Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chu
- chu sî;
- follow the prevailing style.
- chu sì;
- cleave to the strong.
- mîaⁿ-ke phun chu;
- an expert sycophant.
- tŏ̤ gê-mn̂g tèng phun-chu;
- a hanger on at the yamun.
- chu tīo chīu ki;
- prune off the branches.
- hía ki-īeⁿ tîeh chu tīo;
- those small branches must be lopped off.
- chu kàu cêk ki kng-kng;
- pruned so as to leave a bare branch.
- chú chi;
- take a wife.
- chú chiap; chú phien-pâng;
- take a concubine.
- kì chú;
- a second marriage.
- kè chú;
- marry and give in marriage.
- chú cám;
- sentence to execution.
- chú hun;
- judge of one's fitness for a post.
- kau pŏ ngí-chú;
- hand him over to the Board for sentence.
- chú sì kâi sṳ̄ kang-khó;
- it is difficult to decide what is right in the affairs of this world.
- chiaⁿ kong-chin thîo chú;
- ask arbitrators to decide.
- thiaⁿ nâng khǹg-chú;
- act in accordance with the advice given.
- khó̤-chú;
- suitable.
- ci kâi nâng khó̤-chú;
- this person is very suitable.
- tăi ŭ khó̤-chú; tōa-tōa hó̤-chù;
- very appropriate.
- bô̤ cêk kĭaⁿ hó̤-chú;
- wholly unfit.
- thóiⁿ tîeh tăi-tăi chú i;
- consider him a very suitable person for the place.
- chú-tèng;
- promoted.
- chú lâk;
- to pursue pleasure.
- chú chìe i;
- got the laugh on him.
- sīang chú, tong chú, chṳ̀ chú;
- the highest on the list of graduates, those near them, and those lower down.
- i kâi ūe hó̤ chú-sìn;
- his report is trustworthy.
- chŵn m̄ hó̤ chú-sìn;
- it is not to be relied upon.
- cṳ̆ chú khî hŭa;
- he brought this misery upon himself.
- cía sĭ i ka-kī cṳ̆ chú, m̄ sĭ nâng hāi i kâi;
- he brought this upon himself, and no one else is responsible for the injury.
- chú cêk ki chīu ki;
- laid hold on a branch.
- chú m̄ cĭeⁿ;
- could not get up by holding on to it.
- cí kâi chú cò̤ seng, cí kâi chú cò̤ tòaⁿ, cí kâi hó̤ chú cò̤ thíu;
- that one will do for a male performer, that one can act the part of a female, and this one may be the clown.
- pêng-toaⁿ chú ngṳ̂n cêk choiⁿ níe;
- this draft is for a thousand taels.
- lṳ́ chú cí kâi hó̤, úa lí chú hú kâi hó̤;
- you take that one for your use and I will take this one for mine.
- chú i cêk sang mâk hó̤;
- consider his eyes the best.
- àm chú;
- make use of secretly.
- chú cúi, chú tê;
- choose water or tea for use.
- chú khṳ̀ kûiⁿ chú khṳ̀ kĕ;
- placed high or low on the list.
- chú tŏ̤ kó-tóng;
- ranked as a curiosity.
- cho̤h kúe-cí khṳt nâng chú kàu lío-lío;
- the fruit has all been plucked by some one.
- i khṳ̀ chú cháu-îeh;
- she has gone to gather medicinal herbs.
- khṳ̀ chú ki thô̤-ki líu-ki lâi;
- go and pick a sprig of peach and one of willow, and bring them here.
- chù-nâng;
- a resident of the place; a native; the host.
- chù-nâng sĭ tī-tîang?
- Who is the resident manager?
- úa sī chù-nâng lṳ́ sĭ nâng-khek;
- I am a native, and you are an alien.
- hâh tit chù-nâng ì pĭen-sĭ hó̤ kang-hu;
- if it suits the notion of a resident of the place, it is certainly well made.
- tŏ̤ ke ŭ nâng-kheh, chut gūa cìaⁿ ŭ chù-nâng;
- if you have guests when at home, you will have hosts when you go abroad.
- hṳ́ kò̤ ŭ chù-nâng-thâu a bô̤?
- Is there any one there who exercises hospitality to new comers?
- chíaⁿ i lâi cò̤ chù-nâng;
- invite him to act as host and assist in entertaining the guests.
- sì chù;
- on all sides.
- kak chù;
- everywhere.
- chù-chù to sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is just so in all places.
- tŏ̤ pât chù;
- elsewhere.
- nŏ̤ chù tó̤ sie ceⁿ;
- there is rivalry between the two places.
- cí chù bô̤ hue, pât chù chái;
- if there are no flowers in this spot, pick some elsewhere.
- pât chù căi-seⁿ?
- How is it elsewhere?
- bô̤ sĭm-mih hó̤ chù;
- there is nothing very good about it.
- tŏ̤-lí sueh kàu hó̤ chù;
- the doctrine was so explained as to benefit the hearers.
- tàⁿ i kâi tó̤ chṳ̀;
- spoke of his shortcomings.
- cṳ̆ ŭ hó̤ chù;
- it has good points.
- kun-ki chù;
- the General Council of State.
- îa-bú chù;
- the Military Council.
- cêk cō̤ chù; cêk koiⁿ chù;
- one house.
- chù tī;
- the building spot.
- chù tîeⁿ;
- a building lot.
- chù-téng;
- the roof of the house.
- chù cú;
- the owner of the house.
- tōa chù;
- a large house.
- chù kíaⁿ;
- a hut.
- chù àiⁿ khí jîeh khuah?
- How large a house are you going to build?
- tó̤ khí sin chù;
- is building a new house.
- siu-sîp kū chù;
- to repair an old house.
- lău chù;
- an old house.
- lău chù-piⁿ;
- an old neighbour.
- tâng chù tīu;
- live in the same house.
- i tó̤ cíeⁿ chù;
- he is guarding the house.
- lṳ́ chù tŏ̤ tī kò̤?
- Where is your home?
- bô̤ chù bô̤ só̤;
- without house or home.
- tóiⁿ chù;
- to mortgage a house.
- chù sĭ tǹg kâi;
- the house is taken on a mortgage.
- chù-tŏiⁿ;
- a tenant.
- sùe chù;
- to hire a house.
- chù co;
- house rent.
- nâng sĭ chù thèⁿ;
- people are the props of a house.
- lṳ́ tī-tiang-sî àiⁿ khù chù?
- When are you going home?
- chù-tì mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
- to get things in order.
- chù chíu put kîp;
- put his hand to it too late.
- chù-bī;
- amusing; queer; pretty.
- chù-bī sí;
- amusing beyond expression.
- chù-chù bī-bī;
- exceedingly interesting.
- nĕ, chù-bī chù-bī;
- very winsome.
- sît căi ŭ chù-bī;
- really agreeable.
- bô̤ sĭm-mih chù-bī;
- not particularly pleasing.
- i sĭ tó̤ tàⁿ chù-bī kâi;
- he is telling what amuses.
- bô̤ chù bô̤ bī;
- altogether uninteresting.
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ chù-chù bī-bī;
- the child is very winsome.
- chu-chu nē, màiⁿ khah méⁿ;
- be moderate and composed, do not be in a hurry.
- chû-chû nē kîaⁿ;
- move sedately along.