Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hwn
- hwn sin;
- to turn the body around.
- hwn kùe lâi;
- to turn around.
- têng hwn tó̤ līu thóiⁿ;
- turning (the leaves of a book) to and fro, reading and re-reading.
- hwn kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ hîeh thóiⁿ;
- turn the leaf and look on its other side.
- hwn sím;
- to rehear a case.
- cí kĭaⁿ ùaⁿ àiⁿ têng hwn sím;
- this case is to be revised.
- kàu hṳ́ téng cū lêng-ūaⁿ hwn ùaⁿ;
- if you go up there the case will be rejudged.
- hwn seⁿ;
- to live again.
- cṳ hwn kúi kùe;
- reviewed the book several times.
- ta cū àiⁿ hwn thâk;
- we are now going to review the book.
- i hwn cêk kùe cū sêk;
- if he reads it the second time he then knows it.
- su cîⁿ bô̤ hwn, sèⁿ-mīaⁿ cū àiⁿ kau-kwn;
- when one loses in gambling without getting a chance to win back his money, he is ready to barter lives with his opponent.
- hwn-êk kuaⁿ;
- an official interpreter.
- hwn-êk cò̤ i hṳ́ kok kâi jī chut lâi;
- translate it into the written language of that country.
- bô̤ nâng ŏi hwn-êk i kâi ūe, cū thìaⁿ m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
- if there were no one to interpret his speech, it could not be understood.
- thiaⁿ tèng tìo nŏ̤ kâi thông-hwn;
- hung two streamers in the main hall.
- siet kŭa thông-hwn pò̤-kâi;
- made a canopy of flags.
- thông-hwn hĭⁿ-kau;
- an ear-ring with pendant strings.
- kî hwn;
- flags and streamers.
- m̄ hí-hwn;
- displeased.
- cò̤ cai i hí-hwn a m̄ hí-hwn?
- How can it be known whether he is pleased or displeased?
- cía sĭ i hí-hwn kâi;
- this is what pleases him.
- i cŭ-lâi hí-hwn cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- he is himself gratified in having it so.
- tit pĕ-bó̤ hâi hwn sim;
- attain the approbation of parents.
- hwn ūe;
- a foreign language.
- hwn nâng;
- a foreigner.
- cheⁿ hwn;
- half civilized immigrants.
- sêk hwn;
- civilized immigrants.
- hwn cṳ̂;
- foreign potatoes.
- hwn cûn cài nâng-kheh khṳ̀ kùe hwn;
- foreign vessels carry emigrants to foreign parts.
- hwn-nâng chài;
- foreign food.
- thiⁿ-sî hẃn-pìen;
- the weather has changed.
- cē kú i kâi sim cū sĭeⁿ hẃn;
- after awhile his mind reverts to its former purpose.
- ău-lâi i sĭeⁿ hẃn hùe;
- afterward he returned to his original state of mind.
- hẃn ûah khí lâi;
- came to life again.
- sí li hẃn hûn tńg lâi;
- after dying he returned to life.
- hẃn sim sṳ-sĭeⁿ;
- returns to his former design.
- hẃn sĭeⁿ;
- think it over.
- i kâi pēⁿ tò̤-hẃn tăng;
- he had a relapse.
- îeh cē lāng cîah, pēⁿ īu hẃn;
- if he omits the medicine the disease will return.
- hẃn ûi put múiⁿ;
- on the contrary it was disagreeable.
- i ang cía hẃn mâk jîeh kú;
- the husband and wife have long been on bad terms with each other.
- hẃn-hẃn hok-hok;
- over and over again.
- hẃn lâi khah khṳ̀, bŏi ût;
- tossed to and fro, and could not sleep.
- i cêk mêⁿ hẃn kùe lâi khah kùe khṳ̀, ût bô̤ cêk khùn-kíaⁿ;
- he was turning to and fro all night and slept scarcely any.
- i sĭang téng hẃn ût;
- she is a very restless sleeper.
- i hẃn ût kàu léng pûah kíaⁿ;
- she tosses about so that she pushes her children out of bed.
- hẃn-pw̆n;
- to rebel.
- pw̆n-hẃn tăi ngêk;
- to rebel against and resist the authority of.
- lṳ́ pat thiaⁿ-kìⁿ tī-kò̤ hẃn mē?
- Have you heard of a rebellion anywhere?
- hṳ́-kò̤ hẃn, tòa piaⁿ khṳ̀ phêng i;
- there is rebellion there, take soldiers and bring them to terms.
- hṳ́ kâi tī-hng hẃn kàu jṳ̂-jṳ̂;
- that country is in a state of anarchy.
- i àm-cĕⁿ mông hẃn;
- he secretly plotted rebellion.
- cău hẃn;
- incite rebellion.
- úa cē kîaⁿ-khui ío cū sĭ tó̤ hẃn;
- as soon as I am gone, there is a revolt.
- thóiⁿ chut i ŭ hẃn kut;
- discerns in him a tendency to rebellion.
- hẃn kháu-keng;
- retract one's words.
- hẃn ūi keh cîah;
- the stomach rejects food.
- phìen kùe chíu cū hẃn mīn;
- after he has tricked you, he turns the cold shoulder upon you.
- hẃn tò̤-tńg;
- turn it over endwise.
- hẃn lìn-tńg;
- roll it over.
- cí tîo cháu-chîeh, cìeⁿ pôiⁿ jṳ̂ hó̤, hẃn-lìn-tńg hìeⁿ pôiⁿ cài jṳ̂;
- after you have rubbed this side of the matting with a wet cloth, turn it over and rub the other side in the same way.
- hẃn-lìn-tńg lâi ka cìaⁿ tùi;
- turn it over to cut it and it will just suit.
- hẃn ngân;
- retract one's word.
- tàⁿ tīaⁿ-tîeh bô̤ nŏ̤ jît cū hẃn;
- after all had been settled by conference, in less than two days he would retract what he said.
- kâi ūe tàⁿ lío, hẃn-hẃn-tńg;
- after he has said a thing he does not hold to it.
- pìen-hẁn put chek;
- changes so that it cannot be computed.
- hẁn sût;
- magical arts.
- ciu-jît to ŭ hẁn kíaⁿ taⁿ lâi bōi;
- every daythere are children brought here for sale.
- koi-hẁn;
- one who peddles fowls.
- hẁn seⁿ nâng kháu;
- to peddle children.
- khṳt i hẁn kàu hn̆g-hn̆g khṳ̀;
- carried by him to a great distance to be sold.
- hẁn bŏi tit chut chíu;
- cannot sell it off by carrying it about for sale.
- hẁn kùe îeⁿ;
- sold into a foreign land.
- sái-hẁn;
- to send at a call.
- u-hẁn;
- to order.
- lêng u huang, hẁn hŏ;
- can command the wind and the rain.
- hŵn-lío tŏ̤ kò̤;
- is still here.
- hŵn-lío bŏi sí;
- is not dead even now.
- hŵn-lío ŏi tōa;
- is still growing.
- i hŵn ŭ;
- he still has some.
- hŵn ŭ ke cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
- there is yet another matter to be attended to.
- i hŵn khṳ̀;
- he has gone again.
- cía hŵn hó̤;
- this also is good.
- hŵn m̄-hó̤ sǹg cò̤ hó̤ kâi;
- still they are not to be reckoned as good ones.
- hŵn àiⁿ saⁿ kâi;
- three more are wanted.
- i hŵn būe lâi;
- he has not come yet.
- i hŵn sĭ cîah cí kâi;
- he is as before eating this.
- hŵn-lâu;
- to harass.
- hŵn-lâu lṳ́ kio úa cò̤;
- put you to the trouble of doing this for me.
- cía khah hŵn-lūi lṳ́;
- this is too much trouble for you to take.
- hŵn-ló̤;
- sorrowful.
- hŵn-hŵn ló̤-ló̤;
- much troubled.
- lṳ́ cò̤-nî hŵn-hŵn ló̤-ló̤ m̄ hàuⁿ hiah?
- Why are you so persistently melancholy?
- sim m̄-hó̤ khah to̤ hŵn;
- you should not indulge in too much grief.
- ciu jît sim cē khah kùe hŵn cū àiⁿ seⁿ pēⁿ;
- if you indulge in too much grief day after day, you will become ill.
- bô̤ hŵn bô̤ ló̤;
- wholly free from vexation.
- míen-ēng hŵn-ló̤; mín hŵn mín ló̤;
- have no occasion for solicitude.
- chíu hŵn;
- a bracelet.
- kha hŵn;
- ankle rings.
- hĭⁿ hŵn;
- ear-rings.
- mn̂g hŵn;
- a door knocker.
- chn̂g-kūiⁿ hŵn;
- rings affixed to furniture.
- sieⁿ-hŵn;
- trunk rings.
- láng hŵn;
- rings on bags.
- thih hŵn;
- iron rings.
- tèng cêk kâi hŵn hó̤ tìo mûeh;
- nailed up a ring to hang things from.
- suaⁿ sì seⁿ lâi wn-hŵn;
- the spur of the mountain winds about.
- cúi īa tùe i wn-hŵn;
- the water courses follow its windings.
- kíu lîen-hŵn;
- the chain and bar puzzle.
- lîen-hŵn kau-tah kàu thó̤-thó̤ tàng-tàng;
- interlinked securely.
- i hŵn;
- a ring worn on the tunic to suspend charms from.
- ēng hŵn lâi tah kín cìaⁿ ún-tǹg;
- take a ring and link it in tightly then it will be secure.
- i kâi sṳ̄-bŭ hŵn căi;
- his cares are manifold.
- hùi-ēng hau-hŵn;
- expend lavishly.
- ciu jît kâi sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ hŵn-jông;
- the daily occupations are very troublesome.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ khah hŵn-hùi;
- do not spend too extravagantly.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ hŵn-lâng;
- this affair is indeed very needlessly troublesome.
- cu bŭ hŵn-hŭa căi;
- the whole affair is very wearisome.
- i kâi sṳ̄ khah hŵn;
- his affairs are too numerous and troublesome.
- 鬟hŵn24619013
- To dress the hair in a knot on the top of the head, as the ancient Chinese did; a tuft, a knob, a knot.
- hia-hŵn;
- a slave girl; a maid servant who has been bought.
- cí kâi sĭ i sin piⁿ kâi hia-hŵn;
- this is her personal attendant.
- hṳ́ lăi kâi hia-hŵn sĭ-pĭ ho̤h cōi nâng;
- the female attendants in there are very numerous.
- pêh-hŵn;
- alum.
- cheⁿ-hŵn;
- copperas.
- cŏ̤-hŵn;
- blue vitriol.
- ní cŏ̤-hŵn;
- colored with blue vitriol.
- hŵn cúa;
- paper sized with alum.
- cang hŵn lâi ún cìaⁿ ŏi tùe;
- size it with alum and then it will adhere.
- hw̆n-ke;
- chamberlains.
- hw̆n kuaⁿ;
- statesmen.
- sì hw̆n-ke;
- hereditary officers in the Emperor's household.
- iam hw̆n;
- eunuchs in the palace.
- mîaⁿ hw̆n;
- a royal servant who receives posthumous honors.