Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hang
- hang ta;
- dry before a fire or in the sun.
- khîeh khṳ̀ lô tèng hang;
- hang it by the stove to dry.
- hang i ńng cìaⁿ hó̤ á wn;
- put it by the fire till it is flexible, and then it can be bent.
- hang kàu ńng-ńng;
- let it remain in the warmth till it softens.
- hang sie;
- hang it to warm.
- hang i îeⁿ;
- set it to melt.
- chíu hang sie;
- hold the hands by a fire to warm them.
- cē hang i cĭu wn;
- placing it by a fire will warp it.
- màiⁿ hang khah thíam;
- do not put it too close to the fire.
- chíu pàng tŏ chíu-lô téng hang sie-sie;
- put your hands over the brazier and warm them well.
- háng-háng ŭ cí kâi;
- it is very rarely that we have this.
- i háng tit lâi;
- he seldom comes.
- háng thóiⁿ-kìⁿ kâi;
- infrequently seen.
- m̄ sĭ hi-háng kâi mûeh;
- is not a scarce article.
- hŭam mûeh cē háng cū kìen tien;
- whatever is rare is considered valuable.
- háng hông kâi sū;
- something that seldom occurs.
- háng hông kâi muêh;
- an article seldom met with.
- háng gṳ̆;
- to fend off; to defend against.
- bô̤ nâng háng-gṳ̆ i tit cŭ;
- no one can successfully withstand him.
- cū sĭ i tó̤ háng-ŭe sîaⁿ-tî;
- it is he who sets a guard around and protects the city.
- khîang-háng;
- overbearing; impetuous.
- hiong-háng;
- passionate and violent.
- hó̤-hàng nâng;
- a lusty fellow.
- i cū káⁿ cò̤ hó̤-hàng;
- he is not afraid to bully people.
- seⁿ lâi kau-chîang tōa-hàng;
- naturally very robust and burly.
- tŏ̤ lō tèng ngŏ̤ tîeh cêk kâi tōa-hàng;
- met a powerfully built man in the road.
- múa hàng;
- Manchus and Chinese.
- múa hàng sîah;
- a feast of a hundred courses.
- hàng bûn;
- Chinese literature.
- hàng kun;
- the naturalized Banner Force, Chinese incorporated under the eight Banners.
- hâng-né; hâng chìn;
- wintry.
- thiⁿ-sî hâng-chìn;
- the weather is freezing cold.
- sío hâng, tăi hâng;
- autumn cold and winter cold.
- hâng sú cam;
- a thermometer.
- hâng ke;
- my family.
- ki hâng só̤ pek;
- hungry, cold, and destitute.
- táⁿ hâng;
- discouraged.
- sim hâng;
- disheartened.
- pin-tǹg kàu i sim hâng táⁿ chìn;
- bothered him till he lost all heart.
- hâng cîah coih;
- a wintry feast.
- hâng jû;
- a poor scholar.
- ko-hâng;
- friendless.
- sŭ hâng un;
- to talk over experiences.
- sieⁿ hâng;
- sick with a cold.
- hâng cèng;
- sickness that is the result of cold.
- i kâi sin-hun hṳ-hâng;
- his vitality is weak.
- cí kĭaⁿ mûeh ŏi hâng ūi, m̄-hó̤ to̤ cîah;
- this chills the stomach, and it is not well to eat much of it.
- i kâi pî ùi hâng-né;
- he dreads the cold.
- hâng-lîang kâi îeh;
- cooling medicines.
- hâng-lîet;
- parallel rows.
- hâng-ngó;
- ranks, as of an army.
- jī sía khù kâi hâng-ngó hó̤ căi;
- the characters are written in very straight parallel lines.
- sía cêk hâng cêk hâng;
- write them in columns.
- cí īeⁿ bûn-cṳ sĭ ēng cò̤ kúi hâng kâi?
- What number of columns to the page, in the paper used for this sort of writings?
- ngŏ hâng kâi tn̄g ôi;
- satin shoes with five parallel lines of stitching on them.
- i pâi hâng sĭ tŏiⁿ kúi?
- Which is he among the brothers?
- i pâi hâng sĭ tōa a sĭ jī?
- Is he the eldest or the second born?
- hîuⁿ àiⁿ cò̤ bâk hâng;
- I want the wadded jacket quilted in close parallel lines.
- hâng bâk cē;
- make the lines closer together.
- hâng ke;
- a firm or corporation.
- tâng hâng kâi nâng;
- one of the same guild.
- jîp hâng;
- enter a firm.
- chut hâng;
- leave a firm.
- hâng kui;
- commission for selling.
- hâng siang;
- a trader in a guild.
- îeⁿ hâng;
- a warehouse where the wares of all nations are kept.
- séⁿ hâng;
- a Cantonese warehouse, or guildhall.
- pńg tī hâng;
- a warehouse where native wares are kept.
- hâng hŏ;
- members of a firm.
- hâng kháu;
- a guild.
- hâng cú;
- the manager of a firm.
- hâng teng;
- a janitor or servant in a guild.
- khui hâng phò kâi nâng;
- one who has warehouses and shops.
- kak hâng kâi seng-lí m̄ tâng;
- each guild has a different sort of business.
- ngŏ hâng kâi seng-lí to hó̤;
- all sorts of trade flourishes.
- lăi hâng;
- accustomed to the business.
- gūa hâng;
- not versed in the craft.
- cí kâi sĭ cai hâng a m̄ cai hâng?
- Is this one versed in the business or not?
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ úa m̄ cai hâng;
- this is a sort of business I am not versed in.
- lău cai hâng;
- an old hand at it.
- hâng chêng;
- the customs of the craft.
- i hâng chêng kng, úa hâng chêng m̄ kng;
- he knows the ways of the guild and I do not.
- jī-ke hâng-ke lĭ;
- both receive an income from the firm.
- hâng-lîm;
- the forest of pencils, the highest of the four degrees conferred on scholars.
- tíam hâng-lîm;
- to obtain the degree of Academician.
- hâng-lîm īⁿ;
- the National Academy.
- hâng-hôk;
- to yield submission.
- bô̤ hâng-hôk i;
- will not give in to him.
- i m̄ khéng hâng;
- he is unwilling to surrender.
- hâng cìang;
- the general who surrenders.
- cie hâng;
- call for a return to allegiance.
- kui hâng;
- to return to lawful rule.
- hâng piaⁿ;
- troops that return to their duty.
- hâng lêng hôk hóⁿ;
- reduces the dragon, and humbles the tiger.
- tâu hâng;
- return to loyalty.
- kong hăng;
- public funds.
- ngṳ̂n hăng; cîⁿ hăng;
- funds.
- khìam hăng;
- debts; liabilities.
- cêk hăng cîⁿ būe cêng siu;
- there is one bill not yet collected.
- nŏ̤ hăng ngṳ̂n lóng-cóng hâiⁿ cheng-chó̤;
- the two sums are both paid in full.
- kío hăng;
- hand over the funds.
- kak hăng kăi hṳ̀e-mûeh;
- each sort of goods.
- ŭ hăng-hiah hó̤ hâiⁿ úa a bô̤?
- Have you the funds for paying me or not?
- pât hăng kâi kua tŏ̤ i chíu;
- the other matters have been put into his hands.
- cí cêk hăng sṳ̄ lí ŵn lío;
- this business is settled.
- chông cúi lō lâi a chông hăng lō lâi?
- Did you come by water or by land?
- jîeh cōi phò hăng lō, jîeh cōi phò cúi lō?
- How much of the journey is by water, and how much of it by land?
- kîaⁿ nŏ̤ jît hăng lō lío ṳ̂-gūa cū sĭ cúi lō;
- after two days travel by land, the rest of the way is by water.
- kàu tī-kò̤ khí hăng?
- Where did the journey overland begin?
- ŭ hăng;
- is limited.
- ŭ hăng kâi;
- there is a limited number.
- iú hăng;
- a small sum.
- íu hăng kâi sṳ̄;
- there are not many items.
- sî-hāu ŭ só̤ hăng;
- there is a limit to the time.
- hăng cò̤ kúi jît?
- How many days do you set?
- hăng sî hăng kheh cū àiⁿ;
- want it at the fixed time.
- hăng tīaⁿ-tîeh kâi;
- a fixed amount.
- kài-hăng hun-mêng;
- the limit is plainly marked.
- ŭ kài ŭ hăng;
- has a fixed boundary.
- kùe hăng;
- to overstep the limit, or pass the set time.
- ùn hăng;
- conjunctions, said of one's horoscope.
- ŭ kâi hăng-khî;
- has a set time.
- hăng ŭ kâi tō-sìo;
- set a rule or fix a measure.
- khwn hăng cêk kâi gûeh;
- extend the time a month.
- hăng lṳ́ saⁿ jît cū lâi kío;
- will give you three days, after which I will come and take it.
- tăi hăng ciang kàu;
- the great limit is near at hand; you are not likely to live long.
- hăng îeh;
- a poison prepared so as to act at a certain time.
- bô̤ hăng-lĭang;
- without limit.
- m-hó̤ hăng-lĭang;
- do not restrict.
- bô̤ hăng bô̤ lĭang;
- unlimited.
- àiⁿ hăng kàu cìeⁿ méⁿ, cò̤ m̄ lâi;
- if you set so short a time, it cannot be done.
- cêk jît hăng i cò̤ jîeh cōi;
- set him a stint for the day.
- tẁn ŭ kâi mêng hăng;
- fix a limit.
- cêk tǹg hăng nŏ̤ úaⁿ;
- stinted to two bowlfuls a meal.
- àiⁿ cò̤ kúi hăng;
- will make several restrictions.
- hāng thâu, hāng búe;
- the head and the foot of a lane.
- hāng kháu;
- the place where the lane opens into another road.
- tōa hāng;
- a wide lane.
- hāng-kíaⁿ;
- a narrow lane.
- phiah-siah hāng;
- a by-path.
- tōa hāng-tău;
- a wide passage.
- hāng-tău hó̤;
- the roads are good.
- húe hāng;
- a narrow alley between adjacent buildings.
- hue koi líu hāng;
- brothels, called the flowery willow lanes.
- hāng kûeh kíaⁿ;
- a short narrow lane.