Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/chwn
- i tó̤ ût, i so̤h tîo cúa-ang-teng khṳ̀ chwn i kâi phīⁿ-khang, ùaⁿ cē, īu khîeh koi-mô̤ⁿ khṳ̀ chwn i kâi hĭⁿ-khang;
- when she is sleeping, he rolls up a lamp-lighter and goes and tickles her nostril, and a little later he gets a feather and goes and tickles her ear.
- chwn i chéⁿ khí lâi;
- woke him up by tickling him lightly.
- khah chwn-châk;
- too much perverted from the original truth.
- sĭ tó̤ chwn-châk kâi;
- it is being perverted.
- chwn-suaⁿ-kah;
- the ant-eater.
- peh pō chwn îang;
- a hundred paces off.
- nâng kâi pâng lăi m̄ hó̤ thèng chwn jîp khṳ̀;
- do not without evident reason go into people's private rooms.
- suaⁿ chwn;
- mountain streams.
- chwn lîu put sek;
- an uninterrupted flow.
- hm̄-hm̄-chẃn;
- asthmatic breathing.
- kîaⁿ kàu cí-kò̤ lâi tó̤ chẃn;
- coming here has put me out of breath.
- chẃn cêk kùa bŏi hiah;
- panted a half day without stopping.
- àm chẁn;
- joined by a hidden pin.
- chẁn tŏ̤ hṳ́ pùe-ău;
- joined by a cross-pin on the back.
- pùe-ău cò̤ saⁿ ki chẁn;
- make three cross bar on the back.
- àiⁿ ēng kúi kò̤ lâi chẁn a sĭ àiⁿ ēng kàu kò̤ kâi?
- Do you wish to make it by joining several pieces with a bar mortised in, or to make it of a single piece?
- kang-hu hó̤ kâi, chẁn khṳ̀ cìaⁿ năi;
- make it with joints well fitted, and mortise in a bar through the pieces, then it will last.
- chẁn phàu;
- a string of fire-crackers.
- chẁn bûeh-tói;
- to lace up the sole of a stocking.
- chẁn khí lâi, chẁn lô̤h khṳ̀;
- pass the string upward and downward through eyelet holes, as in lacing a boot.
- chẁn thong;
- to pass through an eyelet hole.
- chẁn kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;
- pass it through to the other side.
- cīeⁿ ĕ m̄ chẁn;
- the foregoing and the following are not intimately connected.
- chẁn hâh;
- banded together.
- i nŏ̤ nâng chẁn-tâng kâi;
- the two are leagued together.
- àm-cĕⁿ chẁn-tâng;
- secretly leagued.
- chẁn mông;
- a concerted plan.
- sĭm kùe phah-chẁn kâi;
- far surpassing what could have been done by agreement.
- chẁn ūi;
- seize the throne.
- chẁn chì;
- murder the ruler.
- chẁn i kâi kok;
- seized his kingdom.
- i sĭ khṳt i chẁn khṳ̀;
- it was seized and taken away by him.
- íⁿ-keng kak kak hun chẁn lío;
- each of them has his own separate table.
- lêng kṳ, lêng chẁn;
- they are separately domiciled.
- chŵn-jú;
- recovered from illness.
- ui kàu chŵn-jú;
- entirely cured.
- i pēⁿ chŵn-jú a būe?
- Has he recovered yet?
- íⁿ-keng chŵn-jú lío;
- he is already convalescent.
- būe chŵn-jú;
- not yet well.
- chŵn-sẁn;
- to estimate the quality, and select accordingly; to choose properly.
- kui pŏ chŵn-sẁn;
- returned to the Board for re-appointment, as certain officers are at the close of a term of office.
- ŵn-chŵn;
- complete.
- chŵn tì, chŵn lêng;
- almighty and omnipotent.
- chŵn ke hok lôk;
- the whole family prospered.
- pù kùi sang chŵn;
- both rich and noble.
- chŵn hù cèng sîn;
- undivided energies.
- lṳ́ cò̤-nî chŵn-chŵn m̄ thiaⁿ úa?
- Why do you wholly disregard my wishes?
- úa lâi ku-ā hûe chŵn m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lṳ́;
- I came many times and never saw you at all.
- cía sî chŵn bŏi cîah;
- I cannot eat at all at this time.
- i chŵn àiⁿ;
- he altogether desires it.
- ŵn-chŵn cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
- finish up this business.
- chŵn khîeh khṳ̀;
- take it away altogether.
- hok bô̤ sang chwn;
- bliss is never twice complete.
- bûn bú chŵn cai;
- he understands both military and civil affairs.
- cīeⁿ-sî chŵn bô̤ hŏ, jûah căi;
- there has been no rain lately and it is very hot.
- cí pńg cṳ úa thóiⁿ m̄ chŵn;
- I have not yet read this book through.
- chŵn hù hok-sek;
- a complete suit of clothes.
- chŵn sin phi kùa;
- completely accoutered.
- chŵn thàu;
- a complete equipment.
- chŵn tṳ chŵn îeⁿ;
- whole hogs and sheep.
- i chŵn m̄ hío sṳ̄;
- he does not understand the matter at all.
- chŵn cĭang lṳ́ lău nâng ke;
- it depends wholly upon your venerable self.
- khà chŵn théng;
- rouse the whole school of fish by striking the water.
- cí cuang kuaⁿ-si phah chŵn théng;
- this lawsuit has beaten the whole posse of them.
- lṳ́ chŵn m̄ pat hó̤ khiap;
- you are wholly ignorant of what is best or what is worst.
- lṳ́ kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi chŵn bŏi chò̤;
- what you said was faultless.
- pái chŵn cip-sṳ̄;
- bring out all the emblems off office.
- bw̄n chŵn;
- not the least.
- lṳ́ chŵn bô̤ sim khṳ̀ lí;
- you have no mind to do it.
- chŵn i lâi kìⁿ;
- order him to appear.
- chŵn hō̤ láu-cìang kio bûn pôiⁿ kâi hō̤-pâng cêk īeⁿ;
- ushers are the same, whether in military or in civil service.