Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ci
- ci-cu nioh-sioh;
- petty stinginess; very small in his dealings.
- cí kâi;
- this one.
- cí ciah cûn;
- this boat.
- cí câng chīu;
- this tree.
- cí pńg cṳ-cheh;
- this book.
- cí kĭaⁿ mûeh;
- this thing.
- cí kha tháng;
- this bucket.
- cí-kò̤;
- here.
- pàng tŏ̤ cí-kò̤;
- put it here.
- pàng tŏ̤ cí lăi;
- put it in here.
- cí piⁿ;
- on this side.
- khîeh chut cí gūa;
- bring it out here.
- cí tói;
- inside here.
- cí cuang sṳ̄;
- this affair.
- cí cêk sî;
- just now.
- cí cûn;
- this instant.
- cí kâi sî-hāu;
- at this time.
- cí kâi, hṳ́ kâi, lṳ́ màiⁿ khṳ̀ kẃn i;
- whatever he does, have nothing to do with him.
- cò̤ cí kâi, cò̤ hṳ́ kâi;
- doing sundry pieces of work.
- lṳ́ tīam-tīam thâk cṳ, màiⁿ phûeh cí kâi, phûeh hṳ́ kâi, mâk īa màiⁿ thóiⁿ cí, thóiⁿ hṳ́, sim īa màiⁿ sĭeⁿ cí sĭeⁿ hṳ́: cìeⁿ seⁿ thâk cìaⁿ kōi pat;
- study persistently, and do not be talking of this and of that, nor be looking hither and thither, nor be thinking of all sorts of things: if you study thus, you will readily learn.
- kúe-cí;
- fruit.
- céng-cí;
- seeds.
- thŵn céng-cí;
- to propagate seeds.
- tê cí;
- tea seeds.
- sêng-peh cí;
- seeds of the fir tree.
- cí ŭ cí cêk kĭaⁿ;
- have only this one.
- cí kẃn;
- on the spur of the moment.
- lṳ́ cí kẃn tàⁿ;
- you said it inconsiderately.
- jĭm lṳ́ cò̤-nî tàⁿ, úa cí sĭ m̆ thiaⁿ lṳ́;
- whatever you say, I shall pay no regard to it.
- cí kìⁿ ŭ cêk kâi nâng;
- saw but one person.
- cí hó̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
- this alone is the right thing to do.
- úa cí sĭ kio lṳ́ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ, pĕng bô̤ hìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;
- I have said but this to you, and have not said otherwise.
- cí cŭ;
- cause to stop.
- cí m̄ cŭ;
- cannot stop it.
- cí i màiⁿ lâi;
- stop him from coming.
- cí hueh;
- staunch blood.
- cí cĭeⁿ;
- alleviate the itching.
- cí kuah;
- cí âu; quench thirst.
- cí sìa;
- stop purging.
- cí kūaⁿ;
- antisudorific.
- tong cí;
- cease motion.
- hŏ cí lío;
- the rain has ceased.
- cí hiah;
- to stop short.
- cí áu;
- cause retching to cease.
- m̄ cí saⁿ kâi;
- not short of three.
- kṳ́ cí;
- deportment.
- bô̤ tīaⁿ cí;
- no fixed purpose.
- ŭ kâi tīaⁿ cí;
- has a definite object.
- i kúi kâi cí-mūe?
- How many sisters has he?
- cí nŏ̤ kâi sĭ chin cí-mūe, hṳ́ nŏ̤ kâi sĭ thâng cí-mūe;
- these two are sisters, those two are cousins of the same surname.
- ki-cí;
- a basis.
- cŏ̤-cí móng kâi tī-hng;
- founded that place.
- m̄ cai i kâi cŭ cí;
- do not know his dwelling place.
- kū ki-cí;
- old foundations; ruins.
- cìe kū ki-cí khí;
- build on the old foundations.
- cí-tíam;
- to point out.
- cí-sī;
- to show by reference.
- cí-hui;
- to signalize.
- lîo jû cí cíeⁿ;
- as plain as your hand.
- cí tang, khek sai;
- to point one way and go another.
- cí kà;
- to teach by illustration.
- cí tang ûeh sai;
- the appearance of one gesturing at a distance.
- cí thiⁿ hwt-sī;
- swear by heaven.
- cí pak ûi hun;
- betroth children before their birth.
- hŏng cí;
- receive orders.
- chíaⁿ cí;
- ask for orders.
- sìaⁿ cí;
- the sacred will, the imperial decrees.
- tó̤ cí;
- orders received.
- sìaⁿ cí pâi;
- tablets on which imperial orders are written.
- cí-ì;
- purpose.
- cṳ cí;
- the meaning of a book.
- cieⁿ cí;
- the scope of the chapter.
- cak cí;
- the sense of the verse.
- i ka-kī chin cí bīe teng kîaⁿ hieⁿ;
- he repaired in person to the temple to offer sacrifice.
- i kâi pín-cí hó̤;
- his proficiency is commendable.
- cí-sek;
- brown.
- âng-cí;
- purple.
- cí-kìm sîaⁿ;
- the Forbidden City.
- cí chieh cṳ tī;
- but a step.
- cí chieh cṳ kang;
- work close at hand.
- siang lî put kùe cí chieh;
- but a very little space between them.
- lâng-kang cí;
- the vertical rails in a balustrade.
- theng cí;
- vertical bars in a window.
- cam cí;
- embroidery.
- cêk chíu hó̤ cam cí;
- fine needlework done by one hand.
- mîaⁿ-ke cam cí;
- skilled in embroidery.
- chŵn khàu cam-cí tō jît;
- depends solely on fine needlework for her living.
- cṳ̆ kó cì kim;
- from ancient times till now.
- sì-cì;
- all around.
- sì-cì hun-mêng;
- clear all around.
- cì chṳ́;
- on this account.
- bô̤ só̤ put cì;
- no place where he does not go; omnipresent.
- cì kàu cí-kò̤;
- extends to this point.
- cì kàu tī-kò̤?
- Where does it reach to?
- put cì kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it does not extend to such as that.
- cì kêk;
- the utmost limit.
- cì chiet-ìo;
- of the utmost importance.
- cì sêng-sît;
- wholly sincere.
- cì hó̤;
- the very best.
- cì m̄ hó̤;
- the very worst.
- cì tōa;
- the largest.
- cì kûiⁿ;
- the highest.
- cì khuah;
- most spacious.
- tang cì;
- the winter solstice.
- hē cì;
- the summer solstice.
- tang-cì lău âng cíu;
- the red wine of winter.
- cì-kìⁿ;
- to visit, with a present.
- cì lói;
- a polite presentation.
- cì-kèng;
- present as a token of respect.
- cì ngî;
- offer the customary fee on entering school.
- cì sṳ̂;
- to offer sacrifices.
- cì-bûn;
- a written prayer, burned after it is offered.
- cì-têk;
- an elegy hung up before the tablet during the first seven weeks of mourning.
- pái cì;
- to arrange offerings.
- pái lō cì;
- lay out offerings along the way.
- cì-si;
- an overseer of sacrifices.
- cì sîn;
- make offerings to the gods.
- cì có;
- make offerings to the manes of ancestors.
- cì pín;
- things offered.
- chun chiu jī cì;
- the spring and autumn oblations.
- cì thiⁿ tī;
- worship heaven and earth, cì sĭa cek; worship the gods of land and grain.
- khī cì;
- offerings to a deceased parent.
- tìo cì;
- offerings made to a deceased friend.
- cì-cak;
- limitations.
- ŭ cak-cì;
- under regulations.
- huap-cì;
- rules.
- cì-tō;
- to restrict.
- cì cṳ;
- an Imperial order.
- cì-thâi;
- the governor-general; Your Excellency.
- ak-cì i;
- restrain him.
- ak-cì i m̄ cŭ;
- cannot curb it.
- síu cì; cun cì sêng hôk;
- in mourning.
- ngîam cì, chṳ̂ cì;
- mourning for a father or for a mother.
- hiap-cì;
- to intimidate.
- si cì;
- bestow alms.
- kìu-cì;
- to succor.
- cín-cì;
- to rescue.
- m̄ cì sṳ̄;
- inadequate for the purpose.
- cìaⁿ cì sṳ̄;
- adequate for the purpose.
- cì kip;
- help in an emergency.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cì a m̄ cì?
- Is the business compassed?
- ŏi tit cì cĭu hó̤;
- if it can be brought about it will be well.
- cì-khì ngan-ngan;
- a fixed purpose.
- cì-lĭam;
- a resolve.
- cì hìang;
- inclination; object.
- i kâi sim-cì ngĕ căi;
- his heart is fixed on it.
- sim-cì ńng căi;
- his resolves are weak.
- tit cì;
- attain one's object.
- tit cì cò̤ kuaⁿ;
- attained the desired official position.
- būe tit cì;
- unattained desires.
- put tit cì;
- unattainable desires.
- îang-îang tit cì;
- evidently succeeded in his purpose.
- cì-khì bŏi tŭi;
- don't be discouraged.
- bô̤ cì kâi nâng;
- an irresolute person.
- lîp cì;
- fix the resolve.
- ŭ cì kèng sêng;
- determination overcomes.
- ŭ tăi cì;
- has high purposes.
- tōa cì-khì kâi nâng;
- one with high resolves.
- lṳ́ kang-khó tîeh jû-kèng kĭang-khí cì;
- if in difficulty, you must be the more determined.
- huap cì;
- rules for compounding.
- hó̤ cì-huap;
- a good recipe.
- tîeh cì káu hûe;
- must compound it nine times over.
- cì îeh tîeh cì tîeh hó̤;
- in compounding medicines care must be taken to do it accurately.
- cì-cău;
- the manufacture of medicines.
- pû cì;
- decoct by boiling.
- lûi-kong pû-cì;
- concocted by the god of medicine.
- cêk cì îeh;
- a course of medicine.
- nŏ̤ cì îeh;
- the medicine taken in two doses.
- cí hôk îeh tōa cì;
- this prescription is for a large dose of medicine.
- thîo-cì;
- to arbitrate between.
- chṳ́ cì;
- this occasion.
- cêk mō̤ⁿ bô̤ cì;
- a boundless view.
- bô̤ hăng, bô̤ cì;
- unbounded.
- mŏ̤ⁿ-cì;
- an epitaph.
- phûn-piⁿ ŭ kò̤ mŏ̤ⁿ-cì-mêng;
- there was an eulogy on the tombstone.
- cĭ thóiⁿ sĭm-mih bī-sò;
- lick it and see how it tastes.
- lău gû cĭ tôk;
- the old cow licks the calf; the old love children.
- ngio-bo̤ cĭ ngio-kíaⁿ;
- the cat licks the kitten.
- cĭ sî;
- from 9 to 11 o'clock A. M.
- i sĭ it-cĭ nî seⁿ kâi;
- he was born in the year which is second in the cycle of ten, and sixth in the cycle of twelve.