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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ham

From Wikisource


  • ham1621425
  • Bivalve shells with scalloped surfaces.
thǹg kàu i ham-khak peh tit khui;
scald them till the shells can be opened.
cí cho̤h ham pûi căi, múaⁿ khak nêk;
these bivalves are very fat, and fill the shell.
pû cho̤h kún cúi khṳ̀ lâm ham;
boil some water and pour it over the bivalves.
chìn cúi lă ham;
stirring the bivalves around in cold water; well meant but ineffective exertion.
  • ham1621645
  • Exhilirated; jocund.
cíu cîah kàu pùaⁿ ham;
drank until half tipsy.
cîah kàu mīn ham-ham âng;
drank until his face was flushed.
  • hám9391125
  • To knock and shiver; to beat gently; to rap on.
hám chùi;
hit and break in pieces.
hám kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
beat it gently and make it very soft thereby.
khîeh kò̤ cîeh hám khṳ̀ tú-tú hám tîeh i kâi thâu;
flung a stone down and hit him exactly on the head.

  • hám876644
  • To throw, to pitch, to cast.
hám lô̤h cúi;
throw it into the water.
hám-pàng húe kò̤ khṳt i sie;
throw it into the fire and let it burn up.
hám-lô̤h thô-ĕ cū phùa khṳ̀;
if you cast it down upon the ground it will break.
  • hàm164309
  • To vociferate; to cry out; to call out.
hàm wn;
cry out for redress.
hàm kìu;
implore help.
hàm khó;
scream from distress.
phah kàu i hàm kìe hàm kìu khṳ̀;
beat him till he yelled for help.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ ŭ nâng hàm kìe kìu;
heard some one calling for help.
hàm suah lîen thiⁿ;
the clamor reached heaven.
  • hàm248309
  • To call; to hail one.
hàm i lâi;
call him to come here.
úa hàm lṳ́ cò̤-nî m̄ lâi?
Why do you not come when I call you?
úa hàm lṳ́ tîeh ìn;
you must answer when I call you.
úa hàm lṳ́ khṳ̀ bói mûeh lṳ́ cū tîeh méⁿ-méⁿ lâi;
when I send you to buy things you must come back quickly.
lṳ́ hàm cò̤ sĭm-mîh mîa?
What name are you called by?
hàm chéⁿ;
called on to awaken.
  • hâm162304
  • To embody; to tolerate; full.
hâm chìe;
to restrain a smile.
hâm lŭi;
tears standing in the eyes.
hâm-hâm hû-hû;
hâm-hû ìn i;
answered him carelessly.
hâm-hâm hû-hû cò̤;
done anyhow.
pâu-hâm khuah căi;
of great magnanimity.
hâm siu;
blush for shame.
ŭ hâm-thiok;
hue hâm-lúi hâm-lúi;
the flower is budded.
hŵn-lío hâm-hâm, būe khui;
is about to blossom, but has not opened.
  • hâm1991676
  • Title or rank; official position.
kuaⁿ hâm;
official title.
keh hâm;
the address of one holding this position.
hŭe hâm;
the title of a firm.
chìang kuaⁿ hâm;
to call out the title as an usher does at a levee.
i sĭm-mih hâm?
What is his title?
bûn-cṳ ēng-cò̤ sĭm-mih hâm?
What is the title used in the dispatch?
a brevet sub-prefect.
  • hâm163176
  • To infold, envelop; liberal.
cun hâm;
your valued favor.
an envelope.
hái hâm;
mō̤ⁿ lṳ́ hái-hâm;
hope for your generous forbearance.
  • hâm163858
  • Capacious; submerged.
hâm kau;
a covered drain.
hâm cúi tĭⁿ;
the waste-weir is full of water.
indulgent; forgiving.
forbearing; to keep one's temper.
cn̂g kâi bô̤ hâm-íang;
has no patience.
phêng-sî ŭ hâm-íang kâi kang-hu;
has usually some work on hand requiring great patience.
  • hăm198306
  • All, the total, totally.
chn̂g-íⁿ hăm kâi khîeh pàng hṳ́ gūa;
take all the furniture and put it outside there.
hăm kâi àiⁿ;
wants all of them.
hăm nâng huaⁿ-hí kâi sṳ̄;
what pleases all.
i hùaⁿ nâng hăm kâi m̄ hàuⁿ;
all of them are unwilling.
hăm nâng cai;
they all know it.
hăm nâng thìaⁿ-kìⁿ;
they all heard it.
cí cùaⁿ nâng hăm kâi sĭ sôk i kẃn;
these persons are all under his authority.
tī-hng hăm kâi kui i;
the land all reverts to him.
  • hăm1666113
  • Mortified with one's self; vexed.
bô̤ ẁn hăm;
ẁn hăm i;
vexed with him.
sí īa bô̤ hăm;
if I should die, I would have nothing to regret.
i cong-sin sĭeⁿ tîeh khueh hăm;
he regretted it all his life.
  • hām2021708
  • To fall down into; to ruin; to sink.
hām-hāi nâng;
to implicate others in difficulties.
pun nâng hām-hāi;
involved in trouble by others.
pûah lô̤h hām-kheⁿ;
fell into the trap.
líu kâi hām-céⁿ;
dug a pit.
kheⁿ hām;
to entrap.
to fall, as a cliff.
suaⁿ pang-hām;
the mountain has shelved off.
cí kâi céⁿ hṳ́ tói hām;
this well has caved in.
suaⁿ pang tī hām;
a landslide.