Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hu
- húe-hu;
- ashes.
- thòaⁿ hu;
- charcoal dust.
- ngṳ̂n-cúa hu;
- the powder used in making spirit-money.
- tṳ-kut hu;
- bone dust.
- húe-hu sek;
- gray.
- ngói cò̤ hu;
- triturate to powder.
- bûa hu;
- grind to powder.
- hu îeh;
- to apply medicines.
- m̄ hu ēng;
- not sufficient for the purpose.
- múiⁿ gûeh kâi ngṳ̂n ēng khṳ̀ m̄ hu;
- each month the money is insufficient.
- nâng sìo m̄ hu ēng;
- the number of people is too small for the purpose.
- ēng tō m̄ hu; hùi-ēng m̄ hu;
- not enough to meet expenses.
- hu a m̄ hu?
- Is it enough for the purpose or not?
- phûe-hu;
- the skin.
- hwt-hu;
- the cuticle and fine hairs.
- sin-thói hwt-hu sĭ pĕ-bó̤ seⁿ kâi, m̄ káⁿ sieⁿ tîeh i;
- the body is given us by our parents, and we must not wound it.
- phûe-hu kâi pēⁿ;
- a skin disease; a slight ailment.
- 號筒hu-tû934
- A horn, a speaking trumpet.
- pun tek hu-tû;
- blow a bamboo trumpet.
- hu-tu híang cĭe pêⁿ lío;
- the horn sounds, indicating that the performance is about to begin.
- hu-nūaⁿ;
- putrid.
- khah kú cū hu-híuⁿ khṳ̀;
- if kept too long it will spoil.
- pò jûe tîeh hu-hu;
- the cloth feels as if it were spoiled from long keeping.
- nêk hu;
- the meat is spoiled.
- ŭ nâng cîah kîam hṳ̂ cwn hàuⁿ cîah hu kâi;
- some people in eating salt fish prefer that which has become carius.
- kîam hu nn̆g;
- pickled rotten eggs.
- àu kàu hu;
- decayed to putridity.
- hu hŭ; hu chi;
- husband and wife.
- hu cú; hu kun;
- my husband.
- cé hu, mūeⁿ hu;
- the husband of an elder or a younger sister.
- hu cheⁿ;
- a fortune-teller's term for a husband.
- jî-hu;
- husband.
- ngô̤ hu;
- I, your husband.
- ngô̤ hu, ngô̤ hŭ;
- we, the stupid married couple.
- hu-jîn;
- the wife of an official of high rank.
- jû hu-jîn;
- the concubine of a man of high rank.
- lău thài hu-jîu;
- the chief wife of an official.
- jī hu-jîn;
- a concubine who is the mother of an official.
- soiⁿ hu;
- the husband of a widow.
- côiⁿ hu;
- a former husband.
- kū hu;
- the living husband of one married to another man.
- î-hu;
- wife's sister's husband.
- chin hṳ́;
- own husband.
- tăi hu;
- an official.
- chĭang hu;
- a leader.
- tăi chĭang hu;
- an eminent leader.
- nńg tang chĭang hu;
- a leader among women.
- sûi hu kùi, sûi hu cūaⁿ;
- follows the husband to eminence or abasement.
- peh hu cíang;
- a centurion.
- hu cṳ́;
- a sage.
- lău hu cṳ́;
- a rabbi.
- bé hu;
- a groom.
- chia hu;
- a carter.
- châ hu;
- a wood-cutter.
- lông hu;
- farmers.
- taⁿ hu;
- burden bearers.
- phit hu;
- a common fellow.
- chng hu;
- a villager.
- kīe hu;
- chair-bearers.
- lău hu;
- an old worker.
- phit hu cṳ íong;
- common bravery.
- cêk íong cṳ hu;
- one with only ordinary self-possession.
- îong hu, sok cṳ́,
- mediocre people have commonplace children.
- kang hu;
- an adulterer.
- kang-hu;
- in a workman like manner.
- cò̤ lâi kang-hu kang-hu;
- it is skillfully done.
- bô̤ sĭm-mih kang-hu;
- not nicely put together.
- bw̄n hu put tng cṳ íong;
- ten thousand could not cope with him.
- cheng-hu;
- to call by an honorable name.
- cheng-hu i cò̤ cú;
- called him lord.
- àiⁿ cò̤-nî cheng-hu i?
- By what name do you address him?
- àiⁿ cò̤-nî cheng-hu i cìaⁿ tîeh?
- What is the proper title by which to address him?
- cĭu ío chin kâi lâi cheng-hu;
- call him by the name of the nearer relationship.
- ki-hu;
- nearly; about to.
- ki-hu àiⁿ pûah;
- on the point of tumbling.
- ki-hu àiⁿ sí;
- at the point of death.
- ki-hu àiⁿ lîh;
- about to burst.
- ki-ki-hu thóiⁿ- m̄-kìⁿ;
- very nearly sightless.
- so̤h ki-ki-hu tn̆g khṳ̀;
- the rope is at the point of breaking.
- sṳ̆-hu;
- like.
- sṳ̆-hu sĭ;
- it appears to be.
- úa thóiⁿ tîeh sṳ̆-hu sĭ, īu sṳ̆-hu m̄ sĭ;
- I first thought that it was and then that it was not.
- cîah lô̤h khṳ̀ tó lăi sṳ̆-hu m̄-hó̤;
- after eating it I felt worse.
- kíaⁿ-jît kâi pēⁿ sṳ̆-hu ío hó̤ hìeⁿ-se;
- he seems a little better to-day.
- m̄ tŏ̤ hu chú;
- it does not consist in that.
- 府hú145535
- A gentleman's house; a prefecture; an office in government; an officer over a department or bureau.
- kuaⁿ-hú;
- officers; officials.
- nín kâi kùi hú tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
- Where is your residence?
- cīeⁿ jît kàu cun hú pài-hāu, li ngŏ̤ lṳ́ m̄ tŏ̤;
- the other day when I went to your house to pay my respects to you, you were not in.
- hú-sîaⁿ;
- the departmental city.
- ti-hú;
- the prefect.
- jī hú, sam hú;
- sub-prefects.
- ûang hú;
- the prince's palace.
- hû-cun chut ŭ kò̤-sī;
- the prefect has issued a proclamation.
- cīeⁿ sì-hú; ĕ sì-hú;
- the highland and lowland prefectures.
- hṳ́ tău tìn lóng-cóng tŏ̤;
- the Prefect, the Intendant of Circuit, and the General-in-Chief are all present.
- kíaⁿ-jît tăi-jìn ŭ chut hú a bô̤?
- Has His Excellency been out to-day?
- cang cía îeh khṳ̀ hú;
- take this medicine and apply it.
- màiⁿ hú cêk sin;
- do not get it all over you.
- màiⁿ hú khah khui-khuah;
- do not spread it over too wide a space.
- mín hú hìeⁿ kău;
- you need not spread it so thick.
- ko̤-îeh hú khui lío cū tah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- spread the ointment and then put it on.
- hú hôk tŏ̤ tī;
- to prostrate one's self.
- hú sì cêk-chiet;
- to look down from a height upon all.
- ngíang-kwn thiⁿ-bûn, hú-chak tī-lí;
- to consider the astrologic and geomantic influences.
- lâk hú;
- the stomach, gallbladder, large and small intestines, bladder, and three functional passages.
- ngŏ-căng lâk-hú;
- all the internal organs.
- hùi hú;
- the lungs; the opinions.
- cêk cìaⁿ, cêk hù;
- a principal and a vice.
- hù îa;
- low military officers.
- hù pńg; hù kòng;
- one who has just missed getting the degree of kṳ́-jîn.
- hù-ciang;
- brigadier general.
- sĭ cìaⁿ kâi a sĭ hù kâi?
- Is it the principal or his second?
- khîeh cêk hù pit bâk īⁿ lâi;
- bring a set of writing implements.
- cêk hù pûaⁿ-úaⁿ;
- a set of dishes.
- cêk hù tê-kŭ;
- a set of tea things.
- chŵn hu cip su;
- a complete outfit.
- i leng-uaⁿ cêk hu sim-tng;
- he is of a different nature.
- thài-hù;
- the highest tutor.
- sìo-hù;
- the next to the highest tutor.
- thài-cṳ́ kâi thài-hù;
- the crown-prince's tutor.
- sṳ-hù;
- Professor.
- sĭ úa chin mīn kau-hù khṳt lṳ́ kâi;
- I delivered it over to you myself.
- àiⁿ hù tī-tîang khṳ̀?
- Whom will you engage to go?
- hù-tho̤h lṳ́ cò̤;
- commission you to do it.
- hù cheng-chó̤;
- all delivered over into another person's hands.
- mûeh hù i khîeh lâi;
- put the things into his hands to be handed over here.
- ngṳ̂n hù i khṳ̀ cò̤ seng-lí;
- committed the money into his hands to go and traffic with.
- úa kio i tàⁿ jîeh cōi hûe, i hù cṳ put bŭn;
- how many times have I told him, and he pays no attention to the matter.
- hun-hù;
- to order; to give instruction to.
- hun-hù i cò̤-nî cò̤;
- tell him what to do.
- úa cài-saⁿ cok-hù lṳ́;
- I gave you strict orders repeatedly.
- úa hun-hù, i m̄ chái úa, lṳ́ hó̤ cài hun-hù i;
- I tell him, and he pays no attention to me, you order him again concerning it.
- i àiⁿ khṳ̀ hù jīm;
- he is going to enter upon the duties of his office.
- kúi nâng lóng-cóng lâi hù sîah;
- they are all present at the feast.
- hùhŭe;
- attend a meeting.
- hù sṳ̄;
- to repair to a place where business is to be attended to.
- si hù;
- poems.
- cò̤ si cò̤ hù;
- make ballads.
- i kâi hù sèⁿ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- such is his natural disposition.
- ūe hû;
- to write charms.
- sie hû;
- to burn paper on which charms have been written.
- hû cìu;
- spells.
- chùi li līam cìu, chíu li ūe hû;
- repeating incantations with his mouth while writing charms with his hand.
- thâu ūe hû thâu līam cìu;
- reciting spells while he wrote charms.
- lêng hû;
- an effectual charm.
- i kâi hû-cìu cin căi;
- his spells are very effective.
- pēⁿ hû;
- the demon of sickness.
- kuaⁿ hû;
- the demon of ill-luck.
- thien kuaⁿ hû;
- a fatality.
- cṳ̆-sĭ ŭ hŭ sin kâi hû;
- boasts of having an amulet which protects him.
- i kùa ŭ lău-îa hû tŏ̤ sin;
- he has an amulet upon his person.
- ēng hû-cui lâi bū cū hó̤;
- take some water on which a spell has been cast, and expel it from the mouth in mist, and all will be well.
- sĭang kó tiang-sî to̤ ēng hû ui pēⁿ, hīn-kim īa ŭ;
- in the most ancient times spells were much used for the cure of diseases, and so they are at present also.
- cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ cîah, cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ tah pàng tōa mn̂g, cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ tah pàng pâng mn̂g, cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ tah pàng mīn-chn̂g, cí tieⁿ hû khṳt i kŭaⁿ;
- let him swallow this written charm, stick this one over the front door, this one over the bedroom door, this one on the bed-stead, and let him hang this one upon his neck.
- piaⁿ hû;
- a seal conferring unlimited military powers.
- hû tèng khap ìn;
- fit the seal into its impression.
- hû ìn;
- the seal and its impression.
- m̄ siang hû; m̄ siang hû-hâh;
- the parts do not match.
- nŏ̤ nâng kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi m̄ hû-hâh;
- there is a discrepancy between the statements of the two.
- côiⁿ ău kâi sṳ̄ m̄ hû;
- the former and the latter circumstances do not agree.
- jī ciah m̄ hû;
- the writing does not tally.
- m̄ hû;
- the parts do not match.
- hû-tîap;
- a butterfly.
- hû-tîap âp;
- a box shaped like a butterfly.
- ôi cò̤ hû-tîap thâu;
- make the shoes with butterfly shaped ornamentation.
- hû-tîap kau;
- broad hinges or butts.
- sang-hû; sien hû;
- pink coral.
- sang-hû cu; sang-hû téng;
- a pink coral button.
- sang-hû chīu;
- a spray of pink coral.
- cí kâi sang-hû sĭ ké kâi a cin kâi?
- Is this coral real or is it an imitation?
- i ki sang-hû cìaⁿ cêk lîah tn̂g, úa ki sang-hû ku-ā chieh tn̂g;
- his branch of coral is about a span long, while mine is several feet long.
- hû-jîn, hû tī;
- Mongolians and Mongolia.
- hû-jîn bô̤ peh nî cṳ ūn;
- Tartars have not a hundred years run of luck.
- côiⁿ-hû;
- a tonic medicine, a shrub whose root tastes like ginseng.
- châ-hû;
- a bitterish sudorific resembling gentian.
- hû-thû;
- foolish.
- cí kâi nâng hû-hû thû-thû;
- this is an addle-pated fellow.
- i sĭ hû-lí hû-thû kâi;
- he is muddle-headed.
- hû-hŭn;
- not perspicuous.
- thóiⁿ tîeh hû-hû hŭn-hŭn;
- it looks very indistinct.
- hû sueh;
- nonsensical talk.
- cíu cē cùi i cū hû ngân lw̆n gṳ́;
- when fuddled with wine he is incoherent and reckless in his talk.
- jī-ciah mô̤ⁿ hû, m̄ cheng-chó̤;
- the letters are blurred.
- pìe hû chīeⁿ;
- a paper hanger.
- sòi sṳ̄ hû-thû, tōa sṳ̄ bŏi hû-thû;
- he is careless is small things but not in great ones.
- hû si;
- Nanking raw silk.
- ngó hû, sì hái;
- all the empire.
- îu-hû;
- a park.
- phŵn-îang hû;
- the Poyang Lake.
- tăi cìen phŵn-îang hû;
- a great battle.
- cíu hû;
- a wine jug.
- tê hû;
- a tea pot.
- chong cêk hû tê lâi;
- infuse and bring a pot of tea.
- mêⁿ hû;
- a urinal.
- cîah ŭ pùaⁿ hû cíu;
- has drunken half a pot of ale.
- tâng-hû tih-lāu;
- a clepsydra.
- hû-sien;
- a brownie.
- pêh hû hó̤ a sĭ húe hû hó̤?
- Which is the best, the fur of the white or of the red fox?
- hû ké hóⁿ ui;
- a fox putting on the air of a tiger.
- thò sí hû pui;
- when the hare dies the fox mourns.
- i thiaⁿ tîeh hû-gî;
- on hearing it he mistrusted.
- i thiaⁿ lío, sim lăi hû-hû gî-gî;
- having heard it, he became suspicious.
- tâng sòi hû-thî kàu tōa;
- brought him up from childhood.
- hû i khí lâi;
- help him up.
- i bô̤ hìeⁿ ŏi kîaⁿ, lṳ́ tîeh hû i;
- he cannot walk very well, you must hold him up.
- īa m̄ sĭ i hû tîeh, cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- if he had not held me up I should have fallen.
- hû-hû chah-chah;
- continually helped along.
- tah hû-chíu-pang cū lô̤h kīe;
- when he drums on the support for the hands in the sedan chair, they set the chair down.
- hû lău thî ìuⁿ;
- support the aged and the young.
- hû kuaⁿ-châ;
- bear a coffin.
- khíong-ùi hû m̄ tîo;
- afraid that I cannot sustain it.
- bŏi hû m̄ cŭ;
- will not fail to hold it up steadfastly.
- úa thóiⁿ li hû m̄ khí;
- I do not think you can support it.
- khṳt i kōi-kōi cū hû khí lâi;
- he can lift it with ease if he will take hold of it.
- hû kha, hû chíu;
- to uphold; to support the feet and the hands.
- kau-hû;
- dovetailed.
- hû siang cìo èng;
- mutual collusion.
- sie-hŭ;
- assists.
- hŭ-cŏ̤;
- aids.
- pang hŭ;
- to̤ lend aid
- sie pang sie hŭ;
- to coöperate.
- cai hŭ;
- a cabinet minister.
- hŭ thài-cṳ́ cŏ̤ ūi;
- lend support to the crown prince in ascending the throne.
- hŭ i lí ke sṳ̄;
- help her in managing the house.
- sie hŭ gîap-lâk;
- second the effort.
- bô̤ nâng hó̤ hŭ chíu;
- nobody to lend a hand.
- hùaⁿ nâng hŭ kha hŭ chíu, cò̤ khṳ̀n-kíaⁿ cū hó̤;
- if all take hold and help it will be done in a little while.
- kìu-hŭ;
- to rescue.
- hûang-hŭ;
- to guard from danger.
- hŭ-cŏ̤;
- succor.
- pó̤-hŭ;
- to give protection.
- hŭ-ŭe;
- to escort, as with a guard.
- ēng cí ki kun tó̤ hŭ kè;
- make use of this troop to escort the chariot.
- ēng hŭ hûang ìn;
- stamp it with a seal.
- phài kúi nâng hŭ-sàng i khṳ̀ chù;
- detail several persons to escort him home.
- cĭam ēng móng nâng hŭ lí;
- make temporary use of a certain person to aid in the settlement of the case.
- hŭ-su;
- an envelope for papers; a portfolio.
- hŭ-im thiap;
- a card announcing the death of a parent or grandparent.
- pàng hû-im thiap;
- issue cards announcing a parent's death.
- hu hŭ;
- husband and wife.
- hŭ-jîn;
- a woman.
- hŭ-nńg;
- the women folk.
- hŭ-jîn nâng;
- women.
- hîen-hŭ;
- a virtuous woman.
- phwt-hŭ;
- a termagant.
- mĕng-hŭ;
- a titled lady.
- hŭ-jîn tîeh ŭ sam chong, sì tek;
- women must practice the three duties and four virtues.
- hûang-thài-hŏ seng-hŭ thài-bīe;
- the empress is interred in the great temple.
- i kâi phûn, hṳ́ cêk pôiⁿ, hŭ-cǹg i kâi jī nâng;
- his inferior wife is interred in that side of his tomb.
- soiⁿ hŭ;
- my deceased father.
- ke hŭ;
- my father.
- hŭ bé; hîah hŭ;
- a son-in-law of the emperor.
- hŭ-kṳ̆n kâi tī-hng;
- adjacent land.
- hŭ tŏ̤ hṳ́ búe;
- appended thereto.
- hṳ́ búe hŭ ke cêk kò̤;
- annex another piece.
- mih sṳ̄ to hŭ-hŏ̤ i;
- follows him blindly in everything.
- hŭ cêk huang sìn;
- inclosed a letter.
- hŭ toaⁿ cêk tieⁿ;
- the inclosed order.
- i kâi ngṳ̂n-toaⁿ sĭ hŭ tŏ̤ sìn tói;
- his draft is enclosed in the letter.
- hŭ ngṳ̂n cêk peh níe;
- add on another hundred taels.
- hŭ cè;
- in debt.
- hŭ khut jîeh kú;
- how long have I borne oppression.
- hŭ sim châk;
- an ungrateful scamp.
- bûang ṳu hŭ ngĭ;
- forget benefits.
- i sĭ koiⁿ-thio pùe-hŭ kâi nâng;
- he is a burden-bearer.
- phău-hŭ put hûam;
- more able than common men.
- cí kâi nâng sĭm sĭ phău-hŭ;
- this is a very able and learned person.
- i hŭ ieh;
- he breaks the contract.
- sèng hŭ;
- succeed or fail.
- m̄ cai sèng hŭ jû hô̤;
- do not know whether he has succeeded or failed.
- úa bô̤ khui-hŭ lṳ́;
- I have not treated you unfairly.
- úa m̄ hŭ lṳ́ cĭu sĭ;
- I will not disappoint you.
- khi-hŭ;
- to impose upon.
- m̄ khi-hŭ nâng, īa bô thang pun nâng khi-hŭ;
- does not impose upon anybody, and does not allow any body to impose upon him.
- hûang thiⁿ put hŭ khó sim nâng;
- high Heaven never turns away from the sorrowful in heart.
- tāu-hū;
- bean-curd.
- oi tāu-hū;
- grind peas for making curd.
- tāu-hū kuaⁿ;
- dried bean-curd.
- hū jú;
- soured bean-curd.
- hiang hū;
- hard bean-curd.
- tāu-hū cieⁿ;
- bean porridge, or pea soup.
- hū ki;
- strips of bean-curd.
- hū mô̤h; hū phûe;
- the scum of pea soup.
- tāu-hū hue;
- blanc-mange made from bean flour.
- u hū ai cāi;
- alas, how very sad it is.
- cṳ hū ía cía;
- it is all bosh (these four particles having in themselves no meaning).