Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/hwt
- cháu thâu kit hwt;
- a long married couple.
- kit hwt hu chi;
- an old married pair.
- phi mô̤ⁿ sùaⁿ hwt;
- disheveled hair.
- ho̤h hwt thong ngŵn;
- white hair and rosy complexion.
- hwt châi;
- to grow rich.
- hwt sī;
- to take an oath.
- hwt hîeh;
- to put forth leaves.
- hwt sún;
- to sprout.
- hŵt ke;
- to increase as a family.
- hwt piaⁿ khṳ̀ tú-gṳ̆;
- dispatch soldiers to repulse them.
- hwt gê;
- to bud.
- hwt gê; hwt khí;
- to teeth.
- hwt mô̤ⁿ;
- to grow hairy.
- hwt-khí lâi;
- to spring up and grow.
- hwt îeⁿ cûn;
- to dispatch a gun-boat.
- tāu hwt gê lío;
- the peas have sprouted.
- hwt toaⁿ;
- issue a permit.
- hwt hùe;
- to send off goods.
- hwt hûe;
- to send off on a return journey.
- hwt chut lâi;
- to send forth.
- hwt-nō̤; hwt-náu;
- get irritated.
- sît hwt būe côi;
- its wings are not yet fully grown.
- hwt mêng cí kâi tŏ̤-lí;
- set forth this doctrine clearly.
- hwt seⁿ;
- to put forth.
- àiⁿ cò̤-nî khai-hwt?
- In what way is it to be set forth?
- i cìaⁿ khui-hwt pat-tò̤-khṳ̀;
- he understands the exposition of it.
- i íⁿ-keng tá-hwt nâng khṳ̀ lío;
- he has already dispatched a messenger.
- hwt-lô̤h kūiⁿ khṳ̀ sím;
- he has gone to the district city to try cases.
- hwt ko;
- become mouldy.
- hwt tâk mûeh; hwt mûeh;
- develop a poisonous swelling.
- hwt kūaⁿ;
- to perspire.
- hwt jîet; hwt jûah;
- have fever.
- hwt sĭm-mih pēⁿ?
- What disease has he?
- hwt sie ùi chìn;
- have fever and ague.
- hwt cíu-mô̤h;
- have a rash from drinking wine.
- hwt kháu-nîe;
- issue rations.
- hwt kang-cîⁿ;
- pay wages.
- táng i lâi hwt-lô̤h;
- wait till be comes and gives the orders.
- kàu jîeh cōi hùe cìaⁿ hwt tâk?
- How old was he when he got promotion?
- hêng-hŵt;
- punishment.
- síeⁿ hŵt hun mêng;
- the rewards and punishments are distinctly set forth.
- hŵt cíu saⁿ pue;
- forfeit three glasses of wine (by being made to drink them).
- hŵt hóng;
- forfeit a part of one's salary.
- úa àiⁿ hŵt lṳ́;
- I am going to mulct you.
- hŵt i nŏ̤ kâi ngṳ̂n;
- fined him two dollars.
- tōa-tōa tîeh khṳt i hŵt;
- let him mulct you to any amount.
- hŵt khẃn;
- a fine.
- ceh-hwt;
- to punish.
- hŵt tîeh i m̄ su-hôk;
- he would not submit to the fine.
- khin hŵt, tăng hŵt m̄ sie tâng, to tîeh hŵt;
- some pay a light penalty and some a heavy one, but all must be punished.
- châu-hŵt;
- a lurking place.
- sĭang kó tiang-sî cū sĭ hŵt-kṳ;
- in the most ancient times were the cave dwellers.
- cí cêk hŵt suaⁿ sĭ tī-tîang kâi?
- Whose burial place is this?
- sí ău cǹg cò̤ cêk hŵt;
- after they died they were buried in the same grave.
- tíam hŵt, àiⁿ tíam tit tîeh;
- in pointing out a burial place the point is to point out one.
- cam tùi hŵt-tău, cìaⁿ ŭ hāu-ngīam;
- lance in a vital part, then there is efficacy in it.
- khí piaⁿ khṳ̀ hŵt;
- raise troops and go and reduce them to order.
- chíaⁿ lṳ́ lâi cak-hŵt;
- invite you to act as arbitrator.
- nâng sĭm sĭ khùn-hŵt;
- I am very weary.
- mih mûeh to bŏi khueh-hŵt;
- there is nothing unsupplied.