated many cases of this kind before.
cí kâi pēⁿ-cèng iak-lîak cêk kâi gûeh cĭu hó̤ chŵn-jú, lṳ́ màiⁿ kiaⁿ;
you need not be apprehensive, this ailment is one of which you may be well in about a month.
sŭn cèng, ngêk cèng;
a disease which follows or varies from the usual course of the disease; one which does or does not yield to treatment.
kip cèng;
acute diseases.
kú cèng;
chronic diseases.
kín cèng;
a violent attack.
híam cèng;
a dangerous attack.
ngûi cèng;
of a virulent type.
cèng tăng căi;
the ailment is very severe.
cí īeⁿ cèng ío khin;
this sort of ailment is not very severe.
cía cèng kín-kip căi;
this malady is of a very acute nature.
sî cèng;
season complaints.
sî-lĕng cèng;
un-mut cèng;
a plague or pestilence.
i sĭ lâu-sái cèng, lṳ́ màiⁿ khṳt i ùe tîeh;
he has incipient cholera, do not you catch it from him.
kám tîeh i kâi ùe khì, cĭu ŏi khṳt i kâi cèng ùe tîeh;
if you absorb the exhalations from him, you will catch the disease from him.
thâm-húe cèng;
n̂g-sua cèng;
dropsy of the bowels.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ cí kâi cèng tì khṳ̀ sêng a būe?
Do you consider that this disease has reached its climax?
cèng sêng cĭu o̤h ui;
a disease that has reached its climax is difficult to cure.
cía cèng bô̤ ui;
there is no cure for this disease.
cía cèng hó̤ ui a m̄ hó̤ ui?
Is this disease curable or incurable?
thái-ko̤ cèng ŏi ùe tîeh nâng
a bŏi?
Is leprosy contagious?
nín màiⁿ kiaⁿ, cí kâi pēⁿ cèng bŏi ùe nâng;
you need not fear, this disease is not infectious.
m̄ hó̤ khṳ̀ khṳt i kâi khì chong tîeh: cí īeⁿ cèng sĭ lĭ-hāi;
you should not breath in the exhalations from his person and bedding: this disease is of a malignant type.
khî cēng; kùai cèng;
rare and strange diseases.
pĭen cèng;
to explain the nature of a disease.
pìen cèng;
to change the nature of a disease.
saⁿ-câp-lâk cèng;
the thirty-six varieties of disease.
tîeh cèng;
sí cèng;
a deadly disease.
ngĕ cèng;
past all help by medicine.
mn̄g cèng hwt îeh;
attend upon and prescribe for.
hng m̄ tùi cèng;
this prescription is not applicable to that disease.
mêh m̄ kah cèng;
the pulse is not such as accords with the symptoms of that disease.
  • cèng1081096
  • All; a concourse.
cèng nâng;
every one.
cèng ūi;
all of you gentlemen.
kong cèng;
the public in general.
tăi cèng;
the whole concourse.
cèng mâk só̤ sĭ; cèng mâk cio-cio;
every eye saw it.
tăi cèng ke;
all of you.
cèng nâng, cèng sṳ̄;
mankind and the affairs of mankind.
sĭm sĭ hâh cèng;
very agreeable to all concerned.
cí kâi nâng m̄ hâh cèng;
this person is unpopular.
kúaⁿ put têk cèng;
one is no match for many.
cèng hieⁿ-lí;
all the villages.
cèng hiaⁿ-tĭ;
all the brethren.
chut cèng;
above the common.
nâng châi chut cèng;
more talented than ordinary people.
pún-nía chut cèng;
excels others in ability.
koi cèng;
the many in the streets.
po cèng;
those ordinarily in the market places.
cèng phò hŏ;
all the shops.
hâng cèng;
those in the warehouses.
cèng kheh-siang;
all the merchants.
cèng cûn ciah;
all the boats.
cèng hâng-kháu;
all the warehouses.
  • cèng7614912
  • To testify; to substantiate; to prove.
to witness.
cò̤ kang cèng kâi nâng;
cò̤ cèng-kìⁿ;
be a witness.
ŭ nâng hó̤ cò̤ kìⁿ-cèng;
there are those who will testify to it.
ŭ cèng ŭ kṳ̆;
there is proof of it.
cieh cèng;
visible proof; circumstantial evidence.
cò̤ cèng;
use as evidence.
cèng sît cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̆;
adequate proof of this.
  • cèng1071159
  • To plant; to cultivate; to beget.
cèng hue, cèng chài, cèng chīu;
to plant flowers, vegetables, and trees.
cèng cúi-cháu;
plant bulrushes.
cèng kúe-cí;
plant fruit trees.
cí kò̤ châng pheⁿ-phah àiⁿ cèng cò̤ tĭu hó̤, a sĭ àiⁿ cèng cò̤ cìa hó̤, a sĭ àiⁿ cèng cò̤ hun-kuah hó̤?
Have you decided that it is best to plant this ground to flax, to sugarcane, or to potatoes?
cí kò̤ tī, hó̤ cèng ŭ kúi táu céng?
How many pecks of seeds should be put into this lot?
côiⁿ nâng cèng chīu, ău nâng cia im;
the pioneers plant trees and their successors enjoy the shade.
cèng co̤h;
to till the soil.
cèng îeⁿ-tāu;
to vaccinate.
  • cèng76664
  • Politics; government; the departments or measures of a government; laws.
cèng sṳ̄;
cèng lĕng;
governmental orders.
cèng kà;
official admonitions.
jîu cèng, ngîak cèng;
mild or harsh government.
sĭen cèng;
a righteous government.
chit cèng;
the sun, moon, and five planets.
péng cèng;
cip cèng; to hold authority.
a counselor of state.
cham ngí cèng-sṳ̄;
a council of state.
lŭn cèng;
discuss politics.
pù-cèng-si; pù-cèng-sài;
the commissioner of revenue.
hŏng cèng tăi hu;
a government officer.
  • cèng9051492
  • To arrange satisfactorily; to settle terms; to adjust; to equalize; to fix on; to criticise; to compare; to collate; to edit.
cèng khî, cèng tīaⁿ-tîeh lío;
a set time has been agreed upon.
cèng mêng;
to arrange an armistice; to make peace.
cí pang cṳ íⁿ-keng chíaⁿ tōa mîaⁿ-sek kâi nâng cèng-cìaⁿ kùe;
have already invited a celebrated personage to revise these books.
  • cêng273011
  • Denotes time past; usually; ever.
būe cêng;
has not yet had.
úa m̄ cêng;
I never did.
cêng a m̄ cêng?
Has it ever yet been?
hô̤ cêng m̄ sĭ?
How is it that there has never been any?
i m̄ cêng cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he has never been thus.
būe cêng ŭ;
has never yet had.
cí kâi cêng, cí kâi m̄ cêng;
this one has, but the other one has not.
cêng khṳ̀ a būe?
Has he ever been yet?
cêng cîah a būe?
Have you ever eaten any before?
cêng lâi mē?
Has he come?
cêng cò̤ hó̤ a būe?
Is it finished yet?
i būe cêng ŭ;
he has not yet had any.
i m̄ cêng ŭ kíaⁿ;
she has had no children.
i būe cêng ŭ kíaⁿ;
she has not yet had any children.
cêng sîeⁿ kùe a m̄ cêng?
Have you tested it?
i m̄ cêng khîeh lâi;
he has not brought it.
i m̄ cêng khṳ̀;
he has not gone.
i m̄ cêng cò̤;
he has not made any.
úa m̄ cêng thiaⁿ;
I have not heard.
khá cêng cò̤ chin a bŭe?
Has he yet engaged a wife?
cêng tàⁿ kùe;
I have said so already.

  • cĕng9891089
  • All; entirely.
cêk suaⁿ cĕng sĭ cîeh;
the mountain was wholly of rock.
cí kâi tī-hng cĕng sĭ suaⁿ;
this country is all mountainous.
hue-hn̂g lăi cĕng sĭ hue-bâk kúe-cí;
the garden was filled with flowering shrubs and fruit trees.
cí cùaⁿ nâng cĕng sĭ hó̤ kâi;
these people are all good.
cí cho̤h ūe cĕng sĭ cí cuang sṳ̄ kâi;
this talk is all about this affair.
cĭu jît cĕng sĭ sṳ̄;
something is going on all day long.
úa thiaⁿ tîeh cĕng sĭ lṳ́ kâi ūe;
I understood that all that was said was said by you.
thong-sin cĕng sĭ mô̤ⁿ;
his whole body is covered with hair.
cí kâi tī cĕng sĭ sua;
this soil consists wholly of sand.
cí kâi suaⁿ cĕng sĭ sêng-peh, bô̤ mih cháu;
these hills are all covered with firs, and there is hardly any grass.
  • cĕng994858
  • Clear; to make clean; to purify.
cĕng chíu;
to wash the hands of something.
kang cĕng;
to cleanse.
khṳ̀ kàu kang-kang cĕng-cĕng;
that which defiled is taken completely away.
kang cĕng sĭ cía kâi;
this is the clean and empty one.
sói cĕng;
wash so that none of the former uncleanness remains.
sàu cĕng;
sweep out clean.
  • cĕng9941755
  • To tranquilize; to keep in order.
well ordered.
uaⁿ-cĕng tī-hng;
restore peace to the country.
tâng tìn-thâi lâi pōiⁿ cêk ùaⁿ ău, tī-hng cĭu ío uaⁿ-cĕng;
after the general-in-chief came and put the country in order, it was more settled and peaceful.
phêng-cĕng kâi tī-hng;
a tranquil region.