Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ho̤h
- ho̤h kú;
- a very long time.
- kîaⁿ ho̤h hn̆g;
- walked ever so far.
- ho̤h chin-chĭeⁿ lṳ́;
- much resembles you.
- seⁿ lâi ho̤h ngía;
- is very well favoured.
- kang-hu ho̤h hó̤;
- the workmanship is very good.
- chun ŭ ho̤h cōi;
- have a large quantity remaining.
- ŭ ho̤h cōi jît lío;
- many days ago.
- ho̤h méⁿ;
- very speedily.
- sit ho̤h cōi;
- has lost a great deal.
- i kâi nang ho̤h sóng-khùai;
- he is very comfortable.
- ho̤h cău-hùe;
- very fortunate.
- pêh-hô̤h;
- the white egret.
- sien hô̤h;
- the Manchurian crane.
- hô̤h hwt, thông ngŵn;
- he has hoary hair and a youthful face.
- hô̤h chek huang;
- a swollen knee joint.
- chin-chĭeⁿ hô̤h jîp koi khûn;
- like a crane standing among chickens.
- sie cúa-bé cúa-hô̤h;
- burning offerings of paper horses and storks.